San Diego Chapter Of
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San Diego Chapter of Pontiac-Oakland Club International
Minutes of the July 10, 2012 meeting held at the Sizzlers Steakhouse-Aero Drive, San Diego 92123 Bill Baugh, club president, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He welcomed those assembled to the San Diego Chapter of the POIC. Bill introduced the officers of the club: Chuck Hay (VP) absent, Chas Eminhizer (Secretary), Tom Diot (Treasurer), and Jim Thomson (Newsletter) with J.C. Dumas (Activities), and Cindy Keetch (Historian) absent.
New members: Daniel Tzucanow
Guests: Lauren Jacobsen, representative of Hagerty Insurance and our guest speaker and Kawthar Muhssan. Note: Pontiac were driven to this month’s meeting by Serge DaSilva, Erik DeMello, Tom Diot, Jim Taylor and Dale Lee Approval of the minutes: Minutes of the June meeting were approved
Treasurer’s report: Tom Diot
Beginning balance $1464.75 Receipts 20.00 Payments: 0.00 Current Balance $1,484.75
Car Council: Bill Baugh
The following events are scheduled: For detail information along with fliers with registration forms see the Car Council Website:
October 14t h : 5th Ave. Showcase, Downtown Gaslamp district, 300 cars, to get the club deal requires 25 cars which we do not have enough.
Anyone with a classic pick-up truck, the auto museum will be displaying pick- up trucks from October through January.
1 July 27 Barona races Friday night. Car show $15 and a wrapped toy to benefit “Toys for Tots”.
July 21st Drive-in Night $8. You will need a radio to hear sound.
September 8th : 19th Annual Fall Classic Car Show, 9AM to 2PM at the Tidelands Park, Coronado
July 15th -The East County Cruisers are having their 10th Annual Car Show – held on the Green at Simpsons. Registration is $25.00 – after July 7th the price stays the same however the perks are gone (T-shirt, dash plaque and lunch tickets).
October 20th – Historic Highway 80 Passport through Time – plans are in the works right now – flyers with more details will be out soon.
September 9th – Greatest Show on Turf – Liberty Station – hosted by the San Diego Automotive Museum and the Car Club Council of Greater San Diego.
August 5: 23rd Annual Vista Rod Run - Downtown Historic Vista - 9AM - 3PM
July 22nd – Main Street America presented by the Corvette Owners Club of San Diego will take place at the Embarcadero Marine Park North - $25.00 pre- registration – MUST BE POSTMARKED BY JULY 14, 2012 – NO DAY OF SHOW! All net proceeds benefit the San Diego Center for the Blind. Chuck Hay had a question about the address and area of the show since there was areas under construction.
August 26: 4th Annual Surf City Garage Car show, sponsored by the Orange County Mustang Club. Garage has collection of car memorabilia including dealership signs and gas station sings. It has more GTO’s than any other car. It is on a small street in an industrial park. Encourage club members to go.
August 26th “Chief along the Channel”, Ventura Dave and Cindy Keetch and Jim Thomson plan to go. Stay at the same hotel which is now finished. Jim reports that there are 60 places on the grass.
The Car Council will have a new Bylaws and a new slate of officers
Quest Speaker: Laura Jacobson from Hagerty Insurance
(The following information is provided as a record of the presentation but the accuracy has not been verified. Please contact Laura for insurance information.)
2 Laura gave a brief history of the company which is located in Traverse City Michigan. The company plans to have many representatives on the ground. It was started with three and is now up to 20.
It is a family owned business that started insuring wooden boats and has expanded into insuring collector cars. It also insures vintage tractors and motorcycles. The insurance is on the stated value of the vehicle. There are no mileage restrictions. There is no on track coverage but you can have fire, theft, and vandalism coverage. Besides doing business the US, it does business in the UK and Canada. Insurance can be tailored to you and your vehicle. Insurance requires garaging of vehicle. Insurance will pay for parts and labor and will help you locate parts. The company gives 10% to collector foundation which assists in education. There are evaluation tools on line. Dale Lee asked about deductibles which are usually $200. Erik de Mello asked what year defines classic car. This differs for vehicles. There is roadside assistance available. The company’s favorite car is the Aston Martin. A different car is displayed each month. Paul Aguilar asked if glass was covered. With full coverage it should be included but Laura will follow up. For more information contact Laura. Free items will be given out at the end of the meeting.
Race Report: Jim Taylor GTO Nationals, Wangers did well but he didn’t take a car.
POCI Nationals will be held on July 20 at St Charles, Illinois. The Ames Performance will hold a race at the Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, OH August 3-5.
There was a reference to the Omaha Car show.
July 27th Rockabilly at Barona on there 1/8 mile track.
Bill Baugh reported on his race with a GT Mustang. After his opponent lighted out he beat him by a nose in the fourth race. Picture is available. His GP is in the shop for engine repairs.
Old Business: Bill Baugh
Bill Dunne was given the award he won at Cost Mesa.
Dave Pyle reminded us to attend the car show at the In and Out Burger at the intersection of Community and Scripps Poway Parkway on Saturdays from 11AM to 2PM where they hold a raffle and the employees pick a winner.
3 Business Cards: Erik de Mello said that the business cards are ready to go to the printer. Bill Baugh has made arrangements to have them printed at Kinko’s off Aero Drive.
There was additional discussion about Bill Baugh and Jim Wangers appeared on the Dave Stahl’s radio program “All About the Car” Sunday night. Website . Jim Wangers talked about the history of the Grand Prix and Bill is an owner of one. Recordings may be available on the website. Tom Diot said that his wife won the prize given by the radio program and surprised him by giving it to him on Father’s Day.
Flyers for our show, All American Pow-wow Car Show, with new art work are available for distribution. Also sponsor sheet are available. Please ask businesses where you shop to sponsor the show. Car Show Committee needs volunteers.
The national organization has changed its bylaws so the chapter members are not required to hold membership in the national organization but it is highly recommended. For those that are members, the secretary needs your membership number.
Bill Baugh said that at the Cruisin’ Grand in Escondido the GP wins!
Special reminders:
Jim Thomson has the new newsletter out which was sent to members via e-mail and is posted on the website.
There will be a highway clean-up in September. The August meeting will be held here again but there will have a new location for September since the Sizzler is going to undergo renovation since ownership has been transferred to the Corporation.
Legislature: Sheldon Jurat
Legislation is going no where. Reminder the 5700 requests for 50, 60 and 70 license plates are needed by 2014. They cost $50 plus a normal registration.
For your information
4 Tues. nights – Third Avenue, Chula Vista Wed. nights - Cajon Classic – Main Street – El Cajon Wed. nights - Chicken Pie Diner – Poway Thurs. nights – La Mesa Boulevard – La Mesa Fri. nights - - - Cruisin’ Grand in Escondido
“Chicken Pie Dinner 50’s Cruise Night” located in the Target Shopping center in Poway every Wednesday starting at 6:00 PM. Website
A motion to adjourn was made which was seconded and the meeting ended at 7:59 PM
Attendance: Duncan Abrams, Paul Aquilar, Nick Amati, Dale Arries, Joe Artino, Bill Baugh, Mike Bendak, Serge DiSilva, Erik de Mello, Tom Diot, Chas Eminhizer, Bill Dunne, Chuck Hay, Sheila and Sheldon Jurist, Dale Lee, Dave Pyle, Jim Taylor and Jim Thomson, with guests, Lauren Jacobsen, and Kawthar Muhssan.