Hinton Minor Hockey Association

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Hinton Minor Hockey Association

Hinton Minor Hockey Association Fall AGM Wednesday October 18, 2017 at Hinton AB Executive Present: Adam Ferguson, Tabi Arsenault, Charity Lawrence, Shelbey Donkin, Jamie Davy, Caroline Spalek, Neil Arsenault, Cindy Petrone, Greg Nagam, Mike Aspell, Dan Parker Members Present: Tina Hollett, Will Kopas, Sarah Siroski, Jocelyn Puchailo, Judy Ramsey, Primrose Thompson, Coreen Byers, Alicia Humphries, Rob Cudmore, Angela Lehoux, Bob Rivette, Kandice Hill, Leon Bardarson, Shawn McKort, Jenna Musselman, Sheila Pederson, Matt Pederson, Lindsay Descheneau, Vanessa Cudmore, Amanda Parker, Charra Carre, Regan Barnes, Todd Mills, Leyah Manke, Cynthia Lehoux, Jodie Thompson-Roan, Annette Buschert Non-Members Present: none Executive Absent: none Call to Order: Adam called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Adoption of Agenda: Matt Pederson moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by Charra Carre. Adoption of Minutes: Tina Hollett moved to adopt the Spring AGM meeting minutes; seconded by Matt Pederson.

Old Business: 1. Zamboni- Adam stated tha the new Zamboni is expected to arrive December 2017, as per the town information provided. 2. Novice League- Adam stated that from now til Remembrance Day, Novice will be involved in exhibition games with Jasper and Edson. These games will help determine that the teams to be involved in the mini league are relatively equal. After Remembrance day, schedules will be provided and Novice will begin league play. New Business: 1. Budget- Shelbey presented the HMHA 2017-2018 budget. The budget showed a high need for fundraising this season, due to increasing costs of operation and no increase in player registration fees. Roughly $36,000 is needed to balance the budget this season. A breakdown of these costs will be presented later in the meeting. 2. Novice League- as discussed earlier 3. NAI update- Tabi states that as the same last year, Sturgeon Pembina is no more. NAI has replaced previous Sturgeon Pembina, North Central, and the 1660 leagues. Information provided thus far looks much more structured this season, and the hope is that tiering will be much improved, and travel requirements will be more reasonable. As with any new league formation, there are trial and errors. After last year, the feedback was received and used to help NAI to better plan for this season. Tabi states Hockey Alberta is keeping an eye on the NAI and the format. Adam touched on the importance of goalie stats being recorded to accurately reflect the games played. Playoff structure this season has yet to be determined. 4. Fundraising- Adam discussed the Ford Drive 4 Your Community Fundraiser that was done in September. This event raised roughly $3600 for the HMHA. Adam mentioned the disappointing lack of support from members in the association. Of 171 members, 20 at most came out to the event. Cindy discussed the upcoming Cash 4 Christmas Raffle. 3200 tickets will be printed and sold at $10 each. More information will be provided once the Raffle is set to take place. Charity discussed another upcoming fundraiser to take place April 7, 2018. The Duelling Piano Show has been booked to provide an evening of entertainment at the Community Centre. Much like previous years Atomic Improv Fundraiser, the event will consist of dinner, show and drinks available for purchase at the bar. Ticket prices have yet to be set, but once the details have been worked out advertising is going to be of great importance to make this event successful. Charity reported this piano group attended a fundraising event in Westlock over the summer, and helped a non-profit group raise $60,000 with a crowd of 300 in attendance. The hope is that at least 300 tickets will be sold to our event as well. Importance of member support for these fundraisers was stressed. A discussion was had about any other fundraising ideas that members may have. The idea of a Street Hockey mini tournament was provided by Regan Barnes, similiar to one Edson hosted to kick off hockey season. A golf tournament, as well as a car raffle were also ideas given. Edson's yearly car raffle was discussed, in which they raise up to $80,000 for their association. These ideas will be explored further.Adam states that 3 years ago a vote was taken not to raise registration fees for players, but that will have to change if fundraisers are not supported and help raise enough funds needed for operational costs.

Executive Reports:

President: Adam states Midget level has requested to host provincials in Hinton this season. The Midget team will take this on themselves in March 2018, with no expectaion of involvement from the board or other members. Adam reminded everyone of the 24 hour cool down when an issue has risen regarding Hinton Minor Hockey. When sharing a complaint, the association requires a 24 hour cool down period, and then asks the complaint be written down and sent in to Adam. Encouragement was given for issues to first be discussed and resolved with the team manager and head coach, before seeking board involvement. Adam hopes for a great season ahead. Vice President: Tabi wants members to be aware she is available to help as much as possible, and has a wealth of knowledge shes willing to share after years of involvement in minor hockey. The board is always available to discuss ideas and issues, bu tthe 24 hour rule was again encouraged to allow time for issues to be shared thoroughly and respectfully. Secretary: Charity stated the CRC form is available via email this year for all managers and coaches to print off as needed. If forms are needed, please contact [email protected]. Charity discussed the fundraising options presented earlier, and asked for members to make it known if a $250 increase in player registration fees to make up the difference in the current years budget would be preferred to fundraising to raise those necessary funds. Fundraising efforts cannot be successful without the support from all HMHA members, and the hope is that the support will be apparent in the fundraisers planned in the season ahead. Treasurer: Shelbey presented a breakdown of costs per player to play minor hockey for the season. An unequal balance of registration costs vs the actual player costs was discussed. Again fundraising necessity was stressed. A discussion was had regarding the free first year Initiation registration and its recruitment purpose. Charra Carre states the free first year registration is the reason her boys now have 7 years in Hinton Minor Hockey. The general consensus was that although the free registration does mean a loss of revenue, the recruitment of new players in doing so is more important. Caroline reported the first offer of first year free Initiation players are now at the Peewee level, in which there are 40 players. These numbers indicate it is worth while incentive.

Registrar: Jamie reported 171 registarants this eason, which is up from last year. it was reported that 42 kids took part in the HMHA summer camp in August 2017. Positive feedback was received from the camp attendees again this year. Jamie stated all roster information is required by Monday at the latest for submission. Affiliates must be on the roster or they will not be allowed to play. Affiliate forms are available on the NAI website and must be filled out prior to using any affiliate. Failure to do so may result in a suspension for the teams head coach. Jamie stated any CRC's completed last year are valid for 3 years, but Child Welfare Checks need to be completed yearly. Jamie asked all managers to please make sure rosters are completed ASAP.

Equipment Manager: Dan reported receiving new Initiation jerseys from Tim Hortons this year. Novice jerseys and socks have been ordered, and should arrive by the end of October. Dan is still collecting necessary equipment. Intersport provided pucks, a huge thank you went out for that. Lots of good equipment available to assist in coaching with a variety of drills. Dan would like to see this equipment put to good use. Dan also mentioned goalie gear that was donated by the Gomuwka and Clark families for Novice goalies to use. This donation is also much appreciated. Gaming Coordinator: Cindy reported 50/50 licenses are available for the teams. Managers are to contact her in regards to same. Cindy states a weeks notice is best to ensure the license is complete in time for 50/50 sale. Coaches Coordinator: Neil reported the summer camp went over well this summer, although the camp was a few players less than last year. Peewee's large numbers this year made for a difficult decision to be made in regards to the number of teams. Ultimately 2 teams was decided best for everyone. Neil states the new Initiation Standards are available online and in printed format presented. Half ice games have been tested and proven by professionals to be best for young player development. As of next year, Novice will bedoing the same. Discussion was had surrounding this new format. Neil explained that this was a Hockey Canada program that was designed based on information collected by professionals, which were tested and proven most efffective. This was not a HMHA decision. It was also made known that this format will be mandated and any organization refusing to follow the format, will face consequences. Neil encourged everyone in attendance to read up on the plentiful information available online.

Ways and Means: Mike reported all teams have sponsors, and corporate sponsors this year include Holiday Inn, OK Tire, Walmart, Scotiabank, and Big Rock Dodge. A sponsorship letter has been created and will be sent out to a variety of companies in hopes of increasing sponsorships. Referee In Chief: Greg reported the Referee clinic was scheduled earlier this year as to avoid conflict with the season schedules. Greg states there are 24 registered officials, which is the same as last year only 8 of those officials are brand new. This means 8 refs were lost this season. The last referee clinic will be held in Edson Nov.12/17, and Greg is hopeful more will register. Greg encouraged members present to be supportive of those new referees just starting out. It's documented that 60% of new refs quit after the first year. Greg doesn't want to see this happen. Younger refs are needed to develop in years to come. Any issues in regards to reffing, please contact your manager who will contact Greg via email, and he will look into them.

Ice Convener: Caroline states the tiering games are almost complete. A season timeline is avilable on the NAI website. Season schedules will be released in the weeks ahead. Home tournament organization is well under way for both Atom and Peewee levels.

Round Table: A discussion was had surrounding the Casino application that went in last year. Casino for HMHA will be in early 2019. Shelbey hopes the application can be sent in regularly now, allowing for a Casinoto be done by the association every few years as permitted.

Adjournment: Adam adjourned the meeting @ 8:15pm.

______Adam Ferguson, President ______Charity Lawrence, Secretary

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