Religion 130 Syllabus Missionary Preparation Instructor: Rex M. Butterfield Office: TAY 274 Phone: 496-1425 Email: [email protected]

Requirements: Attendance Because your education at BYU-Idaho is heavily subsidized by tithing dollars of the church, we owe it to the Lord and the faithful tithe payers to be in class, and alert in class (the Still Small Voice is hard to hear if a person is unconscious). On time attendance is required for 5 points per day. Two points will be subtracted for being late/leaving early. In addition, your scriptures need to come with you, so if you are here without your scriptures, it is only worth 3. Also, if a person is not in class at least 80% of the time, he/she will receive an ‘F’ for the course. In other words, if you miss more than 5 times you will fail this course. Please be here! If there is a serious extenuating medical condition, please see me. Reading and Marking Assignments Each day, there will be a reading assignment. Mostly, these will come from the student manual and standard works of the church. Frequently, there will be supplemental talks by the General Authorities and Officers of the church. Please print these out, read, mark, and bring to class. These are worth 5 points per assignment if done on time, 3 if done late (you are on your honor here). Some assignments are longer than others, so read ahead, if possible, on the shorter assignments. Exams There will be a mid-term and a final exam, worth 50 points each. The mid-term will be having D&C 4 memorized (You’ll write it down in class ). Journal As you read, the Holy Ghost will teach you things. Out of respect to the one who reveals, we should record those revelations. Therefore, as you read the assignments, write down the insights, thoughts, or impressions that come to you. It could be something new you learned, or maybe something you see in a different light or something that applies to you in a different way. The student manual has a place at the back of each chapter for these. Use them. These are pretty personal, and I will only skim them to make sure they are done. They are worth 2 points per reading assignment, so please note where you were reading for that day. This is mainly for your insights, not notes from class, although you can keep them in the same book if you would like. Some of these will be turned in through the course of the semester (see below). Other Assignments As you can see below, there are other assignments. Basically, they are either pass or fail. If you do it, you pass. If not, well… Please keep track of which are done on the performance record. Many we will discuss in class; some we will not. These are worth 5 points each. Many of those will be turned in. For the supplemental reading assignments and other assignments where it isn’t practical to turn the whole thing in (for example, cooking dinner for someone), please turn in a one paragraph write-up on what you read or experienced. Please be prepared to turn in lesson plans, as well as teach them in class. Grade Scale 95-100%=A 90-94%=A- 86-89%=B+ 83-85%=B 80-82%=B- 76-79%=C+ 73-75%=C 70-72%=C- 66-69%=D+ 63-65%=D 60-62%=D- <60%=F

Date Reading in Manual & Scriptures Assignment (due that day in class!!) 9-9 Intro to class & Called to Serve 9-11 Called to Serve Talk with a returned missionary about value of a mission. Bring a short write up. Read and mark - Ensign Article - Becoming a Missionary 9-16 Personal Worthiness 9-18 Personal Worthiness Ponder changes you may need to make in your life. (Don’t turn anything in for this one) 9-23 Companionship of the Holy Ghost Create a scripture chain on the Holy Ghost. Be prepared to share it in class. 9-25 Companionship of the Holy Ghost Complete the chart on p 28 of the student manual. 9-30 Teaching by the Spirit 10-2 Teaching by the Spirit Read and mark Chapter 4 in Preach My Gospel. 10-7 By study and also by faith 1 10-9 By study and also by faith 1-2 Develop a lesson for one doctrine of the gospel. Be ready to teach it in class. 10-14 By study and also by faith 2 10-16 Heavenly Father’s plan Create an illustration/lesson plan of the plan of Happiness. Be prepared to share it in class. 10-21 Heavenly Father’s plan 10-23 Heavenly Father’s plan 10-28 Prophets and apostasy Create a Biblical scripture chain on the Apostasy. Be prepared to teach it. 10-30 Prophets and apostasy 11-4 Restoration and New Scripture Be prepared to teach how the Book of Mormon came forth and why it needed to. 11-6 Restoration and New Scripture 11-11 Faith and Conversion Be prepared to teach about faith. 11-13 Faith and Conversion Read and mark - Ensign Article - The Challenge to Become 11-18 Physical and emotional preparation Cook dinner for somebody. You must use something other than a microwave. Be prepared to talk about how it went  (PS Don’t poison anybody) 11-20 Using time wisely to bring people to Christ 12-2 Preparing investigators Read and mark - Ensign Article - Will You? Implementing the Mission of the Church 12-4 Christlike attributes 12-9 Christlike attributes Read and mark - Ensign Article - Missionary Work and the Atonement 12-11 Final in Class .