The Department of History
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The Department of History Course Descriptions SPRING 2018
The courses described in the booklet are divided into three categories. Those numbered in the 100's and 200's are designed as introductions to the study of the various regions of the world. Although any undergraduates may take these courses, they are aimed at the freshmen and sophomore level. The courses numbered in the 300's and 400's are specialized classes for juniors and seniors. The numbers were given in a haphazard fashion and there is no difference between the 300- and 400- level courses. The Department does not have courses specifically for juniors or for seniors. The courses numbered in the 500's & 600’s are seminars and are usually limited to graduate students.
The courses are listed in numerical order. However, not all courses offered by the History Department are in this booklet.
If more than one section of a course is offered, please check the name of the instructor to make sure you are reading the description of the correct section.
For further information contact any member of the History Department, 1104 Mesa Vista Hall, telephone 505-277-2451.
History Graduate Director is Professor Enrique Sanabria, Mesa Vista Hall 2082, telephone 505-277-2267. E-Mail [email protected]
History Undergraduate Advisor is Professor Kimberly Gauderman, Mesa Vista Hall 2079, telephone 505-277-7852. E-Mail [email protected]
The Department Chair is Professor Melissa Bokovoy, Mesa Vista Hall 1104, telephone 505-277-2451. E-Mail [email protected]
1 MAJOR AND MINOR REQUIREMENTS IN HISTORY Revised 2014 History Major Requirements:
The History Department allows students great latitude in creating a course of study that will reflect their interests and career objectives. A History major requires a total of thirty-six hours of study, with twelve at the lower-division (four courses) and twenty-four (eight courses) at the upper-division level. At the lower-division level, students must complete one survey series, and may choose any other two courses from the remaining surveys including History of New Mexico to complete the 12 hours of required lower-division coursework. Students may choose from History 101-102 (Western Civilization), History 161-162 (U.S.), History 181-182 (Latin America), History 251-252 (Eastern Civilization), History 260 (History of New Mexico). At the upper-division level, students may choose any history course at the 300 or 400 level, but all students are required to include History 491 (Historiography) OR History 492 (Senior Seminar). Students should take the survey courses that will prepare them for upper-division courses they wish to take in the areas of study offered by the Department. If students wish to follow the traditional history major, they will choose three different geographical or chronological areas of interest and enroll in at least two upper-division courses in each area. This program gives majors a broad, liberal arts background. Students may also choose to develop an area of concentration or select courses that will prepare them for graduate or professional school in a particular area. In consultation with a professor, students may undertake independent study (History 496), which gives them the opportunity to investigate a subject of their own choice, reading and holding discussions on an individual basis with the professor. Excellent students (those with an overall GPA of 3.00 or better) are also encouraged to participate in the History Honors Program, in which a student works closely with a faculty advisor to research and write a senior thesis. Course work for the History Honors Program includes History 491 (Historiography), History 492 (Senior Seminar), History 493 (Research) and History 494 (Thesis Preparation).
History Minor Requirements: The History Minor requires twenty-one hours of study (seven courses). Students may choose from any two lower-division courses (100-200 level) and any five upper-division courses (300- 400 level). Students are encouraged to establish their own program and to select courses that contribute to their major field of study and that support their individual interests and career goals.
Dr. Kimberly Gauderman, Associate Professor History Undergraduate Advisor [email protected] Mesa Vista Hall 2079 History Department: 277-2451 History Department Website:
2 History 101- 001: Western Civilization to 1648 Instructor: Overtoom MWF 11:00-11:50 CRN: 29533
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manner in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the challenges of the increasing human population and its demands on natural resources. It will concentrate on the period 4000 BCE to ca. 1648 CE and geographically cover Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
History 101-002: Western Civilization to 1648 Instructor: Monahan 2H MW 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44841
This course explores the creation and transformation of “Western Civilization” from the emergence of Near Eastern river valley civilizations until the Reformation in the sixteenth- century. Given the extended time period under consideration, this course is not a comprehensive survey, but explores how religion, “the state”, and commerce have contributed to the creation of “the West.” There are two primary objectives in this course. The first concerns content: to familiarize students with major events and developments of Ancient, Medieval, and Early modern history of “Western” civilizations. The second objective pertains to skills: to improve as analysts and writers, as well as to gain an appreciation for the historian’s skills by interpreting primary sources and formulating historical questions. Students must consistently attend meetings and submit high-quality written work for successful completion of the course.
History 101-003: Western Civilization to 1648 Instructor: Steen ARR ONLINE CRN: 36469
The course will follow a traditional pattern of exploring the development of political, religious and social institutions from the time of the Greeks to seventeenth century Europe, but will also emphasize cultural life as a unifying force in human affairs. Consequently the art, architecture, literature and customs of each period will receive considerable attention, and students will be encouraged to explore the music as well. The enormous range of time and different peoples involved make a comprehensive treatment impossible, but the course will highlight major figures and developments trying to provide students with glimpses of the past. A textbook will provide a brief overview of the periods covered and there will be a book of primary literature and documents. Laws, treaties and some literary works will offer students the opportunity to develop their own interpretation of events and people covered in the course. There will be four short essay assignments and two exams, a mid-term and a final, both of which will also follow essay format.
3 History 102 -001: Western Civilization Post 1648 MW 9:00-9:50 Instructor: Steen CRN: 38691
The lectures and reading in the course will explore the formation of social and political institutions in Europe from 1648 to the present. Intellectual, religious, and economic matters will receive considerable attention also, but the basic organization of the course will be concerned with describing the general characteristics of European civilization in the modern period. Most of the required readings will be from the literature of the time itself and students will be expected to make use of that material in preparing essay assignments. There will be two out of class essay assignments, one mid-term exam and a final. Students who wish to earn additional credit may prepare an optional paper. All students will have the opportunity to participate in review sessions, which will be held at a time to be arranged with the class.
History 102 -002: Western Civilization Post 1648 TR 11:00-11:50 Instructor: Florvil CRN: 38692
In this course, students will explore the experiences, identities, lives, exchanges, and actions of Europeans from 1648 to the present. Throughout the semester, students will also study diverse communities in the non-western world and their impact on European societies, economies, politics, and cultures. We will address topics such as scientific inquiry, the rise of Enlightenment, the Age of Revolutions, nationalism and imperialism, World War I, expressionism, World War II, socialism, the Cold War, and decolonization. By examining a variety of interdisciplinary sources such as autobiographies, art, films, literature, music, and photographs, students will gain critical skills interpreting primary sources, posing historical questions, and crafting persuasive arguments and papers.
History 102-007: Western Civilization since 1648 TAUGHT AT UNM WEST Instructor: Bello MW 12:30-1:45 CRN: 41696
This course provides a survey of western civilization from the seventeenth century to the contemporary era. We will examine political, social, and cultural developments with an emphasis on changes in the exercise of power, changes in the workplace and work patterns, and changes in attitudes and values. The course consists of formal lectures and discussion sessions. In addition to participating in discussion sessions, students are required to take a midterm exam, a final exam, and write an essay assignment.
History 102-027: Western Civilization to 1648 Instructor: Winchester ONLINE 2H CRN: 37160 ARR
This Western Civilization 102 course traces the historical development of European and North American culture, economics, politics, and society from the middle of the 17th century to roughly 4 the end of the 20th century. The course is organized chronologically and divided into three sections. The first third of the course will cover the state of Europe from 1648 to the end of the French Revolution and the defeat of Napoleon. The second third of the course will cover the Congress of Vienna to the state of Europe immediately before the First World War. The final third of the course will cover World War I until the end of the Cold War and the advent of the European Union. Utilizing this chronology, the course will focus on several key themes and developments. The exercising and maintaining of state power, the struggle for human rights and equality, the battle of political ideologies, the nature of gender norms, and the results of nationalism and imperialism will be some of the important themes running throughout the historical narrative covered by the course. Key developments the course will cover include: The Scientific Revolution, the Atlantic System, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Congress of Vienna, the revolutions of 1848, industrialization, urbanization, the rise of the working class, the new imperialism, World War I, the Russian Revolution, the rise of fascism, World War II, the Holocaust, the Cold War, decolonization, and the creation of the European Union. The importance of gender and sexuality, race, class, and social and women’s history to these themes and events will be a salient feature of lectures and assignments.
History 161-001: US History to 1877 Instructor: Spence MW 1:00-1:50 CRN: 45562, 45563, 45564, 45565, 45566 PLUS LAB TIME
This course offers students of any major a broad yet comprehensive exploration of the history of the United States to 1898. From the "Invasion of America" to the invasion of the Philippines, what changed, but what stayed the same, with the modern world's first liberal democracy? How do these changes (or lack of change) illuminate our present political moment? With in-depth primary source study, and three secondary sources, we will discover answers to these questions together.
History 162-001: US History since 1877 Instructor: Hutton TR 12:30-1:45 CRN: 34179
This Course is a survey of United States history from the end of the Civil War in 1865 to the present. Political and social developments will be given equal emphasis, along with foreign and military affairs. There will be a textbook and several short books for collateral reading. There will be three hourly exams.
History 182-001: Modern Latin America MWF 10:00-10:50 Instructor: Hutchison CRN: 38697
This course traces the principal economic, social and political transformations in Latin America from the Wars of Independence to the present, in order to understand the roots of ethnic conflict, social inequality and political instability in modern Latin America. Why is there so much poverty in Latin America? What has been the role of the United States in the region? How does the military maintain such power in politics? These and other questions will be addressed in 5 lectures, readings, films and discussions that focus principally on Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Cuba and Central America. The class will use a comparative framework to address topics such as the consolidation of nation-states and their insertion in the world economy after Independence; changes in land use and labor organization; political movements for liberalism, populism, and revolution; industrialization and class politics; military regimes; U.S. intervention; and the emergence of contemporary social movements.
History 260-001: New Mexico History Instructor: Garcia y Griego TR 9:30-10:45 CRN: 38698
This course surveys the history of New Mexico from pre-European contact to contemporary times. Through lectures, readings, and classroom discussion, it traces indigenous life and resistance to Spanish and later American domination and colonization, and land and water issues for Pueblos and Spanish/Mexican land grants during and after the Territorial period. It seeks to explain why it took more than sixty years for New Mexico to become a state; how Los Alamos and the nuclear weapons industry altered the economic and political landscape, why New Mexico’s politics are a mix of traditional conservativism and progressivism, and how land, water, and the environment have become the state’s defining issues in recent years. Requirements: extensive discussion of readings, essays on UNM Learn on reading assignments, and in-class short-answer and essay exams. Students who miss the deadlines for initial assignments are dropped from the course.
History 300-001: Modern Jewish History since 1492 Instructor: Pugach TR 9:30-10:45 CRN: 39469
This course will offer a survey of Jewish history, primarily economic, social and cultural, from 1492 to the present. After a brief introduction to Jewish relations with Christendom and Islam prior to the 16th century, It will examine the great consequences of the expulsion from Spain and Portugal, tracing the movement of the Jewish people in the 16th-18th centuries and focusing on Jewish life and society in Eastern Europe. In the second third of the course, the emphasis will shift to Western and Central Europe with an examination of the Jewish experience during the Enlightenment and the 19th century, including modern anti-Semitism. It will also cover the creation of the American Jewish community. The last third of the course will deal with the 20th century and center on the following topics: the Holocaust, Zionism, the Return to the Land of Israel and the creation of the State of Israel and its struggle for survival. Students will read a textbook and several supplementary paperbacks.
HIST 300-002: National Parks and American Culture Instructor: McClellan MW 5:30-6:45 CRN: 45586
Are national parks escapes from society, or mere reflections of it? Landscapes like Yosemite and Yellowstone draw millions of tourists each year, but their “official” histories suppress countless other stories. This course will unpack different historical layers of our national park system— 6 dispossession of Native lands, violence between rangers and visitors, and controversies over Confederate monuments—that present a less triumphant (and more realistic) version of American history. Through diverse readings and short writing assignments, students will investigate the Park Service’s power to interpret our past.
History 300/500-003: US Policy and Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era Instructor: Cochran TR 5:30-6:45 CRN: 45294/45585
An examination of US national security policy broadly defined and its execution with focus upon four traditional elements of national power [DIME). Context is dual – Insights from the 20th Century conflicts (The Great War 1898-1989) and the paradigm of the major philosophers of conflict from Sun Tzu and Clausewitz thru limit/unlimited warfare to contemporary hybrid war and cyber. The focus is the post-Cold War conflicts. These include both that concluded and those on-going within the four areas of inquiry – “What”, “Why’, “So- What” and “Then What.” The course is purposefully designed to build upon and enhance the traditions and disciplines of history and political science. The objective concludes with the overall question: “Where is the US going in the next decade [2018-2028}?”
History 300-020: African American History II: Civil War to Civil Rights Instructor: Jefferson MWF 9:00-9:50 CRN: 36839
This course will explore the major themes, controversies, and challenges in African American History from the end of the Civil War through the Black Lives Matter Movement of the Twenty- first Century. Each student will explore the ways in which history, politics, and culture have shaped the issues of race, gender, and class in African American Society from the beginning of Reconstruction through the Age of Booker T. Washington; from Marcus Garvey’s UNIA through the Modern Civil Rights Movement, and finally from the Black Power Movement through the Age of Obama. The course will also look at how power, resistance, and memory have altered the contours and directions of movements of social change and individuals in the wider society at large as well as throughout the larger panorama of United States and world history.
History 304/504-001: High and Late Middle Ages Instructor: Davis-Secord TR 12:30-1:45 CRN 44789/44790
The later centuries of the Middle Ages saw dramatic developments in western Europe and notable conflicts with societies on its borders. The papacy grew into a powerful institution, the boundaries and administrative systems of European countries coalesced, Christian states expanded into the Mediterranean and attacked the Middle East, and internal movements brought both reform and dissent in matters of Church and State. Themes we will consider in this semester are the crystallization of national, religious, and ethnic identities in western Europe, the conflict between papacy and secular leaders, the intellectual developments associated with universities and novel religious movements, the creation and expansion of Europe’s borders, and the confrontation between western Christendom and the Islamic world during the Crusades. 7 History 307/595-001: Europe in the 17 th Century Instructor: Steen MWF 1:00-1:50 CRN: 44791/44831
This class will concentrate on the developments in cultural, political, intellectual, and social life in Europe between 1600 and 1700. Decades of war and provincial rebellions troubled the century, but there were complex cultural, political, and intellectual developments of lasting importance. The lavish culture of the Baroque was matched by the more austere yet astonishing contributions of Dutch art, the growth of absolute monarchy had its equal in the constitutional monarchy of England, and the growth of science and rationalism changed intellectual life profoundly. The class will follow these developments through readings drawn from the writings of the century. Students will also prepare a short (7-10 page) research paper on a topic of their own choice and it should also be based on the primary documents of the century.
History 319/519-001: Spain and Portugal since 1700 Instructor: Sanabria MWF 12:00-12:50 CRN: 44792/44829
This course will survey Spanish and Portuguese history, society, and culture since the War of Spanish Succession through the recent troubles that have exploded as responses to the apparent successful democratic transitions of the mid-1970s and the recent debates about history and memory in a Spain grappling with protracted economic crisis. Modern Spain and Portugal have traditionally been relegated to the background of the mainstream historical narrative that focuses on social and political developments in England, France, and Germany. This course seeks to reverse that trend and demonstrate that the same issues that affect those nations also make their impact felt in the modern Iberian Peninsula. We will pay particular attention to the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936), the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the origins and effects of both the Franco and Salazar Regimes, and the tremendously successful but now contested transitions to democracy. Students will be required to read a number of primary and secondary sources, take both a midterm and final examination, and write two short essays. Lectures will be complemented by in-class discussions and multi-media sources. Students are encouraged–although not required–to have taken History 318 (Spain and Portugal to 1700).
History 327-001: History of Christianity 1517-Present Instructor: Ray TR 11:00-12:15 CRN: 38700
This course covers the development of Christianity from the Protestant Reformation to the modern day. Primary focus will be on the rich variety of forms—doctrinal, liturgical, artistic, intellectual, and institutional—that Christianity assumed throughout this period as it moved outward from Europe and became a world religion. Also of concern will be the interaction of Christianity with society at large.
History 329-001: Modern History of Science Instructor: Campos TR 2:00-3:15 8 CRN: 44800
This course surveys the history of science from the Enlightenment to today. We will begin with the supreme place granted to reason during the European Enlightenment in the aftermath of Isaac Newton, explore major developments in the history of science over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and conclude with an analysis of the place of science in our world today.
Topics to be explored include: gravity, celestial mechanics, and the system of the world; atomic theory, chemistry, and the nature of matter; the invention of the metric system and the sciences of empire; natural history, botanical geography, and classification; early theories of evolution; Darwinisms and neo-Darwinisms; electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and the moral sciences of energy; the rise of statistics; the railroad and the standardization of time and space; medicine, germ theory, and anesthesia; Edison’s inventions and “the end of physics” ; the discovery of X- rays, radioactivity, and the radium craze; heredity from experimental breeding to eugenics and genetics; theories of relativity and quantum mechanics; phrenology, psychology, and psychoanalysis; chemical weapons and the First World War; the atomic and hydrogen bombs of World War II; “computers” from women to machines; the discovery of the double helix of DNA and the cracking of the genetic code; Cold War science, Sputnik, the arms race, and the space race; biotechnology and big business; and the Human Genome Project and climate change. Themes to be addressed include science and: colonialism, nationalism, war, industry, politics, religion, science fiction, memory, and the public.
History 331-001: American Revolution 1763-1789 Instructor: Spence MWF 10:00-10:50 CRN: 44801
This course provides an in-depth examination of the cultural, political, and environmental conditions that produced the modern world's first liberal democracy. Some say that democracy is in peril today. Yet the structures the first generations of Americans established have proved remarkably durable. What makes the U.S. both so volatile yet so flexible? How did everyday folks, including African slaves, Indigenous Nations, and women of all colors and classes, contribute to the formation of the new nation? A close study of the Revolutionary Era will reward students with a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the unfolding American experiment.
History 347/500-001: Native America 1850-1940 Instructor: Connell-Szasz TR 9:30-10:45 CRN: 44802
Focusing on the middle generations of American Indian/Alaska Native History, this course will concentrate on the major themes that dominate Native lives between the era of removal of the eastern tribes to Indian Territory and the Second World War. It will begin in the Trans- Mississippi West with the treaties, warfare, and removal of Native Nations in regions such as the Columbia River Plateau, the Great Basin, and California. Native involvement in the Civil War, especially in Indian Territory, will follow. During the post-Civil War years we will look at a number of issues: treaties, warfare, and removal that occurred on the Plains, the Southwest, and Plateau, alongside the national movement for land allotment, assimilation, and federal Indian schooling. These themes will be contrasted with pan-tribalism, revitalization movements, and Wounded Knee. At the turn-of-the-century, we will assess the dramatic role of U.S. Supreme 9 Court decisions on relations between Indian nations and the United States. In the early twentieth century we will assess the significance of the Society of American Indians, the rise of Indian leadership in the 1920s reform movement, and, finally, the controversial measures of the Indian New Deal and the role of Native leaders in the federal programs that were cut off by World War II. The course structure will alternate between lecture and discussion.
History 361/561-001: Trans-Mississippi West Instructor: Hutton TR 2:00-3:15 CRN: 44803/44830
This course is concerned with the exploration, settlement, and exploitation of the trans- Mississippi West, 1820-1900, and the resultant conflict between white Americans and Native Americans over the land. The Indian Wars, the cattle empire, the mining booms, the movement of great numbers of people of various origins and ethnicities, and the development of the great American myth of the Wild West will all be covered. This is not regional history as such, but is rather national history in a broad regional setting.
History 377-001/500-002: Modern Brazil Instructor: Bieber TR 11:00-12:15 CRN: 44804/45569
This course will examine Brazilian history from independence in 1822 to the present. Brazil of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was a dynamic society undergoing rapid social, political, and economic changes. It shifted from an agrarian slaveholding society to a modern industrial nation whose population was augmented by successive waves of European, Middle Eastern, and Japanese immigrants. Brazil is characterized by racial, ethnic and regional diversity. This course will explore this varied mosaic examining Brazilian development from economic, political, social, intellectual, and cultural historical perspectives. Race relations, the role of women, immigrants, the working class, the military and elites will be explored. We will also examine the role of the Church, liberation theology, Afro-Brazilian religions, and contemporary issues such as Brazil’s environmental movement.
History 395-001: Ancient Warfare Instructor: Overtoom MWF 1:00-1:50 CRN: 44805
This is a student-driven seminar based on readings, research, and in-class discussions of military confrontations in the world of the Greeks and the Romans from the Age of Homer to Late Antiquity. The ancient world of the Mediterranean and Near East was a world of war. Ancient states were locked in a brutal struggle for limited resources and access to power. Warfare was a means to political advancement, economic prosperity, and state security. The military was fundamental to all ancient societies, and all ancient peoples were aggressive and warlike. To truly understand ancient civilization, it is important to study ancient military history.
10 History 395-002: The Hellenistic World Instructor: Overtoom MWF 9:00-9:50 CRN: 44822
This is a student-driven seminar based on readings, research, and in-class discussions of the world created in the wake of Alexander the Great's death. Alexander may have conquered the Persian Empire, interconnecting the Mediterranean and Middle East like never before; however, the Hellenistic (or Greek-like) world that flourished from the fourth to the first centuries BCE is his true legacy. The Hellenistic world was a multi-cultural and sometimes chaotic exchange of Greek and indigenous customs and ideas. It also was a historical period consumed by violence. It began with the Greeks ruling the world and ended with the rise of Rome and Parthia.
History 402/602-001: Medieval Crusade and Jihad Instructor: Davis-Secord TR 9:30-10:45 CRN: 44833/44823 This course will provide a history of the crusading movement of Western Europe (ca. 1095-1291 C.E.) and its impact on the civilizations of the medieval West and Middle East. Course material will address both the events and long-term legacies of the Crusades and counter-crusades (jihad) as well as the histories of the peoples and ideas involved. Students will be asked to reflect on the following questions, as presented in lectures, readings, discussions, and writing assignments: What were the motivations of the Christian crusaders? How did the Muslims and Jews of the Middle East view the Crusades, and how did they respond to them? In what ways did the prolonged contact between these two major civilizations affect the societies, religions, and economies of each?
History 414/614-001: Women and Health in the US Instructor: Withycombe MWF 2:00-2:50 CRN: 44797/45292
When did women's health become about pink ribbons and baby bumps? How did the development of modern medicine help and hurt women? This course examines the health issues women have faced and their responses to them from the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries in the United States. In particular, it explores the personal experiences and the medical views of women's life-cycle events, the role of women as health care practitioners and activists, and the effect of gender on the perception of illness.
History 417-001/500-004: History of Modern Medicine Instructor: Withycombe MWF 10:00-10:50 CRN: 44824/45587
The basic aim of this course is to present you with several different ways of looking at health and illness by examining how they have been understood at different times in history, from 1700 to the present. We will explore, through broad narratives and specific case studies, a range of theories and practices employed by physicians, the social construction of disease, and the development of the medical profession in the western world. From inoculation controversies of the early eighteenth century through the rise of pharmaceutical power of the twentieth century, the course demonstrates how shifting social and cultural values have motivated change in thinking about health.
History 421/621-001: Modern Britain 1660-Present 11 Instructor: Richardson MWF 11:00-11:50 CRN: 44825/44834
It is easy to dismiss modern Britain. It can seem a museum piece, where Cockney bobbies and septuagenarian women detectives toast the queen while sipping warm beer on the village green. Or it can appear a cautionary tale of how a great power can wither into irrelevance, rich only in bad weather, bad food and bad teeth. But it is remarkable how influential these small islands on the outskirts of Europe have been, and continue to be. From the birth of imperialism to the industrial revolution to the war on terror to the rise of populism, Britain has been at the center of most of the important historical events of the last four centuries. A study of its history sheds light on many of the issues that shaped the modern era, including questions of how to balance progress and stability, assimilation and diversity, liberty and security, and nationalism and internationalism. Students will not just master the facts of what happened when, where, why and to whom, but will learn to think and write historically: in-class discussions will involve the analysis of both primary and secondary texts, and the central written assignment of the course will be a long research paper. The goal of this course will be to challenge stereotypical notions of modern Britain, by including a variety of perspectives and by focusing on how Britain’s history can illuminate broader themes. The story of modern Britain is a story of tories and revolutionaries, of angels in the home and suffragists in the streets, of powdered wigs and day-glo mohawks. And it is a story whose lessons are fundamentally relevant to the way we live now.
History 429/629-001: Beauty, Body and Power Instructor: Hall MWF 12:00-12:50 CRN: 42128/44810
This course will explore the intersections of these three themes in comparative context. Most of the course content will use materials form the histories of the U.S. and of Latin America, though we will use material from other world areas as well. We will use both theoretical and empirical works. Topics which we will cover include: social constructions vs. biological notions of beauty; the intersection of ideas of beauty and gender roles; beauty and business and beauty as business; the history of plastic surgery; historical case studies of famous beauties in Latin America and elsewhere in which issues of beauty, body and power, Political and otherwise, intersect; the history of anorexia and other body altering and sometimes health-threatening practices; issues of race and body; and issues of missing bodies. The major focus of the course will be on female beauty and body in relation to questions about power, but we will consider male beauty and body in this context as well. There will be three in-class essays. Graduate students will be required to do a paper as well.
History 440-001: Atomic America Instructor: Campos TR 3:30-4:45 CRN: 44827
Los Alamos, Trinity, Hiroshima—familiar names in the history of Atomic America. But long before the atomic bomb indelibly associated radioactivity with death, many believed that radium might hold the secret to life. What happened, and how did this change? Through a series of case studies, we will survey the complex historical, political, environmental, and moral dimensions of the atomic age, from the discovery of radioactivity in the late nineteenth century through the Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb, up to the world we live in today. Special attention will 12 be paid to the role of scientists, secrecy, and security; the place of radioactivity and nuclear weapons in popular culture; and the central place of New Mexico and the nuclear borderlands in this history.
Topics to be covered include: the radium craze; radium and the origin of life; radiation and the discovery of the nature and structure of the gene; the discovery of nuclear fission and chain reactions; the development of the world’s first secret weapons laboratory in Los Alamos in 1942; the first atomic detonation at Trinity in 1945; the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its aftermath; and growing concerns over nuclear fallout. With the dawn of the Cold War, Atomic America armed itself with arsenals of tens of thousands of nuclear warheads, giving humans the capacity to destroy all life on earth. A new calculus of nuclear geopolitics emerged: an arms race justified by the doctrine of “Mutually Assured Destruction,” existing side by side with the development of radioisotopes for use in medicine, ecology, and other peaceful uses of the atom (such as nuclear energy under civilian control). As fears of global Armageddon, “nuclear winter,” and genetic mutation seemed increasingly imminent, broader health and environmental consequences also came to the fore. We will conclude by examining how even decades after the end of the Cold War, we are still dealing with the complex political and environmental legacies of the atomic age, from nuclear proliferation to waste disposal, as well as the unexpected ironies of mutant ecologies, toxic tourism, and more. (No scientific background necessary.)
History 464/644-001: US Mexico Borderlands Instructor: Truett CRN: 44826/44832
In this class, we will explore the histories of the American Southwest and Mexican North from a transnational perspective. We will start by examining the colonial legacy of the American Southwest and Mexican North, when both regions were part of New Spain’s far northern frontier. We will then explore how this frontier was transformed into a borderlands between nations—a place divided by national boundaries, and connected by transnational pathways of migration, culture, and economic development. Discussions will move chronologically through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but will take thematic detours to examine such issues as imperialism and exploration, Apache Indians and “bandits,” the romantic Southwest, popular rebellions, mining and other forms of capitalist development, immigration, labor conflicts, Yaqui Indians and their resistance to Mexican and American conquest, the Mexican Revolution, the rise of a new multicultural borderlands in the twentieth century, and the future of the borderlands in a new global age.
History 490-001: Ken Burns, “The Vietnam War”: A Film Study Instructor: Cochran W 5:30-8:00 CRN:
This film study history course is a one credit course based upon the entire Ken Burn Film Series: “The Vietnam War.” The ten-part, 18-hour documentary series tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history exploring the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides —Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Included in the course will include contemporary observations by selected participants from all sides, academics assessment, and student input.
13 History 491-001: Historiography Instructor: Gibbs MW 1:00-2:15 CRN: 40084
What is history? What is it for? Who is it for? How should it be done? This course presents a kind of history of history, with an emphasis on how historians have developed and employed various analytical and interpretive frameworks for making sense of the past. This course also presents a historical overview of various theories and philosophies of history that ask difficult questions about the relationship between the past (what has happened), the historical record (how we can learn about the past), and history (the interpretations of the historical record by historians).
History 492-001 Sem: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll Instructor: Florvil TR 2:00-3:15 CRN: 44828
Events in Johannesburg, South Africa to Mexico City, Mexico and from Chicago, Illinois to Berlin, West Germany had global reverberations in the 1960s that impacted diverse individuals. The 1960s, moreover, ushered in profound changes that unsettled and transformed traditional beliefs, practices, and ideas across the world. In this special topics seminar, we will explore a series of questions: How and why did the 1960s become critical to transnational events? What were the socio-cultural and political transformations that took place? What happened in the revolutionary year of 1968? We will attempt to answer these questions by studying the events, social movements, actors, places, and legacies of the 1960s throughout the globe. We will use case studies in Europe (West and East), the United States, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. By interpreting the cultural, political, and social meaning of protest, violence, and resistance, we will discover the impact of the 1960s on race relations, gender, sexuality, emotions, and identity. The course will introduce students to emotional activism, the influence of the media, the cross- cultural exchange of ideas, the challenges of the Cold War, the “crisis” of racial politics, and the intersection of national and international dynamics. Studying the histories of the global 1960s and the long the sixties (1954-1975) more generally will enable students to examine the transnational connections that cultivated and divided solidarity networks and defined a generation.
History 492-002 Sem: Comparative Indigenous History Instructor: Connell-Szasz TR 12:30-1:45 CRN: 29704
Students who enroll in this seminar may anticipate a world-wide tour that will look at Indigenous peoples from 1945 to the present. We will begin with definitions: what characteristics contribute to Indigenous identity and who should determine that identity? We will question if identity must include a widely spoken Indigenous language; and we will contrast Indigenous peoples who live within their own nation states with those who live within the geographical boundaries of larger nation states. The course will begin with extensive reading and assessment of works, including collections of essays and monographs. Students will write reviews and lead discussions of the readings. Each student will write a comparative research essay. We will 14 assess these essays during the last weeks of term through written analysis and class discussion of individual essays.
History 642-001 Sem: Queer History Instructor: Campos W 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44837
This seminar explores the emerging historiography of queer sexualities (LGBT*) in world history. In the first half of the term, students will read some of the "greatest hits" spanning ancient, medieval, and nineteenth- and twentieth-century European and American contexts to develop a shared awareness of a common queer historiographical framework: the problem of using present-day categories to understand complex past practices and identities in diverse cultural contexts; the “epistemology of the closet”; and the difficulties of reconstructing the queer past from lost, censored, or coded sources. To learn to think like a queer historian is to pay detailed attention to methodological and theoretical concerns, and these issues will be highlighted throughout the empirical cases studied. In the second half of the term, and in consultation with the instructor, students will select additional monographs that will enable them to better integrate queer history approaches into the national and chronological historiographies relevant to their chosen areas or course of study.
History 665-001 Sem: Advanced Methods Instructor: Ball M 4:00-6:30 CRN: 42972
This seminar explores the theoretical problems and practical challenges presented by research methods in the discipline of history: the identification, research, evaluation, and use of sources, especially primary sources broadly defined. The object of this course is to develop positive practices in the conception, design, research, and writing of historical papers, theses, and dissertations, and ultimately articles, books, and other scholarly products. The readings and discussions will address specific methodologies such as oral history, digital history, Cliometrics, impressionism, and others commonly used in historical research today. Hopefully, all seminarians will come away with the knowledge that all methodologies carry strengths and weaknesses into any project, and will develop skills to evaluate the methodologies deployed in their future research. As a cranky scholarly editor and copyeditor, I plan to discuss the imperatives of clear writing in the historical discipline. The craft of writing is most-basic methodology in the historian’s bag, and historical narrative is still the most-widely-used analytical form. In other weeks, sessions will focus on some of the practical challenges encountered in almost any research project. To this end, I will guide or inform the development of productive archival practices and good editorial process in graduate students—yes, right down to drafting those bad old footnotes in proper styles as decreed by the Chicago Manual of Style, the editor’s bible. My plan is to put all seminarians through the steps of conceiving, designing, researching, and writing a short historical monograph, which will be a major chunk on their final grade.
History 666-002 Seminar: Readings in African American History Instructor: Jefferson T 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44839 15 This course will examine the growing literature on African American life in the industrial age of American history. Through an exploration of relatively recent secondary literature, particular emphasis will be placed on Reconstruction and Jim Crow’s Cycle Transition, African American Leadership, Black Migration, the Making of Urban Workers, Education, Class Formation, and Power, the Civil Rights and Grassroots Action, and Suburbanization. The course is organized both chronologically and thematically and the goal is to critically review this literature, with the purpose of identifying and recommending new scholarly departures.
History 668-001 Sem: Medieval Research and Bibliography Instructor: Graham W 4:00-6:30 CRN: 42839
This course will offer intensive training in the research and bibliographic skills necessary for the study of the Middle Ages while also introducing students to the history of medieval scholarship from the sixteenth century onwards. A key aspect of the course will be a detailed orientation to the major published resources available to medievalists, including the volumes of the Patrologia Latina, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, and the Early English Text Society, as well as the important series Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile. Participants in the course will learn about the techniques used by scholarly editors when preparing a medieval text for use by a modern readership; they will also be introduced to the conventions of the modern apparatus criticus. Students will learn how to read and analyze charters and other types of medieval document and will receive instruction in the basics of such important ancillary disciplines as medieval chronology, sigillography. The section of the course devoted to the history of medieval scholarship will include a special focus on the origins and development of Anglo-Saxon studies from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.
History 685-001 Sem: Borderlands History Instructor: Truett T 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44840
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History 685-002 Sem: Eurasian Borderlands Instructor: Monahan R 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44836
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History 690-001 Sem: Refugees, Exile and Asylum Instructor: Gauderman R 4:00-6:30 CRN: 44835
The 2016 presidential election brought a great deal of attention to immigration and immigrants from Latin America to U.S. society. Much of this debate perpetuated harmful stereotypes, dangerously stoked fears of outsiders, and echoed a nativist rhetoric that is deeply rooted in historic conversations over citizenship. While anti-immigrant rhetoric and immigrant surveillance, detention, and deportation have been defining features of U.S. politics and state and federal policy since the 19th century, discussions over what constitutes a “good” or “bad” 16 immigrant and arguments over who would be included or excluded from community membership are also historically embedded in Latin America as well. This seminar attempts to provide a historical context to current debates over immigration reform, integration, and citizenship in the context of Latin America and the U.S. Drawing on the experience of the professor as an expert witness on country conditions in Latin America, this seminar will explore the impact of U.S. asylum law on Latin American refugees who are fleeing persecution because of gender, sexual, and gang violence. We will focus on the situation of and protection issues relating to women, children, and members of LGBTI communities, forced migrants, and internally displaced persons.