Subject: Silver Mesa School Community Council - Draft Minutes
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Date: 8th March, 2016 Time: 7:15am Subject: Silver Mesa School Community Council - Draft Minutes Attendees: Julie Fielding (Principal), Maria Bailey (Teacher Representative), Virginia Ramos (Teacher Representative), James Barron (Parent Representative), John Pursglove (Parent Representative), Scout Poulsen (Parent Representative), Jill Landes-Lee (Parent Representative)
Excused: Nick Hintze (Parent Representative), Don Hendrickson (Parent Representative)
Acronyms utilised within this document: o CSD (Canyons School District) o SM (Silver Mesa) o SCC (School Community Council) o CBM (Curriculum Based Measurement) o VC (Volunteer Coordinator)
Items in red represent an action item for the named individual Meeting Notes:
- Introductions and approval of SCC meeting minutes from February 2016 - CSIP Planning and Approval: o Julie presented overview of CSIP o CSIP was presented to BLT and they have given approval for CSIP o Although intent was to ensure that the metrics utilized are consistent from year to year, CSD has moved in a new direction where at least one of the components are concerned. However, recognise that the new metrics are still CBM based, simply a slight difference in metrics. . . . Reading: Moved from AIMSWeb to DIBELSNet . Math: Moved from AIMSWeb to DIBELSNet o Problem statements now included in CSIP o Literacy: . Multiple assessments in place (AIMSWeb, DIBELSNet, SRI, CORE Phonics, SAGE) . Keeping at 80% on the DIBELSnet assessment . Scaffolding support, skills-based, and vocabulary (CSD Instructional Priority item) are points of emphasis with literacy . Costs: Still asking for 3 tier-2 aides Moby Max will continue to be utilized Requesting allocation of money for Chromebooks o Math: . Multiple assessments in place (SAGE, AIMSWeb, and DIBELSNet) . Goal associated with SAGE for older (3-5) grades left in place . K-3: Changing metrics to DIBELSNet. Leaving at 80% until we have an understanding of DIBELSNet. Will be revisited next year. . Problem statement: Recognise that we are now looking at two different assessments (AIMSWeb and DIBELSNet) . Scaffolding support, skills-based, and vocabulary (CSD Instructional Priority item) are points of emphasis with Math . Costs: Still asking for 2 tier-2 aides Moby Max will continue to be utilized
o Conversation around whether we should include SAGE data within the Literacy category as we do include it within the Math component . It would allow consistency between both the Math and Literacy components . Would it be a disadvantage to add SAGE in addition to the other assessments within Math? . Would it harm morale for teachers if we include it? The data is still being tracked, it is just not tied to CSIP . SAGE results are not known throughout the year (it is a year-end reporting statistic) so the AIMSweb and DIBELSNet data will continue to be the primary metrics used for tracking. . Including SAGE within Math would add transparency . Julie will take feedback back to faculty as to whether or not we should include it in the CSIP and report back to the SCC by email. SCC members are requested to come in and sign approval of the plan once the feedback has been reviewed and the CSIP finalized. o Behavior: . Maintenance based . Bigger issue is with playground behavior . Playworks structures will be continued . Performance goal is to maintain as behavior is not a significant issue at Silver Mesa . Costs: Miscellaneous costs associated with promoting positive behavior. Typically we have not requested Land Trust funds for behavioral items so this is a first year request. o Land Trust: . Estimated 2016/17: $39,564 . Estimated costs associated with CSIP: $39,500 - Jogathon: May 2016 o Maria will update next month - SCC Communication Plan: o How to present digitally the CSIP, absenteeism, etc. o Need to need to create Parent Speak overview that explains CSIP, absenteeism, and then link to website. o Discussion around what should be included. o Scott, James, and Jill will create content and send to SCC for review - Update on School Happenings: o Literacy Night, Movie Night: March 24th: . Promote, it is going to be an incredible evening for the community! o Perfect Attendance month . Include Don’s suggestions ref: incentives (award 25 or 50 consistent days of attendance; excuse contagious sickness) . Virginia will send links to research