Current Position: Elbridge Amos Stuart Professor of Economics, Occidental College, And

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Current Position: Elbridge Amos Stuart Professor of Economics, Occidental College, And


Current Position: Elbridge Amos Stuart Professor of Economics, Occidental College

Previous Positions: Visiting Professor of Economics, Pomona College (2000-2001), And Lecturer (Spring 2003) Associate Professor, Occidental College (1982-88) Assistant Professor, Occidental College (1978-82) Assistant Professor, Harvard University (1976-78) Director, Occidental College’s Center for Teaching Excellence, from its inception in 2004 through 2012

Education: Ph.D., Harvard University, 1977, Economics A.M., Harvard University, 1974, Economics B.A., Pomona College, summa cum laude, in Economics, 1971

Teaching Experience: Principles of Economics (Harvard, 1973-78; Occidental, 1978- ; Pomona College, 2000-01) Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Labor Economics Personnel Economics (Economics of Human Resources Management) -- Occidental, Pomona Public Finance and Expenditure Analysis (Occidental, Pomona) Industrial Organization Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Senior Seminar – “Compensation, productivity, and the New Economics of Personnel” (Occidental, Pomona) First Year Writing/Research Seminars (“The Economics of Public Policy”), in the Cultural Studies Program (Occidental College)



"The Effect of Group Composition on Individual Performance in an Introductory Economics Course," Journal of Economic Education, 2011, 42 (2), 2011, 120 – 135

“When Are Piece Rates Effective? What Recent Scholarship Reveals,” in Scott, Dow, ed., Incentive Pay: Creating A Competitive Advantage, WorldatWork Press, 2007, Chapter # 4, pp. 57 -66.

“Regional Workshops to Improve the Teaching Skills of Economics Faculty,” with Rae Jean Goodman and Mark Maier, American Economic Review: Paper and Proceedings, May 2003, pp. 460-62.

1 “Web-Based Learning Environments Guided by Principles of Good Teaching Practice: A Comment,” Journal of Economic Education, Summer 1999

“Teaching Introductory Economics with a Collaborative Learning Lab Component,” Journal of Economics Education, Fall 1998

“Aspects of the Tax Treatment of Expenditures for Higher Education,” Tax Notes, vol.75, no. 4, 1997.

“Exploring the Gender Gap on the GRE Subject Test In Economics,” Journal of Economic Education, Winter 1995, co-authored with Mary Hirschfeld and Eleanor Brown. Reprinted in Towards Feminist Pedagogy in Economics, edited Kim Marie McGoldrick, 1998.

“Gender and Race and the Decision to Go to College,” with Louise Lawrence, in Introducing Race and Gender Into Economics, Robin Bartlett, editor, Routledge, 1998.

“The Economics of Affirmative Action,” with James Whitney, in Introducing Race and Gender Into Economics, Robin Bartlett, editor, Routledge, 1998.

“Proposals to Redesign the Earned Income Tax Credit: An Economist’s Response,” Tax Notes, vol. 59, number 10, June 1993.

“The Effect of the Financial Aid Package on the Choice of a Selective College,” Economics of Education Review, vol. 10, no. 4, 1991 (with Tom Slobko, A. H. Studenmund).

“Pensions and Turnover,” with Edward P. Lazear, in National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Volume: Pensions in the U.S. Economy, University of Chicago Press, 1988, pp. 163-190.

“Are Male/Female Earnings Differentials Related to Life-Expectancy-Caused Pension Cost Differences,” Economic Inquiry, July 1987. (Finalist for Best Paper of the Year)

“The Oligopoly Game” (with James Whitney and David Hemenway), Economic Inquiry, October 1987.

“Incentives, Productivity, and Labor Contracts,” with Edward P. Lazear, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1984 (Reprinted in Akerlof, Yellen, eds., Efficiency Wage Models in the Labor Market, Cambridge University Press, 1986).

“Self-Employment and the Incidence of the Payroll Tax,” National Tax Journal, December, 1983.

“Reply to Goddeeris on ‘Self-Employment and the Incidence of the Payroll Tax’,” National Tax Journal, December 1984.

2 “Employer Discrimination: Evidence from Self-Employed Workers,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1983.

“Private Provision of Public Goods with Negligible Exclusion Costs,” Western Tax Review, Spring 1982.

“Financial Aid to College Students and the College Scholarship Service Need Analysis System,” Western Tax Review, January 1981.

“A Further Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis Using Post-War Series Data,” Southern Economic Journal, October 1973.

Books Readings, Issues, and Problems in Public Finance, 3rd and 4th editions, with Eleanor Brown (Pomona College), Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1992, 1995 Microeconomic Principles In Action, with James D. Whitney (Prentice-Hall, Inc.) 1990. Microeconomic Theory, 6th edition, by Gould and Lazear (Richard D. Irwin), 1988. (I wrote all the applications.) Economic Principles In Action (Prentice-Hall) 1979. Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Economics: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, co- authored with Woody Studenmund, Harcourt Brace, 1994.

Current Work in Progress

"Exploring race and gender differentials in student ratings of instructors: Lessons from a diverse liberal arts college”, with Professor Jim Whitney and Hanna Spinosa

Awards and Honors --- Graham L. Sterling Award (1989) - awarded by the Promotion and Tenure Committee of Occidental College to a faculty member “in recognition of strong teaching and service, and in particular, distinguished professional achievement.” ---Io Triumphe Award (2006) – awarded by Oxy’s 50th Year Club for “outstanding contributions to the spirit of community at Occidental” --- President, Faculty Council, 2001-03 (elected by faculty) --- Occidental College, Faculty “Hall of Fame”, Spring 1997 --- Finalist for Loftsgordon Teaching Prize (Occidental College), 5 separate years --- Ranked 15th overall among economists specializing in Teaching-Focused Research from 1991-2012, according to recent working paper on this topic --- Phi Beta Kappa (Pomona College) --- Allyn Young Teaching Prize in Introductory Economics at Harvard University, 1973-74; 1974-75. --- Graduate Prize Fellowship, Harvard University, 1971-75 --- Goldsmith Prize for best paper written by a graduate economics student at Harvard University, 1974.

3 Teacher Training Materials/Experience:

Teaching Training Materials/Experience

---- Originator, and Co-facilitator of First Year Faculty Learning Communities, 2005 – 2011. ---- Conducted Orientation Program for First Year Faculty, 2005 – 2012. --- Co-organizer of two consecutive AEA Sponsored Regional Interactive Teaching Workshops for Southern California Teaching Economics—was held in Oct. 2001 and 2002 at Claremont McKenna College. (I planned the programs for the workshops and led the morning sessions.) --- Originated, Developed, and Coordinated Teaching Workshops for Occidental College Faculty, 2004 - 12, and 1997, 1998, 1999 (with Rae McCormick). --- Program Participate, NSF Conference, “Integrating New Technologies in the Teaching of Undergraduate Economics,” Pittsburgh, May 1998. --- Member of Staff for Two NSF Sponsored Conferences, “Incorporating the Latest Scholarship on Race and Gender into the Principles of Economics Course,” Denison University, June, 1994, Wellesley College, June, 1995 --- Readings/Workbook for Economics 10, c 1976, 1977, 1978, Harvard University, 500 pp. --- Sectionleaders’ Manual for Economics 10, c 1976, 1977, 1978, Harvard University, 600 pp. --- Conducted Teacher Training Seminars for New Graduate Students in Economics 10 at Harvard University, 1975, 1976, 1977.

Editorship and Referee Experience:

I have served as a referee for the following major journals: American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Human Resources, Economic Inquiry, Western Tax Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Business, Australian Economic Papers, Journal of Economic Education, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Southern Economic Journal, Economics Bulletin and Contemporary Policy Issues, in addition to the National Science Foundation.

I was the originating editor of the Teaching Tools section of Economic Inquiry from the section’s inception in 1987 through 1997.

Major Committees at Occidental College:

President of Faculty Council, 2001-03 Advisory Council (Committee on Tenure/Promotion), 1989-92 and again, 1998-2001 Teaching Innovation Committee, Chair, 2007-2010 Budget Committee, 1995-6, 96-97, 2001-03 Trustee Committee on Audit and Budget, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1996, 1997 Trustee Committee on Budget and Finance, 2001- 03

4 Project 21st Century Trustee/Faculty/Administration Committee, 1996-97 Faculty Committee on Salaries/Finance (SCOF), 1981-1991, 1995-7, 2001-03 (Chair, 5 separate years), Committee to Evaluate Dean of Faculty (Chair), 1993, and again 2015 Planning and Priorities Council, 1993 - 96, Occidental College Dean Selection Advisory Committees, 1981, 1987, 2003-04, 2004-05 Faculty Council, 1981-83, 2001-03 Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee, 1980-81, 1993-5. Faculty Planning Committee, 1993-4 Chair, Teaching Innovation Committee, 2008-2012 Task for on Revising the Faculty Handbook, 2012-23 Committee on a Strategic Plan for Athletics, 2013 - 14

Major Committees Outside of Occidental:

Visitation Team to Evaluate Economics Department at Wellesley College Visitation Team to Evaluate Economics Department at Scripps College WASC Accreditation Committee for Claremont McKenna College Admissions Committee for Ph. D. candidates, Harvard University


Various publishers, including Richard D. Irwin, Simon Shuster, Prentice Hall, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Addison-Wesley.

References: --- Professor Edward P. Lazear, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Senior Research Fellow, the Hoover Institution (and former Chairman of President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers) --- Woody Studenmund, Professor of Economics, Occidental College --- Jim Whitney, Professor of Economics Emeritus, Occidental College --- Eleanor Brown, Professor of Economics, Pomona College --- Ted Mitchell, former President, Occidental College


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