Gateway Faculty Use of Technology Survey

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Gateway Faculty Use of Technology Survey

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Faculty Instructional Technology Survey

The Gateway Engineering Education Coalition is conducting a needs-analysis regarding professional development and teaching with technology and new media. In order to inform the direction that professional development efforts may take, we ask that you please fill out this brief questionnaire. This is a voluntary exercise. All responses will remain strictly confidential. Your honest feedback will help ensure that the Gateway Coalition’s priorities are as consistent as possible with your own. The last page of this questionnaire allows you the option of submitting your contact information, if you would like to have aggregate findings of this exercise communicated to you. All contact information is detached from survey responses before data is entered an analyzed, further ensuring anonymity.

School: ______Department: ______

Rank: ___ Assistant Professor ___ Associate Professor ___ Professor ___ Instructor/Lecturer

Other (please specify): ______

Primary Position: ___ Teaching Faculty ___ Teaching/Research Faculty ___ Research Faculty ___ Administration ___Other (please specify): ______

Teaching Experience: ___ 0-2 years ___ 2-5 years ___ 5-10years ___10-20years ___ Over 20 years

Average number of courses taught in a single semester: _____ Gender: ___ Male ___ Female

Age: ___ less than 25 ___ 25-34 ___ 35-44 ___ 45-54 ___ 55-64 ___ 65 or older

1. Which of the following best describes your computer proficiency with each type of technology? (check ONE for each letter)

a. Word processors ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced b. Spreadsheets ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced c. Searching databases ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced d. Web (WWW) Browsing ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced e. Internet listservs/newsgroups ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced f. Presentation software ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced g. Course authoring software ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced h. Web page creation/editing ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced i. Videoconferencing/groupware ___ None ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced

2. How often per SEMESTER do you use each of the following types of technology for classroom instruction/student interaction? (check ONE)

a. Word processors ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions b. Spreadsheets ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions c. Searching databases ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions d. Web (WWW) Browsing ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions e. Internet listservs/newsgroup ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions f. Presentation software ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions g. Course authoring software ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions h. Web page creation/editing ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions i. Videoconferencing ___ Never ___ 1-4 sessions ___ 5 -8 sessions ___ Over 8 sessions

This survey designed by the Institute for Learning Technologies and Gateway Engineering Coalition, Page 1 For each of the following statements, please respond according to the following scale: Strongly Disagree (SD); Disagree (D); Indifferent (I); Agree (A); or Strongly Agree (SA)

(check ONE) SD D I A SA (-2) (-1) (0) (+1) (+2) 3. I am confident in my ability to incorporate new media and information technologies into my teaching. 4. I am knowledgeable about the computing resources available at my school for teaching and learning. 5. I am willing to explore new uses of computers and instructional technologies in my classroom. 6. Personally, I have made more progress than my colleagues with respect to the use of new media in the classroom. 7. My department has made more progress than others with respect to the use of new media in the classroom. 8. My university has made more progress than others with respect to the use of new media in the classroom. 9. My academic department is supportive of individual efforts to integrate new educational technologies. 10. New technologies can enhance current classroom instruction. 11. Instructional technologies have improved the quality of my teaching. 12. New learning technologies have improved my productivity as an instructor. 13. New learning technologies have enhanced my collaboration with colleagues in my department. 14. New learning technologies have enhanced collaboration with my colleagues at other schools. 15. The integration of new media has enhanced my communication with students. 16. New learning technologies have improved my productivity as a researcher and a scholar. 17. When acquiring new skills, I prefer to learn on my own without any formal instruction or support. 18. When acquiring new skills, I prefer to work in teams with colleagues 19. When acquiring new skills, I prefer to learn on my own with access to assistance from skilled staff when needed. 20. The current classroom model of instruction is no longer adequate to meet current learning expectations. 21. Adoption of new technology reinforces the educational goals of the University

This survey designed by the Institute for Learning Technologies and Gateway Engineering Coalition, Page 2 Please indicate the extent to which the following factors contribute to your use of new technologies in the classroom, according to the following scale: Highly Discouraging (HD); Discouraging (D); Not a Factor (NF); Encouraging (E); or Highly Encouraging (HE)

(check ONE) HD D NF E HE (-2) (-1) (0) (+1) (+2) 22. Technical support in solving computer problems 23. Availability of educational software 24. Opportunities to periodically update computing/information technology skills 25. Rewards/recognition for innovation in teaching 26. Time to learn/pursue the integration of information technologies 27. Available time to collaborate with other professors 28. Institutional or departmental funding 29. Classroom technology infrastructure (e.g., wiring, computers, printers, projectors, connectivity) 30. Resources about how to apply technology in my teaching 31. My computer skills 32. My colleagues’ computer skills 33. Students’ computer skills 34. Students’ access to resources 35. Central or departmental training and support 36. Access to software tools for enhancing my teaching with technology

Please indicate if you have not used, have used/currently use, would like to use in future, or are not interested in using in the future, for each of the following information technologies in your classroom:

Have Have Used/ Would Not (check ALL that apply) NOT Currently Like Interested Used Use to Use in in Using in Future the Future 37. Word processing for handouts or lecture notes 38. Email distribution lists 39. Virtual office hours 40. Internet searches for student research 41. Online student discussion groups 42. Use of presentation software for lectures 43. Post class syllabi on course Web page 44. Managing grades/course lists electronically 45. Posting required readings on course Web page 46. Online course evaluation 47. Posting lecture notes on course Web page 48. Links to additional sites on course Web page 49. Computer assisted instruction/simulation 50. Electronic submission of coursework 51. Self-paced learning tutorials 52. Distance learning 53. Collaborative student projects using groupware 54. Online testing (quizzes, exams, labs, etc.) 55. Course authoring software

This survey designed by the Institute for Learning Technologies and Gateway Engineering Coalition, Page 3 Have Have Used/ Would Not (check ALL that apply) NOT Currently Like Interested Used Use to Use in in Using in Future the Future 56. Web-based resources for course content 57. Computer projection 58. Use of audio/video clips on Web page

59. Would you be willing to attend training sessions to learn more about the above topics?

_____ Yes _____ No

60. Please identify your top three areas of interest from the above list:

(1) ______

(2) ______

(3) ______

61. Which of the following best describes the time commitment you would be willing to make?

_____ two or three hours per week _____ one hour per week

_____ single half-day seminar _____ full-day seminar

62. In the past twelve months, which of the following types of professional development have you received? (Check ALL that apply)

_____ educational technology _____ pedagogy/instructional techniques

_____ assessment/accountability _____ cooperative learning/team teaching

Other (please describe): ______




63. What type of professional development opportunities would be most useful to you in your efforts to take advantage of emerging instructional technologies?

This survey designed by the Institute for Learning Technologies and Gateway Engineering Coalition, Page 4 CONTACT INFORMATION

If you would like to receive information regarding findings from this survey, we invite you to fill out the following contact information. All personal contact information will be kept confidential, as well as separate from survey responses.

Name: ______

E-mail: ______

This survey designed by the Institute for Learning Technologies and Gateway Engineering Coalition, Page 5

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