Hurricane City Council

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Hurricane City Council

Hurricane City Council Minutes

March 6, 2017 6:30 PM

3255 Teays Valley Road Hurricane, WV 25526

Mayor: Scott Edwards Recorder: Linda Gibson Council: Reggie Billups Brian Ellis Marshall Ginn Steve Goff Gerry Spears

Meeting was called to order.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Edwards

West Teays Elementary students, 5th grader Andrew Lilly placed 1st and 4th grader, Savannah Allen placed 2nd in the county math competition.

HMS Math Field Day winners were presented certificates for their hard work and dedication.

HMS Spelling Bee winner 7th grader, Emma Plymale attended. She is the Putnam County Champ.

HMS boys’ basketball team are MVAC champions. They attribute to family and team work. There are twenty players and their record this year was 17-2. They were undefeated through the conference.

Calvary Baptist Academy High School boys’ basketball were State champions for the first time. Their record was 30-3. They have five seniors that will be leaving this year. They will be trying harder next year with the nine members that are left on the team plus new members. General Business

Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Gerry Spears to approve the agenda of the March 6, 2017 regular session. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Gerry Spears and seconded by Reggie Billups to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2017 special session. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2017 regular session. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve the bills to be paid from the General Fund. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Reggie Billups to approve the bills to be paid from the Coal Severance. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve the General Fund budget revision. Motion carried.

Hurricane Fire Department Report was presented by Chief Rob Savage. There were 99 calls for service. One building fire, several EMS calls and seven MVA’s. He reported there have been several unauthorized burning problems. The time frame at this time to burn is 5 p.m. – 7 a.m.

He mentioned that it has been a huge help now that our officers are trained EMR. He was referring to the pedestrian that was hit by the car a couple of weeks ago.

He and Brent visited Hurricane Town Elementary talking about smoke detectors and fire safety in general. The statistics are one death per week for this year so far. They continue to offer and give out smoke detectors. Ben has ordered more. They will be at Lakeside Elementary this month teaching the same to K through fifth graders.

Tiffany Reed, Recruiter-HVFD reported two recruits that have come from the Huntington area. There may be one more volunteer coming in next month. She feels the new billboard is helping get the word out. Councilman Ginn asked what was authorized to advertise on the new marque. She stated anything having to do with the fire department and she felt the city could advertise certain items as well. Hurricane Police Department Report was presented by Captain Wingo in Chief Mullins absence. He stated there were 355 calls for service, 14 EMR calls and 20 arrests. He stated that three of the five new cruisers are currently on the road.

City Manager’s Report was presented by Ben Newhouse. He stated that core drilling is on the schedule for the new park. FEMA, Corp of Engineers and Army National Guard are on the books to help possibly this year but definitely next year for site work. The Project Wet is scheduled for April 28th at City Park. It will involve six elementary school fifth grade classes.

He has advertised legal ad for bids for trash and recycling providers for residential only. The deadline for receiving bids is April 3, 2017.

The caboose restoration will be starting soon. The paint and labor will be free. The electric is complete. We will have an ADA deck built also.

Events Coordinator report was presented by Vanessa Ervin, the Director of Fun. She stated there is an 8K run going to be held in the new park grassy area Saturday, April 1st at 10:00 a.m. hosted by the YMCA. Proceeds from the event will help the scholarship program offered to local youth. She is currently working on donations for all fairs and festivals.

Persons from sign in sheet

Scott McCracken spoke in favor of variance of Main Street stating he has worked for Steve at Blind Wizard for seven years. He feels by approving the variance this will keep city money within the city with respect to conference room rental, catering, DJ, etc.

Patrick Pelley also is for the variance. He stated since the City allowed Books and Brews to sell craft beverage, his annual revenues have increased by $90,000 last year. Families still bring their children in for storybook time or whatever is available. He stated their new building is going to be a great asset to Main Street.

Matt Snyder has known Steve and Karen for six months and is “for” the variance.

Sharon Maynard has been a longtime friend of Karen for about 20 years. She is “for” the variance. Pastor Art Hage presented an older letter that mentioned 250 ft when he stated the allowed footage is 300 feet. The Mayor read the letter and it was the letter sent to all property owners within a 250 foot area from the planning committee. The State law allows 300 feet which the City follows.

Steve Neu and Karen Workman presented their ABC approval letter from the State due to the measurements from front door to front door which measured 311 foot. Steve and Karen wanted to thank the City Council and Planning Commission members for all their help and thoroughness through this variance request.

Roger Shirkey presented with a request to place speed bumps in their neighborhood which is located between Tudors and Bloomingdale due to all the speeders. Ben stated that was a state road even though we have patched along the way. The mayor asked that our police show a little enforcement in that area. Mr. Shirkey stated he has been passed three times which is very dangerous due to pedestrians walking as well as residents trash cans being too close to the road. Ben mentioned that Danny Brickles, code enforcement official has spoken with several homeowners in that area to request them to move their cans off the road. Marshall stated he has actually stopped and moved a few to keep them from getting hit. He also made mention of the Ferrell cat issue. Cats are free roaming animals per State and City code. He asked about trapping which is allowed in the city.

He also made mention of a water problem on his property for which the ditch line needs to be fixed from Virginia Avenue to his property. Ben mentioned he had checked on this before and he believes AEP owns this property. Oshel Craigo owns some property along this road. He is just concerned of the mosquito infestation again this summer. The mayor asked that Lee Campbell be notified to look at this again.

New Business

Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Reggie Billups to approve the Resolution for Regional Intergovernmental Council funds for trails at City Park 20% match. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Gerry Spears to approve the Resolution for RIC and WV Department of Transportation for ADA accessibility for Streetscape improvements which will include lighting, all street corners being ADA accessible. Motion carried.

Participation agreement in WV Municipal Police/Firefighters Retirement System to be reviewed at a later date. John Stump, Bond Counsel with Steptoe and Johnson law firm presented with a public hearing on the Series 2017 A Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds refinance. No one spoke.

Motion was made by Brian Ellis and seconded by Marshall Ginn to approve the Third Reading of the bond authorizing ordinance of Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 A, pending approval from BB&T of 2.49% financing and also approval from the State. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Steve Goff to approve the adoption of a Supplemental Resolution approving the Mayor to close on the final terms and provisions of the Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 A with same terms just lower financing rates. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Brian Ellis and seconded by Steve Goff to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for variance of Steve Neu property – Hidden Creek Mercantile located at 2801 Main Street to change from B2 to B3 in order for upstairs rental facility for meetings to have alcohol on the premises no later than 10 p.m. Motion carried with one nay- Councilwoman Spears.

Council chambers upgrade is being looked into due to some of the wallpaper coming loose. There has been moisture on the outside walls that have caused some damage. The Mayor has asked that we check out options.

Hurricane Building Commission currently owns 45 acres on Midland Trail/Cherry Street. Keith and Pamela Smith owns .82 acres on Main Street at a cost of $50,000 that would allow entry to this park property. Building Commission members met and approved this purchase with council’s approval. Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve the purchase of .82 acres for $50,000. Motion carried.


Budget Meetings: Public Hearing Monday March 13th 5:30 p.m. and Budget Approval 5:45 p.m.

Cleanup Day on April 19 from 11a-2p on Main Street

Main Street Spring Festival May 6 from 1p-5p

Run for the Wall will be held at the Nitro Park May 24, 2017 due to Valley Park being under construction. Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Gerry Spears to adjourn. Motion carried.

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