Middle School Exam Words

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Middle School Exam Words

Sachem Central School District Sagamore, Samoset, Seneca, Sequoya

Middle School Assessment Vocabulary

One of the characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction is a focus on terms that are important to the content presented in school. When all the teachers in a school focus on the same academic vocabulary, the school has a powerful comprehensive approach. This approach greatly enhances students’ chances of learning the academic content presented in subject matter classes. -Robert Marzano Building Academic Vocabulary ASCD

In order to address the vocabulary concerns experienced by students when taking assessments and comprehending complex questions across all disciplines, the middle school ELA chairs perused the recent New York State Assessments in English, Math, Science and Social Studies in order to discover potential vocabulary that may be contributing to inadequate comprehension by our students. Further, we consulted a national source entitled Building Academic Vocabulary for additional input and words that impede reading comprehension by students across the country. Some words may be identifiable as likely to appear on an English assessment while other words may appear on Social Studies, Science, and Math assessments.

Any input concerning words that should be added or deleted would be greatly appreciated by all.

Assessment Vocabulary: 1. association/associate/associative: friendship, organization, connection, overtone 2. caption: slogan, subtitle, title 3. clarification/clarify: elucidate, explain, illuminate 4. chronology/ sequence: series, order, succession, progression 5. trait: mannerism, peculiarity, attribute 6. criticism,/critique analysis, assessment, evaluation 7. document/documentary/documentation certification, credentials, documents 8. generalization/generalize simplify, oversimplify, take a broad view 9. interpretation understanding, explanation, reading 10. logic/logical rational, reasonable, common sense 11. objective: purpose, aim, goal subjective: slanted, biased, prejudiced 12. parallel: similar, equivalent, similarity, counterpart 13. perspective /perception: view point, lookout, outlook 14. persuade/persuasion: influence, affiliation conviction, urging 15. relative/relevant: pertinent, applicable, related, appropriate 16. resource: reserve, supply, source, resourceful: ingenious, imaginative, inventive 17. significant/significance: meaning, implication, consequence, importance, impact 18. synthesis/synthesize: fuse, blend, combine, manufacture 19. differentiate: distinguish, discriminate, make a distinction, set apart 20. analyze: examine, study, investigate 21. formulate: devise, invent, express, put into words, verbalize 22. applicable: appropriate, valid, related 23. verify: confirm, bear out, prove, authenticate, validate 24. justify: give good reason for, give explanation for, align, adjust 25. denoted: indicate, referred to, designate, signify 26. symbol /symbolize/symbolic: representative, sign, emblem, representation 27. equivalent: equal, alike, counterpart, comparable 28. evaluate: assess, appraise, estimate 29. variable: changeable, erratic, adjustable, flexible, various: a variety of, many 30. probability/probable: likely, possible, plausible 31. effect/affect: influence, involve, touch, assume, pretend to have 32. refute: disprove, prove false 33. observable/observation: surveillance, watching, opinion, thought, performance 34. process procedure: course, development, progression, method 35. factors: issue, thing, feature, aspect 36. conclusion /conclude: end bring to a close, finish, deduce, assume, bring about 37. correspondence/correspond: write, communicate, match up, be compatible 38. identify: recognize, spot, name, classify, discover, find, distinguish 39. relationships: associations, affairs, contact 40. establish: set up, found, ascertain, determine, find out 41. theory: philosophy system, imagine, conceive, premise, guess 42. accept/acceptable: believe, agree, except/exception: exempt, omission, exclude 43. resolution: decree, decision, promise, pledge, resolve, determination 44. contrast: difference, distinction, compare, distinguish, differ, stand out against 45. evidence: proof, confirmation, facts, indication, sign, show, demonstrate 46. principle: code, standard, rule, law 47. structure: arrangement, organization, construction, assembly, arrange, organize 48. diverse: varied, miscellaneous, different, dissimilar, unlike 49. function: purpose, meaning, gathering, occasion, work, perform, operate 50. emphasize: highlight, stress, call attention to, point out 51. incorporate/integrate: put together, mix, join together, combine 52. demonstrate: show, reveal, display, prove, establish, explain, display, protest 53. influence /influential: manipulate, persuade, change, powerful, important 54. extract: take out, remove, pull out 55. reflect: be a sign of, reveal, indicate, think, consider, ponder 56. estimate/estimation: opinion, judgment, view, guess, approximation 57. illustrate: demonstrate, show, point up 58. expression: look, phrase, idiom, manifestation, expressive: animated, communicative, meaningful, significant, representative, demonstrating 59. degree: amount, quantity, grade, quantity 60. bias: prejudice, favoritism, unfairness, partiality 8th Grade Academic Vocabulary List 2007 - 2008 1. adjacent: neighboring, nearby, adjoining, bordering 2. conventions: meeting, gathering, rule, agreement 3. configuration: pattern, design, arrangement 4. derive – derivation: origin, root, source, beginning 5. elaboration: intensification, strengthening, further explanation, further details 6. etymology: derivation of a word, history of a word 7. explicit: open, clear, precise, exact implicit: understood, unreserved, absolute 8. facilitate: make easy, make possible, aid, assist 9. idioms: phrase, saying, expression, jargon (see attached) 10. literal: factual, truthful, exact, accurate, figurative: symbolic metaphorical abstract 11. imperative: very important, vital, crucial, authoritative, requirement, law 12. juxtaposition: combination, coincidence, union 13. proverb: maxim, axiom, saying, motto 14. subliminal: subconscious hidden unconscious 15. superlative: excellent, unmatched, unbeatable, outstanding 16. syntax: grammar, sentence structure, language rules 17. vernacular: dialect, language, lingo 18. consolidate: merge, combine, strengthen, secure 19. coherent: logical, rational, sound, consistent 20. rationale: underlying principle, basis, foundation, motivation 21. circumvent: avoid, get around, evade circumference: perimeter, boundary 22. consecutive: successive, following, repeated 23. integral: essential, vital, important, basic, connected, at the heart of 24. disseminate: distribute, broadcast, circulate, spread 25. phenomena: occurrence, fact, experience, marvel, wonder, exceptional person 26. apparent: obvious, clear, evident, seeming, deceptive 27. correlate: associate, compare, link, show a relationship 28. intonation: accent, inflection, tone 29. intervene: arbitrate, get involved, occur, take place intervention: interference 30. imposed: imposition, burden, nuisance, obligation 31. prohibit: forbid, exclude, make illegal prohibition: ban, exclusion 32. proposal: suggestion, offer, application proposition: proposal, plan, scheme 33. provision: stipulation, condition, terms, specification 34. fundamental: basic, primary, essential, important, vital 35. episode: incidence, installment, event, occurrence episodic: periodic 36. recitation: recital, reading, performance, narration 37. connotation: (connote) mean, predict, imply, suggest, implication, undertone 38. extraneous: irrelevant, unrelated, unconnected, not on the subject 39. conscious: aware, mindful, awake, deliberate subconscious: subliminal, hidden, unintentional, involuntary - 40. authentic: genuine, real, valid, true, reliable, realistic 7th Grade Academic Vocabulary List 2007 – 2008 1. acquire: obtain, get gain acquisition: achievement, purchase, possession, asset 2. argumentation/ argument: quarrel, disagreement, case, reasoning, contention 3. assume/ assumption: statement guess theory belief 4. coordinate: organize, direct, manage, bring together 5. cross-reference: footnote, explanation, double check, verify 6. dialect: language, talk, idiom 7. editorial: viewpoint, perspective, position, point of view 8. etiquette: manners, good manners, protocol 9. expository: explanation, account 10. figurative: metaphoric, abstract 11. literal: factual, truthful, exact, word by word, verbatim 12. inconsistency/inconsistent: not in agreement, conflicting, unpredictable, shifting, unreliable, erratic 13. jargon: terminology, slang, lingo 14. modify/modification: alteration, change, adjustment 15. projection: outcrop, bulge, forecast, prediction 16. slant / slanted material: angle, viewpoint, attitude, point of view 17. slang: informal usage, playful language or idioms 18. stereotypical/stereotype: typecast, label 19. subordinate: secondary, lesser, inferior, assistant, junior, underling 20. transition: change, evolution, shift, alteration, transfer 21. trickster tale/folk tale: legend, traditional beliefs, shared tales 22. inflection: nuance, variation, variety 23. collaboration: teamwork, partnership, group, effort 24. clarify: make clear, explain, spell out, simplify, refine, purify, filter 25. exponent: advocate, supporter, example, model, interpreter, explainer 26. ratio: relation, relative amount, percentage 27. proportion: amount ,quantity, ratio, comparison, relationship 28. discord: disagreement, conflict, dispute, disharmony, friction 29. adapt/adaptation: version, edition, alteration, change 30. approximate: estimated, fairly accurate, rough, near, ballpark 31. transformation: alteration, change, conversion, renovation 32. composition /compose: create, write, arrange, calm, settle down 33. objection: opposition, protest, doubt 34. supported: hold up, maintain, foundation, encourage, assist, backing 35. sequence/sequential: chronological, in order 36. figure of speech: rhetorical expression, metaphor, idiom 37. maintain: uphold, preserve, argue, claim, look after, care for 38. promote: endorse, encourage, advance, further advertise, campaign for 39. extensive: widespread, wide-ranging, big, vast 40. formal/formality: procedure, requirement, reserve, stiffness 6th Grade Academic Vocabulary List 2007-2008 1. background knowledge: information, facts, acquaintance, education 2. sketch: preliminary drawing, brief account, short presentation 3. broadcast: transmit, show, publicize, make known, advertise 4. climax: peak, high point, pinnacle, best moment 5. era: age, epoch, period 6. dialogue: conversation, interview, exchange of ideas, discussion 7. feedback: criticism, advice, reaction, view 8. interjection: exclamation, interruption, speaking 9. mechanics: workings, technicalities, procedures 10. media: (plural) channels of general communication, information, entertainment medium: a middle state, an intervening substance toward desired effect 11. plagiarism: copying, stealing, illegal use, breach of copyright 12. recurring: chronic, returning, frequent, habitual 13. representation: image, depiction, illustration, account, statement 14. stress: pressure, strain, emphasis, importance, underline, underscore 15. audience: spectators, viewers 16. technology: knowledge, expertise, equipment, machinery 17. textual/text: book, manuscript, transcript, textbook 18. origin: source, derivation, cause, beginning 19. irrelevant: immaterial, neither here nor there, unrelated, inappropriate 20. generate/generalization: sweeping statement, simplification, oversimplification 21. exaggerate: overstate, embellish, amplify, inflate 22. substitute/substitution: replacement, switch, exchange, changeover 23. invalid: unacceptable, unsound, untrue, null, void 24. terminate: end, finish, come to an end, conclude, stop, cease 25. distribute/distribution: sharing, giving out, delivery, supply, spreading 26. median: middle, center, norm 27. mode: form, style, manner, method, means 28. range: variety, choice, series, vary, reach, scope, span 29. prime/primary: main, chief, most important, first, leading 30. immune: resistant, protected, invulnerable, unaffected, safe, exempt, excepted 31. dowry: gift, offering, grant 32. conduct: behavior, demeanor, carry out, perform, management, handling 33. convert: change, exchange, switch, win over, bring round, convince 34. values: principles, standards, morals, ethics, ideals 35. interact: interrelate, act together, work together, cooperate, network 36. similarity: resemblance, comparison, likeness, match 37. event: occasion, happening, incident, result, consequence, outcome 38. personify: typify, characterize, show, humanize, give a human face to 39. compare contrast: evaluate, match up, to associate, relate, link 40. benefit: advantage, profit, help, promote, do good, to gain, allowance, subsidy

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