Human Anatomy and Physiology s1

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Human Anatomy and Physiology s1

Name ______#______Period ______Human Anatomy and Physiology - Midterm Exam Review 2013-14

The Human Body: An Orientation (Chapter 1)

 Anatomy vs. Physiology  Levels of Structural Organization (atomsmoleculescellulartissueorgansystemorganism)  Eleven Major Organ Systems – identify the main function of these systems Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Nervous Endocrine Cardiovascular Respiratory Lymphatic Digestive Urinary Reproductive  Necessary Life Functions o Maintaining Boundaries o Movement o Responsiveness o Digestion o Metabolism o Excretion o Reproduction o Growth  Survival needs o Nutrients o Oxygen o Water o Body temperature o Atmospheric pressure  Homeostasis (nervous & endocrine control) & Control Systems o Negative Feedback (most prominent) o Positive Feedback (childbirth & blood clotting) o Elements of a Control system . StimulusReceptorAfferent PathwayControl CenterEfferent PathwayEffectorResponse  Anatomical Position  Directional terms o Superior vs. Inferior o Lateral vs. Medial o Dorsal (Posterior) vs. Ventral (Anterior) o Distal vs. Proximal o Superficial vs. Deep 1  Body Landmarks o Anterior o Posterior  Body Planes and Sections o Sagittal o Median (midsagittal section) o Frontal (coronal section) o Transverse (cross section)  Body Cavities and key structures located within each cavity o Dorsal o Ventral  Nine Body Regions and Four Quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity

Basic Chemistry (Chapter 2)

 Atomic Structure o Proton, Neutron, Electron o Location of particles and charges  Chemical bond formation o Ionic o Covalent o Hydrogen o Polar vs. Nonpolar Bonds  Composition of living matter o Inorganic Compounds . Water  High heat capacity  Polarity/solvent properties  Chemical reactivity  Cushioning . Salts  Electrolytes o Organic Compounds . Carbohydrates  Monosaccharides  Disaccharides  Polysaccharides . Lipids  Triglycerides (fatty acids & glycerol) o Carboxyl Functional Group  Phospholipids

2  Steroids . Proteins (made up of amino acids)  Enzymes and Enzyme activity  Catalysts . Nucleic Acids  Nucleotide – Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogen Base  Nitrogen Bases  DNA – (A-T) (C-G) o Double helix  RNA – (A-U) (C-G)  ADP & ATP- Purpose? o Components . Adenine . Ribose sugar . Phosphate groups (2 or 3)

Cells and Tissues (Chapter 3)  Overview of the cellular basis of life  Anatomy of a Generalized Cell (Diagram Pg. 70) o Three main regions – Nucleus, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm o Nucleus . Nuclear membrane (envelope) . Nucleoplasm . Nucleoli . DNA  Chromatin  Chromosomes o Plasma membrane (cell membrane) (Diagram Pg. 68) . Structure and function of the plasma membrane . Specializations of the plasma membrane  Microvilli o Cytoplasm . Cytosol . Organelles . Inclusions o Cytoplasmic Organelles (identify by structure and function) . Ribosomes . Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)  Rough ER  Smooth ER . Golgi apparatus (Diagram Pg. 72) 3 . Lysosomes . Peroxisomes . Mitochondria . Cytoskeleton  Intermediate filaments  Microfilament  Microtubules . Centrioles . Cellular Projections  Cilia  Flagella (Functions)  Cell Physiology o Membrane transport . Solution . Solvent . Solutes o Selectively permeability  Body Tissues  Four primary tissue types (general structure, function and location of each) o Epithelium o Connective o Nervous o Muscle  Epithelial tissue o Apical surface o Basement membrane o Simple epithelium . Simple squamous epithelium . Simple cuboidal epithelium . Simple columnar epithelium o Pseudostratified Columnar epithelium o Stratified epithelium . Stratified squamous epithelium . Stratified cuboidal epithelium . Stratified columnar epithelium o Transitional epithelium o Glandular epithelium . Gland . Secretion . Endocrine glands . Exocrine glands

4  Connective tissue o Common characteristics . Extracellular matrix . Fibers  Collagen  Elastic  Reticular o Types of connective tissue . Bone . Cartilage  Hyaline Cartilage  Elastic Cartilage  Fibrocartilage . Dense Connective tissue(Dense fibrous tissue)  Tendons  Ligament . Loose Connective Tissue  Areolar Tissue  Adipose Tissue  Reticular Connective tissue . Blood  Muscle Tissue – (structure, location and function for each type) o Voluntary or involuntary o uninucleate or multinucleate? o Skeletal . striations o Cardiac . Intercalated disks o Smooth  Nervous Tissue o Neurons o Supporting cells  Tissue repair (wound healing)  Developmental aspects of cells and tissues o Neoplasm o Hyperplasia o atrophy

Skin and Body Membranes (Chapter 4)

 Classification of Body membranes (location & function) (Pg. 111) 5 o Epithelial membranes . Cutaneous membranes . Mucous membranes . Serous membranes (occur in pairs)  Parietal (outer wall)  Visceral (Inner wall)  Peritoneum (location)  Pericardium (location)  Pleura (location) o Connective Tissue membranes . Synovial membranes  Integumentary System (Skin) o Basic skin functions (chart Pg. 114) o Structure of the skin (diagram Pg. 116) . Epidermis  Keratin (tough, structural protein) (keratinocytes)  Five zones o Stratum corneum o Stratum lucidum o Stratum granulosum o Stratum spinosum  Avascular  Melanin o darkening pigment, o protects from UV light o melanocytes  Stratified Squamous Epithelial (highly keratinized) o “Thick” Skin vs. “Thin” Skin . Dermis  Papillary layer & Dermal papillae o Meissner’s corpuscles  Reticular layer o Pacinian corpuscles  Collagen fibers  Elastic fibers  Decubitus ulcers (bedsores) . Subcutaneous tissue or hypodermis o Skin color (what causes variation) (Three pigments involved) . Melanin . Carotene . Hemoglobin

6 . Alteration to skin color  Redness or erythema  Pallor or blanching  Jaundice  Bruises (black-and-blue marks) o Appendages of the skin . Cutaneous glands  Exocrine  Sebaceous glands (oil glands) o Sebum o Whitehead o blackhead o acne (puberty) o Seborrhea (“cradle cap”)  Sweat glands (sudoriferous) o Eccrine Glands . Sweat composition . Pore . location o Apocrine Glands . Sweat composition . location o Acne  Hair and Hair Follicles (pg. 121) o Root o Hair shaft o Hair bulb matrix o Hair follicles o Arrector pili muscle o Goose Bumps  Nails (structures pg. 123) o Free edge o Root o Nail folds o Cuticle o Nail bed o Nail matrix o Infections and Allergies . Athlete’s foot . Boils . Carbuncles 7 . Cold sores . Contact dermatitis . Impetigo . Psoriasis . Burns  Rule of nines  First degree burns  Second degree burns  First degree burns  Third degree burns  Partial-thickness burns  Full-thickness burns . Skin cancer  Basal cell carcinoma  Squamous cell carcinoma  Malignant melanoma  ABCD rule o Asymmetry o Border irregularity o Color o Diameter o Developmental aspects of skin and body membranes . What happens to skin as it ages . Balding . Gray hair

The Skeletal System (Chapter 5)

 Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton  Bones: An Overview o Functions of Bones . Support . Protection . Movement . Storage . Blood cell formation (Hematopoeisis) o Classification of Bones . Compact bone . Spongy bone . Long bones . Short bones

8 . Flat bones . Irregular bones o Structure of long bone (pg. 137) . Diaphysis . Periosteum . Epiphyses . Articular cartilage . Epiphyseal line . Epiphyseal plate . Yellow marrow . Medullary cavity . Red marrow . Bone markings o Microscopic anatomy of bone (pg. 139) . Osteocytes . Lacunae . Lamellae . Central(Haversian) Canals . Osteon or Haversian system . Canaliculi . Perforating (Volkmann’s) canals o Bone formation, growth and remodeling (pg. 141) . Ossification . Osteoblasts . Osteoclasts . Bone remodeling . Osteocytes o Bone fractures . Types  Simple  Compound  Comminuted  Compression  Depressed  Impacted  Spiral  Greenstick . Treatment of fractures  Closed reduction  Open reduction . Repair of fractures (pp. 142-143) 9  Hematoma  Fibrocartilage callus  Bony callus  Axial skeleton o Skull (pp. 145 - 150) . Bones of the Cranium . Facial bones . Hyoid bone . Fetal skull o Regions of Vertebral Column (pp. 150 -157) . Vertebrae . Intervertebral discs . Types of curvatures  Primary  Secondary . Types of abnormal curvatures  Scoliosis  Krphosis  Lordoisis o Bony Thorax (pp. 157 - 158) . Sternum . Ribs  Appendicular skeleton o Bones of the pectoral girdle (shoulder) (pp. 158-160) o Bones of the upper limbs (pp. 160-162) . Bones of the hand (pg. 162) o Bones of the pelvic girdle (pp. 162 -164) o Bones of the lower limbs (pp. 164 - 166) . Bones of the foot (pg. 166)  Types of Joints (pp.166-172) o Fibrous joints o Cartilaginous joints o Synovial joints . General structure (pg. 171) . Types (pg. 172)  Plane  Hinge  Pivot  Condyloid  Saddle  Ball-and-socket

10 o Inflammatory disorders of joints . Arthritis . Osteoarthritis (OA) . Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) . Gouty arthritis (gout)  Developmental aspects of the skeleton o Fontanels (growth of the cranium) o Vertebral column shape change o Long bone growth o Fractures o Osteoporosis


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