8Th Grade Qur an Packet 12
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8th Grade Qur’an Packet 12
Ms. Yasmine
January 6-9
Name ______
Iman Academy SE 2014-2015
1 What are we learning this week?
Write reflections on two selections from the Qur’an
Develop the habit of reading/memorizing the Qur’an daily
Evaluate semester memorization
State and follow classroom procedures
Participate in discussion on why memorizing Qur’an is important
Use search engine on quran.com to find word meanings
2 Qur’an Journal
Wednesday, January 5th: Al-Baqarah 165
ي ي ي ي ي ي ي ذي وم ن يالنذاس من يه تذخ بذ من بدون اللذه أ ند اادا بيبوونه به م ك بح ب اللذه والذ ين ي آمنبوا أ شود بحباا ل لذه And [yet], among the people are those who take other than Allah as rivals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love Allah. But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah.
When the Qur’an condemns the worship of idols, do you conjure up images of stone idols and people prostrating before them? What other types of idols might people take as rivals to Allah (sometimes without even realizing it)? What is worship? What does worship “look like”? Think about love and how one should love Allah and demonstrate that love for Him in comparison to loving other things. Write your thoughts. ______
3 Definition of worship:
Friday. January 7 th : Al-Baqarah 168
ي ي ي ا أ يهو ها بالنذاس بكلبوا مذا ف ال ر يض ح لال ط ي باا O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good
In this Ayah, Allah commands us to eat food that is lawful (Halal) and good. A lot of controversy emerges over which food items are “Halal” and which do not cut the mark. Seldom though, do people think of the second characteristic of the food Allah commands us to eat, “Good”. What is “good” food? Write your thoughts on the consumption of food that is good.
______HOMEWORK: Theme of the Month
The VERY first word that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (s) was the which means “READ”! Write your thoughts about how our religion ,اقرأ word began with the revelation of that particular word and not any other.
4 ______My Memorization
Which Surahs did I memorize for the first time this past semester?
Which Surahs did I review this past semester?
How well do I have them memorized? Can I use them in my Salah? Do I use them in my Salah?
This is how I feel about my memorization progress in the first semester.
This is what I aim to achieve in terms of memorization in the second semester.
5 These are positive and practical changes I can make to help me reach my goals.
This is the help I need from family, teacher, or friends in order to achieve my goals.
Teacher Feedback:
______Memorization Plan (2 Tests)
Surah & Ms. Tester Final Tester Signature Day Ayat Y’s Name Grade & Comments okay
Weekly Qur’an Log (80 minutes)
6 Day Suwar/Ayat Skill Time
Total Weekly Minutes: ______
Comments: ______Qur’an Word Search
Search for the meanings of these words on quran.com and write their meanings here!
7 ______ننننن
Extra Credit!
Find its opposite and write it here in ?ضلل What is the opposite of Arabic.______
What .ضلل Find a word in Surat al-Fatihah that shares the same root as does it mean? ______