Certain Issues on Capital Gains
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1. What are the essential conditions to be satisfied for taxation of profits under the head “Capital Gains”
2. When does a capital gain arise?
3. What is a capital asset?
4. What is the meaning of the word ‘property’?
5. To attract capital gains is it necessary that the asset transferred should be a capital asset on the date of acquisition as well as on the date of transfer?
6. What shall be the treatment of capital gain on asset transferred to the spouse without adequate consideration?
7. Will transfer of an asset result in business income or capital gain?
8. What are ‘personal effects’? What is the meaning of ‘held for personal use’?
9. Is agricultural land a capital asset?
10. Whether residential status of an assessee has any bearing on the taxation of capital gain?
11. R transfers his agricultural land to G. He converts the agricultural land to non- agricultural land and divides it into plots and sells the same as house sites. Whether transfer of land would give rise to capital gain tax in the hands of R?
12. What are kinds of capital gain and what is the reason for classifying the same?
13. What is a short-term capital asset?
14. What is a long-term capital asset?
15. What is the period to be included or excluded for the purposes of computing the period of holding of an asset?
16. What shall be the method of determining the period of holding where securities are acquired at different point of time?
1 17. Will the date on which the asset is transferred be included in the period of holding of the asset?
18. Where an assessee constructs a building on a land purchased much earlier, from when will be period of holding be reckoned?
19. How would you compute capital gain, if consideration received on the above case is a lump sum consideration both for land and building?
20. What is the period of holding of shares where call money is paid after allotment?
21. What is period of holding of flat allotted in the housing scheme?
22. What is ‘transfer’ in relation to a capital asset?
23. Does mortgage of property amount to a sale?
24. At what point of time will transfer take place in case of development agreement for capital gain purpose?
25. In case of sale of motor vehicles, does mere delivery of the vehicle constitute transfer?
26. What is the position regarding capital gains in case of extinguishment of any right in an asset after insertion of section 45(1A)?
27. Is there a transfer in a case where the capital asset is converted or treated by the owner as stock-in-trade of a business carried on by him?
28. Where stock-in-trade is converted into capital asset can it be treated as transfer?
29. Does a transaction involving the allowing of the possession of any immovable property to be taken or retained inn part performance of the contract of the nature referred to in section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act amount to transfer?
30. Does any transaction which has the effect of transferring or enabling the enjoyment of any immovable property (whether by becoming a member of, or acquiring shares in a co- operative society, company or other association of persons by way of any agreement or arrangement or any other manner whatsoever) amount to transfer?
2 31. Whether redemption of preference share or conversion of preference share into ordinary share is a transfer?
32. Will conversion of firm into a company under the provisions of Part IX of the
Companies Act be regarded as a transfer and liable to capital gain?
33. Is there a transfer in case of a family settlement?
34. What are transactions which are not regarded as transfer?
35. How do we compute capital gain on the transfer of a capital asset?
36. Will solatium in the case of compulsory acquisition form part of full consideration?
37. Is capital gains taxable on accrual basis or on receipt basis?
38. What is cost of acquisition?
39. Will cost of acquisition include expenses incurred in completing the title of the asset acquired?
40. Will interest on money borrowed for acquiring capital assets form part of cost of asset?
41. Will sum paid for discharge of mortgage form part of cost of asset?
42. In which cases will the cost of acquisition be taken to be the cost for which the previous owner acquired the property?
43. What shall be the cost of acquisition of assets acquired before 1-4-1981?
44. What shall be the cost of acquisition of goodwill of a business or a trade mark or brand name associated with business or right to manufacture, produce or process any article or things or right to carry on any business, tenancy rights, stage carriage permits or loom hours?
45. What shall be the cost of acquisition of right shares?
46. what shall be the cost of acquisition of bonus shares or any other financial asset allotted without payment?
47. What shall be the cost of acquisition of depreciable assets?
3 48. What shall be the cost of acquisition of any property acquired in a manner given under section 56(2)(vii) i.e., acquired without consideration or for an inadequate consideration?
49. What is the treatment of advance money received and retained by the assessee?
50. What is ‘cost of improvement’?
51. What is indexed cost of acquisition?
52. How is indexed cost of acquisition determined in case of assets acquired from the previous owner?
53. How is indexed cost of acquisition determined in case of assets acquired from the previous owner who had acquired the assets before 1.4.1981?
54. In which cases are indexation of cost not allowed?
55. What shall be the treatment of capital gain which accrues or arises in foreign currency?
56. How to compute capital gain in case of amount received from an insurer on account of damage or destruction of any capital asset/stock-in-trade?
57. Will there be a capital gain if a capital asset is converted in to stock-in-trade? If so, how will capital gains be computed?
58. How to compute capital gain on transfer of capital asset by a partner/member to a firm/AOP/BOI as capital contribution?
59. How to compute capital gain on transfer of a capital asset by way of distribution on the dissolution of a firm, AOP/BOI?
60. How to compute capital gain on transfer by way of compulsory acquisition of an asset?
61. In case of compulsory acquisition of an asset what shall be the cost of acquisition and cost of improvement for enhanced compensation?
62. What shall be the treatment where compensation is received by legal heirs?
63. Is interest awarded on enhanced compensation taxable?
4 64. What shall be the treatment of compensation towards the injury of un-acquired portion?
65. How to compute capital gain on conversion of debentures into shares?
66. Will there be a capital gain on the transfer of asset where the cost of acquisition of such asset is indeterminate?
67. How is capital gain computed on sale of goodwill of a business/trademark or brand name/tenancy rights/route permits or loom hours, right to manufacture or right to carry on any business?
68. How to compute capital gain on transfer of depreciable assets?
69. What are the special provisions for computation of capital gains in case of slump sale?
70. What shall be the cost of acquisition of assets in case of slump sale of a business specified under section 35AD?
71. What are the special provisions for computation of capital gains in case of real estate transactions?
72. What is the treatment of transfer of securities by depository?
73. What is treatment of capital gain if a firm or a proprietary concern is succeeded by a company?
74. How is capital gain computed in the case of transfer of shares/debentures of an
Indian company by non-residents?
75. What are the provisions of income tax regarding exemption of capital gains on compensation received on compulsory acquisition of agricultural land situated within specified urban limits?
76. What are the provisions of Income tax regarding exemption of long term capital gains arising from sale of shares and units?
5 77. What are the provisions of Income tax relating to capital gains on transfer of property received without consideration or for inadequate consideration, if sold subsequently?
78. How can an assessee claim exemption in respect of long-term capital gain arising on the transfer of a residential house?
79. Can an assessee claim exemption under section 54 by investing in the construction of a new floor on an existing house?
80. To claim exemption under section 54, can an assessee acquire more than one house?
81. Can exemption under section 54 be claimed by legal heirs in the event of the death of the assessee?
82. Can assessee acquire part of the house to claim exemption under section 54?
83. Can exemption under section 54 be claimed if the assessee acquired property in the name of his wife instead of acquiring it in his own name?
84. Can exemption under section 54 be claimed by acquiring house with the borrowed money?
85. Can exemption under section 54 be claimed by acquiring a residential house outside
86. For claiming exemption under section 54, can construction of house property be started before the residential house property is transferred?
87. Can assessee claim exemption under section 54 by investing the long-term capital gain both for purchase and construction of residential house property?
88. Is cost of land included in the cost of the house property constructed or acquired to claim the exemption under section 54?
89. What is the scheme of deposit in a Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988 for claiming exemption under section 54?
90. What are the consequences where the new house purchased and/or constructed is transferred within a period of three years of its purchase or construction?
6 91. What are the consequences where the amount deposited in the Capital Gains
Accounts Scheme is not utilized for the purchase or the construction of a residential house within the specified period?
92. What will be the treatment of unutilized deposit amount in the Capital Gains
Accounts Scheme 1988 in the case of the death of the assessee?
93. How can an assessee claim exemption in respect of capital gain arising on compulsory acquisition of land and buildings forming part of an industrial undertaking?
94. What is scheme of deposit in Capital Gain Accounts Scheme, 1988 for claiming exemption under section 54D?
94. Can an assessee claim exemption in respect of long-term capital gains by making investments in certain specified assets?
95. Can an assessee claim benefit under section 54EC in respect of capital gain on transfer of depreciable assets?
96. How can an assessee claim exemption in respect of long-term capital gain on transfer of any asset other than residential house if he wishes to invest in a residential house?
97. How can an assessee claim exemption in respect of capital gain on transfer of assets in cases of shifting of industrial undertakings from urban areas?
98. Is there any exemption available on capital gain on transfer of assets of shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area to any special economic zone?
99. If the total income of an assessee without including long-term capital gains is less than maximum exemption limit can he claim exemption of the balance amount from long- term capital gain?
100. Can assessee claim deductions under section 80C to 80U from long-term capital gains?