Ocean Beach School Distrct No. 101

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Ocean Beach School Distrct No. 101

OCEAN BEACH SCHOOL DISTRCT NO. 101 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors December 22, 2014

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Ocean Beach School District 101 was held on Monday, December 22, 2014, at 5:30pm in the Administration Building. Present were:

Board Members: Sandy Stonebreaker, President, Larry Phelps, Kris Kaino, Kathy Mathews and Kim Patten. Administrators : Superintendent Jenny Risner and Principal Dave Tobin. Others Present: Jackie Stone, Linda Thompson, Amy Huntley, Sandie Graff, Debbie Turver, Julie Connell, Scot Klohe, Meagan Bonitatibus, Kelli Schimelpfenig, Andrew Goodwin, Dan Gove, Jacob Brundage and Scott Sample.

Call to Order Board President, Sandy Stonebreaker, declared a quorum and called the regular business meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Flag Salute Stonebreaker led the flag salute.

Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda Motion: I move to approve the regular meeting agenda for December 22, 2014. Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Mathews. Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.

Community Input Community member, Scott Samples, who has two small children, voiced his frustration with the lack of early childhood education available to families in this district. He said he was told he makes too much money to be able to get one of the 18 seats available in the ECAP program or the 35 seats in the Head Start program. He is more than willing to pay for a seat, there just aren’t any available. He feels that the 15 mile drive to Ocean Park is not reasonable and feels something is wrong if he can’t even pay for an opportunity to enroll his student in a pre-school. With the number of kids going into Kindergarten, how are they going to get a head start on pre-school? Mr. Samples was told by someone in Vancouver to speak with the school board to see about getting paid spots in the ECAP program. He was told the facility would support more students. Superintendent Risner thanked him for coming and both she and Kim Patten agreed that this is a concern. Patten said he couldn’t agree more and that early education is critical in the learning process. Patten would like to speak more with him in the future!

Input from the Board Risner introduced new Interim MS Principal, Debbie Turver. Debbie comes to us from Puyallup where she taught for 22 years. Thirteen of those years were spent in a middle school. Debbie is excited to be on board at OBSD and looks forward to getting started!

Approval of Consent Agenda Before approving the consent agenda, Patten asked Linda Thompson how the heating bills were working out financially with the split of the HS/MS. Thompson said we don’t have much data yet but will report back next month.

Motion: I move to approve the consent agenda. Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Patten. President Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.

The consent agenda included the following items:

a) Approval of November 24, 2014 Minutes b) Personnel Report, New Hires/Resignations c) Warrants The personnel report included the following:


The following items are recommended for Board approval:

New Hire Position Location Date Hourly Rate Dana Clark Accounts Payable District Office 12/4/14 $16.75 Cristopher Garrison Para OP PALS 1/5/15 $13.00

New Coaches Assignment Location Stipend None

Resignations Assignment Location Wendy Jacobson Assistant Track Coach Ilwaco Middle School Joyce Sherrard Para/Food Service OP PALS Emily Brown Para OP PALS

Retirement Assignment Location Date Margaret Norelius Library/Para OB 6/17/2015


New Hire Position Location Date Contract Debra Turver Interim Principal Ilwaco Middle School 01/05/2015 TBD

The following supplemental contracts are recommended for Board approval:

Employee Activity/Assignment Location Date Stipend None

Resignations Assignment Location None

Certificated Substitutes The following individuals have met all qualifications and certification requirements to be added to our list of certificated substitutes and are recommended for approval:

 Christopher Wade Leave Requests None

The warrant list included the following:

GENERAL FUND A/P II 11/24/2014 $647,691.68 130365-130392 A/P III 11/25/2014 $ 98,789.88 130393-130452 A/P IV 12/05/2014 $ 43,213.50 130468-130482 A/P V 12/17/2014 $194,577.07 130488-130569 PAYROLL 11/30/14 $679,423.73 130338-130363 900006018- 900006172 12/31/14 $666,084.86 130584-130604 900006173- 900006329

CAPITAL PROJ FUND A/P I 11/21/2014 $ 260,795.64 130364-130364 A/P III 11/25/2014 $ 24,914.56 130453-130454 A/P IV 12/05/2014 $ 86,155.90 130483-130486 A/P V 12/17/2014 $ 10,575.49 130570-130574

ASB FUND A/P III 11/25/2014 $ 12,261.97 130455-130467 A/P IV 12/05/2014 $ 1,313.16 130487-130487 A/P V 12/17/2014 $ 5,328.40 130575-130583

Election of Officers Officers were elected for the current year. No changes from current officers were made.  Chairperson – Sandy Stonebreaker – Nominated by Kaino, seconded by Mathews, vote carried.  Vice Chairperson – Kim Patten - Nominated by Phelps, seconded by Stonebreaker, vote carried.  WIAA Representative – Larry Phelps - Nominated by Kaino, seconded by Patten, vote carried.  Legislative Rep – Kathy Mathews - Nominated by Stonebreaker, seconded by Kaino, vote carried.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Risner took a few minutes to honor, Board Vice-Chair, Kim Patten, for his 15 years of service. Risner presented Patten with a certificate and told him he was appreciated. Patten said the pleasure has been all his. He said it has been a great adventure and realizes that with community and a committed school board, changes can be made. He said while serving on the Board he was able to hand all three of his children their diplomas. THANK YOU, KIM!

Risner also shared the number of students that have choiced out of our district into other school districts as well as the number of students who are being schooled at home. Risner plans to randomly call some of these families to see if there is anything we can do as a district to keep their students in our district. The Board is very interested in hearing the results.

With the recent turnover of employees at the district office, Risner described the new employees and how the job duties are now divided. Risner is extremely happy with the new hires and believes the group is working great together. This district office employee duties are as follows: Linda Thompson-Business Manager, Dawna Sundberg-Human Resources, Jackie Stone-Admin Asst/Payroll, Dana Clark- Reception/Accounts Payable/Lunch Program and Jacqueline Hergert-CTE Director (2 days/week).

EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Jacob Brundage, Fire Chief for Pacific County Fire District #1, handed out a Letter of Commendation to bus driver, Julie Connell. On December 2, 2014, Connell had a small fire in the dash of her bus. There were six students on her bus, five of which were students with special needs. Connell made quick and excellent decisions in the way she evacuated the bus and had the students standing calmly and in single file when the first responders arrived. She unbuckled the students and evacuated the bus within 40 seconds. Her direct actions and quick thinking kept the students calm and uninjured. Thank you, Julie! Risner also praised Transportation Director, Sandie Graff, for her part in the bus fire. Graff reported the incident in a timely manner with all the details Risner needed to deal with the situation.

SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT – Ilwaco High School IHS Principal, Dave Tobin, shared that the high school is concentrating on Increasing Student Engagement. What is student engagement, he asked? Some of the answers were involvement, commitment and coming to school ready to learn. Tobin had a power point presentation describing what student engagement consisted of. He also involved the Board with an activity that showed an example of student engagement.

Four teachers from the high school shared some of the ideas they are using for student engagement. Here they are: Scot Klohe: Usually a pretty regimented teacher, Klohe stepped outside of his comfort zone to engage his 9th graders and keep them on task. He came up with what he calls “Jam Time.” After asking what kind of music the student like, he put some together and gives them a 2-minute break where they can stand up and stretch…or dance. He said the kids love it and he hasn’t had a problem with reeling them back in after their time is up. The students are now seated and ready to concentrate again. Meagan Bonitatibus: Bonitatibus wanted to find a way to engage the student while letting them get to know her as she is a first year teacher in Ilwaco. She spoke to the students about podcasts. She found a weekly podcast that is looking into a real-life case involving students and murder. Students will act like detectives, reading articles from when the incident happened in 1999, gleaning clues and writing about what they have learned. Just in her first planned lesson, Bonitatibus will cover 12 standards with this curriculum. She plans to start these lessons right after the holiday break. Andrew Goodwin: For his freshman math students, Goodwin will throw up a short video with no background of why he is showing the video. The example he gave was a video of a man stacking up Styrofoam cups next to a closed door. His question to students was, “How many cups does it take to get to the top of the door?” Rather than just letting them throw out random answers, they first had to give answers that were below what they believed it took, but a reasonable answer. Then the opposite, what number is above what you think, but reasonable. Then they guess the correct answer and he shows the video with the answer in it. The students are now in the mode of figuring out what is reasonable and what isn’t. He then had them make equations about how many cups it takes to reach the top of the door. This whole process is only a matter of 3-4 minutes. Kelli Schimelpfenig: With Advanced Art students who have had her in class for 2-3 years, Schimelpfenig wanted to find a project to grab her student’s attention. She came up with a mural based Advanced Art class. The students are challenged with creating murals that not only grab the attention of student athletes, but EVERYBODY in the student body. The students have rendered several drawings and are subject to a class of their peers who “critique” their work. Since Ilwaco is coming up on a centennial year, they are adding that into their mural, looking for examples of how students looked in every decade. They hope to one day put their murals on specific spaces on high school walls.

BUSINESS MANAGER’S REPORT Linda shared the budget status and the enrollment report. We are holding steady with 20 students over budgeted student numbers and have an ending fund balance just under $1.6 million. There was some discussion regarding the fact that the MS didn’t charge students for ASB cards and how that has affected the MS budget. The biggest expense comes from the officials in MS sporting events. It is extremely expensive because a lot of them come out of the Lower Columbia Assn and it’s expensive to pay them to travel here.

There was also some discussion about the upcoming CTE audit. Kaino wondered when we would know how we faired in the audit. Risner said it would probably be mid to late February. The audit will look at the funds we collected for courses while we didn’t have proper frameworks and certifications in place. At the conclusion of the audit, the auditor will give the information to OSPI and we will find out what any corrective action might be. The fact that we self-reported the errors will work in our favor.

PRINCIPAL/DIRECTOR BOARD REPORTS After reviewing principal and director reports, Patten asked Tobin what they determined in his PLT’s regarding grading. Tobin said there are too many “F’s” across the board, especially with freshmen. That is why the focus is on student engagement and culture. There was also discussion on the discipline issues in the Middle School. Amy Huntley, who has taken over temporarily as Principal at the MS, said the transition to the MS might have been a little too loose. They have had some time to retrain students and things are improving. Stonebreaker thanked Huntley for stepping up and taking over at the MS after Marc Simmons resigned. Amy said it has been fun and she appreciates the opportunity.

INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Risner said she will start working on getting a preliminary calendar together for next school year. She will follow the policy, involving all necessary union groups to come up with a calendar to report to the board in February. Kaino volunteered to be on the committee.

The goal setting workshop scheduled for January 7 will be rescheduled. Risner will double check some dates and get new dates out to the Board.

Next month’s spotlight school is Ocean Park Elementary. JANUARY 26, 2015 BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD IN OCEAN PARK.

Several Board Members will be unavailable for the March 23 board meeting so the date has been changed to March 16, 2015 at 5:30.

Stonebreaker announced the Board would go into executive session to conduct the evaluation of a public employee. She said the meeting would reconvene in 20 minutes and no decisions would be made during the session.

EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board met in Executive Session to conduct the evaluation of an employee.

ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, President Stonebreaker adjourned the regular meeting at 8:15pm.


______Sandra N. Stonebreaker, President of the Board Jenny Risner, Secretary to the Board

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