H05 08 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Industrial Revolution & Meiji Restoration

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H05 08 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Industrial Revolution & Meiji Restoration

H05 08 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Industrial Revolution & Meiji Restoration Name: ______ANSWERS ______DATE: THU. 11 DEC 2014 Review: "Test Preparation" (Industrial Revolution) “original” Global History 2

1. Before a nation can begin to industrialize, that nation must first develop 1. a democratic government 3. a rigid class structure 2. a strong religious foundation 4. an adequate food supply

2. An agricultural revolution and good supplies of iron and coal made it possible for England to 1. begin the Protestant Reformation. 3. start the Industrial Revolution. 2. establish the guild system. 4. accept communism.

3. Nationalism, the Industrial Revolution and the resulting need for raw materials led to 1. the Crusades. 3. the Napoleonic Wars. 2. imperialism. 4. the unification of Germany.

4. In Japanese history, what was the impact of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1854)? 1. Japan adopted an ISOLATIONIST policy. 2. Contact with Western nations encouraged Japan to industrialize. 3. Chinese influence on Japanese literature and art was limited. 4. Japan adopted a feudal society.

5. In Japanese history, what was the impact of the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912)? 1. Japan adopted an isolationist policy. 2. Contact with Western nations encouraged Japan to industrialize. 3. Chinese influence on Japanese literature and art was limited. 4. Japan adopted a feudal society.

6. In Europe, joint stock companies, shareholders, entrepreneurs, and the bourgeoisie contributed to the 1 (1) rise of capitalism (3) decline of communism 2 (2) development of feudalism (4) increase in power of the guilds 3 7. Which event had the greatest influence on the development of laissez-faire capitalism? 1 (1) fall of the Roman Empire (3) Industrial Revolution 2 (2) invention of the printing press (4) Green Revolution

8. An essential feature of industrialization is 1. having a democratic government. 3. eliminate private property. 2. replacing hand labor with machines. 4. using nuclear energy.

9. Which economic enterprise would Adam Smith most favor? 1. privately owned factory in France 3. medieval manor in Europe 2. government-run railroad in Africa 4. commune in Communist China

10. Japan’s increased foreign trade during the Meiji Restoration was closely related to its (1) need to maintain a traditional society (3) desire for a modern industrialized society (2) colonization by Western nations (4) encouragement of foreign investment

11. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed a theory that economic conditions would significantly improve for the working class only when 1. governments accepted the capitalist system 2. workers (the proletariat) negotiated with the capitalists 3. the owners (the bourgeoisie) became the ruling class 4. workers (the proletariat) controlled the means of production

12. The growth of Europe’s population from 1750 to 1900 was largely the result of 1. changing political values throughout Europe 2. emigration from the colonies in the New World 3. the long period of peace preceding World War I 4. changes brought about by the scientific, agricultural, and industrial revolutions

13. A main characteristic of laissez-faire capitalism was 1. government control of the economy 3. an increased number of government rules 2. that government did not interfere with business 4. government ownership of business

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14. A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the 1. concentration of workers in urban areas 3. increased desire of the wealthy class to share its power 2. formation of powerful craft guilds 4. control of agricultural production by governments

15. The term "mercantilism" is defined as an economic system in which (1) prices are determined by the laws of supply and demand (2) colonies exist for the benefit of the colonial power (3) factors of production are owned by the government (4) the proletariat benefit at the expense of the bourgeoisie

16. The needs of the Industrial Revolution in 19th-century Europe greatly contributed to the (1) growth of overseas empires (2) beginning of the triangular trade (3) development of international peacekeeping organizations (4) promotion of political and economic equality in North America and Australia

17. Social Darwinism means (1) survival of the fittest (3) equality for all people (2) socializing at Darwin, England (4) everyone should help the needy/poor

18. In 19th century England many people move from rural areas to the cities because 1. family ties were becoming stronger and more important. 2. crime and disease were decreasing in cities. 3. economies based on bartering were replacing money ($$$) economies. 4. more, and higher paying jobs are available in cities.

19. Japanese imperialist actions during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s were mainly the result of its desire to 1. promote the interdependence of nations. 3. introduce constitutional monarchy to East Asia. 2. bring Shinto practices to other nations. 4 . gain natural resources for manufacturing.

20. One of Japan’s most important economic advantages has been 1 . a highly skilled and educated labor force. 3. an abundance of raw materials and natural resources. 2. a large amount of available agricultural land. 4. the successful revolt of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

21. Which system developed as a result of the Commercial Revolution 1. manorialism 2. communism 3. bartering 4. Free market (capitalist) economy

22. Nationalism is best defined as 1. the achievement of world peace and global understanding 2. the desire to take over other societies by force 3. a method of solving basic economic problems of the society 4. the loyalty of a people to their values, traditions, and a geographic region

23. According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the 1. granting of more political liberties to all people 3. struggle between classes in society 2. wars and conflicts between national leaders 4. increasing prosperity brought about by industrialization

24. Which statement best expresses the motive for 19th-century European imperialism? 1. Living space was needed for the excess population in western Europe. 2. European leaders believed imperialism was an effective method of reducing the number of wars. 3. European nations would benefit from some aspects of the conquered nation’s culture. 4. Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers.

25. The long-range result (by the end of the 19th century) of the Industrial Revolution was to 1. decrease the number of people working in factories. 3. encourage people to move from cities to farms. 2. raise the standard of living. 4. make workers less dependent on employers.

26. Strong feelings of nationalism usually begin with the existence of 1. abundant natural resources 3. democratic traditions 2. a common history, language, and culture 4. imperialistic ambitions

27. Which condition is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a society? 1. dependence on subsistence agriculture 3. creation of a one-crop economy 2. availability of investment capital 4. capture of foreign lands

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28. According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the 1. granting of more political liberties to all people 3. struggle between classes in society 2. wars and conflicts between national leaders 4. increasing prosperity brought about by industrialization

29. A main idea of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto is that the proletariat 1. would need foreign help to achieve its revolutionary ends 2. had to cooperate with the capitalists to gain economic rewards 3. should allow the capitalists to control the means of production 4. must unite to overthrow the capitalist class

“Revolution will occur more and more frequently in the industrialized nations as the proletariat struggles to overcome the abuses of the capitalist system.” 30. This quotation reflects the ideas of 1. Charles Darwin 2. Karl Marx 3. Niccolo Machiavelli 4. John Locke

“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains…Workers of the world, unite!” 31. This statement was made in response to conditions resulting from the 1. Protestant Reformation 2. Counter-Reformation 3. Commercial Revolution 4. Industrial Revolution

32. A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the 1. concentration of workers in urban areas 3. increased desire of the wealthy class to share its power 2. formation of powerful craft guilds 4. control of agricultural production by governments

33. According to the theories of Karl Marx, history can be viewed as a 1. succession of famines that result in the destruction of civilizations 3. repeating cycle of imperialism and colonialism 2. listing of the accomplishments of the ruling classes 4. continuous struggle between economic classes

34. Which revolution inspired Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to express their ideas in The Communist Manifesto? 1. Industrial 2. Scientific 3. Glorious 4. Neolithic

35. Japanese imperialist actions during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s were mainly the result of its desire to 1. promote the interdependence of nations. 3. introduce constitutional monarchy to East Asia. 2. bring Shinto practices to other nations. 4. gain natural resources for manufacturing.

36. The terms cottage industries, mercantilism, guilds, and laissez-faire are most closely associated with (1) political systems (2) social systems (3) economic systems (4) belief systems

37. What was an important result of the Neolithic Revolution? (1) Food supplies became more reliable. (3) New sources of energy became available. (2) People became more nomadic. (4) Populations declined.

38. During which period did the domestication of animals and growing of crops first occur? (1) Iron Age (3) Old Stone Age (2) Neolithic Revolution (4) Scientific Revolution

39. What was an important result of the Neolithic Revolution? (1) Food supplies became more reliable. (3) New sources of energy became available. (2) People became more nomadic. (4) Populations declined.

40. One result of the Neolithic Revolution was 1. an increase in the number of nomadic tribes 3. a reliance on hunting and gathering for food 2. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments 4. a decrease in trade between cultural groups

41. Throughout history, many cultures experienced GOLDEN AGES. This means that these cultures 1. had little regard for the well-being of the people. 3. were military dictatorships. 2. had periods of intellectual and economic growth. 4. lasted only a brief period of time.

42 . Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed a theory that economic conditions would significantly improve for the working class only when 1. governments accepted the capitalist system 2. workers (the proletariat) negotiated with the capitalists 3. the owners (the bourgeoisie) became the ruling class

PAGE 3 H05 08 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Industrial Revolution & Meiji Restoration 4. workers (the proletariat) controlled the means of production

43. According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the 1. granting of more political liberties to all people 3. struggle between classes in society 2. wars and conflicts between national leaders 4. increasing prosperity brought about by industrialization

44. Which leader based his rule on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels? (1) Neville Chamberlain [Great Britain] (3) Adolf Hitler [Germany] (2) Vladimir Lenin [Russia/USSR] (4) Jiang Jieshu (Chiang Kai-shek) [Nationalist China] [REGENTS: August 2005] 45. Which statement is supported by the ideas of Karl Marx? (1) Private ownership of businesses helps workers. (2) Industrialization benefits the wealthy and exploits the poor. (3) Countries should benefit from the wealth of their colonies. (4) Industrial capitalism allows workers and employers to work together for a common purpose. [REGENTS: January 2002] 46. Which two major ideas are contained in the writings of Karl Marx? (1) survival of the fittest and natural selection (3) class struggle and revolutionary change (2) separation of powers and checks and balances (4) monotheism and religious tolerance [REGENTS: January 2005]

47. What did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believe would be the result when communism finally emerged as the dominant political and economic system? (1) Only two classes would exist in society. (3) All the evils of industrial society would disappear. (2) The Soviet Union would become the world’s only superpower. (4) Citizens would own their individual homes and farms.

[REGENTS: August 2000]

48. A major reason the Industrial Revolution began in England was that England possessed (1) a smooth coastline (3) abundant coal and iron resources (2) many waterfalls (4) numerous mountain ranges [REGENTS: June 2007]

Please do NOT forget over any of the previous Units … we have covered this year.


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