LANGUAGE ARTS 6105 Work Based Learning 3001IN Eng 1 Inclusion SOCIAL STUDIES 3001R Eng 1 3417 US Government MATHEMATICS 3001CP Eng 1 CP 3416 US History & Geography 31023 Algebra 1A (elective credit) 3001HR Eng 1 HR 3440A & 3440B US History AP (FY) 31023I Algebra 1A Inclusion 3002IN Eng 2 Inclusion 3416DE US History DUAL Enrollment 31024 Algebra 1B 3002R Eng 2 3415 World History & Geography 31024I Algebra 1B Inclusion 3002CP Eng 2 CP 5898 Business Econ./ 5901 Personal Finance 3102H Algebra 1 HR 3002HR Eng 2 HR 3432 Sociology 3103 Algebra 2 3003R Eng 3 3433 Psychology 3103H Algebra 2 HR 3003CP Eng 3 CP 31083I Geometry A (Inclusion) 3003HR Eng 3 HR 31086I Geometry B (Inclusion) 3013 Eng 3 AP (FY) FINE ARTS 3108 Geometry 3005R Eng 4 3501 Art Fundamentals 3108H Geometry HR 3005CP Eng 4 CP 3502 Drawing 3124 Advance Math/Trig 3014A & 3014B Eng 4 AP (FY) 3504 Drawing 2 3126 Pre-Calculus 3005D1 & 3005D2 Comp 1 & Comp 2 3503 Painting 3113 Calculus 4038 Brit Lit Dual Enrollment 3530A & 3530B Instrumental Music 3136 Probability & Statistics 3012 Creative Writing 3530J1 & 3530J2 Jazz Band (0 Period) 3136D Statistics Dual Enrollment 3012AD ADV Creative Writing 3531 Vocal Music 3181S Sails Bridge Math 3015D Speech Dual Enrollment 3531CC Chamber Choir 3181 Bridge Math 3531W1 & 3531W2 Women’s Ensemble 3531M Men’s Ensemble (FY) HEALTH AND PE SCIENCE 3535 AP Music Theory 3301 Wellness 1 (PE) 3202 Physical Science 3520 Beginning Drama 3303 Wellness 2 (Health) 3210A Biology A (elective credit) 3521 Intermediate Drama 3302A Advanced Wellness 3210B Biology B 3522 Advanced Drama 3302 Strength & Conditioning 3210I Biology Inclusion 3210H Biology HR & 3217 Biology AP (FY) OTHER 3221 Chemistry FOREIGN LANGUAGE 9331 Early Release 3221H Chemistry HR 3021 Spanish 1 3321 Drivers Education 3224 Chemistry 2 3022 Spanish 2 3008Y Yearbook Journalism (with permission) 3231 Physics 3023 Spanish 3 3008N EHS Newspaper (with permission) 5991 Anatomy & Physiology 3024 Spanish 4 9210 Teacher Aide 3260 Environmental Science 3041 French 1 9301 Office/Library Aide 3255 Ecology 3042 French 2 3043 French 3 3044 French 4

TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION, & LOGISTICS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & FINANCE 5879 Maintenance & Light Repair 1 ADMINISTRATION 5905 Intro to Business and Marketing 5880 Maintenance & Light Repair 2 5905 Intro to Business and Marketing 5910 Accounting 1 5881 Maintenance & Light Repair 3 5891 Computer Applications 5901Y Personal Finance (1 CR) 5882 Maintenance & Light Repair 4 5888 Business Communications 3136 Probability and Statistics 6068 Introduction to Aerospace 5891DE Advanced Computer Applications 6105 Work Based Learning 6070 Aviation 1 Principles of Flight 5898Y Business Economics (1 CR) 6148 Aviation 2 Principles of Flight 5910 Accounting LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY, CORRECTIONS, 6105 Work Based Learning 6105 Work Based Learning & SECURITY 6155 Principles of Law, Correction, & Security AGRICULTURE, FOOD, & NATURAL HEALTH SCIENCE 5987 Criminal Justice 1 RESOURCES 5998 Health Science 5988 Criminal Justice 2 5957 Agriscience 5999 Medical Therapeutics 5989 Criminal Justice 3 Investigation 5954 Greenhouse Management 5991 Anatomy & Physiology 6150 Court Systems and Practices 5951 Landscaping & Turf Science 5995 Emergency Medical Services 6105 Work Based Learning 6114 Applied Environmental Science 5994 Diagnostic Medicine 5950 Plant and Soil Sciences 5993 Clinical Internship HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM 6105 Work Based Learning 5883 Medical Terminology (FY) 5979 Culinary Arts 1 5980 Culinary Arts 2 STEM (ENGINEERING BY DESIGN) Web Design 5981 Culinary Arts 3 5917 Foundations of Technology 6095 Information Technology Foundations 6167 Culinary Arts 4 5885 Technological Design 6100 Web Design Foundations 6105 Work Based Learning 5920 Advanced Design Applications 6105 Work Based Learning