Please Sign and Return the Following 5 Pages to Your Child S Homeroom Teacher

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Please Sign and Return the Following 5 Pages to Your Child S Homeroom Teacher

2015-2016 Student Handbook

Mission Statement


Dear Parents,

First, we would like to thank you for the opportunity and privilege that you have given us to educate your child here at South Street elementary. As all of us are aware, each student comes into a classroom with a unique style of learning. As teachers, one of our many objectives is to recognize each child’s learning style and apply teaching strategies that will help each student to understand, comprehend, and retain the information presented to them.

However, having a positive mindset, before walking into the classroom, is essential. Coming to school ready to learn and following the rules are important factors in the learning process. Each student receives a handbook to bring home. This handbook contains all policies and procedures of South Street Elementary. Please take the time to read and familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures.

Students are expected to follow all policies and procedures of South Street Elementary. We are preparing our students not only for intellectual challenges, but also to be responsible to confront social challenges too. It is essential that your child come to school properly dressed, on time, and obeying the policies in the student handbook and directions posted around our school. We, along with your help have to make sure our children follow the rules today, so they will understand tomorrow and thereafter.

We, the administration are asking for your cooperation and assistance to help our students understand, all of us have rules to follow. Starting now will only make our students better citizens as time goes along. Again, we thank you for the opportunity to teach your child and look forward to seeing and talking to you throughout the school year.

Sincerely, Mary R. Miller Mary R. Miller Principal

1 FOREWORD This handbook is published for the students, parents, community, and staff of South Street Elementary School. It serves as a source of information about the school, its practices and its services. It is hoped that this handbook will help you in your understanding of everyday activities of the school and your rights and responsibilities as a vital entity of this educational body.


We believe that each child should receive the kind of education that will be most beneficial to him/her and the society in which he/she lives. Every effort will be made to provide for the individual differences among our students so that each child will be able to achieve his or her highest potential. We strive to provide every opportunity for maximum student achievement and to recognize and stimulate special talents in all students. Our major goal is to help students become responsible citizens who contribute to the progress and welfare of their community and country.


To achieve our mission, the school will make every effort to provide the best curriculum possible within budgetary constraints with the following main objectives:

I. To aid each child to acquire and develop the best self-realization, we emphasize:

A. The development of a positive self-concept. B. The creation of situations that will arouse, motivate, and stimulate curiosity and interest through the use of concrete, abstract, and scientific methods. C. An understanding of facts and principles. D. A learning of how to study. E. Using dependable sources of information. F. The importance of daily attendance. G. The need for a sound body.

II. To aid each child to develop in human relations, we emphasize:

A. A need to speak clearly and correctly.

2 B. Conformity to disciplinary rules so that he or she may achieve socially acceptable behavior.

III. To develop civic responsibility, we emphasize:

A. A respect for all property. B. A sense of responsibility for self-discipline. C. Application of democratic principles in work and play. D. Help in civic projects.

IV. To safeguard our students, we emphasize:

A. The development of safe practices. B. Fire and emergency evacuation drills.

V. To add to the aesthetic side of life, we emphasize:

A. Use of varied library materials. B. Audio-visual resources. C. Use of art and music in curriculum activities. D. Use of community resources.

VI. We emphasize the need for a complete education and the right each child has to acquire it along with the pursuit of happiness in the process.

Remember the 3 “B’s” Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible



A. All students returning to South Street Elementary from last year are pre- registered. B. PROOF OF RESIDENCE IS REQUIRED EVERY YEAR FROM EVERY STUDENT. This must be in the form of a gas, electric or water bill. Name of parent or guardian is required to be on the bill. The proof of residence must be your PRIMARY residence. If proof of residence has another name on it you will be required to fill out a homeless packet. (Verification by Principal or Assistant will occur) This is in accordance with the St. Landry Parish desegregation policy. C. Kindergarten students and new student grades 1-6 must register through the Principal’s office. At time of registration, the child’s birth certificate, immunization record and proof of residence in the school zone must be presented. Parents are asked to present social security cards for child, head of household, mother and father. Parents are also asked to present a form of picture id as well. D. In-parish kindergarten students have 15 days to present a birth certificate. Out-of-Parish kindergarten students have 30 days.


A. State law requires all students in public schools to have completed and updated immunization records on file at school. B. Students with incomplete health records will not be registered in school until records are completed. C. Students who need to update records to keep them in compliance will be GIVEN 10 SCHOOL DAYS from the date of notification to update records and to inform the school that this was done. If the record is not updated in 10 days, the student will be sent home until such time as this is done. This is for the protection of all persons who come in contact with the child. D. The local Parish health unit can provide this service or your personal physician. E. Please provide an updated immunization card when boosters have been taken.


A. The school nurse, when in attendance at our school, will help any student with health problems—if made aware that any exist. B. Please inform school office in writing about specific health problems a student may have which may be evidenced during the school day.

4 C. If a child is to receive any medication during the school day, the parent or guardian must fill out a “School Medication and Instructional Form” and have it signed by the parent and doctor. The medicine to be dispensed will be kept by a trained staff member and dispensed according to the druggist and doctor’s instructions. Always bring medication to school yourself along with the authorization form. DO NOT SEND MEDICATION BY YOUR CHILD. STUDENTS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED FROM BRINGING MEDICATION TO SCHOOL. THIS INCLUDES OVER-THE –COUNTER MEDICINE TO SCHOOL. (i.e. cough drops, blistex, Tylenol, etc.) D. Students with communicable disease cannot attend school. If in doubt, please call school for verification. E. Please make every effort to make dental, medical and other appointments for children in the afternoon, preferably after school if possible. The mornings are considered the best time for students’ progress. F. Body Lice (Pediculosis) Infestation policy adopted by St. Landry Parish School Board in September, 1980. 1. All students suspected of having body lice (in any form) will be subject to an examination by the school nurse or other trained personnel. 2. All cases of identified body lice will be sent home for treatment of lice infestation 3. When a student is sent home for treatment of lice infestation, a letter will accompany the student. This letter will explain his/her suspected condition and will suggest accepted treatment for ridding the student of suspected problem. 4. Students must be free of nits/eggs before returning to school. This will be determined by the school nurse or other trained personnel by examination of the student upon re-entry. 5. Following proper treatment, a student should not be out of school for more than three (3) days. Any student absent longer than the three-day period will be referred to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.


A. A minimum of six hours is scheduled each day for instruction. The instructional periods scheduled for a student will be protected. NO INTERRUPTIONS WILL BE MADE EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF EMERGENCY. B. The day includes homeroom and lunch period. C. Students walking to school should not arrive any earlier than 7:30 a.m. D. Parents who come for students in the afternoon are to wait in cars for students to meet them.


A. Applications for free and reduced price breakfast and lunch are available for all students. 1. Each student is given an application form to take home to parents for completion on the first day of school. 2. Status of student is determined by the family income as related to the eligibility scale. Each form must be received by the school and determination of status made during the first month of school. When a change in income occurs, another application must be completed. 3. Each form must be completed in all areas, signed as stated and returned to student’s teacher. 4. An application must be on file on every student attending South Street Elementary. If you just don’t want to apply, please sign your name, the child’s name and write on application, “I DO NOT WANT TO APPLY FOR REDUCE MEALS OR FREE MEALS or NOT INTERSTED.” Return the form to school. 5. You are responsible for lunch bills your child/children may incur until status is determined. Until eligibility is determined your child/children will have to pay for lunch on a daily basis. 6. Full pay and reduced lunch students will not be allowed to eat a hot meal (they will be given cereal and milk) if the bill is not paid in a timely fashion. 7. BREAKFAST IS SERVED FROM 7:15 A.M. TO 7:45 A.M. STUDENTS WHO WALK OR ARE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY PARENTS WILL NOT BE SERVED AFTER 7:45 A.M. 8. All students are expected to participate in the lunch program. Exceptions are made only for students with special health problems upon request of a physician and approved by the Principal. 9. The cost of lunch or breakfast will vary due to number of days in the month. 10. No carbonated drinks of any kind or candy are permitted at any time in the cafeteria. 11. All meals are to be eaten in the Cafeteria. 12. Students are not permitted to bring gum, candy or other snack foods into the cafeteria. 13.Food is not allowed out of the cafeteria. 14. More information on the cafeteria can be found at l


A. As part of the promotional policy, St. Landry Parish and the State of Louisiana require elementary students to attend school for a minimum of 167 days. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MINIMUM REQUIRED DAYS COULS RESULT IN THE STUDENT BEING RETAINED.

1. The four reasons for excused absences are: a. Illness of student b. Death or serious illness in family c. Religious holiday d. Catastrophe 2. To receive an excused absence, the student must bring a written and signed statement by his parent citing one of the above reasons for the absence to his teacher. Students attending a school sponsored activity are counted present. Excuses must be brought in WITHIN 5 DAYS of the absence. 3. Excuses are to be sent to the office. 4. Perfect Attendance: Students must report to ALL 6 periods. 5. To maintain Perfect Attendance status, the student must not be tardy more than five times. 6. On the 6th tardy, a student will lose perfect attendance status, but he/she may maintain Merit Attendance Status. 7. Merit Attendance: Student must be present for 181 minutes or more daily. Note: Tardies are not applicable.




A. It is most important that each child provide the school with a telephone number where parents or relatives can be reached in case of an emergency. If you must change your contact numbers for any reason, please send the new number(s) to the office. B. Fire drills, tornado drills or other disaster procedures are conducted by the Principal and appropriate governmental agencies. C. In the case of major disaster , parents may pick up their children at the New Life Center—411 East Landry Street, Opelousas, LA.


A. The school is not responsible for lost articles. All articles found on the school grounds should be promptly turned into the office. Students may inquire at the office about the lost item.

7 B. Parents are asked to mark items such as clothing, etc., so that school officials may attempt to return the item to its rightful owner.


A. Students are not permitted to use the telephone EXCEPT IN CASES OF EMERGENCY. (Forgetting homework or a book is not an emergency.) B. Students are not permitted to receive telephone messages at school except in cases of emergency. C. Parents, the school is very busy. Please take care of business before your child comes to school. If he or she is to go to another place after school, send the school a note. Please call the school only for emergencies or to set up conferences. D. Post a calendar in a special place at home and mark your calendar with date and time when you get notices for special occasions. Too many calls are made when notices have been sent home. Please note: a monthly calendar is sent home with each student. We encourage all parents to sign up for our texting service through Remind 101-instructions are available in the office


A. Principal-Parent conference—the Principal maintains an open-door policy Previous arrangements made for Principal/Parent conference will insure effective use of everyone’s time. B. Please make arrangements through the school secretary’s office for Parent/Teacher conferences. Teachers will not be interrupted during instructional time to have a conference. All teachers have a planning period. If you wish to speak to the teacher about your child please make arrangements to do so before or after school or during the teachers planning period.


A. Parents are invited to visit school. B. ALL Parents and visitors MUST sign in at the office and secure a pass. C. PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO A CLASSROOM WITHOUT REPORTING TO THE OFFICE FIRST.


A. Students will be allowed to make up work missed for any excused absences provided the STUDENTS TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO DO SO. B. The student making up work should not expect the teacher to take away from class time to enable them to catch up.

8 C. The teacher will give reasonable assistance without interfering with the regular class routine. D. The student making up work is expected to do this and keep up with regular class work. E. Whenever possible, student/parent should contact the school on the day the student is absent and make arrangements for teachers to send assignment F. IF STUDENTS FAIL TO MAKE UP THE WORK WITHIN 1 WEEK OF THE ABSENCE HE/SHE WILL BE ISSUED A ZERO.


A. Students are expected to bring graded papers home as the teachers return them to the students. B. Parents are expected to view the papers, sign them and see to it that the papers are returned to the teacher. C. Teachers are to keep a file of returned papers. D. If papers are not returned to school in a prompt fashion parents may make an appointment with the teacher to view the papers.


A. All students are expected to do all class work as assigned by teachers daily. B. All students are expected to have the necessary materials that are requested by each teacher for each class period daily C. The school cannot furnish lined paper or pencils for students. The allocation for supplies is limited.


A. Parents are requested to promote intensive reading while students are away form school. B. An Accelerated Reader Lab is available to all students who attend South Street Elementary. Students may check out books and take AR test . C. Students are encouraged to visit the public library and to checkout books.


a. All students are expected to do homework on time and have it for each class at the designated time. b. Homework reinforces what has been taught. Homework and individual study are recognized as an integral part of the learning experiences for students. Homework may be assigned to an entire class, a small group, or an individual student. c. Failure to do homework will result in a lower grade in the class.


a. State textbooks are LOANED for the period of the time the student uses them and must be treated as borrowed property. In cases of loss or abuse of textbooks, a student must pay for the textbook in accordance with the scale set by the State Department of Education. b. The student will not be issued any other district owned textbooks until he/she has paid for the lost or abused textbook.


a. Grades are determined using the St. Landry Parish grading scale:

Percent Grade 100-93 A 92-85 B 84-75 C 74-67 D 66 and below F

B. Students who have not completed course work for the six weeks period will receive an “I”. The work must be made up the next reporting period, or the grade becomes an “F”. C. Final averages are determined by averaging the grades for the six marking periods. To receive a passing average, the student must have a 1.0 average which is a “D”. Less than a 1.0 constitutes an “F” average. D. Any student who earns an “F” for the sixth six weeks will receive a final grade of “F”. E. Progress reports are sent home 3 weeks prior to report cards. F. Computer report cards will be used for grade reporting. Report cards are sent home at the end of the six weeks grading period. One copy of the report card is sent to parents, and the other is kept on file in the office.


a. Parties may be held during the last period of the last day preceding Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, with permission from the Principal b. Special Permission from the Principal must be received to have parties other than stated in item A.


a. General Rules 1.All Students will obey ALL ADULTS on campus. 2. All students will display courteous manners at all time.

10 3. All students are to refrain from vulgar, obscene or profane language when on school property. 4. All students will exhibit proper classroom behavior at all times. 5. Students are not to have in their possession any object that may be classified as a weapon. 6. Students will walk on sidewalks and inside classrooms, halls and cafeteria. RUNNING IS NOT PERMITTED. 7. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN POSSESSIONS. 8. Books are to be taken care of and carried in the proper manner at all times. 9. TOYS ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY STUDENTS IN GRADES 1-6. The only time students should bring toys, games, etc. is when their teacher instructs them to. 10. Trash/paper is to be placed in trashcans in classrooms, restrooms and/or outside 11. SCREAMING, WHISTLING, AND LOUD TALKING IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANYTIME. 12. Students at recess are to stay away from those classrooms where classes are in session. 13. Students will knock on classroom doors only if they wish to enter while on an errand to that classroom. 14. Pecans, acorns, pinecones, tree branches, and rocks are to be left on the ground. Objects are never to be thrown. 15. Assemblies are important. Students will sit quietly and listen. No booing or other loud noises will be tolerated. 16. Buying or selling of personal articles is not allowed. 17. Students may not exchange their personal things for those of someone else. 18. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BRING TAPE RECORDERS, RADIOS, BLASTERS, HEADPHONES, CELL PHONES, BEEPERS OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES. (THIS INCLUDES GAMING DEVICES AND I-PODS) 19. NO GUM CHEWING OR GUM IS ALLOWED ON CAMPUS.

B. Classroom Rules 1. All students will exhibit proper and appropriate classroom manners at all times. 2. All students are expected to do the work assigned by each teacher every day. 3. All students will bring materials to class each day. 4. If a visitor comes to the classroom, students will continue working or wait quietly in their seats for the teacher to continue with class. 5. If for any reason a teacher must step outside the classroom, students are to sit in their desk quietly. 6. Students will help to keep classrooms neat and clean by cleaning shoes before entering and by putting trash/paper in proper containers.

11 7. Papers sent home for parents’ viewing and signing will be returned in good condition to the teacher on the day specified. 8. All students will obey classroom rules and regulations established by the school. 9. Substitutes are to be treated in the same manner as all adults at school.

C. In Restrooms 1.Students will remain in restrooms only as long as necessary. 2. Students will help keep restrooms neat and clean by putting trash/paper in the proper container. 3. All students will flush toilet after using it. 4. Students will not write on the walls or doors. 5. Students will keep floors, walls and ceilings clean. 6. Students will report promptly any breakage or stoppage. 7. Students will use the lavatory and will not stop or clog the drain with paper. 8. Students will not loaf in and around this area. 9. Students will not misuse or abuse the restrooms.

D. Cafeteria. 1. All students will come into the cafeteria with their teachers in an orderly manner and quietly. 2. Students will enter the cafeteria in a single line. 3. Students will wash and dry their hands properly under supervision of their teachers. 4. Students will go through the serving line quietly and in an orderly manner. 5. Students will not talk loudly on entering the lunchroom, at table and/or leaving. 6. Students will practice good table manners at all time. 7. After eating, students will clear tables of everything they have put on tables; put trays away before leaving the cafeteria. 8. After lunch teachers will escort students out of the cafeteria quietly, allow them to get water, go to the restrooms and escort them back to class.

E. Early Morning 1. Students are to keep personal possessions at all times. 2. Students who eat breakfast are to report to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival at school. Students are to put book bags and books in the designated areas. After eating students are to report to assigned playground areas.


School discipline has only two broad objctives. Fair and impartial discipline helps insure a proper climate for learning and it also helps students develop the self-discipline that is required for all learning.

12 Although the ultimate responsibility for student conduct rests with the student and the parent, it is a daily responsibility of school personnel to see that no SINGLE PERSON INTERFERES WITH THE TOTAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT OF OTHER STUDENTS.

Individiual human conduct is a composite of many factors which teachers cannot always overcome during the school year; thus, when the students fail to discipline themselves to follow the established rules of the school, it becomes the school’s responsibility to discipline the student.

As prescribed by law, every teacher is authorized to hold every pupil to a strict accountability for any disorderly conduct in school or on the playground of the school or any street, road, or school bus going to or returning from school, during intermission or recess (R.S. 17:416). It is the final responsibility of the principal to maintain discipline at each school or any school functions. Schools do assume a responsibility to help a student learn self-discipline. However, when a student exhibits marked deviation from acceptable behavior, it is the responsibility of the teacher, principal, guidance, attendance and/or psychological personnel to undertake every effort to identify the problem, to secure parental understanding and cooperation, and to help the student in accordance with their best judgement and resources available.

In those cases where corrective action becomes necessary, the disciplinary measures taken will be positive, constructive, and directed toward serving educational ends.

It should be clearly understood by the student and his parents that the purpose of all disciplinary action is to mold future behavior and to teach the student that education is a right qualified by compliance with reasonable rules and regulations.

While the school is concerned with the individual and his/her welfare, it must also be concerned with the group and their welfare by preserving the proper atmosphere for teaching and learning.


MISSION STATEMENT: The PBIS team at South Street Elementary works to promote student achievement and responsibility by providing a safe and caring environment where students are a part of a family with teachers and staff serving as positive role models.

The program is geared to reinforce positive behavior and deter negative behavior. All students are accountable for their behavior and will be disciplined or rewarded as stated by the PBIS expectations, consequences and rewards.

13 The following are PBIS rules for South Street Elementary which are placed in designated areas: Hallway Rules

1. Walk to the right of the hall in a single file line. 2. Hands by your side or in your pockets. 3. Use inside voice when necessary 4. Respect other classes 5. Keep all items to yourself

Bus Area Rules

1. Keep hands and property to yourself. 2. Remain in assigned area. 3. Walk 4. Use Sidewalk. 5. Observe rules of crosswalk. 6. Throw trash in trash cans 7. Take all belongings with you

Playground Rules

1. Line up when bell rings 2. Good Manners 3. Throw trash in trash can 4. Stay in your area 5. Rough contact games are prohibited.

Bathroom Rules 1. Respect other’s privacy 2. Respect facility and privileges 3. Throw trash in trash can 4. Stay in your area 5. Rough contact games are prohibited

Cafeteria Rules

1. Stand in a single file line 2. Hands by your side or in pockets 3. Good manners 4. Walk 5. Stay in seat 6. Dispose of all items in trash 7. Wash and dry hands 8. Use inside voice

14 9. Keep area clean.

Students earn stickers throughout the day for following rules and expectations as set forth by the school and teacher. The first week of each six weeks (beginning the 2nd six weeks) is “sticker week”. A form will be filled out and students use the stickers they have earned to participate in school-wide activities or activities in their classrooms.


A. The Principal or designee will make every effort to investigate all aspects of a discipline problem. B. Prior to any suspension, the school Principal or designee shall advise the pupil in question of the particular misconduct of which he/she is accused as well as the basis for such accusation. The pupil shall be given the opportunity at that time to explain his/her version of the facts. (Due Process) C. The Principal or designee will make every effort to contact the student’s parents or guardians, notifying them of the suspension. D. The Principal or designee will mail a report of the suspension to the parent or guardian preferably on the day of the suspension, if possible, but no later than the following school day. Additional copies shall be sent to the Superintendent’s office and the office of Child Welfare and Attendance. The Principal shall also keep a copy on the students discipline file. E. If the parent or guardian of the suspended student wishes to contest the suspension, the parent or guardian, within (5) school days after receipt of the written notification of the suspension, may submit a written or personal request to the superintendent to review the matter.


A. St. Landry Parish School Board Bus Rules and Regulations. 1. Students must be on time at designated stop. 2. Students must obey the driver promptly and cheerfully. 3. Students are to help keep the bus clean and sanitary. Anyone purposely damaging or breaking school property will be disciplined and required to pay for damages. 4. Students are to avoid causing trouble by teasing, pulling hair, scuffling or using profane, obscene or abusive language. 5. Arms and heads must be kept inside bus windows at all time. 6. All students are to remain seated on the bus while the bus is in motion. There should be no moving around once a student has been seated on the bus. If assigned to a seat by the driver, the student must remain in the seat until given permission to change seats by the bus driver. 7. Loud talking will not be tolerated. Conversation in normal tones is permissible 8. Students are to obtain permission from the driver before opening windows when it is cold, raining or windy.

15 9. No students will be allowed to ride another bus or be discharged at different stops unless he/she has written permission from parents signed by the Principal of respective school.


B. OTHER SCHOOL BUS RULES AND REGUALTIONS 1. Loading Bus a. Riders will conduct themselves in a safe and orderly manner. b. Stay off roads at all times. c. Bus riders should not move to enter the bus until it comes to a complete stop.

2. Riding the Bus a. Always be cautious, obey the person in charge. b. There is to be no boisterous talk or horseplay while on the bus. c. Absolute quiet is necessary then the bus is approaching a railroad crossing or any dangerous area. d. In case of a rad emergency, riders are to remain in the bus unless otherwise directed by the driver or person in charge.

3. Leaving the Bus a. If necessary to cross the road after your bus stop, be sure that you are at least ten feet in front of the bus and cross only when you and the driver are positive that no traffic is approaching from either direction. b. Be alert to danger signal from the driver. c. In case o an emergency, all riders will move to the opposite side of the road from the bus.

4. Extra-Curricular Trips on School Bus a. The above rules and regulations will apply to any bus trip under school sponsorship. b. The student shall respect the wishes of a competent chaperon approved by the school.


16 All students enrolled in our school in the regular education curriculum are governed by the Promotional Policy and Pupil Progression Plan adopted by the St. Landry Parish School Board. A copy of the promotional policy will be sent to each family. The Pupil Progression Plan is available on-line at



1. UNIFORM TOPS shall consist of plain collared white or hunter green polo shirts, with no logo, either short or long sleeved. All shirts must be tucked in at the student’s waist. All shirts must be long enough to remain tucked when seated. An under shirt may be worn under the uniform top. The undershirt must be WHITE, and the SLEEVE CANNOT BE LONGER THAN THE SLEEVE LENGTH OF THE UNIFORM TOP. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks are not allowed under or over the uniform shirt.

****South Elementary optional color is hunter green****

2. UNIFORM BOTTOMS shall consist of traditional, straight leg, DARK KHAKI OR NAVY cotton twill pants or walking shorts with a finished hem (side slits on hems are not allowed) Uniform bottoms must fit at the waist and crotch and be within on (1) size of student’s actual waist/inseam measurement. BELL BOTTOMS, BOOT CUT, CARPENTER/CARGO STYLE PANTS, HIP-HUGGERS OR JEANS OF ANY COLOR AND/OR TYPE ARE NOT ALLOWED. Brand name emblems on uniform bottoms may not exceed 1” to 2” in size. All uniform bottoms must have a waistband with belt loops. Walking shorts shall not be more than four (4) inches above the back crease or the knee. SAGGING OF THE UNIFORM BOTTOM WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. Girls’ bottoms—in addition to the above uniform bottoms, traditional style uniform jumpers and skirts will b allowed and must have a finished hem and shall not be than four (4) inches above the back cease of the knee. ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING MUST BE WORN AS INTENDED BY DESIGN. Allowable colors are dark khaki and navy. Overalls are NOT permitted. Stone, white or dark brown uniform bottoms are NOT ALLOWED. Dark khaki/navy blue skorts are allowed for Pre-K-2nd grade.

3. SOCKS & SHOES—SOCKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. They must be SOLID WHITE, NAVY , BLACK OR BROWN WITH NO EMBLEM OR LOGO. Crew length socks must COVER THE ANKLE AND BE VISIBLE ABOVE THE SHOE. Students must wear a closed shoe (front and back). Sandals , clogs, flip-flops, slippers, or other similar types of shoes are not allowed (this includes CROCS). Shoes must be TIED AND LACED; VELCRO STRAPS MUST BE SECURED.

17 4. OUTERWEAR-SWEATSHIRT—must be waist length with a tight, ribbed elastic bottom. Must be plain, solid colored BLACK, WHITE, HEATHER GRAY OR DARK NAVY BULE WITH NO EMBLEM, LOGO OR MARKING. Students can wear a sweatshirt in the optional school color with school logo. LIGHTWEIGHT JACKET/WINDBREAKER (WITH OR WITHOUT HOOD). All outerwear, except for sweatshirts, must zip, button or snap from top to bottom and must not be longer than upper mid-thigh. Outerwear must be plain, sold-colored in black, white, khaki, heather gray, or dark nave blue with NO EMBLEMS, LOGOS, OR MARKINGS. 5. BELTS—A BLACK, BROWN, KHAKI, OR NAVY BLUE belt must be worn or a plain belt with a buckle not larger than 2”x 3”. No studs on the belt will be allowed. The entire length of the belt must be worn inside the loops. Pre-k through 2nd grade students may wear uniform bottoms with an elastic waistband without having to wear a belt. BELT LOOPS SHOUD NOT REMOVED; IF PRESENT A BELT MUST BE WORN FOR PRE-K-2 ND GRADE.


a. No high-heels or other types of dress shoes (tennis shoes are preferred ) b. Boots are not permitted (exception: rubber boots on rainy days) c. No cleats or mud grips d. Make-up is not allowed e. Caps are not to be worn. f. BOYS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WEAR EARRINGS OR RINGS. g. Girls can wear no more than two earrings in each ear. h. Conventional hairstyles are the only acceptable hairstyles. i. No heavy chains will be allowed. All other chains worn must be tucked inside shirts. Remember that jewelry is not a toy and should not be played with. j. NO tongue studs, other visible body piercing or VISIBLE TATTOOS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. THIS INCLUDES TEMPORARY TATOOS. k. No purses are allowed in grades k-3 l. No bracelets or wristband with studs will be allowed. On free dress days the students will adhere to the above guidelines. Also no baggy clothes, cargo pants, midriff tops, sagging pants or muscle shirts will be allowed on free dress day.

The Principal or designee shall be the final interpreter of the dress code. Our primary responsibility is to create and maintain a positive learning environment.

To view the complete St. Landry Parish Uniform Policy please visit the St. Landry Parish Website at

18 XVII. FIELD TRIP POLICY A. Students must have a permission slip signed by the parent/guardian in order to attend a field trip. B. St. Landry Parish or South Street Elementary is not responsible for students’ lost or stolen items. C. Students are expected to be on their best behavior when on a field trip. D. Students can be excluded from field trips due to discipline problems. E. All debts must be paid to school before a student can attend a field trip. (i.e. lunch, supplement fee, lost books) F. DUE TO THE FACT THAT FIELD TRIPS MUST BE PLANNED MONTHS IN ADVANCE ALL TRIPS MUST BE PAID FOR BY THE DEADLINE SET BY THE TEACHER. G. Only those students in the class are allowed to go on the field trip. Siblings in other grades and siblings not in school are not allowed on the field trip. This includes teachers’ children as well. Field trips are planned for a particular class, it is not meant to be a family vacation. H. All students must ride the bus to the destination. If a parent wishes to take the child back with him/her, the student must be signed out with the teacher. Parents are only allowed to take their children unless prior arrangements have been made with the administrator.


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