GEAR up Program Definitions
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GEAR UP Program Definitions
Academic Planning Advising activities to help raise students’ awareness of the long-term implications of rigorous and relevant course selection, credit accumulation, course grades, assessments and GPA. Academic Advising A comprehensive service that can occur in an individual, small group or whole cohort setting and is designed to explore the relationship between educational achievement, academic behaviors and their personal and academic goals and to monitor progress toward graduation and college readiness. Academic Integrity A module of the curricula designed to explore the ethics of academia including cheating, plagiarism, and honesty. Academic Planning Advising activities to help raise students’ awareness of the long-term implications of rigorous and relevant course selection, credit accumulation, course grades, assessments and GPA. ACT Online Test Prep Students will have access to the ACT online prep resources (1 calendar year from the pre-test) ACT Retest GEAR UP cohort students will be able to retake the ACT up to two times at no expense Career Exploration – Preparing for a Job Interview A module of the curricula designed to give students the basic concepts of how a job interview is conducted and strategies for preparing for a successful interview process. Career Exploration – researching the job market A module of the curricula designed to expose students to information about job market trends, including various career fields and their salaries. Career Pathways A reoccurring module of the curricula focused on exploring the practical relationship between course selection, educational achievement and career/life goals. College Kit/Portfolio Individual kits contain college and program affinity items (e.g. shirts, pens, notebooks, posters) as well an individual GEAR UP Student Portfolio. College Knowledge Curricular modules and advising activities focused on building awareness of the aspects and options available across the postsecondary education spectrum and supporting the execution of the procedural steps to applying to, paying for and enrolling in college
9th grade - types of postsecondary institutions/programs 10th grade - Enrollment processes and how to get in to your target school 11th grade – Tuition, books and other costs associated with postsecondary education 12th grade – Transition to college – what to expect (campus, living at home, online) 1st year college – support (in-person and/or digital) to increase awareness of and access to campus-based student success resources; includes text-based outreach throughout post-high school graduation summer and 1st year of college. College Match and Fit Advising activities focused on helping students understand how their academic achievements are a “match” to varying college entrance requirements (target, reach and safety institutions/programs) and applying a process to identify which college option is a good “fit” to their academic program choice, financial situation, social preferences, and career goals.
9th grade - distance 10th grade – connecting with career choice 11th grade – Facets of fit (academic, social, and cultural) 12th grade – Facets of fit (academic, social, and cultural) College Visit A guided tour of a two- or four-year college/university designed to provide participants with a better understanding of college life, academic disciplines and relevance to a student’s educational and career goals.
8th & 11th grade – targeted family campus visit with at least one parent invited to participate; campus targeted to student interest/preference of institution 10th grade – cohort college visit – (student only) 12th grade- targeted family campus visit for undecided students with at least one parent invited to participate; campus targeted to student interest Conflict Resolution A reoccurring module of the curricula that provides students an opportunity to explore the definition and concepts of conflict resolution through different scenarios and role playing. Critical Thinking A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to improve students' capacity to process information in higher level thinking. Cultural Diversity A module of the curricula that will helps students recognize and value cultural diversity in their own communities. Recognize how cultural diversity impacts college and career readiness. Decision Making A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to expose students to the process of making good decisions, help them identify their current and desired decision-making style, and provide an opportunity to practice decision making as a skill. Empathy A module of the curricula designed to improve students’ ability to understand and share the feelings of another and to provide examples and models for application in their own lives. FAFSA Frenzy A 12-week program-wide campaign to increase FAFSA completion. Includes parent, student and school activities, messages and resources Financial Literacy A module of the GEAR UP/Dave Ramsey Foundations in Personal Finance curriculum that focuses on developing basic money management skills.
7th grade = To introduce students to the broad topic of saving and how finances influence how we relate to others. 8th grade = To introduce students to the process of budgeting. 9th grade = Explore the difference between a commission and an allowance. Describe explore how they approach budget in different ways. Evaluate the importance of doing a household budget. Learn the budget impact of taking rigorous coursework. 10th grade = Explore types and impact of personal debt and gain strategies to avoid accumulating debt Financial Literacy/Financial Aid (KHEAA) Using the online resources of KHEAA, students will explore scholarships, work-study and other ways to finance college; introduction to FAFSA GEAR UP Alumni Leadership Academy Alumni will have the opportunity to participate in the national GUALA program sponsored by NCCEP. GUALA is a one-week training in DC designed to strengthen the individual leadership and advocacy skills of GEAR UP alumni, followed by year-long advocacy and leadership activities supported virtually by NCCEP and in connection with GUK. GEAR UP Ambassadors Students will be invited to start an Ambassador program in order to raise their collective voices
GEAR UP Ambassadors Program ($100 solution) GEAR UP Ambassador Programs will work to address a school or community problem with a budget of $100; project plans and outcomes are presented by student teams at the annual Institute GEAR UP Institute Participant SOYs and GU Ambassadors will have the opportunity to participate and have a leadership role in the student track at the annual GEAR UP Institute. (two day conference) NCCEP Youth Leadership Summit Students will compete for the opportunity to participate in the 3-day annual national NCCEP Youth Leadership Summit (in SF or DC) Global Thinking A module of the curricula designed to define global interconnectivity and help students become aware of its impact on their lives and their capacity to influence the world around them. Goal Setting A reoccurring module of the curricula where students explore the definition of goals, discuss the benefits and process of setting goals, and apply the goal setting process in individual and group settings. ILP A reoccurring module of the curricula using the ILP to explore, identify and track the personal interests of each student and align their identified interests with multiple career options. The ILP (Individual Learning Plan) is an online resource made available to every Kentucky Student through KDE. GEAR UP integrates this resource throughout the seven-year model in order to support student, school and system goals as well as sustain learning outcomes.
7th grade – Interest inventories 8th grade – Interest inventories (hobbies & passions) and resume building 9th grade – job market trends, extracurricular activities and the well-rounded candidate 10th grade – career alignment and resume building 11th grade – turning planning into action and resume building 12th grade - resume Information Literacy A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to define and apply a process to collect and evaluate information from various sources in order to develop and present a well-researched argument.
10th grade - increased focus on research standards and techniques. Interpersonal Support Mentoring activities focused on helping students will up to receive access to online support (academic and interpersonal) for successful completing their first year on campus Learning Styles A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to assist students in: Identifying personality style, modes, of thinking, and how multiple intelligences affect learning. Listening A module of the curricula to explore and engage in successful communication skills (listening) Optional An activity or lesson that is available to, but not required for, every student. Participation may be limited by self-selection (student), competition when access is limited. In some cases participation recruitment may be targeted to subsets of the cohort. Orientation An event designed to orient new participants to the GEAR UP program, its goals, activities, services and structure Orientation (if new building or additional cohort) An event designed to orient new participants to the GEAR UP program, its goals, activities, services and structure Peer Interventions Activities designed to engage and encourage students by integrating their voices, perspectives and talents in the education and engagement process. Peer Mentoring A series of structured mentoring activities between targeted students (first-gen, near-target middle school students) and trained older GEAR UP students; PY 1 – 4 = 12th grade GEAR UP students serve as peer mentors; PY4 – 7, college GEAR UP students serve as peer mentors
7th grade topic: Surviving School 8h grade topic: Transitioning to High School 9h grade topic: Surviving High School 10th grade topic: College coursework v. high school classes 11th grade: College life 12 grade topic: College Life. Peer Mentors (for 9th & 10th) GEAR UP students will compete for paid mentorships for their home region. Training, monitoring and support will be provided Peer Tutoring Tutoring provided to targeted cohort students based on specific academic needs and using trained peers as tutors with teacher supervision. Intended to be provided twice per week with funding for 1 classroom teacher and 2 student tutors per school. Personal Branding A module of the curricula designed to help students identify and understand their personal strengths and how to successfully promote those strengths. Personal Mission Statement A reoccurring module of the curricula where students create, revisit and refine a statement about their personal strengths and goals. Personal Networking A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to explore the importance of developing a networking circle to further academic interests and career opportunities and learn strategies to leverage family and community relationships that support their success. Portfolio - 21st Century Scholars Certificate A 21st Century Scholar Certificate shall be personalized for each student and indicate the amount of federal financial aid for college and the estimated amount of any state financial aid, if applicable, that a student may be eligible to receive. Practical – Team Project A group activity that builds upon the lessons of teamwork, conflict resolution, research, listening, public speaking and information literacy to build and deliver a team presentation. Pre-Senior Year Survey GEAR UP juniors will complete an end of year survey to identify their likely postsecondary plans. Problem Solving A reoccurring module of the curricula to engage students in a process of analyzing a specific issue, researching and evaluating options, and defining a solution. Public Speaking A module of the curricula designed to introduce students to the process of preparing and performing a speech to a live audience and provide an opportunity to build confidence by practicing various techniques of delivering a speech.
10th grade - elevator speeches and persuasive arguments Resilience A reoccurring module of the curricula focused on helping students develop their capacity to recover quickly from personal and academic difficulties and develop behaviors and skills necessary to be academically successful. Senior Success Portfolio GEAR UP seniors will be given individual portfolios with comprehensive postsecondary education planning resources. Throughout the year students will complete a variety of practical steps that result in specific products that increase the likelihood of postsecondary success. Seniors will complete a pre-senior year survey, a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, a college application, a professional resume and cover letter, a scholarship application, and a formal interview with a professional.
Products/Documentation: Personal mission statement FAFSA – Copy of Student Aid Report College application - Copy of at least one college application or receipt of online submission of an application Professional resume and cover resume Scholarship Application – copy of submitted application Formal interview with a professional – completed interview questionnaire form Senior Survey Students will complete a survey reflecting on their experiences and perspectives of the GEAR UP program. Speakers - Student Voice (Ambassadors) A speaker will present on the power and positive impact of students raising their individual and collective voice to improve their own educational experience and the education system as a whole. Stress Management A reoccurring module of the curricula focused on the indicators and impacts of stress and techniques to overcome stress. Student of the Year A student will be identified in each school and recognized locally and statewide for their engagement, leadership and resilience. Study Skills A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to increase student knowledge of study strategies that will improve their continuous work habits. Summer Academy (Advisor) GEARUP students will have priority in hiring for Summer Academy Student Advisor positions Summer Academy (entering college freshman) Rising 10th, 11th and 12th grade cohort students will attend a three-week residential program on a Kentucky campus. Various disciplines will be spotlighted
Graduating seniors - Students will have an opportunity to access development courses and FYE classes at campuses across the Commonwealth and/or work as Student leader at the one of the program academies. Summer Jr. Academy (rising 8th and 9th) A four-day summer program for middle school students focused on exploring STEM fields and building math and science skills through hands-on, technology-driven project based learning on a community/technical college campus. Survey An annual survey to establish and monitor program metrics, evaluate progress and collect formative service feedback; survey administration is integrated into online biannual CERT assessments Teamwork A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to assist students in recognizing the roles played in effective teams, demonstrating effective team participation and conducting effective team discussions and meetings Test prep A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to provide effective strategies to improve student test taking skills and lessen test taking anxiety. Text-based support Students and parents can sign up to receive regular schedule support to facilitate a successful transition to AND through their first year of college using Time management A reoccurring module of the curricula designed to help students identify how they spend their time and apply techniques to effectively manage their time. Student Leadership Development Students will have multiple opportunities to continue and expand their connection to GEAR UP and develop leadership skills at the local, state and national levels. o GEAR UP Alumni Leadership Academy (GUALA) participant o Institute participant o NCCEP Youth Leadership Summit participant o Summer Academy Advisor o Peer mentor for GUK middle/high school students
College Equipped Readiness Tool (CERT) Assessment and Remediation Program Online standardized assessment system for middle and high school students that is aligned with ACT college readiness benchmarks and includes targeted student interventions to address gaps in specific content knowledge and data analysis and curriculum tools for teachers/administrators to address gaps in instruction; Provided for cohort and priority students a minimum of two times per school year, with an optional third testing available. Data Management System A program-funded data collection, analysis and reporting system that integrates KDE student-level data with service delivery data for local advising, program-wide evaluation and continuous improvement. Teacher Leader Academy A series of multi-day professional development workshops for core content teachers and school leaders focused on helping teacher develop rigorous instructional approaches for student skill development in ELA, math, and science courses, and school leaders define strategies for supporting school-wide rigorous instructional practices. EILA credit provided. Local Needs-Based Professional Development Each partner school will be provided $2500 per school for professional development for school staff based on identified needs and resources and aligned with GEAR UP goals and objectives. Schools will submit a PD proposal prior to the beginning of the school year, and will be encouraged to share outcomes from identified PD at the annual Institute for a College-Going Commonwealth. NCCEP District Leadership Institute An innovative program offered to all GEAR UP programs through NCCEP that seeks to maximize the talent and leadership skills of district leaders serving GEAR UP students. This 10-month program includes three in-person trainings (5 days total) focused on creating, sustaining, and strengthening the college-going culture in GEAR UP districts, as well as opportunities for cohort problem solving discussions through participation in a learning community of senior-level leaders across the nation, and collaboration activities between GEAR UP program directors and district leaders. Three GUK superintendents each school year will be invited to participate GEAR UP Alumni Leadership Academy (GUALA) – A 12-month, highly selective program for GEAR UP alumni coordinated by NCCEP to offer students mentoring, advocacy & leadership training, Capitol Hill experience, and opportunities for community service and civic engagement at the national and local levels. After an intensive, week-long training in June held in Washington, D.C., Alumni Leaders commit to contribute approximately 10 hours of community service each month back that benefit local, state, and/or national GEAR UP. GUK will nominate graduating seniors/college freshman for participation each year; selection for participation is decided by NCCEP. Strengths Finder/Strengths Quest – The Clifton StrengthsFinder is a Web-based personality assessment designed by Gallup that helps students find their areas of natural strength. StrengthsQuest is an online portal and learning tools that allows students to better understand and apply the strengths identified in their personalized StrengthsFinder report to improve well-being and engagement, align their strengths to career path options, and increase college success. GUK will provide this resource to incoming GUK Student & Parent Ambassadors, School Site Teams, and GUK staff. Student Ambassador Training (Students as Partners with Prichard Committee SVT) Student-led leadership training provided annually for GUK Student Ambassador teams. Training focuses on helping students understand what student voice means and how it can function as an essential component of improving students’ own educational experience and enhancing the overall culture of schools Training sessions will initiate Ambassador team planning to identify student-led projects focused on supporting GEAR UP goals and advancing student voice in GUK schools. School partner branding kit – A set of identity resources provided at the program’s launch intended to brand school partners and raise awareness of the GEAR UP goals and services. Texas Instruments (Ti) NSpire - Classroom equipment – each middle school will receive - Teacher training/coaching - Summer STEM camp Institute for a College-Going Commonwealth A statewide, 2-day conference that brings together GEAR UP students, parents, schools, staff and partners to provide personal and professional development, networking and the recognition of leadership at all levels. Family Campus Days – GEAR UP Family Campus Days is a one-day campus visit bringing students and a family member, defined as parents/guardians/mentors/other significant adults along with their student, onto college campuses to receive information about the college planning process in general and the specifics of each university’s program offerings. These are offered in the 10th grade with a special 12th grade iteration for students who are college ready but haven’t visited their target college. Parent Base Camp – A one-day, regional event designed to begin the development of family leaders interested in becoming engaged in local, grassroots efforts to sustain and increase parental engagement and support student achievement for all GUK students.
Objective #1: Parents leave basecamp with tools to help them get involved with their schools. Objective #3: Parents identify first steps to begin/improve family their involvement in public schools Objective #2: Recruit at least five parents for the Parent Ambassador Institute. Parent Ambassador Institute A track of the Annual GEAR UP Kentucky Institute for a College-Going Commonwealth designed to recognize and develop local, regional and statewide parent leadership. Parent Ambassador Projects Each partner school will be provided $500 per school annually parent engagment for school staff based on identified needs and resources and aligned with GEAR UP goals and objectives. Schools will submit a PD proposal prior to the beginning of the school year, and will be encouraged to share outcomes from identified PD at the annual Institute for a College-Going Commonwealth. NCCEP/GEAR UP Annual Conference The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP) serves as the technical assistance provider for all GEAR UP programs. NCCEP is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization working to increase access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students. NCCEP conducts two distinct events annually that GEAR UP programs are required to attend. Both the annual National GEAR UP Conference and the Annual Capacity-Building Workshop advance college access through advocacy, training, and research. The Annual Conference is open to program leadership, staff, partners, and parents, while the CBW is focused on professional development for program staff. Digital Learning Platform (DLP) Project With support from CPE and in partnership with CTL, GEAR UP will begin redeveloping the modules of the CCR Curricula in order to transition to a digital learning platform with dynamic, engaging lessons that utilize the best practices of online learning, curricula gamification and can be adopted and sustained by schools across the Commonwealth. Kentucky College & Career Connection (Ky3C) Coalition The Kentucky College and Career Connections (Ky3C) Coalition is a statewide network dedicated to aligning, enhancing, and expanding college and career outreach statewide by improving communication, collaboration, and professional development among outreach professionals, programs & proponents through a statewide coalition of member organizations. Statewide Campaign – Through a partnership with the Kentucky Broadcasters Association, GUK provides statewide distribution of messages about college value, readiness, affordability, and completion through radio and television.
- KnowHow2GOKy – - A college access website dedicated to making the steps to college, clear - KBA partnership - New Student Voice PSAs – STLP? College & Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium (CCREC) The College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium (CCREC) is a GEAR UP member state organization that works to assess the impact of common interventions and demonstrate the impact of GEAR UP across local, state, and national levels of implementation as well as foster collaboration among its members and build a culture of evidenced-based assessment and decision-making. Staffing - Executive Director: Provides leadership for the strategic vision; policy development, and budget administration. Interacts with various K-16 constituents, including school leaders, state and local education agencies, community based and higher education partners associated with the project. Provides general oversight for administration of the statewide project. - Director for Student and School Services: Lead administrator, whose primary responsibility is the effective development, delivery and coordination of implementation of all GUK strategies with fidelity and purpose. - Director for Operations & Partnership: Lead administrator whose primary responsibility is to monitor and manage the day-to-day activities of GUK. The director will be responsible for planning and budgetary operations under his supervision; and setting the standards and measurements to judge how efficiently and effectively the project is operating. - Program Support Associate: - Communications & Outreach Coordinator: A support position that oversees the development and work product for outreach initiatives supporting GEAR UP Kentucky, as well as the development and ongoing engagement of College Access and Readiness Outreach networks that serve and support GEAR UP communities at national, state and local levels. This role is also responsible for the creation and implementation of materials and messages that communicate and support GUK and the greater college access and readiness efforts. - Regional Program Coordinator - District Program Manager - GEAR UP Coach - Regional Parent Liaison Program Evaluation Plan A proposed set of data, baselines and change targets included in the grant proposal to the US Department of Education that extend across the seven program years and beyond to provide insight for formative and summative evaluation.
Student Leadership Development
Student Support Services
- Support provided by text, online or in-person related to helping student transition and success in college socially, emotionally and financially; can be one-on-one or small group
Academic Advising - Advising activities provided by text, online or in-person focused on supporting students’ academic success throughout their freshman year including connecting students to existing campus support services