Blakeney Parish Council Notice

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Blakeney Parish Council Notice

Page 21 (2017/18)

Minutes of a meeting of Blakeney Parish Council which was held on Tuesday 4 th July 2017 at 7.00pm in the Parish Office.

Present:- Rosemary Thew (Chairman), Jenny Girling (Vice-Chairman), Samantha Arlow, Shirley Everett, Barry Girling, Neil Thompson, Jennet Tilley & Iain Wolfe.

Clerk:- Tracey Bayfield. Public:- 4.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – were accepted from; Edward Hackford (away), Jess Tutt (away) & Alban Donohoe (work). Also from our District Councillor, Karen Ward.

2. There were no DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST from members.

3. It was proposed & agreed that the following MINUTES are signed as a true record;

3.1. FULL COUNCIL – Tuesday 6th June 2017. 3.2. FULL COUNCIL – Extraordinary Meeting for Planning – Tuesday 20th June 2017.


4.1. PC Jason Pegden Wells Police (Safer Neighbourhood Team) reported; Pedal cycle stolen from Village Hall Car Park, there were 3 calls to the Police since the last Parish Council meeting and that a vehicle on false number plates had been stopped after the occupants had been spotted searching boats and outboards in Blakeney. A member of the public took a photo of the vehicle they were driving and duly reported their suspicions to the Police. So please do remain vigilant and if you can do so safely, please get the vehicle registration number of any scenario which concerns you, as this is really helpful to us.

There has apparently also been a theft from a shed in the High Street, Blakeney.



6.1. District Councillor - Karen Ward had sent the following report in her absence.

As I mentioned to some of you at the last planning meeting, it has been a busy few weeks with the Local Plan and related activities. Page 22 (2017/18)

Local Plan: The Local Plan team have published the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) on the NNDC website, so residents can now see the 'long list' of sites which are available for review for the new Local Plan. I shared this with the Parish Council a couple of months ago. Work has begun to whittle down this long list to a viable short list of sites which will be included in the final plan. In parallel the team have begun commissioning other evidence e.g. Housing need and demand; flood risk assessment.

Conservation Area Appraisal: Following a meeting in March with Friends of North Norfolk, it was agreed to undertake a comprehensive review of the current conservation areas across the Glaven Valley. A project brief is being prepared to allow NNDC to go out to tender for the specialist services required to undertake this review. The Local Validation Checklist consultation resulted in some good ideas and feedback which were adopted by NNDC last month. The new checklist will be operational from 17th July 2017 and all new applications will need to comply with the checklist from that date. Any outstanding applications will have a transition period until 18th August to comply with the checklist.

Neighbourhood Plans: The Neighbourhood Planning Act received Royal Assent on 27th April 2017 and on 19th June NNDC reviewed its first Neighbourhood Plan (Corpusty and Saxthorpe) at Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party. As I reported at the Planning meeting, this was a very comprehensive document and was well received by the Planning Policy members. Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, confirmed that the new Local Plan is unlikely to be ready before 2018/2019 and is currently running 6-8 months behind schedule. He further confirmed that if the Corpusty and Saxthorpe Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by the residents at referendum later in 2017, then this plan would take precedent over the current Local Plan and would inform the new Local Plan for that area. This is good news for parishes considering Neighbourhood Plans, as it confirms the legal status of the Plans and is a shift in policy.

Appointments: Two new planners have been recruited and have already joined the team and a further appointment has been confirmed and the individual will join NNDC in September. This leaves only two vacancies, which are still being actively recruited for. The two appointments to run the Community Housing Fund have also been made. This additional resource is welcome as we see more developers being interested in North Norfolk.

Live applications: The Judicial Review for 8 Wiveton Road has now been set for 29th November 2017. 8 Langham Road will be considered at Development Committee on Thursday 6th July 2017 following last week's site visit. Thank you to everyone who attended that site visit.

Moving away from Planning, I can confirm that I am meeting the Deputy CEO of Victory Housing this coming Friday 7th July to discuss the parking situation in Queen's Close. I will send out an update to you all once that meeting is concluded. Page 23 (2017/18)

NNDC has signed off £500,000 investment in the Deep History Coast project which runs from Weybourne to Cart Gap. Although not directly related to Blakeney, Councillors might be interested to review the plans to encourage more visitors to this part of the North Norfolk coast.

Finally, the summer school holidays are nearly upon us. NNDC has this week published the Summer Sports Activities across the district. These run from 24th July to 1st September right across the District with a wide range of activities available. Full details are on the NNDC website.

6.2. County Councillor - Dr. Marie Strong gave the following report;

Libraries are offering reading support for long term health conditions: A library health and wellbeing reading scheme has been extended to include other medical conditions. The new book list has been developed for people with long term health conditions, their relatives and carers. The list will be available at all 47 Norfolk libraries and 8 mobile libraries and includes health information, memoir and self- management titles, covering conditions such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease, as well as common symptoms such as fatigue, pain, wellbeing and sleep problems. The books are free to reserve. (I hope you all read the commitment of NCC’s leader that libraries will not be closed.)

Fire Protection: My colleagues in NCC’s Trading Standards are urging us all to register electrical appliances so we will be notified by manufacturers of any product recalls. (There is a national website which gives details of all product recalls - to check if any of your appliances are affected, visit and click on the Product Recalls tab). I am not the only person to know from experience the value of smoke alarms and would join Trading Standards in asking you to fit smoke alarms and regularly test them. And please note that any member of the public can call Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service on 0800 917 8137 to arrange for a free Home Fire Risk Check.

Norfolk County Council’s projected savings: A report to the council’s Policy and Resources Committee on July 3rd predicted NCC will have to save a further £100 million from 2018/19-2021/22, on top of savings of £24.9 million already agreed for 2018/19 and 2019/20. It is proposed that the committee will ask services to find the following savings over four years:

Adult social care: £31.0 million; Children’s services (non-schools): £23.5 million; Community and environmental services: £31.2 million; Managing director’s department: £1.3 million; Finance and commercial services: £3.6 million; Finance general (which includes pension and grant payments): £9.4 million. These Proposals are being developed on the basis of Government indications that the revenue support grant will end after 2019/20, so that the council will then have to rely on Council Tax, business rates and specific grants. Reports are available at: Page 24 (2017/18) 7/Meeting/1359/Committee/21/Default.aspx. It was noted at the meeting that the council will continue to press the government to release more financial support particularly for adult social care.

Grants for Rural Business: Following on from the news of such drastic cuts I am hoping that someone with a rural business will study the following scheme and make a successful application: still-has-6m-available-for-rural-businesses-says-norfolk-county-council-1-5080585


 Little Lane – dog mess with the fallen leaves then covering it are a problem here. Can a ‘no dog fouling sign’ be erected here showing the fines etc. Street cleaning here appears to be lapse. (Parish Council has no responsibility for Little Lane, and has forwarded cleansing request to both NCC and NNDC on numerous occasions, but with budget cuts, there seems to be no move to make cleansing this area a regular occurrence. Clerk will share with both District & County Cllrs.)


PF = Full Planning Permission PM = Planning Permission – Reserved Matters LA = Alteration to Listed Building

8.1. Application No. PF/17/0990 – Proposal; Erection of single storey rear extension and vehicle canopy; render over existing brick work and cladding to front elevation. Changes to windows and doors and insertion of rooflights at 21 Morston Road, Blakeney. It was proposed & agreed that we have no objection.

8.2. Retrospective Application No. PF/17/0958 – Proposal; Engineering works to create new driveway at, 8 Langham Road, Blakeney. It was proposed & agreed to advise that we are disappointed that this was a retrospective application.

8.3. Application No. PF/17/0959 – Proposal; Single storey front extension at, Boat Barn Cottage, Westgate Street, Blakeney. It was proposed & agreed that we have no objection.

8.4. It was proposed & agreed that we go out to tender for consultancy help in preparation of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan on a no commitment basis, pending the meeting with Mark Ashwell, NNDC Planning Policy Manager on Tuesday 5th September.

9. FINANCE Page 25 (2017/18)

9.1. It was proposed & agreed that Accounts totalling £10,201.28 are paid.

9.2. Clerk/RFO Report advised on the balances held and income figures and an update from The Co-operative Bank confirming that the limit for the Financial Compensation Scheme had reverted back to £85k.


10.1. Members received the report/update from Rosemary Thew following the most recent meeting of the Village Hall Committee.

11. No COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS were received.


12.1. Members noted the invitation to attend the Norfolk Playing Fields Association AGM on Thursday 13th July, there were no takers.

12.2. Members received an update from Community Action Norfolk with regard the various Charitable Trusts associated with the Parish Council after the Clerk had sought their advice. It was proposed & agreed that we book Charlotte Stannard from Community Action Norfolk to deliver a presentation to us on Tuesday 1st August, having noted the fee.

To note NNDC Planning Decisions Taken & Updates aswell as any Planning Inspectorate Appeals if any.

1) Application PF/17/0653 – Proposal; Erection of new studio following demolition of old studio at, Southdown Cottage, The Downs, Blakeney. Consent given.

2) Application PF/17/0511 & LA/17/0512– Proposal; Demolition of conservatory and erection of replacement conservatory. Erection of single storey side extension (south elevation), single storey side extension to north elevation to extend kitchen and first floor extension over to provide bedroom and bathroom with associated new windows at, 95 High Street, Blakeney. Consent given.

3) Application PF/17/0282 – Proposal; Erection of two storey workshop with ancillary office and staff facilities at, Blakeney Marine Services, Morston Road, Blakeney. Consent given.

Meeting closed at 7.52pm.

Chairman ______

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