Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s2

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Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s2


A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 4th December, 2012 Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, D. Butler, W.Hanks, D. Hignell, R. Mead, J. Warwick, C. Woodward Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor ) Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin Joined by Cllr. S. Lilly (County Councillor) 9 members of the public

2012/241 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. C. Campbell, Ms. T. Field and Mrs. H. Knight.

2012/242 Declarations of Interest Cllr. Hignell declared an interest in the agenda item relating to the planning application for 93 Bradstocks Way in that he was the agent for the applicant.

2012/243 Minutes of the meeting held on 6th November, 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 6th November 2012 were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.

2012/244 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 6th November, 2012

HGVs in High Street in breach of weight restriction Council noted comments from the Police and County Council Trading Standards regarding their powers in regards to HGVs that breach the weight restriction. It was suggested that the Police and Crime Commissioner, whose brief was to listen to communities and adjust priorities accordingly, should be contacted and made aware that HGVs in the High Street and in breach of weight restrictions was a priority for Sutton Courtenay.

Milton Footpath no. 299/1 Milton Road to Milton Park – horses Council noted that this had been referred to Milton Parish Council who had agreed to deal with the matter.

2012/245 Re-arrangement of agenda Council agreed that the agenda item relating to the Local Government Boundary Commission and the District Council wards be brought forward whilst Cllr. Duffield was present at the meeting.

2012/246 Public Particpation Footpath 27 Reference was made to footpath 27 and its poor state and condition,

85 particularly between Frilsham Street and the rear of Town Close. The County Council would be checking this.

Anaerobic Digester Planning Application Questions were asked as to why the consideration of the planning application for anaerobic digester had been delayed. Cllr. Duffield stated he was unaware of the reasons, but as local member, had been asked whether he minded if the decision were delayed.

Old Wallingford Way - ivy It was reported that ivy was overhanging the wall at the house on the corner with the High Street. This was in need of cutting back.

High Street – Restoration following repair works – British Gas It was reported that the repair work undertaken by the Gas Board was not of a good standard. Enquiries were made as to whether further restoration was to take place. Council noted that the County Council required restoration to an acceptable standard and it would ensure that contractors returned to the site and re fixed if necessary.

Oxfordshire County Council – MRF planning application Mr. Draper reported that he had spoken on behalf of residents at the meeting of Planning and Regulation Committee. Consent had been granted to extend the operation of the MRF to 2030 and to increase the throughput to 200,000 tonnes. He expressed disappointed that the Vale of White Horse District Council had not objected. to the application. He also advised that at the Cabinet meeting on 27th November, the County Council had deferred its decision on the residual municipal waste and bulk haulage procurement tender

Cllr. Lilly joined the meeting

High Street – Speed hump A resident made a statement regarding the impact on his property and on his family’s standard of living owing to HGVs using the High Street. He asked that any available s. 106 funding from housing development in the village be used to replace the traffic calming hump outside his property with cushion style traffic calming. The Chairman advised that there was not sufficient funding to undertake multiple projects. Any road scheme would require advice from the County Council as highway authority and village consultation. The Council listened to the resident, but was unable to state at that meeting whether it would support the use of s. 106 funding for changing a traffic calming hump to cushions. The resident asked Cllr. Lilly questions, which were duly answered. Cllr. Lilly advised that the final decision on where the s. 106 funding was spent rested with Cllr. Rose at Oxfordshire County Council. Cllr. Lilly advised that he had already discussed the matter with the

86 leader, and cabinet members. The resident disagreed with the stated level of assistance given by the county councillor and asked whether he had to approach the County Council via Cllr. Lilly. Lively discussion followed, and the Chairman drew the matter to a close and moved to next business.

2012/247 County Councillor’s report – Cllr. S. Lilly Cllr. Lilly gave a report on County Council matters including: Materials Recycling Facility – he had discussed this application with the cabinet member. The M.P. wanted to speak with and meet FCC. This was being arranged. Funding The County Council needed to allocate funding. There was likely to be more funding for children’s services. Fire & Rescue Centre at Theale – This new centre had commenced operating. It was successful and Buckinghamshire wished to use it too. Flooding – Most of the county’s departments had co-ordinated well with outside agencies to solve flooding problems and prevent future problems during recent heavy rainfall. Science/Vale Enterprise Zone – This was progressing well as was the Local Development Order NHS Revised Constitution – Some future responsibilities would be going to the County Council.

2012/248 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield Cllr. Duffield reported on District Council matters including: Neighbourhood Plans – Information as to neighbourhood plans had been handed to Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson . Grant Funding – Government grant funding had been given to the Vale of White Horse for town centre rejuvenation. As for local grants, Sutton Courtenay was in the Abingdon group of local councils. Cllr. Duffield reminded members about the fund. Flooding – Culham bridge had been closed owing to flooding. 47 houses in Sutton Courtenay were at risk of flooding, but the precise location was not known. The bridge had been closed even though the depth of water sometimes was only 2 to 3 inches. Given the impact on traffic he suggested that the bridge would be better left open when dealing with slight floods. Materials Recycling Facility – The Vale of White Horse District Council had handled the county council’s application to extend the life of the building and the thoughput without putting it to the planning committee. Local Development Order – Cllr. Duffield had requested that the field between Milton Park and the village be taken out of the local development order area. However, the Science and Enterprise zone was controlled by government with accompanying finance. He had suggested that Didcot “A” should be included in the Order area,

87 however this was not part of the Science and Enterprise zone.

Rats – Comments were made that rats were becoming immune to poisons. It was suggested that the District Council should take back the control of pests in the area.

2012/249 Local Government Boundary Commission Council noted the proposal for a District Council comprising 38 members and a 2 member ward of Sutton Courtenay, Appleford, Drayton and Milton. Council agreed that a two member ward over a relatively large geographical area, was less desirable than a single member ward, and there were fears of inconsistency in representation should there be 2 members. Comments were made about the continued partition of Milton which only served to reinforce the A34 divide.

RESOLVED: that detailed discussion and resolution be deferred to the next meeting.

2012/250 FCC – Sutton Courtenay Landfill Site Council had previously noted the decision of the County Council in regards to the MRF planning application. No other matters were raised.

2012/251 Matters raised by Councillors for information There were no matters raised

2012/252 Police Matters There were no matters raised

2012/253 Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications

P12/V2043 Two storey extension 6 Abingdon Road Refused 20th November, 2012

b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting P12/V23306/FUL Removal of existing bungalow and construction of 2 storey replacement dwelling 20 Appleford Road Comments: Council had no objection in principle to a replacement dwelling, but expressed concerns regarding the appearance which did not seem to be in keeping with other properties in the street.

Cllr. Hignell left the room during the discussion of the following application.

88 c) Planning Applications considered at the meeting P12/V2371/HH Two storey side extension 93 Bradstocks Way For: Mr. I. Maconochie Comments: Council objected. The size of the building works had not materially changed since the previous refusal. It would appear cramped on a constrained site, and it would impact on the street scene. The garden open space contributed to the character of the area. It was unneighbourly development.

Cllr. Hignell rejoined the meeting.

P12/V2244/HH Two bay garage extension to the existing single bay 44A Appleford Road For: Mr. M. Westwood Comments: Council objected. It would be a two storey dominant structure beyond the building line resulting in detrimental impact on the street scene. Council requested that if approved, conditions be included to restrict the use to incidental and ancillary to the main dwelling.

Work To Trees – Reduce lateral limbs on 2 Acer Trees 25 Lady Place For: A.D MacLean Tree Management Ltd Comments: Council had no objections d) Planning Correspondence English Heritage - Certificate of immunity from listing – Didcot A Power Station Council noted English Heritage had asked for any information that would be relevant to its consideration of an application for a certificate of immunity from listing. Members were of the opinion that there were no real grounds to have it preserved. It was understood that planning conditions were imposed relating to the power station site at the time of the consent for Didcot B. To preserve the cooling towers and A station may be in breach of those conditions.

Local Development Order – Milton Park Council noted that the Cabinet of the Vale of White Horse District Council would consider the application for the LDO on Friday 7th December. The Chairman would address the committee, and confirm that Parish Council’s objection to the inclusion of Kelaart’s field and the coalescence of settlements should this be developed.

2012/254 RWEnPower –Liaison Committee Council received a report from Cllr. Hanks who had attended a meeting on 8th October, 2012.

89 2012/255 Oxfordshire County Council – Parish Transport Meeting Council received a report from Cllr. Woodward who had attended a meeting on 29th November, 2012

2012/256 Vale Science and Enterprise Briefing – 26th November, 2012 The presentation information from the briefing had not been received. Cllr. Hanks would give a report when these were available.

RESOLVED: that this matter be deferred to a future meeting.

2012/257 Recreation Ground Council received the quarterly inspection report. This identified matting under the rotating disc which needed attention, and a small concrete area at the base of the corner ramp in the skatepark which needed attention. The clerk had obtained an estimate for repair which was noted by Council. The long term future of the recreation ground needed consideration.

RESOLVED: (i) that the quotation for repair of the skatepark ramp be noted (ii) that members look at the skatepark and the quotation received be deferred to the precept meeting. (iii) that Cllr. Butler undertake the play equipment inspections on a weekly basis until the January 2013 meeting of the Council.

2012/258 The duration of the meeting was 2 hours

RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Order no 1a to allow business to be continued

2012/259 Traffic Calming – Funding Council noted that the County Council had almost completed the draft drawing for the proposed traffic calming measures for Drayton Road. It was suggested that the costs of installing 2 cushions to replace a traffic calming hump should be ascertained from the County Council. It was also suggested that the County Council undertake a temporary entrance feature in the Drayton Road to test to see how effective a permanent feature would be. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson suggested that the Parish Council should formally consider replacing the traffic calming hump outside Spring Cottage in the High Street with 2 traffic calming cushions and that the matter should go out to formal consultation alongside the entrance feature scheme in the Drayton Road. Discussion took place as 90 to whether the s. 106 funding could be earmarked for another year. It was noted that the community led plan questionnaire was to go out to residents shortly.

RESOLVED: (i) that the County Council be asked whether the spending of the s.106 funding could be deferred to another year. (ii) that the County Council be reminded that the Parish Council had not objected to the idea of replacing a speed hump outside Spring Cottage with 2 cushions, but that it had not agreed to spending public money on this. (iii) that information of the costings of changing the hump to 2 speed reduction cushions be obtained from the County Council. (iv) that the parishioner’s request to use public s. 106 money already available, for traffic calming cushions outside Spring Cottage in the High Street, specifically near the junction of Frilsham Street and the High Street, appear as an agenda item for the next meeting.

2012/260 Parents and Children Together Council noted and considered an invitation to become involved in the Joint Advisory Group of PACT for the Abingdon area. The role of the group was to help identify needs and priorities and produce a development plan to inform funding.

RESOLVED: (i) that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson represent the Council (ii) that the agendas and minutes of the meetings be obtained.

2012/261 Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan 2013/2018 and Action Plan 2013

Council noted the plan.

RESOLVED: that no comment be submitted

2012/262 Vale of White Horse District Council – Arts, Sports and Leisure Participation Consultation Council noted the consultation on Arts, Sports and Leisure.

RESOLVED: that no comment be submitted

91 2012/263 Vale of White Horse District Council – Sports and Leisure Facilities Consultation Council noted the consultation on Sports and Leisure facilities

RESOLVED: that no comment be submitted

2012/264 Correspondence a) Wilshire County Council – Canal Officer Council noted a request to include in any Neighbourhood Plan for the area, references to the Wilts and Berks canal. b) Department of Local Government and Communities – Council Tax Benefit Reform Notification that Government expects billing authorities to work with local parish and town councils through a voluntary agreement, to provide certainty over their funding. c) Bidwells - Land north of Milton Road – Notification that a public exhibition about development proposals would take place on Tuesday 11th December at the village hall between 4.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. d) Oxfordshire County Council – Notification of submission to the Secretary of State of the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy. Report expected Summer 2013. e) OALC – Update f) Vale of White Horse District Council – Regularisation of addresses Notification received that flats, 1,2,3,4 and the Pumping Station were being renamed flats A, B and Pumping Station

2012/265 Accounts Council noted the list of cheques to be signed and authorised payments totalling £3258.42 in respect of administration, grass cutting, recreation ground maintenance, and subscription.

2012/266 Items for inclusion in Sutton Courtenay News Council suggested that reference be included on fireworks which was contained in the outer Abingdon Police report, together with information on traffic calming and the Boundary Commission’s review of district wards.

2012/267 Date of Next Meeting Council agreed that the next meeting of the Council would take place on Tuesday 8th January, 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.

The meeting closed at 10.20 p.m.

Signed ...... Date ......


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