2. Select the Benchmarking Report You Require
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1. Your Details
First Name
Council Name
Email Address
Phone Number
2. Select the Benchmarking Report you require
Standard Comparison Report $450 + GST
Standard and Expanded Report including Commercial Print Ready Document $1250+GST 3. Number of people employed by Council.
4. Number of Staff in Customer Service Permanent Team
Full Time
Part Time
5. What are the set hours per week for:
If you part-time staff have varied hours (eg: one may be 14 hours per and another 21 hours per week), please provide the total number of combined hours your part-time staff work within a week
6. Additional Staffing Questions
On average EFT staff on counter each day
On average EFT staff on phones each day
On average any other EFT staff Customer Service Officers
% time of total weekly hours spent by EFT CSOs on administration work
Permanent staff total salary bill 2013/2014 7. How many people hold the following levels within your team (please note, if the Manager of Customer Service is the most senior within the customer service team, please do not select Director) - Headcount:
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
8. Planners and Surveyors. If a planner or surveyor is not assigned to the CS Team are they available at the front counter and if so how many hours per week?
9. Please provide the position titles used within your team.
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
Other 10. What are the salary bands (eg: $52,000 - $69,000) for these positions?
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
11. Which positions include a lease-back motor vehicle?
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
Other 12. Which positions include a mobile phone?
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
13. How does your reporting structure work? How many direct reports (head count) do the manager, coordinators and team leaders have?
Eg: Do officers report to Team Leaders
14. Does your organisation have a ‘Working From Home’ Policy?
No If No, why? 15. How often do the following levels work from home?
Eg: Team Leader 1: 1 day per fortnight, Team Leader 2: 1 day per week
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
16. Is it compulsory for staff to wear uniforms?
Yes No
17. Which staff are required to wear corporate uniforms?
Team Leader
Statutory Planner
Building Surveyor
18. Does your Council subsidise corporate uniforms?
Yes No
19. If so, what is the subsidy provided per staff member? 20. Are other staff within Council required to wear corporate uniforms?
Yes No
21. What is the subsidy provided to non-customer service staff?
22. How many of your staff have been in your team for the following duration?
< 1 year
1-2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
15 years +
23. How many of your staff are in the following age brackets?
18-21 years old
22-26 years old
27-30 years old
31-40 years old
41-50 years old
51-60 years old
61-65 years old
Over 66 years old 24. How many customer service staff are multi-lingual?
25. How many customer service staff are fluent in sign language?
26. Do you conduct quality monitoring? If so, how?
27. In 2014/2015 what formal training course did you provide your team leader / coordinator staff?
28. What was the duration (hours) of each training course and how many staff attended each session?
29. In total, how much was invested in Customer Service Team Leader/Coordinator training (excl. GST)? 30. In 2014/2015 what formal training course did you provide your customer service officer staff?
31. What was the duration (hours) of each training course and how many staff attended each session?
32. In total, how much was invested in Customer Service Officer training (excl. GST)?
33. Do you undertake informal training? (eg: mentoring, one-to-one)
Yes No
If yes, do you have any examples?
34. What is your overall training budget for customer service staff for 2015/2016 (exl. GST)? 35. What were your service level targets in 2014/2015? (please provide in seconds eg: 80% of calls answered within 120 secs)
Phone wait time
Phone abandonment rate
Counter wait time
36. Customer Interactions
Number of inbound calls to Customer Service 2014/2015
Number of Counter Visits 2014/2015
37. Number of Customer Service Requests (this is not transactions) raised per channel in 2014/2015.
Over the counter
Web Chat
38. Receipts taken at the Counter in 2014/2015
Rate Payments
Development and Building lodgements
Hall Bookings
Open Space Bookings
Council events and activities (eg: school holiday programs, business training events)
Parking Permits
Other Permits
Other transactions 39. Does your Customer Service staff taken bookings for:
Please select
Other (please specify)
40. If Customer Service do take bookings, how many were taken in 2014/2015 for:
Parks and Open Space Hire
Halls and Facilities Hire
Statutory Planners
Building Surveyors
The Mayor
Events and Activities
41. Average wait times (2014/2015)
42. Average customer contact (handle) time (2014/2015)
Phone 43. What was your phone abandonment rate in 2014/2015?
44. Percentage of calls answered within target eg: 80%
45. What percentage of enquiries were resolved by Customer Service Staff in 2014/2015? (ie. Not referring to another officer outside of the Customer Service Team)
46. What channels are you using to provide customer service?
Counter Web Conferencing
Phone Social Media
Website Native Apps (iPhone/Android)
Web Chat Other Council venues such as libraries and recreation centres 47. Planning and Development
Do you require hard copy applications?
Who registers the development applications into your systems?
48. Do you provide an out of hours telephone service?
If so, do you outsource this service?
49. For what periods are the calls diverted to this service? (eg: Mon – Fri 5pm – 8am)
50. How many calls were taken by the after hours service in 2014/2015? 51. How much did Council spend (excl. GST) on out of hours services in 2014/2015?
52. Does your council use the following technologies?
Automatic Call Distribution Knowledge Management Systems
Interactive Voice Response Live Web Chat
PABX Learning and Development Software
VOIP Computerised CSR
Internet self service Written Procedures
Kiosk self service Mapped Processes
Electronic queuing systems Video Conferencing
Electronic call waiting boards Scanning Software
CCTV monitoring/recording of counter Search Technology
area Phone call recording
Other (please specify) 53. What was your annual operating budget (customer service only and excl. GST) in 2014/2015?
54. What is your annual operating budget (customer service only and excl. GST) in 2015/2016?
55. Capital budget 2014/2015 - Customer Service Only
What was your annual capital budget in 2014/2015?
What was the capital expenditure spent on?
56. Capital Budget 2015/2016 - Customer Service Only
What is your annual capital budget in 2015/2016?
What is the capital expenditure to be spent on?
57. In your budget lines are you responsible for any income generating activities?
No If, so, what? 58. What was your income in 2014/2015 from the income generating activities?
59. What is your projected income for 2015/2016?
60. How much did you spend on overtime in 2014/2015?
61. What is your overtime budget in 2015/2016?
62. How much did you spend on casuals in 2014/2015?
63. What is your casual staff budget for 2015/2016?
64. In 2014/2015, what were the reasons for the engagement of casual staff and staff overtime?
65. What were the total number (hours) of annual leave taken by customer service staff in 2014/2015?
66. What was the total number (hours) of LSL taken by staff in 2014/2015?
67. What was the total number (hours) of carer’s/sick leave taken by staff in 2014/2015?