Template: Basic Support Letter

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Template: Basic Support Letter

Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 1)

Fundraising Nervous about fundraising? Please know that this is to be expected! Your fundraising goal may seem intimidating now, but we’re here to help you your fundraising goal and the finish line on race day.

Step 1 - Awareness Familiarize yourself with how Free Wheelchair Mission works – things like what our mission statement is ("to provide the transforming gift of mobility to the physically disabled poor in developing countries, as motivated by Jesus Christ,”); how much a wheelchair costs for us to manufacture, ship, and deliver ($77.91); and how many wheelchairs we’ve given away so far (over 680,000 in 86 countries!) Visit www.freewheelchairmission.org for more information. Make everyone you come in contact with aware of what you are doing and why.

Step 2- Believe Believe that our mission is worthy of your time and effort. Know that your efforts over the next few months will help provide the transforming gift of mobility to people around the world. Believe that you can – and WILL – reach your fundraising goal, and the finish line. Know that people really do want to help – your job is to ask them.

Step 3 - Contact Everyone The more people you ask, the more people will give. It’s simple! The number one reason donors report giving to a cause is because they were asked. You never know who has a connection to the cause and is just waiting for the opportunity to get involved.

Who To Contact? You will be amazed how many people you know once you start to identify and list them! In developing your list, think of groups of people you know, and then identify individuals within that group. Don’t leave anyone off your list because you think they aren’t able to or won’t donate. Here are people to consider:  Family and relatives…every one of them!  Friends and neighbors – and their friends and neighbors!  Work associates: current and former co-workers, bosses, clients.  Organizations/Clubs.  Church, Synagogue or other Religious Groups.  School acquaintances, Alumni lists, High School, College friends.  Your kids’ families and friends.  Your parents’ friends.  People/Businesses you do business with  Corporations/Companies. The company you/your spouse work for may make a donation. Some companies “match” donations made by employees…ask your donors if their company has a matching gift program so their donation can be doubled!  Past donors, for returning fundraisers – you can pull reports of people who gave to you last year

How do I approach them?  Face-to-face is the most effective technique.  A letter/email campaign is the most efficient way to reach almost everyone.  Now is the right time to ask – stay prepared by keeping copies of your letter on hand at all times Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 2)

 Practice makes perfect: Practice asking so the words flow smoothly and you feel comfortable asking people to contribute.  Follow Up! How many times have you put a donation letter in your ‘to do’ pile? Many potential donors need a friendly reminder before they get their checkbooks out. Phone your contact to follow-up and see if they received your material and plan to contribute. Just because they have not sent you a donation, does not mean they won’t. Sometimes people just need a personal reminder.

Writing a Good Letter We firmly stand by our thought that the #1 way of raising money in this program is with a letter-writing campaign. This is a letter that you send to extended family, current and past friends, neighbors, old college roommates, your favorite teacher from fourth grade, your hairdresser, doctor, chiropractor and just about anybody else that you can think of. Pull out your address book and get printing! The key to a successful letter campaign is writing a good letter. Here are some suggestions to writing a successful fundraising letter.

 Make it Personal - We all love to get personal letters, so make your letter personal. Let them know what else is going on in your life other than this event. Then slide into what the event is about and why you are personally involved.  Use Humor - Start your letter with something like "Have you heard that (your name) has gone off the deep end again. She is thinking about running 13.1 miles..."  Short and Sweet - Keep the letter to one page. If it is too long, you will lose the reader's interest.  Ask - Very important! What separates this letter from normal letters is that you are asking them to act. Don't just tell them you are doing this, but that you need their help.  Include Fundraising Goal - We recommend letting your donors know how much money you want to raise. The amount your donors give may depend on the size of your overall goal. Remember that the $600 is just a starting point. Think big!  Set a Deadline - We give you a deadline for your own fundraising, but we recommend you set a deadline earlier than that. People are always motivated by deadlines. This way you can assess your fundraising before the real deadline.  Let Them Know How to Donate - Tell them the procedure for making a donation. If they are confused, they are not likely to send a donation. Walk them step-by-step through the process and be sure to ask them if their company participates in a matching gift program. If they do, it’s free money for you!  Follow Up - Keep a list of all the people you send letters to. You can then compare this list to your website and you will see who hasn't donated. Be prepared to send out reminders. Your follow up can be a phone call, postcard or a training update newsletter.  Send a Thank You Card - It is really nice to receive a note that says your donation was important, not to mention that your donors probably want to know how you did! These are just suggestions of things we have seen work over the past few years. Of course, the final letter needs to come from your heart.

For Those That Don’t Respond - There will be some people on your list who are unable or unwilling to contribute to your request. Try not to take it personally. Perhaps they are having some financial challenges, unexpected bills, or they support other causes. It is difficult to know why they are unable to support you. However, some people may be able to make a donation later if you suggest this idea. So Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 3) follow-up with everyone. Thank each person for thinking about the request and move on to your next prospect!



This year, I am teaming up with Free Wheelchair Mission in order to raise funds to provide wheelchairs to the disabled poor in developing nations around the world. Transforming lives through the gift of mobility is important to me personally because ______. I invite you to be a part of the solution by supporting my effort.

For 100,000,000 disabled people around the world, a wheelchair is beyond their dreams. For the poor and immobile in developing countries, the simplest daily functions are a struggle. Many lack the basic mobility needed for a life of dignity and independence. However, a simple solution is available. Free Wheelchair Mission manufactures and distributes a sturdy wheelchair designed especially for developing countries for only $77.91 per chair. Each chair is distributed at no cost to the recipient and changes a life forever.

I have set a personal goal to raise $______. That’s enough to distribute ______wheelchairs. With your help, I know I can reach my goal and help Free Wheelchair Mission provide the transforming gift of mobility to people around the world.


Your name

To donate online, please visit: Your webpage URL

Make your check out to: Free Wheelchair Mission Note – Fundraiser name in the memo line of the check

Mail your donation and an Offline Donation Form to: Free Wheelchair Mission Attn. Ariel Rigney 15279 Alton Parkway, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92618 Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 4)


I have decided to take on the challenge of Running for Mobility for Free Wheelchair Mission. I will be running the Surf City USA marathon on February 1, 2015 in Huntington Beach, CA. I’m not just running for a medal or a time—I’m running in order to provide wheelchairs to people in need around the world. My goal is to raise $780. Since each wheelchair only costs $77.91, that will be enough to personally help 10 individuals by providing them with a wheelchair that they need.

The need for wheelchairs is huge – over 100 million people around the world need a wheelchair but don’t have one. Your support will help Free Wheelchair Mission continue transforming lives around the world, will help motivate me during the race, and help me reach my fundraising goal!

Thank so much for your support!

Sincerely, [NAME]

To donate online: [YOUR URL] To donate via check: Payable to Free Wheelchair Mission, and return to me To donate via cash: Please return to me

To learn more about the event: WWW.RUNFORMOBILITY.ORG To learn more about Free Wheelchair Mission: www.freewheelchairmission.org Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 5)


You know how important sports and fitness are to me. Living a healthy, active lifestyle is something that is easily taken for granted. I have taken on the challenge of training for the Surf City USA [MARATHON OR HALF MARATHON]. To make my race more meaningful, I am raising money for Free Wheelchair Mission—a humanitarian nonprofit organization that provides wheelchairs to people in need around the world. By providing a simple wheelchair that only costs $77.91, they are able to transform the lives of individuals, families, and communities through the gift of mobility.

There are over 100 million people around the world who are disabled and need a wheelchair, but cannot afford one—especially in developing nations. Not having a wheelchair means that the individual is unable to attend school, get a job, or participate in their communities. These people simply need a means to be independent and mobile. Free Wheelchair Mission has been working for the past 11 years to manufacture, ship, and deliver specially designed, durable wheelchairs around the world. Still, FWM needs your help in order to continue their mission.

By donating to my fundraising efforts, you are helping me support FWM and their mission to change lives, one wheelchair at a time. Together, we can provide the tool these people need in order to live an independent, productive, and fulfilled lives. Please become a part of my project by making a donation through my web site link below. Together, we can give the gift of mobility and lift lives around the world.

Thank you for your support, Your Name]

To donate online: [YOUR URL] To donate via check: Payable to Free Wheelchair Mission, and return to me directly To donate via cash: Please return to me directly

To learn more about the event: WWW.RUNFORMOBILITY.ORG To learn more about Free Wheelchair Mission: www.freewheelchairmission.org Letter Writing Campaign Project (Page 6)



Thank you so much for supporting my fundraising effort and transforming lives through the gift of mobility!

Thanks to your generous support, I was able to raise a total of $______: enough to provide _____ wheelchairs!

Thank you so much for supporting me and _____ people who now have a wheelchair because of your generosity.


Your name

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