Forum on Women's Leadership for Children
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Mme. Lidra Meidani, Albania - Ms. Mimoza Hafizi, General Secretary of the President - Mrs. Daniela Kristo Nesho, Spouse of Ambassador, Albania Mission to the UN
Mme. Maria Luisa Gispert de Forné, Andorra - Ms. Jelena Pià Comella, Dep. Permanent Rep., Permanent Mission of Andorra to the UN
Her Highness Shaikha Sabika Bint Ibrahim Al- - Dr. Fadeela Al-Mahroos, Member of the Supreme Council for Women & Member of the Khalifa, Bahrain National Committee for Childhood
Mrs. Beverley Arthur, Barbados - Dr. Joy St. John, Senior Medical Officer of Health, Ministry of Health
Princess Mathilde, Belgium - Ms. Machteld Foster, Advisor
Mrs. Marguerite Kérékou, Benin - Mme. Ayenona, Ministère des Affaires Sociales - Mme. Adeothy Sikiratov, Counsellor à la Santé - Mme. Karimou Rajatou, Députée à l’Assemblée Nationale - Mme. Hounsou G. Enlabe, Dame de Campagne
Sra. Virginia Gillum de Quiroga, Bolivia - Sra. Ana María Quiroga de Ramírez, Assistant to the First Lady - Sra. Viviana Limpias, Counsellor, Permanent Mission
Mrs. Azra Belkic, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mrs. Lidija Topic
Mrs. Barbara Mogae, Botswana - Mrs. Pholile Legloaila, Counsellor, Botswana Mission to the UN - Mrs. Maipato Sophie Johnson, Accompanying First Lady
Mme Chantal Compaoré, Burkina Faso - Mme. Alice Tiendrebeogo, Secretary General, Fondation Suka - Mme. Annie Vicens, Membre, Fondation Suka
Mme. Chantal Biya, Cameroon - Mme. Agnes Dubois, Eperte - Mme. Ngoh Ngoh Ferdinand, Mission du Cameroon - M. Kibele Simon Pierre, Chef Adjoint du Protocole d’Etat
Sra Adelcia Pires, Cape Verde - Mme. Fernanda Fonseca, Spouse of the Ambassador, Cape Verde Mission to the UN
Mrs. Germaine Ziguele, Central African Republic - Mme. Beatrice Epaye, Presidente, Fondation Voix du Cœur - Mme. Philomene Mangue, Directrice Espace Enfant
Mme Halimé Deby, Chad - Mme. Agnes Allafi Maimouna, Ministère des Postes et Telecommunications - Mme. Akia Abouna, Conseilliére aux Affaires Sociales et à la Famille à la Presidence de la République
Mme Antoinette Sassou Nguesso, Congo - M. Alfred Opimbas, Ministère de la Santé - M. Anotole Collinet Makosso, Directeur du Cabinet de la Première Dame - Mme. Valerie Ossie, Responsible de la Fondation - Mme. Marie Thérèse Ngonbe, Conseillère aux Affaires Sociales
Mme Simone Ehivet Gbagbo, Côte d’Ivoire - Mme. Lagou Henriette, Ministère de la Famille et de l’Enfant - M. Seka Anselne, Membre de Cabinet de la Première Dame
Ms. Diana Plestina, Croatia - Ms. Jasna Ognjanovac, Deputy Permanent Representative, Croatia Mission to the UN
Sra. Rosa Gómez de Mejía, Dominican Republic - Sra. Carolina Mejía, Hija del Presidente - Sr. Luis Veras, Director del Organismo Rector de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes
Sra. María Isabel Baquerizo de Noboa, Ecuador - Sra. Laura María Noboa de González, Daughter of First Lady 1 - Sra. Mónica Martínez, First Secretary
Mrs. Susanne Mubarak, Egypt
Mme. Lucinda Boneke de Muatetema Rivas, - Ambassador Moushira Khattah, Secretary General of National Council for Childhood Equatorial Guinea Motherhood (NCCM), and Personal Representative of the President - Ambassador Nihad Zikry, Chief of Staff of the First Lady
Mr. Pentti Arajävi, Finland - Ms. Pirkko-Liisa Kyostila, Delegate from Finland
Dr. Edith Lucie Bongo, Gabon - Ms. Angelique Ngoma, Ministère de la Famille - Dr. Helene Ona, Gynéco - Mme. Dukuly, Presidente, Sec
Mrs. Theresa Kufuor, Ghana - Mrs. Gladys Asmah, Minister, Women and Children - Mrs. Cecilia A. Dapaah, Special Advisor
Mrs. Marietta Mitchell, Grenada
Mme. Henriette Conté, Guinea - Mme. Mariama Aricot, Ministère de la Promotion Feminine, Affaires Sociales et Enfance - Mme. Marie Agnes Touré, Membre de la Fondation
Mme. Elizabete Yalá, Guinea-Bissau - Mme. Basiliana Hopffer S. Tavanes, Directrice de la Direction des Organisations Internationales - Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Conseiller Politique et Diplomatique de la Première Dame
st Mrs. Varshnie Jagdeo, Guyana - Ms. Sonia Elliott, 1 Secretary, Permanent Mission of Guyana to the UN (Chargé d’Affairs)
Mrs. Carolina Maduro de Villeda, Honduras - Ms. Armida Villela de López, Vicepresidenta - Ms. María Elena Sierra de Carvajal, Directora, Instituto Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia
Mme. Keina Tito, Kiribati - Ms. Reteta Rimon-Nikuata, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ms. Bweneti Reher, Personal Assistant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mrs. Mairam D. Akaeva, Kyrgyz Republic - Ms. Nazarmatona Djamila, Assistant to the First Lady
Dr. Bounkongmany Lengsavad, Lao - Mme. Khemphet Pholsena, Vice President de l’Union des Femmes Lao - Dr. Somthana Douangmala, Vice Directeur General du Centre National de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant
Mrs. Traudi Hasler-Hilti, Liechtenstein - Mr. Manfred Fritsche
Mrs. Mary Note, Marshall Islands - Mrs. Justin R. Langidrik, Assistant Secretary of Health - Mrs. Josepha Madison-Hill, Focal Person, CRC
Mrs. Sarojini Jugnauth, Mauritius - H.E. Mrs. Usha Jeetah, Ambassador to the United States - Mrs. Vimla Huree-Agarwal, Counsellor, Mauritius Mission to the UN
Sra. Martha Sahagún de Fox, México - Sra. Claudia Calvin, Coordinadora de Asesores de la Primera Dama - Sra.Guadalupe Calleja, Directora de Conferencias de la Dir.Gral. de Protocolo, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores.
Dr. Arzu Rana Deuba, Nepal
Sra. Lucía Bolaños (daughter of First Lady), - Sra. Natalia Barillas, Ministra de la Familia Nicaragua - Sra. Amalia Frech de Alemán, Secretaria Ejecutiva CONAPINA
Chief (Mrs.) Stella Obasanjo, Nigeria - Mrs. Eki Igbinedion, Governor’s Spouse - Mrs. Angela Andebayo, Governor’s Spouse
Mrs. Ruby Moscoso Young, Panama - Sra. Alba Tejada de Rolla, Ministra de la Juventud, la Mujer, La Niñez y la Familia - Sra. Dallys Batista de Pérez, Asesora Técmica del Despacho de la Primera Dama
Mrs. Jolanta Kwasniewska, Poland - H.E. Janusz Stanczyk, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Mission of Poland to the UN - Dr. Marek Madej, Counsellor, Poland Mission to the UN
2 Mrs. Maria José Ritta, Portugal - Mrs. Gina Seixas Da Costa, Prime Minister’s Spouse - Mrs. Madalena Margal Grilo, Portuguese National Committee for UNICEF
HRH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Misnad, Qatar - Ambassador Nassir Abdul Aziz Al-Nassir, Permanent Rep. of Qatar Mission to the UN - Alya Al-Thani, Supreme Council of Family Affairs
Queen Sofia, Spain - Sr. Pio Cabanilla, Ministro Portavoz del Gobierno - Dr. José Cabroa, Jefe Secretaria S.W.
Mrs. Lisbeth Venetiaan, Suriname - Mrs. M. Rollings, Social Secretary of the First Lady - Mrs. M. Held, Advisor
Mrs. Mwanamwema Shein, Tanzania - Mrs. Samia Suluhu, Minister for Children and Women Affairs, Zanzibar - Ms. Christie Kapalata, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Tanzania to the UN
Mrs. Janet Museveni, Uganda - Mrs. Dora Kibende, Executive Assistant to the First Lady
Sra. Marisabel Rodríguez de Chávez, Venezuela - Sr. Allan BreierCastillo, Coordinador de Relaciones Internacionales de la Primera Dama - Sra.Carmen Glood
Mrs. Maureen Mwanawasa, Zambia - Mrs. Miriam Nkunika, Executive Director, Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative - Mrs. Mumeka Wright, Project Coordinator, Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative
Mrs. Grace Mugabe, Zimbabwe - G.R. Dete, Under Secretary, Child Welfare - Rachel Simbabwe, Director, Gender Department, Ministry of Youth, Gender and Development TOTAL = 50
Dr. Nani Oskanian, Minister of Health, Armenia - Mrs. Aida Topuzyan, Vice Minister of Education - Mrs. Varsenik Baehdassarian, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Matwabiso A. Lepowo, Minister for Environment - Mrs. Mamoru T. Malie, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Gender & Youth Affairs Gender & Youth Affairs, Lesotho
Dr. Siti Zaharah Sulaiman, Minister of National - Dr. Manogran, Chief Secretary General of the National Unity Minister Unity & Social Development, Malaysia - Dr. Rashid, Director General of the National Unity Department - Zuraidah Musib, Political Secretary to the Minister
Attiya Inayatullah, Minister for Women’s - Ms. Avshela Amiv Ali, Child Participant Development & Social Welfare, Pakistan
Dr. Odette Nyiramilimo, Minister of State for Social - Dr. Chantal Kabagarbo, Director General of Health & Social Affairs, Office of the President Welfare, Rwanda - Mrs. Ndangiza Madina, Head of Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dr. Manto Tshabalala, Minister of Health (Msimang Member of Parliament), South Africa
Dr. Eyad Al-Chatty, Minister of Health, Syria
Mrs. Irene Ashia Assih, Ministère des ASPFPE, Togo
Gu, Xiuliang, Vice Chairman, All-China Women’s - Mme. Chen Yougling, Dep. Director-General, International Liaison Department, Au-China Federation, China Women’s Federation - Mme. Zhu Ping, Director, Au-China Women’s Federation
Sra. Vilma Espín Guillois, Presidenta Comisión del - Sra. Sonia Beretervide Dopico, Miembro del Secretariado Nacional, Federacion de Mujeres Parlamento “Atención a la Juventud , la Infancia y la Cubanas (Consejera) igualdad de Derechos de la Mujer”, Cuba
Mme. Susan Waffa-Ogoo, Secretary of State for - Mrs. Kinza Jawara-Njay, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Office of the President & Special 3 Fisheries, Natural Resources & the Environment, Assistant to the First Lady Gambia
Ms. Anke Fuchs, Vice President of German Parliament & Germany’s Personal Representative for the PrepCom, Germany
Dr. Manal Al-Alussi, Director of the Iraqi Women - Ilham Najim Abid-Al-Razaq, Representative of the IWF New York Federation (IWF), Iraq - Mr. Mohammed Mahmoud, Iraq Mission to the UN
Mrs. Alshikna Fadya Saad Alabdulah Alsaban, - Sahiha Aljasim, Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Planning Member of Child & Family Commitment, Kuwait, - Anwaar Alaa, Assistant Dir. of Woman & Childhood Dept, Minister of Social Affairs & Labour
Dr. Salma Abdeljabar, Libya - Mr. Ahmed Yagob Gzllal, Counsellor, Libya Mission to UN
Ms. Flonija Liatifi, Special Representation of the - Ms. Hurem Gura, State Counsellor President, Macedonia - Ms. Tania Dinevsua, Attaché
Mme. Minato Heeded, Secretor d’Etat à la Condition Feminine, Mauritania
Sra. Carmen R. Arias, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Peru to the UN, Peru
Ms. Saloua Labbéne Ayachi, Directrice Générale de l’Enfance, Tunisia,
H.E. Nora Khalifa Al-Suwaidi, Director of UAE - Hesa Tanyam Omam Women’s Federation & Deputy Head of Delegation, - Dr. Hajer Allosani United Arab Emirates
Mrs. Jenny Anthony, Spouse of Head of Australian - Mr. Lary Anthony, Minister of Children and Youth Affairs Delegation, Australia
Mrs. Siosiane Bloomfield, Spouse of the Interim - Mrs. Amelia Latuniua Tupou, Spouse of the Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Tonga to the Minister of Education, Tonga UN - Ms. Quita Kaho, Attaché, Permanent Mission of Tonga to the UN
Ms. Somaia Barghouti, Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN, Palestine TOTAL = 23
Ms. Julie Belafonte
Mrs. Dogramaci
Ms. Mia Farrow
Ms. Rusti Findley
Mrs. Han So-ja
Ms. Avon Mattison
Mrs. Kristina Moore
Mrs. Jacqueline Morris
Mr. Joel Schneider 4 Ms. Betty Williams TOTAL = 9 TOTALS: First Ladies/First Spouses 50 Representatives from other Countries 23 Special Invitees 9 = 82