Detail Instructions to Authors with Template for the Articles That Will Be Published In

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Detail Instructions to Authors with Template for the Articles That Will Be Published In


The ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE is an international scientific journal, published quarterly by Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economists (BSAAE) in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade (IAE) and Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (ASE), in which are published original scientific papers (double reviewed), review articles, pre-announcements, book reviews, short communications and research reports. Research reports and book reviews will be accepted after previous consultation/invitation with/from either a journal Editor, or Editor of the book review, in accordance with the journal submission criteria. The journal ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE accepts only articles submitted electronically on English language, as e-mail attachment to the following e-mail address: epoljoprivrede or [email protected] The articles have to be submitted in duplicate, providing one copy without information about author(s), in order not to violate double-blind review process. In the second copy of the article must be specified all information about author(s) (in required format) that are necessary for further correspondence and full transparency of published article. Submission of articles to the ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE implies that their content has not been published previously in English, or in any other language. Also, submitted papers should not be under consideration for their publication elsewhere (in some other journal) and their publication has to be approved by all authors with signed declaration. Publisher reserves right to verify originality of submitted article by use of specialized software for plagiarism detection.


The articles submitted to the journal ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE will be double blind (peer) reviewed and must have two positive reviews consistent to the generally accepted scientific standards. The reviewer independently and autonomously evaluates the article and could give a positive review, suggest some corrections, or give a negative review. In case that the review reports are antagonistic (one is positive and the second one is negative) the final decision will be on third review. Manuscript returned to the author(s) for revision does not guarantee the publication acceptance after article correction. The final decision for publication will be made after repeated review of the revised manuscript. If the article is evaluated positively and accepted for publication, each author has to sign the warranty of paper originality and confirm the copyright transfer to the journal ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE. RULES FOR TECHNICAL PREPARATION OF ARTICLES

These Instructions will give all necessary information to author(s), as well as template for the articles preparation before their submission for publication in the journal Economics of Agriculture. We are asking you to use this document with a maximal attention, in other words to realize it as a set of instructions and practical example that will contribute to easier and more efficient operation under your article within the all phases of journal editing. Articles that deviate from mentioned template are not be taken into consideration. Page setup: Paper size: width 170 mm x height 240 mm; Margins: top/bottom 20 mm, left/right 18 mm; Layout: header 1,25cm, footer 1,25cm; Orientation: Portrait. Paper volume up to 30.000 characters (without spaces) or 15 pages is preferable. Articles should not be shorter than 10 pages. Depending on papers’ quality, Editorial Board could also accept longer articles. Article has to be prepared electronically (on computer), in program Microsoft Word XP or some later version of this program. Below is a detail Template (technical instructions) for correct preparation of articles that will be submitted to the journal Economics of Agriculture. You are asked to maximum possible follow the technical instruction given by the following template. TEMPLATE: TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (CENTRED, TNR, SIZE 12, BOLD, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, MAXIMUM IN TWO LINES)1

Anđela Marković2, Petar Petrović3, Mirko Mirković4

Summary It is desirable that Summary contains up to 150 words, as well as to contain all essential paper elements, such as goal(s), used method(s), important results and general authors' conclusion(s). During the summary writing, it should be used font Times New Roman (TNR), font size 11, Italic, alignment text Justify, line spacing single, with interspace of 6 pt between paragraphs, without indentation of the first line. Please, avoid the use of the indexes and special symbols within the Summary, and define all abbreviations whenever they are used for first time. Do not cite references in Summary. Author(s) from Serbia are submitting article title, summary, key words and information about themselves on Serbian language at the end of the article, after the list of used literature. Text of the Serbian and English version of Summary must match in every sense. Key words: note, maximally, five, key, words. JEL: Q16, M24 (

Introduction Please strictly follow the instructions on article formatting, as well as styles provided in this template. Do not change font size, interspace between paragraphs and line spacing to insert more text into a conditionally limited number of pages. Editorial Board organizes process of review of submitted articles and selects papers for publication based on the performed review, in other words according to estimated quality of the articles by the appointed reviewers. However, the ultimate responsibility for the views, originality and stands within the articles is exclusively on author(s) of manuscripts.

1 Paper is a part of research within the project no. III 46006 - Sustainable agriculture and rural development in the function of accomplishing strategic objectives of the Republic of Serbia in the Danube region, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Project period: 2011-2014. This segment is not obligatory within the paper. 2 Anđela Marković, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Volgina Street no. 15, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +381 11 444 444/int 112, E-mail: andjela.markovic 3 Petar Petrović, Ph.D., Full Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina Street no. 6, 11080 Zemun, Serbia, Phone: +381 11 222 222, E-mail: [email protected] 4 Mirko Mirković, M.A., Assistant, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Kneza Viseslava Street no. 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +381 64 33 33 333, E-mail: [email protected] Please follow the basic principles of scientific papers structuring and try as much as possible to write a paper with next segments: Introduction, Paper goals, Data sources, Methodology, Results with Discussion, Conclusion (with Recommendations), Literature, etc. During the article writing, it should be used font Times New Roman (TNR), font size 11, alignment text Justify, Line Spacing Single, with interspace of 6 pt between paragraphs, without indentation of the first line. Articles should be written only in English. It is advisable to write the article in the third-person singular or plural with the use of active form. Before paper submission, please check grammatical and spelling mistakes by the spellchecker for the English language. Sub-headings should be written by font Times New Roman, font size 11, bold, centred, only first letter capital, interspace between sub-heading and paragraph above 12 pt (before 12 pt), and interspace between sub-heading and paragraph below 6 pt (after 6 pt). Please use the writing style presented in this template. Please define abbreviations and acronyms during their first occurrence within the text, even in case that they were previously defined in article summary. Do not use abbreviations in article title, unless they can not be avoided. For equations and formulas use the Microsoft Equation Editor or addition for equations writing MathType ( Use of built-in equation editor within the program Word 2007 is not recommended. Please check if all symbols within the equations/formulas are defined (forthwith after equation/formula). Reference (author(s) of quotes) has to be entered directly in the text of article in next form (Petrović, 2012; or Petrović, Marković, 2012; or Mirković et al., 2012). Please do not write them as indexes in square brackets [3] or in footnote. Try to use a footnote only in the case of closer explanation of certain terms, or clarification of real and hypothetic situations. Do not numerate the pages. Tables have to be created within the text of article, not taken in the form of images from other documents. Tables should be numerated according to order of their appearance. Titles of the tables have to be given immediately above the table to which they relate. Please use following style during their formatting. Title of the table should be set with the interspace 6 pt - before and 3pt - after, in font TNR, font size 11, alignment Justified. Text within the table should be written in the font TNR, font size 9. Bold the text in the heading. Sources and possible notes should be set with the interspace 3 pt above table (before). Sources and notes should be written in font TNR, font size 10, alignment Justified. Start with next paragraph at the interspace of 6 pt from the table source or note (after). During the article writing please mark in the main text all calls to a certain table (Table 5.). Try to fit all tables in article within the specified format of the page (Table properties – preferred width – max 97% - alignment: center). Complete text within the table cells has to be entered in next form (paragraph - spacing: before/after 0 pt, line spacing: single). In case when table breaks on next page, broken part of the table on next page has to be accompanied by a table header. Table 5. The distribution cost of packaged goods from Subotica to retail-store objects Period Indicators Total Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Distance crossed (km) 12.926 11.295 13.208 37.429 Fuel consumption (litre) 3.231 2.823 3.302 9.356 Value of fuel consumption (RSD) 242.378 211.790 247.653 701.821 Total time spend on touring (hour) 314 266 417 997 Value of total time spend on touring (RSD) 47.048 39.890 62.570 149.508 Number of tours 98 77 102 277 Toll value (RSD) 0 0 0 0 Number of pallets transported (piece) 1.179 976 1358 3.513 Total weight transported (kg) 602.600 429.225 711.116 1.742.941 Vehicle maintenance costs (RSD) 203.858 164.970 224.806 593.634 Lease costs (RSD) 480.938 454.214 565.784 1.500.936 Total sum (RSD) 974.222 870.864 1.100.813 2.945.899 Source: Petrović, 2012; Note: Values within the table are calculated without Value Added Tax (VAT) Graphs, dendrograms, diagrams, schemes and pictures should be entered within the text of article (do not use option Float over text) and numerated according to order of their appearance. Their titles have to be positioned immediately above the graph, dendrogram, diagram, scheme or picture to which they relate. Please, have in mind that all titles, sources and notes have to be written by identical style which was used for tables formatting. During the article writing please mark in the main text all calls to a certain graph, dendrogram, diagram, scheme or picture (Graph 2.). All graphs, dendrograms, diagrams, schemes and pictures within the paper have to fit the specified format of the page, as well as they have been centrally positioned. Photos and images are not desirable in the paper, but if they can not be avoided, please use an optimal resolution (low resolution can bring to pixelization and worn edges, while to high resolution only increase file size without any contribution to article readability). During the writing of the article conclusion, please have in mind that Conclusion can provide a concise overview of the main results of the article. Do not repeat parts of Summary in this place. Conclusion can explain the importance of article, or it can give recommendations for further action, or it can suggest further work on exposed theme. Literature has to be set at the end of article (for authors from Serbia before summary in Serbian language), in alphabetical order, according to the author's surname. All references should be cited in original language (in the language on which are published before), in the volume in which are used within the manuscript preparation. Literature units have to be written in font TNR, font size 11, alignment Justified, with mutual interspace of 3 pt - before/after. In all literature units only surnames are written as a whole, while all authors’ names has to be shorten on to initial (initials have to be set after surnames). Please, write surnames of all authors (do not use the style Petrović et al.). Do not combine literature units (under each ordinal number can be only one literature unit) and always write complete titles of used literature units. If used/cited literature was taken over from the internet publication, after adequate writing of literature unit, in brackets has to be noted complete link from which material was taken over (available at: www.petarpetrovic.pdf). Please follow the presented examples for the proper writing of different types of literature units.

Literature 1. Marković, A. (year): Title of the Book, Publisher, City of Publisher, Country of Publisher. 2. Petrović, P., Mirković, M. (year): Title of the book chapter, in Book – title of the book, ch. no. x, pp. xxx–xxx, Publisher, City of Publisher, Country of Publisher. 3. Petrović, P., Mirković, M., Marković, A. (year): Title of the paper, Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Publisher, City of Publisher, Country of Publisher, (available at: www.petarpetrovic.pdf). 4. Petrović, P., Mirković, M. (year): Title of the conference paper/presentation, Proceedings from the conference - Title of the conference, City, Country, vol. xx, pp. xx-xx. 5. Marković, A. (or name/abbreviation of the Institution/company, for example FAO/UN/IAE) (year): Title of report/yearbook, no. of report xxx, City and Country of publisher/institution/company, (available at: 6. Petrović, P., Mirković, M. (date): Title of the newspaper article, Newspaper title, City, Country, no. xx, (available at: www.politika. com/nauka/20%/srbija). 7. Petrović, P. (year): Title of Ph.D. dissertation, Ph.D. dissertation, Name of Faculty, Name of University, City, Country. 8. Marković, A. (or name/abbreviation of the Institution/company that develop patent, for example Faculty of Agriculture/IAE) (year): Title of the patent, Name of the institution that was registered patent, reg. no. of patent x xxx xxx, City, Country. 9. Title of the Law/regulation, Official Gazette, Country, no. and year. 10.Title of Standard, Standard no. xxx, standard developer, year, City, Country.

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