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The International Center

The International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential In collaboration with University of Antwerp, coordinator of the INCLUES EU Project, Universita Ca Foscari - Associazione Connessioni - Mediation A.R.R.C.A TheThe 3030 thth ICELPICELP InternationalInternational WorkshopsWorkshops -Europe-Europe Headed by Professor Reuven Feuerstein Turin, Italy • July 5th to 16th, 2009

The Learning Potential Assessment Device: LPAD Level 1; JULY 5-16, 2009 LPAD Level 2; LPAD Basic (Young Children) Cognitive Intervention Programs via Instrumental Enrichment: JULY 5-16, 2009 IE Level 1 and Level 2 IE Trainers Level 1 and Level 2, IE Basic Trainers JULY 5-16, 2009 Instrumental Enrichment for Young Children (IE Basic 1) JULY 5-16, 2009 Renewal seminar for IE trainers (New) JULY 5- 9, 2009 Mediated Learning Experience for Clinicians (New) JULY 5-10, 2009 Instrumental Enrichment for Young Children 2 (IE-Basic 2) JULY 5-10, 2009 Tactile IE: Children with Sensory, Attention and Vision problems JULY 13-16 2009

Schedule Sunday July 5, 2009 Commencing 15:00 Monday July 6 to Friday July 10, 2009 8:30 to 18:30 Saturday July 11, 2009 Free Sunday July 12, 2009 Free Monday July 13 to Thursday July 16, 2009 8:30 to 18:30

VENUE Hotel Mercure Royal, 249 Corso Regina Margherita, Turin 100144.

CONTACT ICELP International Workshop Hotline Phone +972-2-569-3304 Fax +972-3-542-6620 Email [email protected] WELCOME! The ICELP International Workshops introduce educators, psychologists and other specialists to the theory and practice of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) developed by Prof. Reuven Feuerstein. For more than a quarter-century, the ICELP annual workshops have made possible the training of a cadre of experienced professionals in the use of dynamic assessment and Instrumental Enrichment intervention for their students’ or clients’ benefit. Prof. Feuerstein's theory states that learning ability can be significantly enhanced, regardless of age, nature, cause or severity of condition. Clinical observations over decades have shown that the development of thinking processes is highly dependent on the nature and quality of the interaction within which selected stimuli are mediated by parents, educators and others. All workshops incorporate an introduction or review of the theories of Structural Cognitive Modifiability and Mediated Learning Experience. ►Mediated Learning Experience for 5-10 July 2009 | Fee: Clinicians (new) €750 This workshop is intended for clinical professionals who  Course Code: MLEC001 assess and treat low-functioning, including pre-verbal and  The workshop is organized in sensory-motor delayed children. The emphasis will be on collaboration with the Mariani how to use the principles of Mediated Learning Experience Foundation for Child Neurology. for establishing, developing and enhancing cognitive functions in children with genetic syndromes, pervasive  Previous experience in LPAD developmental and behavioral problems. or/and IE is required.  Participants will receive the MLE The workshop includes an analysis of cognitive functions in manual and a set of research special needs children, techniques of MLE-based papers. assessment, an overview of current research in the field of genetic syndromes, autistic spectrum and PDD, techniques of mediation to children with severe communication problems, and special adjustments of LPAD-Basic and IE- Basic programs for low-functioning children. The principles of a clinical team approach with physicians, outside clinical specialists, schools and families are discussed. The workshop will also include the methodology of training parents in establishing MLE-enriched interactions with their children. Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of Clinical MLE Workshop Participation.

Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) The LPAD is a system of dynamic assessment of cognitive  Previous study of IE is recom- modifiability, structured as a mediational interaction. Its mended. Exceptions may be primary goal is to produce a sample of change in the made for professionals with cognitive structure of the individual to serve as an indicator of previous assessment experience. the individual’s learning potential and point out the optimal  Applicants are encouraged to modes of necessary intervention. read in advance the theoretical LPAD can be applied as an individual clinical technique and material available on the ICELP with groups of children, adolescents and adults with diverse website (Research> Basic> levels of functioning and differing etiological conditions. Theory> LPAD) and in Feuerstein et al. (2002) The dynamic ass- This course is intended for professionals in the following essment of cognitive modifiability, fields: psychology, education, speech and occupational

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 2 of 11 therapy, and other clinical areas. Jerusalem ICELP Press  Participants will receive an LPAD assessment manual and a set of LPAD tasks and recording forms. ►LPAD 1 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: €1,400 This course is intended for professionals (psychologists,  Course Code: LPAD001 clinicians, and educators) who will use LPAD for individual  Graduates of the LPAD 1 course dynamic assessment of the child’s cognitive modifiability. who wish to continue to LPAD 2 The workshop will comprise: are required to submit to ICELP  Intensive instruction in LPAD theory; three LPAD-1 assessment protocols  A study and practice with Level 1 LPAD instruments: “Organization of Dots”, “Complex Figure”, “Variations of Progressive Matrices”; Attention test (“Lahi’), “Positional Learning”, “16 Word memory test”.  Demonstration of LPAD assessment;  Small-group child assessment practice emphasizing the cognitive processes involved and the quality of evaluator- child interaction;  Interpretation of assessment results, LPAD report writing. Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of LPAD-1 Workshop Participation. ►LPAD 2 5-16 July 2009 | Fee €1,500 Admission to this workshop is limited to those previously  Course Code: LPAD002 trained in LPAD-1. Topics included in this workshop:  Candidates for LPAD-2 course  Advanced theory of mediation for dynamic assessment are required to submit to ICELP three assessment protocols  A study and practice with Level 2 LPAD instruments: based on the use of LPAD-1 “Associative Recall”, “Plateaux”, “Numerical tools. Progressions”, “Organizer”; “Representational Stencil Design Test”  Graduates of the LPAD 2 course who wish to receive certification  Principles and techniques of group assessment as an ”LPAD assessor” are  Analysis of profiles of modifiability; Practical experience in required to submit to ICELP six individual assessment and report writing. LPAD reports. Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of LPAD-2 Workshop Participation. ►LPAD for Young Children (LPAD-B) 5-16 July 2009 | Fee €1,500 Admission to this workshop is limited to those previously  Course Code: LPAB002 trained in LPAD-1. The LPAD-B training model includes the  Candidates for the LPAD-B principles and techniques of using a battery of tasks intended course are required to submit to for pre-school children or children with severe developmental ICELP three assessment delay. The workshop includes small-group assessment protocols based on the use of of young children. LPAD-1 tools. The LPAD-B battery includes the following sub-tests: Part-  Graduates of the LPAD Basic Whole; Functional Part-Whole; Concept Formation by course who wish to receive inclusion and by elimination; Inferential Thinking, certification as “LPAD-B Progressions; Picture Sequence, Puzzles; Spatial Assessor” are required to submit Orientation; Complex Figure, Mazes, Human Figure to ICELP six LPAD-B reports Drawing, Associative Recall; Visual Transport, Reversal Test.

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 3 of 11 Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of LPAD-B Workshop Participation Cognitive Intervention Programs via Instrumental Enrichment (IE) Cognitive intervention via IE programs is designed to modify  Basic information on the the cognitive structure of students in classrooms and programs is available at the individually with diverse populations ranging from retarded ICELP website (Research – Basic performers to gifted underachievers and adult populations in theory – IE) and in Feuerstein, R. industrial settings and continuing education. et al (2006). Creating and The programs aim at correcting deficient cognitive functions enhancing cognitive modifiability. and enhancing the individual’s capacity to learn more Jerusalem: ICELP Press effectively from direct exposure in formal as well as informal learning situations. ►Cognitive Intervention via IE - Level 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: 1 €1,300 This course includes the following topics:  Course Code: IE001  Introduction to the theory of mediated learning experience  Participants will receive a set of  Analysis of deficient cognitive functions in regular and IE-1 tools, theoretical materials, special needs populations with autism and PDD, attention and a manual for a key IE problems, learning disabilities, etc. instrument “Organization of Dots”.  Criteria and principles of mediation  Graduates of the IE-1 workshop who wish to advance toward  Goal and sub-goals of the clinical and educational certification as “IE Practitioners” application of the IE program are expected to send to ICELP  Small group practice in treatment sessions planning documentation (lesson plans,  Comprehensive instruction in the use of the following IE video, articles) confirming their instruments: Organization of Dots; Comparisons; Analytic application of IE in the classroom Perception; Orientation in Space I; Illustrations; or in clinical practice. Categorization, Orientation in Space II. Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of IE-1 Workshop Participation ►Cognitive Intervention via IE - Level 5-16 July 2009 | Fee 2 €1,300

This course includes the following topics:  Course Code: IE002  Applied aspects of MLE with diverse populations of  This course is open for graduates students (regular, underachieving, minority, gifted, etc.) of IE-1.  Small group practice in lesson planning  Participants will receive a set of  Principles and techniques of “bridging” the cognitive IE-2 tools, theoretical materials, principles to the middle and high-school curriculum and a manual for a key IE-2 instrument “Temporal Relations”.  Comprehensive instruction in the material and didactics of second level IE instruments: Family Relations; Temporal  Graduates of the IE-2 workshop Relations; Instructions; Numerical Progressions; who wish to advance toward Transitive relations; Syllogisms; Representational Stencil certification as “IE Practitioners” Design. are expected to send to ICELP documentation (lesson plans, Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of video, articles) confirming their IE-2 Workshop Participation application of IE in the classroom or in clinical practice. 

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 4 of 11 ►IE Trainers 1 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: €1,300 This is an advanced phase offered for IE practitioners who  Course Code: IETR003 have trained in the past in all 14 IE instruments and applied  Participants will receive a all of them in the classroom or in individual treatment. A letter complete set of IE tools and of recommendation from the local Authorized Training Center theoretical materials. is required.  Graduates of this workshop will Participants will receive up-to-date information on topics be granted certification enabling such as: Reviewed versions of IE instruments and new them to function as IE classroom didactic methods of application; Techniques of observation consultants and co-trainers under and evaluation of IE interactions on the basis of MLE criteria; the supervision of qualified IE “Bridging” of IE principles and didactics to specific academic trainers within the framework of areas; Didactics of IE training. an Authorized Training Center.  Graduates of this course will not be able to function as independent IE trainers. ►IE Trainers 2 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: €1,300 This workshop will comprise such topics as:  Course Code: IETR004  Advanced theory of MLE and its classroom  Entrance limited to graduates of implications Trainers-I course with at least 2  MLE in teacher training years classroom experience in application of all 14 IE  Review and intensive analysis of IE material and instruments. didactics  Applications should be sent to the  Differential use of IE with various student populations ICELP with relevant  Critical analysis of videotaped and/or “live” training documentation reflecting previous lessons certification in IE training, type  The system-oriented approach in the application of IE and amount of direct classroom teaching of IE and letters of  Promotion of the IE program and the organization of recommendation from an an ATC. Authorized Training Center. Each participant in this workshop will be required to write a final paper reflecting his or her experience with the relevant  A special committee will consider aspects of IE and MLE. The papers will serve as a basis for each application to this workshop group discussion. on an individual basis.  Participants will receive a complete set of IE tools and theoretical materials.  Graduates of this workshop will be certified as fully authorized IE trainers of other teachers and practitioners. ►Instrumental Enrichment for Young 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: Children 1 (IE-Basic 1) €1,300 This course introduces a series of mostly non-verbal  Course Code: IEB001 instruments to be used with younger children or children with  Participants will receive a set of low performance level. IE-Basic 1 tools, theoretical Program goals and methods of application: materials, and the IE-Basic  Ways of attending to the development of basic cognitive User’s Guide. functions, verbal and conceptual tools, spatial and  Graduates of the IE-Basic-1 temporal concepts and representational activities. workshop who wish to advance  Methods of promoting reflective thinking and internal toward certification as “IE Basic motivation, and the development of the child’s feeling as a Practitioners” are expected to send to ICELP documentation

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 5 of 11 generator of information rather than a passive reproducer (lesson plans, video, articles) of information confirming their application of IE  Practice in the following instruments: Organization of in the classroom or in clinical Dots, From Units to Groups, Tri-channel Attentional practice. Learning, Orientation in Space, Detecting the Absurd, Identifying Emotions, From Empathy to Action.  Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of IE-Basic-1 Workshop Participation ►Instrumental Enrichment for Young 5-10 July 2009 | Fee: Children 2 (IE-Basic 2) €750 Second level course which offers students advanced IE-B  Course Code: IEB002 instruments.  Admission to graduates of IE-  The first focuses on preparing young children for reading Basic-I. and auditory comprehension by asking key questions to  Participants will receive a set of analyze text (“Learn to ask questions”). IE-Basic 2 tools, theoretical  The second instrument, called “Think and Prevent materials, and the IE-Basic Violence” is the third in the trilogy on emotions (Identifying User’s Guide. Emotions and From Empathy to Action). It focuses on  Graduates of the IE-Basic-2 behavior planning and control as a means of preventing workshop who wish to advance violence. toward certification as “IE Basic  The third instrument (“Know and Identify”) mediates Practitioners” are expected to general knowledge and gives children the means to send to ICELP documentation investigate their environment. (lesson plans, video, articles)  The last one, “Compare and discover the absurd – 2” confirming their application of IE continues the topic of comparison and inferential thinking. in the classroom or in clinical practice.  Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of IE-Basic-2 Workshop Participation

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 6 of 11 ►IE for young children - Trainers 5-16 July 2009 | Fee: €1,300 Trainers level course for practitioners trained in all IE-Basic  Course Code: IEBTR003 instruments who applied them in the classroom or in  Applications should be sent to the individual treatment. A letter of recommendation from the ICELP with relevant local Authorized Training Center is required. documentation reflecting previous Participants will review IE-basic tools and practice with them, certification in IE-Basic 1 and 2, study the techniques of observation and evaluation of IE- type and amount of classroom Basic interactions on the basis of MLE criteria; learn the teaching or clinical use of IE- didactics of IE-Basic training and supervision. Basic and letters of recommendation from an Authorized Training Center. ►Renewal seminar for IE Trainers 5-9 July 2009 | Fee: (New) €550 Participation in this seminar fulfills one of the requirements  Course Code: IETR005 of IE trainers’ re-certification process. The participants will  The seminar is intended for IE present and then discuss all components of IE training trainers who received their including theory, didactics of teaching IE tasks, forms of Trainer-2 diploma before the mediation, “bridging” to different subject areas, and year 2000, though it is open for classroom supervision. Methods of evaluation of students’ all graduates of Trainer-2 acquisition of IE program and IE trainees’ mastery of IE courses. teaching will be analyzed. The seminar program also includes such issues as forms of cooperation between IE Applications should be sent to the trainers and ICELP, strategies of promoting IE programs, ICELP with relevant training and supervision documentation and reporting, documentation reflecting previous ethical and professional standards in IE training and certification as IE Trainers-2. program implementation. The participants are required to bring a portfolio with samples of their lesson plans, bridging exercises, didactic elaborations, training schedules, articles, video and other materials documenting their training and supervision activities. Participants will be required to present a final paper reflecting their IE experience.

►Tactile IE Workshop: Children with 13-16 July 2009 | Fee: sensory, attention and vision €550 problems. The objective of this workshop is to introduce educators,  Course Code: IETAC002 psychologists, clinical professionals and parents to the  Prerequisite: Experience with innovative tactile version of the IE program based on a regular IE-1 instruments. combination of unique technology, new original design and classical IE concepts. The workshop includes the following topics:  Multi-sensory approach (Touch-Motion-Sound) in IE tactile programs  Advantages of kinesthetic and tactile modality of mediation in MLE  Tactile exploration as a tool for focusing, organizing and ordering the explorative process in ADD children  Tactile IE as a new tool for articulating active explorative behavior in children with motivational problems

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 7 of 11  Tactile IE symbolic representation as a tool for advancing mental imagery and conceptualization. Graduates of the workshop will receive a Certificate of Tactile IE Workshop Participation Workshop Registration  Registration should be carried out on the website:  Applicants for LPAD courses, IE (see registration form below). 2, IE-Basic-2, and all Trainers  If you do not have access to the Internet, print the courses are reminded to send registration form and mail or fax it to “Workshops Europe documentation of prerequisite 2009”, ICELP, POB 7755, Jerusalem 91077, Israel. Tel: training and experience. 972-2-5693304 Fax +972-3-542-6620; e-mail:  Full attendance of training activities [email protected] is required including the evaluation session on July 16. Certificates will be given at the end of the workshops on July 16 at 18:00 Workshop Tuition Fees  LPAD-1: Euro 1,400  Tuition fees can be paid by bank  LPAD-2, LPAD-Basic: Euro 1,500 (cashier’s) check, bank transfer, or by international credit card (No  IE-1, IE-2, IE-Basic 1: Euro 1,300 personal checks are accepted)  IE Trainers-1, Trainers-2, Trainers IE Basic: Euro 1,300  Early registration discount of 10%  IE-Basic 2: Euro 750 for tuition fees paid before April 2,  Renewal seminar, Tactile IE: Euro 550 2009.  MLE for clinicians: Euro 750  Deadline for workshop registration: June 1, 2009. After ICELP reserves the right to cancel any workshop that this date, applicants may be has fewer than 10 participants registered. In case of accepted depending on cancellation by ICELP, tuition fees will be fully availability of workshop places, reimbursed. subject to payment of a workshop fee surcharge of 5%. Workshop - EU Stipends  The 2009 summer courses in Feuerstein’s Structural Cognitive Modifiability, Instrumental Enrichment & Mediated Learning Experience and Learning Potential Assessment Device, organized jointly by the International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential (Jerusalem) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium) are recognized by the European Union Life Long Learning Program as professional post-graduate teacher training.  References in the Comenius-Grundtvig Catalogue:  Type exactly: BE-2009-112-001 for IE, and BE-2009-118-001 for LPAD. EU Stipend Application Procedure  Applicants who work in kindergarten, primary or secondary schools or in adult education as a teacher or other professionals (e.g. educational psychologists), and who are residents of the European Union (except Italy) and EFTA countries, may apply for a Comenius 2.2c (In-service teacher training) or Grundvigt 3 (Adult education) grant to their respective National Life Long Learning Program LLP Agencies.  First contact your National LLP Agency to ask if you are eligible and to download the necessary forms from the National Agency website. Addresses of the NAs can be found on:  Request a "preliminary acceptance letter" from the official organizer in Europe: University of Antwerp, Project Learning Enhancement and Inclusion, c/o Prof. Jozef Lebeer, Campus 3 Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium, fax +32 3 820 25 26, e-mail [email protected]  Send a brief motivation letter (name & address of correspondence, profession, age, workplace, motivation to do this course, preliminary knowledge about Feuerstein’s theories, involvement in

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 8 of 11 inclusive education).  An acceptance letter from the University of Antwerp is only “on principle”. Under no circumstances can this be the basis for any claim for free participation.  Then send a duly filled-out application form to your National Agency, together with the acceptance letter from University of Antwerp.  Simultaneously with applying for a grant, the participant must register at the ICELP (International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential, Jerusalem – ) Send your application to the Workshop Secretary ([email protected]) mentioning that registration is dependent on the grant approval.  This course is organized within the framework of Project DAFFODIL, Dynamic Assessment of Functioning for development toward inclusive learning. Participants with Italian nationality are not eligible for a Comenius or Grundvigt grant for a course in Italy. The EU Commission only gives grants to study abroad.

Special Stipends for Italian Participants A limited number of partial stipends are available for groups of Italian participants who wish to attend the following courses: IE-1, IE-2, IE-Basic-1, IE-Basic-2. A group should have at least 5 people registering for the same course. The tuition fees after reduction of the stipend are: for IE-1, IE-2, & IE-Basic-1 - 750 Euro, for IE-Basic 2 - 500 Euro. Early registration discount does not apply. Stipend requests should be sent to the workshop secretary [email protected] before May 1, 2009. Hotel Details Mercure Royal Torino, 249 Corso Regina Special workshop prices: Margherita,Turin 10144, Italy. Telephone: +39-011-  Single room, including breakfast, 4376777; FAX: +39-011-3716998; email: lunch and 2 coffee breaks: 119 [email protected] euro/day (96 euro without lunch).  Per person in double room royal/index.shtml including, breakfast, lunch and 2 coffee breaks: 84 euro (61 euro Transportation: without lunch). Airport “Casselle” (20 min by taxi)  Book directly at the hotel by From train station Porta Nuova, tram No 9 to “Martinetto mentioning ICELP workshop est”. package. By car: from Milan – highway A4 exit Tangenziale Ovest  Participants who do not stay at the Regina Margherita; from France – highway A32, exit hotel have to add 10 euro/day Tangenziale Ovest Regina Margherita. conference facilities surcharge to their registration fee.

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 9 of 11 Registration Form for 30th International ICELP Workshops - Europe Send this form to: International Workshops-Europe, POB 7755, Jerusalem 91077, Israel Fax +972-3-542-6620 Email: [email protected] For which ICELP 30th International Workshop course are you registering? Surname:

First name:




Postal code:

Phone: Home: Office: Mobile:


Email:  Teacher Certificate  BA Highest educational attainment: [mark one]  MA  Ph.D.  M.D. Profession/Occupation

Place of work Previous LPAD or/and IE training (course and year)  Authorized IE Training Center  School  Training programs for adults Context in which you  University use (or plan to use) LPAD/IE methods:  Medical setting  Psychological services  Private educational practice  Private clinical practice Full attendance of training activities is required. Evaluations will be carried out and certificates of attendance given at the end of the workshops on July 16 at 18:00.

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 10 of 11 Payment of Tuition Fees Bank transfer to ICELP, account number 206865, Bank Hapoalim, 3 Option 1: Avizohar St, Jerusalem, Israel. Bank number: 12, Branch number: 694 BANK Swift code: poalilit. IBAN: IL126940000000206865 Participants/organizations who choose to make payment via bank transfer TRANSFER must fax to ICELP(fax: 972-3-5426620) a copy of the transfer confirmation including the following details:

Name of your bank and the date of transfer

Name of the person or organization making transfer

Name of the workshop participant

Option 2: Your bank check should be made payable to "ICELP" and mailed to International BANK CHECK Workshops-Europe 2009, POB 7755, Jerusalem 91077, Israel Name of the person or organization making payment

Name of the workshop participant

Check number and name of bank

Option 3: We accept Visa, Master Card and INTERNATIONAL American Express. Please state which card CREDIT CARD you are using: Name of card-holder as it appears on the card

Name of the workshop participant

Card number

Card expiry date

Security number on the back of the card

Signature of the card-holder X

ICELP 30th Summer Workshops - Europe, Turin, Italy • Page 11 of 11

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