Paul Slater, Esq
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BRIZE NORTON PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Clerk 18 Chichester Close Brize Norton OXON OX18 3PD Tel: 01993 840890 Mr Paul Slater, Planning West Oxfordshire District Council Elm field New Yatt Road Witney OX28 1PB 26th July 2011.
Draft Core Strategy
Response to proposals by Savills/Bloor for the Eastern option and David Wilson Homes for development in the Northern (Shilton) area.
Dear Mr. Slater As recently invited, Brize Norton Parish Council (BNPC) wish to respond to the additional material submitted by and on behalf of Savills/Bloor.
BNPC remains strongly opposed to the principle of the expansion of Carterton into any neighboring Parish; be it either strategic or piecemeal development.
Our views submitted in response to previous consultations remain extant.
Brize Norton Parish Council comments on the amended Eastern option proposals by Savills/ Bloor and the David Wilson Homes Northern proposals are as follows:
The proposal for the Eastern development is within Brize Norton Parish boundaries and located directly in the Buffer Zone established to prevent urban sprawl and coalescence between Carterton and Brize Norton, contrary to WODC policy. BNPC understands that a buffer zone should forbid any development; if this proposal is accepted by WODC it will completely destroy the current separate nature and identity of Brize Norton. We note that in response to the previous objections from the residents of Brize Norton village to the coalescence of the village to Carterton, Savills have now submitted two amended proposals to include fewer houses and a ‘buffer’ containing Carterton Town football pitches, allotments and a cemetery. The Parish Council finds this proposal completely unacceptable. A development on the land between Monahan Way and Brize Norton village causes totally unacceptable coalescence of the two communities, whether that development contains 1000 or 750 houses.
All previous arguments submitted concerning traffic, noise, flooding, encroachment, coalescence and lack of infrastructure etc remain extant.
1 Cemetery, playing fields allotments.
Savills have complete disregard for the residents of Burford Road Brize Norton totally ignoring the area is part of the character forming linear nature of the village. The proposals are to leapfrog Monahan Way as the boundary between Carterton and Brize Norton. Included in the proposals is development of land across the Burford Road; effectively swallowing part of Brize Norton completely into Carterton. This development utilizes a field north-west of the village as an area where a cemetery, playing fields and allotments are suggested – this must still be classed as development and represents a change from the existing rural nature of this agricultural land. We consider that it is only then a small step to change the use of this land to residential in the future. Brize Norton already has a cemetery, so there is no gain for our Parish by a cemetery being provided on this site. It would appear instead that this is to provide a benefit for Carterton without thought for what might enhance the Parish of Brize Norton N.B the area proposed for a cemetery lies between two old quarries; it is doubtful whether it would be possible to excavate a double grave in this area – “hard digging”.
The area selected is totally unsuitable for the purpose suggested by the developer.
Parish Boundaries This substantial territory is within Brize Norton Parish Boundaries yet confers no advantage to Brize Norton or suggestions as to how this development might be used to enhance our village. Previous experience has shown no benefit from major developments (Legal-S106) has been passed to the parish. It must also be noted that the parish of Brize Norton has already ceded a considerable area of the parish to Carterton for allotments (Kilkenny Lane and the Carterton north ease development; Shilton Park. These further proposals would see a further loss to the parish and set a dangerous precedent that must be of concern to parishes and wards throughout the WODC area. What is proposed is an intolerable development in the buffer zone set aside to protect the village of Brize Norton from precisely this type of expansion. Limits of development must be used to stop further urban sprawl
750 or 1,000 houses It makes no difference whether there are 750 or 1000 houses built; the proposal for these new homes will add to the traffic nuisance and dangers on the road through our village. As we have stated consistently before, this area does not have the infrastructure to support any large scale development. The roads are already at capacity, especially leading away from Carterton in an Easterly direction towards Oxford.
If strategic sites are required they should be built nearer to major roads or railways.
2 Flood Risk The eastern site poses a significant flood risk to Brize Norton and villages downstream. This is an irrefutable fact which is evidenced following the development of Shilton Park; when the land was stripped, the water run off seriously affected houses and roads in Brize Norton village, badly flooded areas of RAF Brize Norton with the flooding extending downstream to Bampton and Clanfield. We do not consider the developer has adequately addressed this consideration or that the much hyped Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) will effectively prevent further instances of serious flooding. There has been a history of flooding since 2001 caused by the development of Shilton Park
Allotments Carterton already has allotments on Kilkenny Lane; (these allotments were once in the Parish of Brize Norton). The question must be asked if new allotments being moved to our Parish will the existing allotments be turned over to profitable development; in which case we have concerns as to how long it will be before the same process is repeated and there is further development in this zone This planned development is a pre-cursor to yet further urban sprawl
Playing Fields Playing fields are a development; again the change from agricultural use to community use is only one step away from residential development. Brize Norton already suffers considerable noise pollution from the WODC football fields off Monohan Way this affects the quality of life for many residents, especially at weekends. Playing fields need changing rooms these constructions are not mentioned by the developer.
The Eastern option is too small to adequately provide all of the facilities envisaged
David Wilson Homes the North or Shilton Development. David Wilson Homes are proposing extra housing to the North of Carterton it is understood this development would be in the Parish of Shilton. This proposal can only be described as unwarranted urban sprawl. This again should be strongly resisted.
Urban sprawl and expansion outside of Carterton’s own boundaries must not be permitted.
Carterton Internal Development Carterton has high aspirations of expanding to create an even more vigorous and vibrant society than currently exists. As a small dormitory town Carterton is already thriving on its current population. There is already considerable development underway with many houses being built in Carterton, either as fill-in or back garden development. There is also the possible development on land to the South (Milestone Road/The Crescent area). The increase in manpower at RAF Brize Norton (RAF Brize Norton can expect to reach a “steady manning state” by 2016 when all aircraft
3 changes are due to be completed) and the increase of the 800 MOD houses already planned are occupied there will be a significant increase in population. It has recently been announced that a further Supermarket (Morrison’s) is to be built, this will undoubtedly increase footfall in the town. It is recommended Carterton be allowed to develop within its own parameters and cater for its current population. Further large detached estates occupied by people who have to commute to find worthwhile employment will do little to enhance Carterton and even less for the many surrounding villages.
It is considered that Carterton should continue to develop within its existing boundaries.
Conclusion Brize Norton Parish Council and parishioners of Brize Norton are strongly opposed to a strategic site of 1,000 houses being imposed on Brize Norton Village in either the Eastern or Kilkenny Farm Locations.
If it is decided by WODC that there remains a requirement for a strategic site of 1,000 houses they should be placed near to already existing facilities with good communication routes.
Jo Webb (Mrs) Clerk to Brize Norton Parish Council
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