Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC
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Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC Weighted Average Report for Monday Sep 4, 2017
Cattle Receipts: 442 Last week: 478 Last year: 326
Compareed to last Monday, Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers steady, Slaughter Cows and Slaughter Bulls 2.00 lower. Good selection of well conditioned cattle with active buyer participation. Slaughter cows made up 13 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 4 percent, replacement cows 11 percent, other cows 0 percent, and feeders 71 percent. The feeder supply included 25 percent steers, 40 percent heifers, and 35 percent bulls. Near 18 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 2 235-245 240 150.00-167.50 158.93 2 300-335 318 170.00-185.00 177.09 7 355-390 376 147.50-158.00 151.83 2 360-365 363 165.00-171.00 167.98 Fancy 3 400-415 405 143.00-149.00 146.46 3 450-470 458 140.00-147.50 142.45 5 525-540 529 129.00-140.00 133.87 6 550-595 568 125.00-136.00 130.79 3 665-685 677 122.00-130.00 126.99 2 705-710 708 124.00-128.00 125.99 Medium 2 3 320-345 333 140.00-150.00 144.93 4 350-385 374 129.00-135.00 132.61 2 425-430 428 130.00-131.00 130.50 3 520-545 535 118.00-126.00 122.95 2 575-590 583 120.00-122.00 120.99
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 3 280-290 285 130.00-137.50 134.14 4 300-320 314 130.00-140.00 134.44 5 350-380 366 129.00-139.00 134.32 14 400-445 418 125.00-134.00 129.14 15 450-495 468 122.00-131.00 125.91 15 500-545 525 119.00-126.00 123.39 6 555-595 578 116.00-120.00 118.84 3 610-615 612 112.00-117.00 115.01 Medium 2 5 370-390 377 120.00-125.00 121.82 2 425-425 425 120.00-122.00 121.00 7 465-490 477 110.00-120.00 115.34 4 505-540 520 116.00-117.00 116.50 3 585-590 587 110.00-112.00 110.67 Medium and Large 3 2 285-290 288 110.00-117.50 113.72 4 350-395 373 100.00-110.00 107.52 2 430-430 430 105.00-109.00 107.00 2 585-590 588 99.00-106.00 102.49
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 7 405-435 426 135.00-145.00 138.40 13 450-490 468 131.00-138.00 134.81 10 500-545 524 123.00-127.00 123.90 18 550-595 572 117.00-126.00 120.57 7 610-643 630 115.00-123.00 119.40 4 665-675 670 115.00-118.00 116.75 2 715-735 725 110.00 110.00 Medium 2 6 400-435 416 125.00-132.00 128.38 3 460-490 478 122.00-128.00 125.31 5 500-535 525 110.00-116.00 113.23 5 655-695 672 101.00-110.00 105.58 Medium and Large 3 2 870-890 880 84.00-92.00 87.95
Bred Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Young Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 2 775-890 833 800.00-900.00 853.45 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred 4 920-1155 1040 785.00-875.00 851.74 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged 2 985-1045 1015 985.00-1100.00 1061.39 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred 2 1525-1610 1568 1025.00-1100.00 1087.84 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred Medium and Large 3 Young 2 760-780 770 750.00-775.00 762.66 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred Medium and Large 3 Middle Aged 2 1145-1165 1155 740.00-850.00 795.48 Per Head 1-3 Months Bred 2 1110-1175 1143 925.00-975.00 950.71 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred 2 1105-1180 1143 810.00-885.00 848.73 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred
Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 6 945-1340 1163 68.00-75.00 71.17 2 1155-1255 1205 77.00-79.00 78.04 High Dressing 4 1470-1830 1610 66.00-72.00 70.08 Boner 80-85% Lean 2 800-845 823 72.00 72.00 12 945-1355 1121 68.00-74.00 70.80 2 1270-1390 1330 76.00-77.00 76.48 High Dressing 7 1425-1805 1596 65.00-72.00 67.76 Lean 85-90% Lean 13 860-1230 1057 54.00-70.00 60.78
Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 7 1135-1440 1319 97.00-102.00 99.61 4 1690-1935 1808 98.00-100.00 99.00 3 1775-2035 1882 76.00-83.00 78.53 Low Dressing
Goats: Receipts 60, last week 144. Goats are sold on a per head basisi and weights are estimated. Kids Sel 2 under 20lbs 30.00-40.00, 20-40lbs 45.00-52.50, 40-60lbs 60.00-65.00; Yearlings Sel 2 60-80lbs 100.00-110.00; Nannies Sel 1 140-180lbs, one at 190.00, Sel 2 50-70lbs 120.00-130.00; Wethers Sel 1&2 100-150lbs, one at 235.00, 150-250lbs, one at 300.00; Billies Sel 1 100-150lbs 155.00-165.00, Sel 2 70-100lbs 130.00-135.00, 100-150lbs 140.00-145.00, 150- 250lbs 180.00-190.00.
Hogs: Receipts 17 last week 8. USDA 1-3 Barrows and Gilts 200-250lbs 45.00-55.00, 250-300lbs 32.50-40.00; USDA 1-3 Sows 300-400lbs 48.00-56.00
Source: SC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Columbia, SC