Table of English Tenses

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Table of English Tenses


 Con acciones rutinarias: I see my A: I / You / grandparents twice a We / They week. eat  Con hechos o verdades generales: Water boils at 100 Cº He / She / It  Adverbios de  Con situaciones eats frecuencia: permanentes: I work always, often, as a Walter in a N: I / You / usually, restaurant We / They generally,  Acciones futuras con PRESENT don't eat seldom, never… horarios de trenes, He / She / It  Every day/ aviones, etc. My train doesn't eat week/ month… SIMPLE leaves at 5.30  Oraciones condicionales Q: Do de 1er tipo y en  Once / Twice / I / You / We oraciones temporales Three times… a / They eat? week/ day / month/ year…  Con verbos que no suelen ir en presente Does He / continuo: know, like, She / It hate, want, love, eat? need, belong, mean, understand, remember, prefer… PRESENT A: I am  Con acciones que  Now, right now eating ocurren en el momento  At present, at CONTINUOUS de hablar: We're the moment, in He / She / It studying the verbs this moment, …. is eating now.  These days, this  Con acciones que están year/ month/ We / You / ocurriendo week…, They are temporalmente: My nowadays eating brother is working hard this year.  Tonight, N: I am not  tomorrow, next eating  Con acciones habituales week / que causan irritación al month…, in a hablante: They are He / She / It minute, in a always complaining isn't eating couple of days… about the same thing  . We / You /  Con acciones futuras They aren't planeadas y confirmadas eating (fecha): She's visiting the doctor tomorrow Q: Am I morning. eating? Is He / She / It eating? Are We / You / They eating?  * El presente continuo no se suele utilizar con los siguientes verbos: know, like, want, hate, love, need, belong mean, understand, believe, remember, prefer; aunque algunos de estos verbos pueden aparecer en forma continua con un sentido diferente  Con acciones pasadas A: He que tuvieron lugar en un watched momento determinado: / He ate We didn't watch TV last night  Yesterday  Narrar hechos pasados  Last month / PAST N: He didn't secuenciados week.. watch / He  Ago SIMPLE didn't eat  Normalmente, después de las siguientes  Fechas pasadas Q: Did he expresiones: I wish, If watch? / only, as if, as though, Did he eat? would rather, would sooner, it's time…. PAST A: I / He /  Para expresar una  While She / It was acción incompleta que CONTINUOUS eating estaba ocurriendo en el pasado. (acción larga): We / You / Last week, we were They were working in a science eating project.  Para señalar que una N: I / He / acción larga estaba She / It teniendo lugar en el wasn't pasado cuando fue eating interrumpida por otra breve: We were watching TV, when We / You / suddenly the TV set They broke down. weren't  Para indicar que 2 o + eating acciones largas estaban ocurriendo Q: simultáneamente en el Was I / He / pasado: While I was She / It cooking dinner, he eating? was laying the table. Were We /  Para indicar acciones You / They repetidas y monótonas eating? en el pasado indicando cierta queja: The children were always screaming.

 Para descripciones y especificaciones: People were walking, the sun was shining, the birds…. A: I / You / We / They have eaten

He / She / It  Para hablar de acciones has eaten  Already (AF)… que ocurrieron en el ya pasado pero llegan o  Yet (NG/INT) N: I / You / tienen importancia en el ….ya, aún, We / They presente: I have found todavía haven't a wallet in the street. PRESENT  For…durante eaten  Con el superlativo:  Since…desde She's the most PERFECT  Just…acabo de He / She / It intelligent person I  This week/ hasn't have ever met. month… SIMPLE eaten  Recently  En las expresiones Q: have I / It's the first/ second You / We / time: It's the first  Adverbios de They eaten? time I've eaten raw frecuencia: fish ever…

has He / She / It eaten? PRESENT A: I / You /  Tiene el mismo uso que  Already (AF)… We / They el present perfect simple ya PERFECT have been pero resaltando la  Yet (NG/INT) eating duración de la actividad: ….ya, aún, CONTINUOUS I've been working in todavía He / She / It this factory since  For…durante has been 1999.  Since…desde eating  Just…acabo de  Para hablar de acciones  This week/ N: I / You / pasadas que acaban de month… We / They concluir y su resultado  Recently haven't es evidente: Have you been been frying fish?  Adverbios de eating frecuencia: ever… He / She / It hasn't been eating

Q: have I / You / We / They been eating?

has He / She / It been eating?  Para hablar de una acción pasada que ocurrió antes que otra: The school had already closed when I arrived.  En oraciones condicionales de 3er tipo  En oraciones temporales para enfatizar que una A: He had acción pasada estaba  Already (AF)… eaten totalmente acabada ya PAST antes de comenzar otra:  Just He didn't go to bed N: He  Until / Till PERFECT hadn't until the last TV  Before eaten programme had  As soon as SIMPLE finished. Q: Had he  Con I wish / If only  After eaten? para lamentarnos de algo que ha ocurrido en el pasado: If only they had stayed with us (ojalá)

 En la expresión It was the first / the second… time: It was the second time I had flown. A: He had been eating  Para hablar de una acción pasada que PAST ocurrió antes que otra  For N: He pero poniendo énfasis e  Since hadn't PERFECT la duración de la misma: been She was so ill eating  The whole day / CONTINUOUS because she had been all day eating so many Q: Had he chocolates. been eating? FUTURE I A: He  Expresar certeza en el  Tomorrow will eat futuro: We will  Next day/ SIMPLE definitely phone her week…. N: He won't tonight. (WILL) eat  Predicciones: It'll be  Fechas futuras windy tomorrow. Q: Will  Promesas: I'll buy you he a present for your eat? birthday.  Tomar una decisión en el momento de hablar: It's hot in here. I'll open the windows.  Hacer un ofrecimiento: I'll carry the suitcase if you like.  Pedir algo educadamente: Will you do it for me?  En condicionales de 1er tipo: If it rains, we'll stay at home.

 Cuando sugerimos algo utilizamos SHALL: Shall we go to the cinema tonight? A: I am going to eat

He / She / It is going to eat

We / You / They are going to eat  Expresar intenciones: I'm going to eat less. N: I am not  Para hablar de planes going to futuros: They're going eat to build a new bridge in autumn. He / She / It  Para hacer predicciones FUTURE I isn't going de futuro a través de  Tomorrow to eat hechos evidentes en el  Next day/ SIMPLE presente: It's very hot week…. We / You / today. We are going (GOING TO) They aren't to sweat .  Fechas futuras going to eat  Para hablar de hechos que van a ocurrir con Q: Am I seguridad en el futuro: going to I'm going to finish eat? Bachillerato next year.

Is He / She / It going to eat?

Are We / You / They going to eat? FUTURE I A: He  Para hablar de acciones  Tomorrow will be que estarán en marcha  Next day/ CONTINUOUS eating en un momento week…. determinado del futuro: At this time next web we'll be flying to New York. N: He won't be eating  Para preguntar por los planes de los demás sobre todo, cuando  Fechas futuras Q: Will queremos pedir un he be favor: Will you be eating? driving to the supermarket tomorrow. A: He will have eaten.  Acciones que estarán FUTURE II N: He won't finalizadas en un  By Monday… have momento determinado PERFECT eaten. del futuro: We'll have  In a week… SIMPLE Q: flown to New York by Will he next week. have eaten? A: He would eat.  Acción que podría CONDITIONAL N: He ocurrir:  Conditional I wouldn't sentences (if) eat.  Condicionales de tipo type II SIMPLE Q: II : If I were you I Would he would study more. eat? A: He would have  Acción que podría haber eaten. tenido lugar en el N: He pasado wouldn't  Conditional CONDITIONAL have sentences (if) II SIMPLE eaten.  Condicionales de tipo type III Q: III: If I had studied Would he for the exam, I would have have passed it. eaten?

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