Crisis and Achievement Unit Test Review Sheet

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Crisis and Achievement Unit Test Review Sheet

Name: ______Crisis and Achievement Unit Test Review Sheet

WWI: 1. What nations made up the Triple Alliance? Austria-Hungry, Germany and Ottoman Empire

2. What nations made op the Triple Entente? Great Britain, France and Russia (later Italy and US)

3. When were these alliances made? Prior to WWI

4. What were the 4 MAIN causes of WWI: 1. Militarism 2. Alliances 3. Imperialism 4. Nationalism

5. List an additional cause of WWI: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist

6. Improved technology during WWI made what easier? Killing people (creating casualties)

7. What method of warfare was introduced during WWI? Trench

8. Prior to WWI what region of the world was considered the “Powder Keg of Europe”? BALKAN PENINSULA : Name 3 nations that are part of the Balkans? (Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, former Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), and Bosnia Herzegovina European Turkey

9. In what ways was Germany affected by the out come of WWI (besides having to pay reparations)? Lost colonies in Africa and Asia –Lost Territory and had to DEMILITARIZE

10. Trench Warfare, gas, tanks, machine guns and hand grenades were examples of : TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS during WWI

11. Treaty that ended World War I (Treaty of Versailles) and held __Germany__ responsible for the war?

12. How was Germany punished by the Treaty of Versailles? Forced to accept blame, and had to pay reparations 13. What new nations were created in Europe after WWI? Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, Czech, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia

14. What caused the Germans to be angry after WWI? Forced Germany to pay large reparations

15. Define Totalitarianism: Government that has total control over the lives of their people

16. Name three people that were of the totalitarian mind set? 1. Hitler 2. Stalin 3. Mussolini

17. What did President Wilson mean by “national self-determination”? That nations should fight for democracy, the right for people to have a voice in their governments, liberties of all nations, and for a free world.

18. Where did President Wilson address “self determination”? 14 points Peace Plan

19. What was the role of women across the world during WWI? They worked in factories

20. Because women took the places of men on the home front during war time, what 20th century turning point will be a result? RIGHT TO VOTE (Suffrage)

Between the Wars:

21. Who was the nationalistic leader that brought about the Turkish Republic? _Kemel Ataturk__

22. When the Turkish Republic was established, what changed occurred? Sultan overthrown, modernized, Secular constitution, women granted right to vote able to hold office.

23. What was the League of Nations? International Organization to keep World peace after WWI. (1919-1946)

24. What event occurs that proves the League of Nations was weak? WWII

25. When did WWII begin and end? 1939-1945

26. What does economic and political instability mean? Nation has a weak government and economic system which leads to depressions, debts, and social unrest. 27. During WW I and WWII many governments failed to meet the needs of their people within their nations. This will lead to the rise of what kind of governments? Totalitarian Dictatorships.

28. Define the term APPEASMENT: To give into an aggressor so they will not attack or take more

29. Define Aggression: The act of causing harm toward another (may be verbally, physically or mentally)

30. What world leader was appeased by Prime Minister Chamberlin in 1938 by being given Czechoslovakia? Hitler

31. What other European nations backed Chamberlin’s decision to appease Germany in 1930s? Great Britain and France

32. What document approved the appeasing of the German leader in 1938? Munich Pact

33. Define Pogroms: Violent Attacks toward Jewish population in Russia (1917-1920)

34. Pogroms and massacres towards certain groups are said to be _civil__ rights _violations

WWII: 35. WWI led to inflation and high unemployment and also paved the way for the rise of what in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s? Fascist dictatorships__

36. List the Allied Nations: Great Britain, France, Soviet Union (later US)

37. List the Axis Nations: Germany, Italy, and Japan

38. How were people like Mussolini and Hitler able to come to power in the 1920-1930s? They exploited economic hardships to gain popular support

39. Place the following in chronological order and DATE them: Korean War - World War I - Treaty of Versailles - World War II - Russian Revolution 1. WWI ______( 1914 ) 2. Russian Revolution ____ ( 1917) 3. Treaty of Versailles_____ ( 1919) 4. WWII______( 1939) 5. Korean War ______(1950 )

40. Joseph Stalin’s plan to industrialize the Soviet Union was called the __5 Year Plan

41. The Soviet Union was a _Totalitarian Dictatorship_____. (form of gov’t)

42. What were the Nuremberg Trials? Trials held after WWII to punish Germany Nazi officers for crimes against humanity.

Russian Revolution:

43. Revolutions usually occur because existing governments _don’t want to _change__. One of the major causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the abuse of political power by whom? Czar Nicolas II

44. Bloody Sunday in January of 1905, ineffective leadership of the Czar and deaths in WWI led to what major event? Revolution of 1917

45. Did the Russian Revolution or WWI come first? WWI (1914)

46. Russia’s involvement in WWI led to what event in Russia? Russian Revolution of 1917 (Russia had to withdraw from war)

47. Why is the Bolshevik Revolution considered a Turning Point in World History? Russia became the first nation with a communist economic system.

48. Define Proletariat: Working class

49. Define Bourgeoisie: Middle Class

50. These two terms are associated with what economic system? Communism

51. The first communist under Vladimir Lenin were called? ___Bolsheviks______

52. What was the economic plan set up by Vladimir Lenin called?__New Economic Plan

53. What Czar was executed under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin? _Czar Nicolas II____

54. The Bolsheviks gained support from the peasants because they promised the peasants what? _Peace______Land___ and _Bread _____. The Peace meant that the Bolsheviks would withdraw Russia from _WWI____, Land meant that the Bolsheviks would redistribute __Land____ owned by the _nobility___, and Bread meant that the Bolsheviks would give the peasants __Land__ to _Farm___.

55. List 2 contributions of Vladimir Lenin: 1. NEP 2. Land Distribution 3. Withdrawl from WWI

56. Whose ideas did Lenin adopt to form his new government? Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

57. Karl Marx felt that there would always be a _class_struggle_ between the _haves____ and __have __nots___


58. Otto von Bismarck’s policy of Blood and Iron was in reference to his use of _military_ to obtain his goals.

59. Put the following in order: Bolshevik Revolution World War I Rise of Fascism Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

World War I Bolshevik Revolution Signing of the Treaty of Versailles Rise of Fascism

60. What was the main reason for the partition of India into India and Pakistan? Religious conflict in India between the Hindus and Muslims.

61. After WWII, what was the Soviet Union’s influence on the spread of Communism across Europe? Their influence had spread across EASTERN EUROPE

62. After WWII, what type of government reform took place in Japan? Became a REPRESENATIVE DEMOCRACY

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