Errata Sheet Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards
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11th Grade Original Page Original Version (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Numbe r 97 1.1.1 Analyzes and evaluates the ways in 1.1.1 Analyzes and evaluates the ways in which which the U.S. Constitution and other the U.S. Constitution and other fundamental fundamental documents promote key ideals documents promote key ideals and principles. and principles. Examples: Examples: 97 Critiques how well the Boldt decision Critiques how well the Boldt decision promotes promotes the goal of justice. the goal of justice. 97 Examines how the Twenty-sixth Amendment Examines how the Twenty-sixth Amendment sought to extend democratic ideals. sought to extend democratic ideals. 97 1.1.2 Evaluates how well court decisions and 1.1.2 Evaluates how well court decisions and government policies have upheld key ideals government policies have upheld key ideals and and principles in the United States. principles in the United States. Examples: Examples:
97 Critiques how courts and government Critiques how courts and government policies policies have supported or failed to support civil have supported or failed to support civil rights. rights. 98 Critiques how courts and government Critiques how courts and government policies policies have supported or failed to support the have supported or failed to support the constitutional constitutional right to freedom of speech. right to freedom of speech. 98 Critiques how well the Supreme Court Critiques how well the Supreme Court decision in decision in Parents Involved in Community Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1 upheld the School Dist. No. 1 upheld the right to equal protection. right to equal protection. 98 Suggested Unit: U.S.—Entering a New Era Suggested Unit: U.S.—Entering a New Era (1991— (1991—present) present) 98 CBA: Constitutional Issues CBA: Constitutional Issues
Errata Sheet Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards, Version 1.2, January 2013
Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards Version 1.2 provides updates to Version 1, published in 2008. The updates were made as a result of the change in graduation requirements for social studies for the class of 2016. Students in that and subsequent classes must earn 3.0 credits in social studies, including a legislatively mandated 0.5 credit in civics (RCW 28A.230.093). Version 1.2 reflects the following: Adjustments made to the placement of civics Grade Level Expectations and Components between 11 th and 12th grades; Movement of Examples to improve applicability between 11th and 12th grades; and Revision of the name of OSPI social studies Classroom Based Assessments, “CBA”, to “OSPI-Developed Assessment” throughout the document. No new content has been added. This errata document details the revisions using a strikeout for deletions and an underline for additions. 11th Grade Original Page Original Version 1.0 (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Number 98 1.2.2 Evaluates the effectiveness of the 1.2.21 Evaluates the effectiveness of the system of system of checks and balances during a checks and balances during a particular particular administration, court, Congress, or administration, court, Congress, or legislature. legislature. Examples: Examples: 98 Critiques the effectiveness of checks and Critiques the effectiveness of checks and balances during the Rehnquist Court (1986— balances during the Rehnquist Court (1986—2005). 2005). 99 1.4.1 Analyzes and evaluates ways of 1.4.1 Analyzes and evaluates ways of influencing influencing local, state, and national local, state, and national governments to preserve governments to preserve individual rights individual rights and promote the common good. and promote the common good. Examples: Examples: 99 Evaluates the effectiveness of states’ Evaluates the effectiveness of states’ initiative initiative processes in preserving individual rights processes in preserving individual rights and and promoting the common good. promoting the common good. Using examples of different groups of people in American society, analyzes instances in which unalienable rights were denied and evaluates the effectiveness of the struggles that ensued to guarantee those rights. 99 Evaluates the effectiveness of voting in Evaluates the effectiveness of voting in recent recent presidential elections in promoting the presidential elections in promoting the common good common good and preserving individual rights. and preserving individual rights. Evaluates the effectiveness of the campaigns in preserving individual rights and promoting the common good (for example Sex, Race/Color, Creed/Religion, National origin, Sexual orientation, Disability, or military status). 99 Evaluates the effectiveness of the Evaluates the effectiveness of the campaigns of campaigns of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Mothers Against Drunk Driving in preserving individual preserving individual rights and promoting the rights and promoting the common good. common good. 99 Evaluates the effectiveness of the Evaluates the effectiveness of the campaigns campaigns against “hate crimes” by gay-lesbian- against “hate crimes” by gay-lesbian-bisexual- bisexual-transgendered organizations in transgendered organizations in preserving individual preserving individual rights and promoting the rights and promoting the common good. common good. 99 Using examples of different groups of people Using examples of different groups of people in in American society, analyzes instances in which American society, analyzes instances in which unalienable rights were denied and evaluates the unalienable rights were denied and evaluates the effectiveness of the struggles that ensued to effectiveness of the struggles that ensued to guarantee those rights. guarantee those rights. 11th Grade Original Page Original Version 1.0 (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Number 101 3.1.2 Analyzes how differences in regions and 3.1.2 Analyzes how differences in regions and spatial patterns have emerged in the United spatial patterns have emerged in the United States States from natural processes and human from natural processes and human activities. activities. Examples: Examples: Examines why cultural and political factors Examines why cultural and political factors 101 distinguish the West Coast from East Coast. distinguish the West Coast from East Coast. Examines why cultural, political, and economic factors distinguish regions of the US. Examines why Massachusetts is considered Examines why Massachusetts is considered 101 politically liberal whereas Texas is considered politically liberal whereas Texas is considered politically conservative. politically conservative. 4.1.2 Understands how the following themes 4.1.21 Understands how the following themes and 102 and developments help to define eras in U.S. developments help to define eras in U.S. history: history: 102 . Our foundations (1776—1791). . Our foundations (1776—1791).
Examples: Examples: Explains how the ratification of the Bill of Explains how the ratification of the Bill of Rights 102 Rights defines the founding of the United States. defines the founding of the United States.
105 5.2.1 Evaluates and revises research 5.2.1 Evaluates and revises research questions to questions to refine inquiry on an issue or refine inquiry on an issue or event. event. Examples: Examples: After completing initial research on the role After completing initial research on the role of the of the Supreme Court during the Civil Rights Supreme Court during the Civil Rights Movement, Movement, critiques and revises a research critiques and revises a research question on the question on the importance of the judicial branch. importance of the judicial branch. 12 Grade Original Page Original Version 1.0 (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Number 1.1.1 Analyzes and evaluates the ways in which Inserted state and U.S. Constitutions and other at page fundamental documents promote key ideals and 107 principles. Examples: 107 Critiques how well Article I of the Constitution limits Congressional powers. 107 Examines how the Preamble guides the application of the constitutional principles. 107 Critiques how well the Boldt decision promotes the goal of justice. 107 Examines how the Civil Rights Act sought to extend democratic ideals. Examines how the Twenty-sixth Amendment of 107 the U.S. Constitution sought to extend democratic ideals. Examines how the Washington State Constitution 107 promotes the ideal of popular sovereignty through the initiative and referendum processes. 107 Suggested Unit: Civics—Government in Action
107 OSPI-developed Assessment: Constitutional Issues
1.1.2 Evaluates relationships between key 1.1.2 Evaluates relationships between key ideals ideals and historical and current realities. and historical and current realities. 1.1.2 Evaluates how well federal, state, and local 109 court decisions and government policies have upheld key ideals and principles in the United States. Examples: Examples: Judges the relationship between Judges the relationship between environmental environmental regulations and the constitutional regulations and the constitutional principle of eminent 109 principle of eminent domain. domain. Critiques how courts and government policies have supported or failed to support civil rights. Judges the relationship between the concept Judges the relationship between the concept of of equal opportunity and the effects of the equal opportunity and the effects of the Individuals Individuals with Disabilities Education with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. 109 Improvement Act. Critiques how courts and government policies have supported or failed to support the constitutional right to freedom of speech. Judges the relationship between the concept Judges the relationship between the concept of of state’s rights and the effects of the No Child state’s rights and the effects of the No Child Left Left Behind Act. Behind Act. 109 Critiques how well the Supreme Court decision in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1 upheld the right to equal protection. 12 Grade Original Page Original Version 1.0 (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Number Judges the relationship between the Boldt Judges the relationship between the Boldt 109 decision and the rights of non-Indians. decision and the rights of non-Indians. Suggested Unit: CWP – Human Rights Suggested Unit: CWP – Human Rights 109 Suggested Unit: Civics—Our Foundations OSPI-developed Assessment: Constitutional Issues 109 1.2.2 Evaluates the effectiveness of 1.2.2 Evaluates the effectiveness of federalism in federalism in promoting the common good promoting the common good and protecting and protecting individual rights. individual rights. 1.2.2 Evaluates the effectiveness of federalism in promoting the common good and protecting individual rights, and the system of checks and balances during a particular administration, court, Congress, or legislature. Examples: Examples: 109 Suggested Unit: CWP—Human Rights Suggested Units: CWP—Human Rights Civics—Government in Action OSPI-developed Assessment: Checks and Balances 110 1.4.1 Analyzes and evaluates ways of 1.4.1 Analyzes and evaluates ways of influencing influencing national governments and local, state, and national governments and international organizations to establish or international organizations to establish or preserve individual rights and/or promote the preserve individual rights and/or promote the common good. common good. Examples: Examples: Evaluates the effectiveness of states’ initiative processes in preserving individual rights and promoting the common good. 111 Suggested Units: CWP—Human Rights Suggested Units: CWP—Human Rights and/or Civics—Government in Action OSPI-developed Assessment: Constitutional Issues
112 2.2.2 Analyzes and evaluates the effects of 2.2.2 Analyzes and evaluates the effects of specialization on global trade. specialization on global trade. Examples: Examples: Examines how global demand for technology has affected wages for technologically skilled engineers. 113 3.1.2 Evaluates the complexities of regions 3.1.2 Evaluates the complexities of regions and and problems involved in defining those problems involved in defining those regions. regions. Examples: Examples: Examines why some regions of the US are considered politically liberal whereas others are considered politically conservative. 113 Suggested Unit: CWP—Environmental Issues Suggested Units: CWP—Environmental Issues and/or Civics— Government in Action 12 Grade Original Page Original Version 1.0 (May 2008) Revised Version 1.2 (January 2013) Number 114 4.3.1 Analyzes the motives and interests 4.3.1 Analyzes the motives and interests behind an behind an interpretation of a recent event. interpretation of a recent local, state, national, or international event. Examples: Examples: 114 Suggested Unit: CWP—Globalization and the Suggested Unita: CWP—Globalization and the Economy Economy and/or Civics—Government in Action 116 4.4.1 Evaluates positions on a current issue 4.4.1 Evaluates positions on a current issue based based on an analysis of history. on an analysis of history. Examples: Examples: 116 Suggested Unit: CWP—Civic Responsibility and Suggested Unit: CWP—Civic Responsibility and Action Action Civics—Government in Action 117 5.2.2 Evaluates the breadth of research to determine the need for new or additional investigation when researching an issue or event. Examples: Examples: 117 Suggested Unit: CWP—Civic Responsibility and Suggested Unit: CWP—Civic Responsibility and Action Action Civics – Government in Action