CCC EAP Application 2009-2010
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California Community Colleges Early Assessment Program
Application 2009-2010
College: College Contact or EAP Coordinator: Title: Phone: Email:
1. Please describe the partnerships your community college has with your high school(s) and CSU(s). If applicable, describe the history of the partnerships and overview of accomplishments or activities.
a. Which high school(s) and CSU campus are participating in the joint partnership?
b. Background on Partnership:
c. Do you have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in place with each of the partner organizations? (If so, please provide a copy of the MOU) If not, do you plan to develop one or more MOU’s?
2. For students demonstrating college readiness on the EAP in English and/or math, is your college using high school EAP test results for placement? If so, what courses will they be placed into? If not, is your college discussing use of EAP test results for placement?
a. English Course(s):
b. Math Course(s):
3. Describe your college’s existing outreach efforts, and how you plan to incorporate EAP in these efforts, with regard to both general college high school outreach activities, such as financial aid awareness, admissions, available services and program-specific outreach efforts such as TRIO, Puente, GEAR-UP, and MESA.
4. Collaboration between the Community College and High School:
a. Is your college discussing or planning to discuss potential curriculum alignment opportunities between college and high school math and English faculty? CCC EAP Application 2009-2010 Page 2
b. Does your college have existing articulation agreements in place with the partner high school(s)?
5. What strategies are in place and what resources are available to provide high school students with additional English and math development? Are there any plans or efforts to expand these resources? May include concurrent enrollment opportunities, online courses, other programs available through the high school, etc.
6. Please complete the following information about the individual designated as your college’s EAP Coordinator: Percent of Time Dedicated to EAP Classification Category Full-Time Half-Time Less than Half-Time Educational Administrator Classified Administrator If less than full-time, what other programs is the coordinator Classified Professional responsible for? Tenured/Tenure Track Academic Temporary Other
7. California State University Campus Partner Information:
Partner CSU Campus: EAP Coordinator Name: Phone: Email:
Applications for EAP participation are due by January 15, 2010.
Please mail to: Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, State EAP Coordinator Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges 1102 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811-6549 For questions about this form or about the CCC EAP, please email: [email protected] or call (916) 322-6817.
Thank you. CCC EAP Application 2009-2010 Page 3
PART II: High School Information
Please complete this section for each of the high schools in your partnership. Refer to application instructions for additional detail.
Partner High School: District: High School Contact: Title: Phone: Email:
High School Information:
1. Ethnicity of High School Student Population (by percentages):
American Indian/ Asian Pacific Filipino Hispanic/ African White Alaska Native Islander Latino American (not Hispanic)
2. API Score:
3. Total Number of Students (grades 9-12):
4. Senior Class Size: 5. “a-g” Course Completion Rates:
6. In 2009, how many students from the high school took the EAP?
Asian/ All Students Who Latino/ African- Philippino/ White/ EAP Outcomes Took the EAP Hispanic American Pacific Islander Caucasian
English Test
Math Test
Demonstrated college readiness in English Did not demonstrate college readiness in English
Demonstrated college readiness in math
Did not demonstrate college-readiness in math
Conditionally ready in math CCC EAP Application 2009-2010 Page 4 California Community Colleges Early Assessment Program PART III:
District College
Address Address
City, State Zip City, State Zip
EAP Coordinator/College Contact
Phone Email
Signature Date
Supervising Administrator
Phone Email
Signature Date
Community College President/Superintendent (typed name and signature) Date