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Impact of Moderate Treadmill Exercise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate When Compared to Resting Conditions, with a Focus on Cardiovascular Fitness Using a Lead II ECG.
DATE SUBMITTED December 18, 2000
FACILITATOR………………………………Chunpang Shen
TIME & TASK KEEPER………………….…Christina Croft
SCRIBE……………………………………....Jocelyn Poruthur
PRESENTER………………………………...Anna Marie Lipski
Percent heart rate reserve used and blood pressure were used for the determination of cardiovascular fitness in 8 subjects, 4 males and 4 females, between 20-21 years of age. Each subject was run at intervals of 3 minutes on a Pro·Form 390 Pi Power Incline Treadmill at increasing speeds, ranging from 0 – 6 mph, using a Lead II ECG. Biopac Pro collected data that was used for the analysis and calculation of percent heart rate reserve used and blood pressure for each subject. The average confidence limits of percent heart rate reserve used varied from 8.99% to 30.78% for all subjects. The percent heart rate reserve used was shown to distinguish subjects’ level of aerobic activity. Differences in percent heart rate reserve used were clearly distinguished between subjects who regularly engage in high-level aerobic activity and those who do not. The percent heart rate reserve used data was reproducible to 3.4% 1.1% STDEV. Systolic blood pressure for all subjects increased by an average of 6.54 mmHg/mph 12.07% 95%CL (5.74%/mph 12.07% 95%CL) relative to average systolic pressure of 114 5.53% STDEV at rest. The average diastolic pressure for all subjects increased 0.0409 mmHg/mph 34.7% 95%CL (0.055% 34.7% 95%CL) relative to average resting diastolic pressure of 74.4 mmHg 12.0% STDEV. Due to large confidence intervals for the systolic and diastolic measurements, the blood pressures could not distinguish between subjects’ aerobic activity level. Therefore, blood pressure did not serve as a good indicator of cardiovascular fitness, while percent heart rate reserve used did. OBJECTIVES
The object of this experiment was to determine how percent heart rate reserve used and blood pressure could be used as indicators of cardiovascular fitness by means of running on a ProForm 390 Pi Power Incline Treadmill at varying speeds using a Lead II ECG. Two specific goals were set for the accomplishment of this objective. The first goal was to compare the relationship between the percent heart rate reserve used and the running speed. The second goal was to compare the relationship between the blood pressure and percent heart rate reserve used. The cardiovascular fitness for a total of 8 individuals was to be determined by increasing the running speeds on the treadmill, recording ECG’s throughout the experiment, and by taking manual and electronic readings of blood pressure. The experiment calls for the use of Biopac Lab Pro for the acquisition of heart rate and blood pressure data to determine the cardiovascular fitness of an individual.
Blood pressure and heart rate are used as indicators of cardiac health. Blood pressure actually means, “the force exerted by the blood against any unit area of the vessel wall.”1 Flow of blood through a vessel is determined by two factors. First, the pressure difference of the blood between the two end of the vessel; secondly, the impediment to blood flow through the vessel, which is called vascular resistance. 2 Heart rate gives an indication to how fast or slow the heart is pumping blood from the superior vena cava to the pulmonary artery. The heart rate can be easily monitored with increasing levels of exercise.
It is during heavy exercise, that the muscles require greatly increased blood flow. Part of this increase results from local vasodilation of the muscle vasculature caused by increased metabolism of the muscle cells. Additional increase results from the simultaneous elevation of arterial pressure caused by sympathetic stimulation during the exercise. In most heavy exercise, the systolic arterial blood pressure rises about 20-40 mmHg, which increases the blood flow by about an additional twofold, thus one can see an increase in the heart rate.3 Furthermore, the diastolic blood pressure is expected to experience no change, or only a slight decrease.4
Healthy adults, at resting conditions, have a systolic blood pressure of about 120 mmHg and diastolic of 80 mmHg.5 For adults, the normal range of resting systolic pressure is 100-139 mmHg. The normal range of resting diastolic pressure for adults is 60-89 mmHg. The average heart rate for a resting adult is 72 beats per minute.6 Using the auscultatory method, the first Korotkoff sound corresponds to systolic blood pressure while the second Korotkoff sound corresponds to diastolic blood pressure reading, which is the point when the sound becomes muffled.
There is an increase in cardiac output during aerobic exercise, such as jogging, since the working muscles need larger amounts of oxygen and nutrients to maintain that level of exercise. The increase in cardiac output corresponds to an increase in heart rate. People who frequently exercise aerobically have more efficient hearts. Therefore, their resting heart rate is lower than a non-athlete’s since they have a larger stroke volume than average. Furthermore, their maximum heart rate is found to be lower than a non- athlete’s. For example, the maximum heart rate for a marathon runner is found to be 185 beats per minute, while a non-athlete has a maximum heart rate of 195 beats per minute.7
The exercise stress test has been used for years “to evaluate patients…to objectively assess functional exercise capacity…and the effect of therapy on blood pressure.”8 Most stress tests use the multistage treadmill and follow Bruce’s protocol. Bruce’s protocol consists of set levels of speed, incline, and duration of exercise for multistage treadmills. The patient is attached to an electrocardiogram, and the blood pressure is taken at rest, and between the different stages of exercise. 9
Having male and female subjects run to 80% of their maximum heart rate ensured that the subjects would have used at least 60% of their heart rate reserve. The maximum heart rate was found using the following equations3: Men = 227 – (1.067 x age) (1) Women = 206 – (0.597 x age) (2)
Equation 3 was used to calculate the percent heart rate reserve used from the raw data:
The above equation was used to quantify cardiovascular fitness in this experiment. The purpose of utilizing percent heart rate reserve used equation was to create a baseline for all subjects. The baseline was set at 0% heart rate reserve used at rest.
Changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure during exercise were calculated by the following equation:
BPEXERCISE LEVEL % Relative Blood Pressure x100% (4) BPREST
Again, percent relative blood pressure was used to establish a baseline for all subjects. The resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were baselined to 100%.
Materials Biopac Blood Pressure Cuff (SS19L) Biopac Stethoscope (SS30L) Biopac Electrode Lead Set (SS2L) Biopac Disposable Vinyl Electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per subject Biopac Student Lab Pro Software V3.0 Biopac Data Acquisition Unit (MP30) ProForm 390 Pi Power Incline Treadmill Medical Tape
Methods Subjects were interviewed about their level of cardiovascular fitness (see Table 2, RESULTS). They were asked how many hours per week they engage in aerobic activity, what type of aerobic activity it was, and for how long (years, months, weeks, days) they have participated in their stated activity. Aerobic activity was defined as exercise in which the subjects engaged in running, ice-hockey, Nordic Track exercises, etc. Electrodes were applied to the subjects in the Lead II configuration (see Protocol), and a resting blood pressure was taken. Furthermore, while subjects were interviewed, the Biopac Pro Software was being set up along with the data acquisition parameters. The MP30 acquisition channels, as noted in Table 1, were set up from Biopac Pro presets. The blood pressure cuff was calibrated on a daily basis. Each subject was required to run on a Pro-Form 390 Pi Power Incline Treadmill at increasing speeds to 80% maximum heart rate to ensure subjects reach their 60% heart rate reserve used.
Channel Type CH # Data Type Input 1 Blood Pressure Cuff Input 2 Stethoscope (Korotkoff Sounds) Input 3 ECG (0.05 - 35 Hz) Calculation 40 Heart Rate Table 1 Biopac Pro MP30 Acquisition Channels Used
Protocol Subjects were instructed not to consume caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco on the day of testing. Subjects were also told not to consume food 2 hours before testing. Subjects were ordered to wear proper attire, i.e. sneakers and athletic wear. Electrodes were applied to the subjects in the Lead II configuration: negative electrode (white) on right forearm, positive electrode (red) on left leg, ground (black) on right leg. The wires of the electrodes were secured to the subjects with medical tape. Resting heart rate and blood pressure measurements were taken using Biopac Pro while the subjects rested for 5 minutes. In addition to the electronic readings of blood pressure, auscultatory method readings were taken and served as a guide in analyzing first and second Korotkoff sounds. The pressure cuff was left on the subjects’ arm for the entire duration of the testing. This was done to insure efficiency when taking blood pressure measurements during the testing. Subjects ran at specified speeds, for 3-minute intervals until they reached 80% of their maximum heart rate as reported by Biopac Pro CH 40 (Table1). Recall, each subject’s 80% maximum heart rate was calculated using Equations 1 and 2. The approximate designated speeds included: 1.6+0.05, 2.4+0.05, 3.5+0.05, 4.3+0.05, 5.5+0.05, 6.1+0.05 mph. Additional speeds were added until the subject reached 80% of their maximum heart rate. The treadmill was fixed at 0% grade of incline. Subjects were run until they reached 80% of their maximum heart rate to ensure that they reached 60% of their heart rate reserve. After the subject ran for 3 minutes at each specified speed, the cuff was immediately inflated while the treadmill was brought to a stop, and the blood pressure measurement was taken when the treadmill came to a full stop. It took approximately 15 seconds to obtain a blood pressure reading.
A fitness survey was conducted to discover how often the 8 subjects exercised per week, how much of their exercise was aerobic, and how long they have been working out (Table 2).
M1 M2 M3 M4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Total Hours Per Week 6 7 15 0 4 0 1 1 Aerobic Hours Per Week 2 2 10 0 2 0 1 1 Workout history (yr) 2 2 3 0 2 0 1 1 Table 2 Fitness Survey
A total of 8 subjects were tested: 4 male, 4 female, between the ages of 20-21, in order to determine how percent heart rate reserve used and/or blood pressure could be used as indicators of cardiovascular fitness. The ECG data was used in order to calculate percent heart rate reserve used for each individual, while data for blood pressure was directly obtained from Biopac Pro, using the value function set to the Input 2 channel (see Table 1). From the ECG data, 3 peak-to-peak segments, specifically R-wave-to-R-wave segments, were highlighted and averaged, for each interval of exercise to determine the individual’s heart rate. The purpose of averaging the data was to determine the deviation for each subject at each speed.
% Heart Rate Reserve Used v. Speed: Female Subjects
F1 = 1.0443x2 + 8.329x F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x R2 = 0.9007 R2 = 0.9492 100 2 F2 = 2.9211x + 2.3673x F4 = 1.4742x2 + 8.4144x 2 R = 0.8928 R2 = 0.9433 F1 e v
r 80 F2 e
s 2 F3 e AVG y = 1.0483x + 7.6445x R
2 F4 e R = 0.8416 t AVG a
R 60 Poly. (F1) t r
a Poly. (F2) e
H Poly. (F3)
% Poly. (F4) 40 Poly. (AVG)
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed of Treadmill (mph) Figure 1 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed of Treadmill for Female Subjects A plot of percent heart rate reserve used v. speed was made for all subjects. Figure 1 graphed percent heart rate reserve v. speed of treadmill for female subjects. For graph of male subjects, see Appendix 1. The overall trend of increasing percent heart rate reserve used with increasing speeds was fit to a second-order polynomial. Higher order polynomials did not model these expected rates as accurately. For instance, the coefficient of the x3 term of the third order equations was much smaller than the coefficients of the x2 and x terms, and was thus inconsequential. Both, horizontal and vertical error bars were included in the graph. The horizontal error bar shows the limitations of the treadmill’s capability of reading speeds up to +0.05mph. The vertical error bars were calculated for each individual subject. They represented the standard deviations of each subject’s % heart rate reserve used at each speed. The average value of the deviations, for all subjects, was found to be 2.77% 77.4% STDEV. Furthermore, an average trend line, an average of all subjects (male and female) data, was also plotted. The reproducibility of heart rates was found to be 3.4%1.1%STDEV.
For percent heart rate reserve used v. speed trend lines were plotted, the 95% confidence intervals were determined. Upper and lower 95 % confidence interval lines were included for all subjects (see Table 3). Plots of subjects and their respective upper and lower 95% confidence lines were made for purpose of comparison of subjects (see Appendices 5-18)
Subject Average 95% Confidence Intervals F1 +23.01% F2 +30.78% F3 +13.45% F4 +12.09% M1 +19.66% M2 +24.56% M3 +11.86% M4 +8.99%
Table 3 Upper and Lower 95% Confidence Intervals for All Subjects
Percent Relative Systolic Blood Pressure v. Speed: Female Subjects
180.000 F1 y = 0.0663x + 100 F3 y = 0.0493x + 100 AVG y = 0.0574x + 100 R2 = 0.1703 R2 = 0.8799 R2 = 0.7903 170.000 e F2 y = 0.0733x + 100 F4 y = 0.0561x + 100 r
u 2 2 s R = 0.975 R = 0.8843
s 160.000 e r P
d 150.000 F1 o
o F2 l B 140.000 F4 c i l F3 o t Linear (F1) s 130.000 y Linear (F2) S
e Linear (F4) v i 120.000 t Linear (F3) a l Linear (AVG) e R
110.000 t n e c r 100.000 e P
80.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Figure 2 Percent Relative Systolic Blood Pressure v. Speed for Female Subjects Raw data for blood pressures were calculated to relative percent systolic and diastolic blood pressures. This data was then plotted against speed for all subjects (Figure 3 & 4). The average resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, for all subjects, were 114 mmHg 5.53% STDEV and 74.4 mmHg 12.0% STDEV, respectively. Two plots, one for the male subjects and one for female subjects, were created for each blood pressure measure. For graphs of the male subjects’ percent relative systolic and females’ percent relative diastolic blood pressure data, see Appendix 2 and 3, respectively. Horizontal error bars of 0.05 mph for treadmill’s speed setting limitation were included in the aforementioned plots. Vertical error bars of 12.5% for relative percentage systolic and diastolic pressures were also added. They were made with respect to the variations seen in blood pressure data analysis in Biopac Pro. A linear trend line was fitted for each subject because second and third order polynomial trend lines’ x terms were inconsequential. Average linear trend lines incorporating all subjects were made for the systolic and the diastolic plots. The regression analyses of the average trend lines are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.
Coefficients % Upper 95% CL % Lower 95% CL Intercept 100.01 2.47 2.47 Slope 5.74 12.07 12.07 Table 4 Regression Analysis of Average % Relative Systolic Blood Pressure v. Speed
Coefficients % Upper 95% CL % Lower 95% CL Intercept 99.9 0.498 0.498 Slope 0.055 34.7 34.7 Table 5 Regression Analysis of Average % Relative Diastolic Blood Pressure v. Speed
Percent Relative Diastolic Blood Pressure v. Speed: Male Subjects
115.000 e r
u 110.000 s s e r
P 105.000
d M1 o
o M2 l
B 100.000 M3
c i
l M4 o t Linear (M1)
s 95.000 a
i Linear (M2) D Linear (M3) e
v 90.000 i Linear (M4) t a l Linear (AVG) e R
85.000 t n e c r 80.000 e
P M1 y = -0.0774x + 100 M3 y = -0.2447x + 100 AVG y = 0.055x + 100 2 R = -0.2517 R2 = 0.546 R2 = 0.0171 75.000 M2 y = -0.1142x + 100 M4 y = 0.2145x + 100 2 R2 = -0.0822 R = 0.2127 70.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Figure 3 Percent Relative Diastolic Blood Pressure versus Speed for Male Subjects
Second-order polynomials were fit for all the subjects’ percent heart rate reserve used data and were compared within their 95% confidence intervals. This was done to see whether or not the subjects were significantly different as well as to determine if percent heart rate reserve served as a good indicator of distinguishing cardiovascular fitness. The experimental results were compared to the results obtained from the fitness survey to see if a correlation existed between the reported fitness levels of the subjects and the collected data. From the fitness survey, M1 and M2 were not expected to be significantly different due to similarity in frequency of aerobic activity. This information was verified by the overlapping of 95% confidence intervals of both M1 and M2 (see Appendix 4). Despite M3’s higher frequency of aerobic activity, the data revealed that M1, M2, and M3 did not significantly differ from one another (see Appendix 4). M1 and M4 were significantly different from 0 – 5 mph (see Appendix 5). M2 and M4 were significantly different from 0 – 4.5 mph (see Appendix 6). Finally, M3 and M4 were significantly different for the entire range of speed (see Appendix 7). This analysis correlated with the information obtained from the fitness survey—M4 reported no workout activity (see Table 2). Analyses of significant differences at higher speeds tended to show that there was no significant difference due to the large confidence intervals. Due to variability of ECG data at higher speeds resulting from increased activity, large confidence intervals were observed. Thus, the methodology used to determine significant difference between male subjects proved to work best at speeds below 4 mph where the confidence intervals are not as large.
The female subjects proved to show no significant difference over the entire range of data (see Appendix 8). The reason why the female subjects’ data differed from the fitness survey was because the large average confidence intervals, particularly for subjects F1 and F2, together with the close proximity of the trend lines among the females’, resulted in the data for the female subjects not to be significantly different from each other (see Table 3). The sizes of the confidence intervals for these two subjects were such that the data for F1 and F2 were not found to be significantly different when compared to any of the other subjects. Subjects F3 and F4, however, had smaller average confidence intervals associated with their trend lines, 13.45% and 12.90% respectively (see Table 3). Because smaller confidence intervals existed for subjects F3 and F4, the data collected for these two subjects is more precise, and therefore a better indicator of their physical fitness. The data for subjects F3 and F4, including the confidence intervals, revealed that they are not significantly different in their cardiovascular fitness. Furthermore, the experimental data reflected what the fitness survey implied before data was collected for subjects F3 and F4; their trend lines were not significantly different.
There were a few significant differences associated with the comparison of the male subjects and the female subjects. M1 and F3 were found to be significantly different from speeds of 0 – 4.5 mph, while M2 and F3 were found to be significantly different from speeds of 0 – 4 mph (see Appendices 11 and 12). The fitness survey indicated that M1 and M2 were more aerobically fit than F3, and the data obtained for speeds below 4 mph display this. Furthermore, M3 and F3 were found to be significantly different for all speeds (see Appendix 13). Again this corresponds with the results of the fitness survey. M4 and F3 were found to not be significantly different (see Appendix 14). This data did not follow the results of the fitness survey, given that F3 participated in 1 hour of aerobic activity a week, while M4 did not participate in any aerobic activity. This deviation from the fitness survey might be due to the difference in gender, but more experimentation would be needed to prove that hypothesis. F4, when compared to each of the male subjects, had slightly different results than F3. M1 and F4 were found to be significantly different over the entire range of speeds used (see Appendix 15). Since the fitness survey showed that M1 does more aerobic exercise than F4, the trend lines correlated with the fitness survey. M2 and F4 were found to be significantly different from speeds of 0 – 4.7 mph (see Appendix 16). Again this correlated with the fitness survey since M2 was more aerobically fit according to his fitness survey than F4. M3 and F4 were found to be significantly different over the whole range of speeds (see Appendix 17). Thus, once again the plots correlated to fitness survey. As with the comparison between M4 and F3, M4 and F4 were found to not be significantly different, once again differing from the results of the fitness survey (see Appendix 18).
Therefore, in the % heart rate reserve used results, subjects with high level of aerobic activity were significantly different from subjects with lower level. Exceptions were seen in subjects with higher 95% confidence limits (23.01% and 30.78%) and trend lines in proximity of each other. No significant difference was observed between a male subject who did not engage in regular aerobic workout than female subjects who did. Although this might be attributed to gender differences, the small sample size rendered it inconclusive.
All male and female subjects showed an increase in systolic blood pressure with increasing cardiovascular exercise (see Figure 3 and Appendix 2). According to literature, an increase of 20 mmHg to 40 mmHg in systolic blood pressure was expected during cardiovascular exercise. Systolic blood pressure increased by an average of 6.54 mmHg/mph 12.07% 95%CL (5.74%/mph 12.07% 95%CL) relative to average systolic pressure reading of 114 5.53% STDEV (Table 3, RESULTS) at rest for all subjects. At 6 mph, the average systolic blood pressure of all subjects rose to 39.3 mmHg 12.07% 95%CL, which fell within the range provided by literature. However, due to the large confidence limit 12.07%, all subjects were not found to be significantly different from each other and the average trend (see Figure 2 & Appendix 2). Therefore, through this experiment, the systolic blood pressure results could not distinguish differences in subjects’ aerobic activity level. It should be noted that the first and second Korotkoff sounds were indecipherable from the noise in the Biopac output. Recall that auscultatory method readings served as a guide in analyzing first and second Korotkoff sounds from the Biopac output. This accounted for the large confidence intervals for blood pressures readings.
According to literature, no changes were expected for diastolic pressure with increasing cardiovascular exercise. The diastolic pressure results showed that it stayed relatively constant with increasing cardiovascular exercise (see Figure 3 & Appendix 3). The average diastolic pressure of all subjects increased 0.0409 mmHg/mph 34.7% 95%CL (0.055% 34.7% 95%CL) (see Table 4). However, the average diastolic blood pressure’s 34.7% 95%CL indicated low precision in the data (see Table 4). Although it seemed that there’s no general change in diastolic pressure, the lack of precision rendered the results inconclusive. Furthermore, due to large 95% confidence limits, no significant difference between subjects could be deciphered from the diastolic results. Once again, this is due to the inability in distinguishing between Korotkoff sounds and noise.
Several improvements can be made to this study. First, a method to minimize noise measurements in the Biopac output of Korotkoff sounds would reduce the uncertainty in the blood pressure data. Suggestions include filtering the noise in the acquisition of the data. The use of an automated blood pressure reading devise with an internal microphone would also increase the efficacy and accuracy of blood pressure readings. Lastly, a programmable treadmill would facilitate the setting of speeds to ensure that all subjects run at the same speeds.
1. Most subjects who vastly differ in their weekly aerobic activity showed significant difference in the plots of percent heart rate reserve used versus speed. 2. Systolic blood pressure for all subjects increased by an average of 6.54 mmHg/mph 12.07% 95%CL (5.74%/mph 12.07% 95%CL) relative to average resting value. The average diastolic pressure for all subjects increased 0.0409 mmHg/mph 34.7% 95%CL (0.055% 34.7% 95%CL); diastolic blood pressure remained relatively constant. Due to large confidence intervals for the systolic and diastolic measurements, the blood pressures could not distinguish between subjects’ aerobic activity level. 3. Percent heart rate reserve used served as a better indicator of cardiovascular fitness than blood pressure. It also had a much better reproducibility (3.4% 1.1% STDEV) than blood pressure.
Personal Reference Dr. Leif Finkel, Department of Bioengineering
Literature Reference 1. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 148. 2. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 148. 3. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 187. 4. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 976. 5. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 101. 6. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 116. 7. Guyton, Hull. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Pa, W.B Saunders Company, 2000, pg. 976. 8. Prisant, Michael, Watkins, Laurence, Carr, Albert: Exercise Stress Testing. Southern Medical Journal 77(7): 1551-1556, 1984. 9. Lauer, Michael: Resuscitating the Exercise Stress Test. Cleveland Journal of Medicine. 66(5):278-281,1999
% Heart Rate Reserve Used v. Speed: Male Subjects
100 M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188 90 M2= 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 80 M3 = 1.0775x2 + 4.9171x R2 = 0.9742 70 M1 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x
e 2 M2 v R = 0.9742 r M3 e 60
s 2 e AVG = 1.0483x + 7.6445x M4 R
e R = 0.8416 Poly. (M1) t
a 50
R Poly. (M2)
t r Poly. (M3) a e
H 40 Poly. (M4)
% Poly. (AVG) 30
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 1 % Heart Rate Reserve Used v. Speed: Male Subjects
A plot of percent heart rate reserve used v. speed was made for all subjects. Appendix 1 graphed percent heart rate reserve v. speed of treadmill for male subjects. The overall trend of increasing percent heart rate reserve used with increasing speeds was fit to a second-order polynomial. Higher order polynomials did not model these expected rates as accurately. For instance, the coefficient of the x3 term of the third order equations is much smaller than the coefficients of the x2 and x terms, and is thus inconsequential. Both, horizontal and vertical error bars were included in the graph. The horizontal error bar shows the limitations of the treadmill’s capability of reading speeds up to +0.05mph. The vertical error bars were calculated for each individual subject. They represented the standard deviations of each subject’s % heart rate reserve used at each speed. The average value of the deviations, for all subjects, was found to be 2.77% 77.4% STDEV. Furthermore, an average trend line, an average of all subjects (male and female) data, was also plotted. The reproducibility of heart rates was found to be 3.4%1.1%STDEV.
Percent Relative Systolic Blood Pressure v. Speed: Male Subjects
180.000 M1 y = 0.0663x + 100 M3 y = 0.0614x + 100
e AVG y = 5.7315x + 100 r 2 2 2 u R = 0.1703 R = 0.9969 R = 0.7821
s 170.000
s M2 y = 0.0733x + 100 M4 y = 0.0561x + 100 e 2 r R2 = 0.975 R = 0.8843 P 160.000
d o o l 150.000 M1 B
c M2 i l 140.000 M3 o t
s M4 y Linear (M1) S 130.000
e Linear (M2) v i Linear (M3) t 120.000 a
l Linear (M4) e Linear (AVG) R
t 110.000 n e c
r 100.000 e P
80.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph) Appendix 2 Percent Heart Rate Reserve Used v. Speed: Male Subjects
Raw data for blood pressures were calculated to relative percent systolic and diastolic blood pressures (as seen in Appendix 2 & Appendix 3). This data was then plotted against speed for all subjects. The average resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, for all subjects, were 114 mmHg 5.53% STDEV and 74.4 mmHg 12.0% STDEV, respectively. Two plots, one for the male subjects and one for female subjects, were created for each blood pressure measure. Horizontal error bars of 0.05 mph for treadmill’s speed setting limitation were included in the aforementioned plots. Vertical error bars of 12.5% for relative percentage systolic and diastolic pressures were also added. They were made with respect to the variations seen in blood pressure data analysis in Biopac Pro. A linear trend line was fitted for each subject because second and third order polynomial trend lines’ x terms were inconsequential. Average linear trend lines incorporating all subjects were made for the systolic and the diastolic plots.
Percent Relative Diastolic Blood Pressure v. Speed: Female Subjects
120.000 e r
u 115.000 s s e r
P 110.000
d o o l 105.000 F1 B F2 c i l 100.000 F4 o t
s F3 a i 95.000 Linear (F1) D Linear (F2) e
v Linear (F4) i
t 90.000
a Linear (F3) l
e Linear (AVG) R 85.000 t n e c
r 80.000 e F1 y = 0.0947x + 100 F3 y = 0.2716x + 100 AVG y = 0.055x + 100 P R2 = -0.1813 R2 = 0.1491 R2 = 0.0171 75.000 F2 y = -0.1142x + 100 F4 y = 0.1965x + 100 R2 = -0.0822 R2 = -0.0218 70.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 3 Percent Relative Diastolic Blood Pressure v. Speed: Female Subjects Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1, M2 & M3
100.0000 M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188 90.0000 M1 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 80.0000 M3 = 1.0775x2 + 4.9171x 2
e R = 0.9742
v 70.0000 r
e M1 s
e M2
R 60.0000
e M3 t
a M1U R
t 50.0000
r M1L a
e Poly. (M1) H
t 40.0000 Poly. (M2) n
e Poly. (M3) c r
e 30.0000 P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 4 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1, M2, & M3
Appendix 4 is a comparison plot among subjects M1, M2, and M3 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. M1’s upper (MU) and lower (ML) 95% confidence limits were calculated and plotted because both, M2 and M3, fell within M1’s 95% confidence limit. M1’s 95% confidence limit on the x variable is + 19.66%.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 & M4
100 M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188 90 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x R2 = 0.9742 80 e
v 70 r e
s M1U e
R 60 M1L
t M4U a
t 50 r M1 a
e M4 H
t 40 Poly. (M1) n
e Poly. (M4) c r
e 30 P
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 5 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 &M4 Appendix 5 is a comparison plot between subjects M1 and M4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M1’s 95% confidence limit was + 19.66% and M4’s was +8.99%.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & M4
100.0000 M2 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 90.0000 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x R2 = 0.9742 80.0000 e v
r 70.0000 e s
e M2 R 60.0000
e M4 t
a M2U R
t 50.0000 M2L r
a M4U e
t 40.0000
n Poly. (M2) e
c Poly. (M4) r
e 30.0000 P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Speed (mph)
Appendix 6 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & M4
Appendix 6 is a comparison plot between subjects M2 and M4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M2’s 95% confidence limit was + 24.56% and M4’s was +8.99%.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M3 & M4
100.0000 M3 = 1.0775x2 + 4.9171x R2 = 0.9742 90.0000 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x R2 = 0.9742 80.0000 e
v 70.0000 r e
s M3 e
R 60.0000 M4
t M3U a
t 50.0000 r M4U a
e M4L H
t 40.0000 Poly. (M3) n
e Poly. (M4) c r
e 30.0000 P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 7 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M3 & M4 Appendix 7 is a comparison plot between subjects M3 and M4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M3’s 95% confidence limit was + 11.86% and M4’s was +8.99%.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: All Female
120.0000 F1 = 1.0443x2 + 8.329x R2 = 0.9007 100.0000 F2 = 2.9211x2 + 2.3673x R2 = 0.8928 e v
r F1
e 80.0000
s F2 e F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x R F3 2 e
t R = 0.9492 F4 a
t 60.0000 r F1L a 2 e F4 = 1.4742x + 8.4144x Poly. (F1) H
2 t R = 0.9433 Poly. (F2) n
e Poly. (F3) c 40.0000 r
e Poly. (F4) P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed of Treadmill (mph)
Appendix 8 Percent Heart Rate Reserve Used v. Speed: All Female
Appendix 8 is a plot of percent heart rate reserve used v. speed was made for all female subjects with the addition of the upper and lower limits, for the x variable, of the 95% confidence intervals for F1, +23.01%. The overall trend of increasing percent heart rate reserve used with increasing speeds was fit to a second-order polynomial (for reasons mentioned both in Appendix 1 and Figure 1). Both, horizontal and vertical error bars were included in the graph for reasons mentions in both Appendix 1 and Figure 1. Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 & F1
120.0000 M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188 100.0000 F1 = 1.0443x2 + 8.329x 2
e R = 0.9007 v r M1 e 80.0000 s
e F1 R M1U e t
a M1L R F1U t 60.0000 r
a F1L e
H Poly. (M1)
n Poly. (F1) e
c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph) Appendix 9 Percent Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 & F1
Appendix 9 is a comparison plot between subjects M1 and F1 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M1’s 95% confidence limit was + 19.66% and F1’s was +23.01%. This graph is representative of what the data revealed when F1 was compared to every other subject in the experiment. There was no significant difference between F1 to any other individual.
Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & F2
140.0000 M2 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 120.0000 F2 = 2.9211x2 + 2.3673x R2 = 0.8928
e 100.0000 v r e
s M2 e
R F2
e 80.0000 t M2U a
r F2U a e 60.0000 F2L H
t Poly. (M2) n
e Poly. (F2) c r e
P 40.0000
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Speed (mph) Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M2 & F3
M2 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 100.0000 F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x 2
e R = 0.9492 v r
e 80.0000
s M2 e
R F3
t M2U a
t 60.0000 r F3U a
e F3L H
t Poly. (M2 ) n
e Poly. (F3) c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 10 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & F2
Appendix 10 is a comparison plot between subjects M2 and F2 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M1’s 95% confidence limit was + 24.56% and F2’s was +30.78%. The above graph is representative of what the data revealed when F2 was compared to all other subjects. There was no significant difference between F2 and any other subject in the experiment.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M1 & F3
M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188 100.0000 F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x 2
e R = 0.9492 v r
e 80.0000 M1 s
e F3 R
e M1U t
a M1L R
t 60.0000
r F3U a
e F3L H
t Poly. (M1) n
e Poly. (F3)
c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 11 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 & F3 Appendix 11 is a comparison plot between subjects M1 and F3 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. M1’s 95% confidence limit was + 19.66% and F2’s was +30.78%. This figure showed that M1 and F3 were significantly different in the range of speeds of 0 – 4.5 mph. Above 4.5 mph, the two subjects were found not to be significantly different.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M2 & F3
M2 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 100.0000 F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x 2
e R = 0.9492 v r
e 80.0000
s M2 e
R F3
t M2U a
t 60.0000 r F3U a
e F3L H
t Poly. (M2 ) n
e Poly. (F3) c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 12 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & F3
Appendix 12 is a comparison plot between subjects M2 and F3 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M1 and F3 were significantly different in the range of speeds of 0 – 4 mph. Above 4 mph, the two subjects were found not to be significantly different. Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M3 & F3
120.0000 M3 = 1.0775x2 + 4.9171x R2 = 0.9742 100.0000
F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x
e 2
v R = 0.9492 r
e 80.0000 M3 s
e F3 R
e M3U t
a M3L R
t 60.0000 F3U r a
e F3L H Poly. (M3) t n
e Poly. (F3)
c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph) Appendix 13 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M3 & F3
Appendix 13 is a comparison plot between subjects M3 and F3 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M3 and F3 were significantly different for the entire range of speeds used.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M4 & F3
120.0000 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x R2 = 0.9742
100.0000 F3 = 0.548x2 + 11.792x 2
e R = 0.9492 v r
e 80.0000
s M4 e
R F3
t M4U a
t 60.0000 r F3U a
e F3L H
t Poly. (M4) n
e Poly. (F3) c 40.0000 r e P
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 14 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M4 & F3
Appendix 14 is a comparison plot between subjects M4 and F3 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M4 and F3 were not significantly different for the entire range of speeds used. Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M1 & F4
120.0000 M1 = 1.5116x2 + 3.5232x R2 = 0.9188
e 100.0000 v
r 2 e F4 = 1.4742x + 8.4144x
s M1 e R2 = 0.9433 R F4
e 80.0000 t M1U a
r F4U a e 60.0000 F4L H
t Poly. (M1) n
e Poly. (F4) c r e
P 40.0000
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 15 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M1 & F4
Appendix 15 is a comparison plot between subjects M1 and F4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M1 and F4 were significantly different for the entire range of speeds used.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M2 & F4
140.0000 M2 = 1.5691x2 + 3.4888x R2 = 0.917 120.0000 F4 = 1.4742x2 + 8.4144x R2 = 0.9433
e 100.0000 v r e
s M2 e
R F4
e 80.0000 t M2U a
r F4U a e 60.0000 F4L H
t Poly. (M2) n
e Poly. (F4) c r e
P 40.0000
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 16 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M2 & F4 Appendix 16 is a comparison plot between subjects M2 and F4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M2 and F4 were significantly different for the range of speeds from 0 – 4.7 mph and are not significantly different for speeds higher then 4.7 mph.
Percent Heart Rate Reserve for M3 and F4
140.0000 M3 = 1.0775x2 + 4.9171x R2 = 0.9742 120.0000 F4 = 1.4742x2 + 8.4144x R2 = 0.9433
e 100.0000 v r e
s M3 e
R F4
e 80.0000
t M3U a
r F4U a e 60.0000 F4L H
t Poly. (M3) n
e Poly. (F4) c r e
P 40.0000
0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph)
Appendix 17 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M3 & F4
Appendix 17 is a comparison plot between subjects M3 and F4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M3 and F4 were significantly different for the entire range of speeds used. Percent Heart Rate Reserve: M4 & F4
140 M4 = 0.6739x2 + 11.065x R2 = 0.9742 120 F4 = 1.4742x2 + 8.4144x R2 = 0.9433
e 100 v r
e M4 s
e F4 R M4U e 80 t
a M4L R
t F4U r
a F4L e 60 H
Poly. (M4) t
n Poly. (F4) e c r e
P 40
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Speed (mph) Appendix 18 Heart Rate Reserve v. Speed: M4 & F4
Appendix 18 is a comparison plot between subjects M4 and F4 with their percent heart rate reserve used against increasing speeds. Both subject’s upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the x variable were calculated and plotted. This figure showed that M4 and F4 were not significantly different for the entire range of speeds used.