Maharashtra State Electricity Dist
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Maharashtra State Electricity Dist.Co. Ltd.
TENDER NO. : SE/GKUC/TENDER/2007-2008/T-22
Providing & Fixing 11 KV & 22 KV Cable Jointing Kits under Ganeshkhind Urban Circle
Estimated Cost: Rs.50 Lakhs E.M.D.Rs.50,000/- Date of Sale 27/09/2007 to 04/10/2007 From 10.30 to 15.00 Hrs. Tender price Rs.2000/- + VAT Last Date of Submission of the Tender- 05/10/07 upto13.00 Date of Opening - 05/10/07 at 15.00 Hrs.
Tender No. : SE/GKUC/T-22/07-08 Tender for Providing & Fixing 11KV & 22 KV of Cable Jointing kits under Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune Tender Price : Rs. 2000/- + VAT By Post : Rs. N.A. Estimated Cost : Rs. 50 Lakhs E.M.D. : Rs. 50,000/- Last Date of Submission : 05.10.2007upto 13.00 hrs. Dt. of Opening : 5.10.07 15.00 Hrs.
Tender Price Paid : Rs.______R.No.______Date:______
Date : ______
Divisional Accountant ------
TO BE FILLED IN BY THE TENDERER : 1. Name & Address of the Tenderer :
Phone No.: Gram : 2. Address of the Factory Unit :
Phone No. : Gram :
3. E.M.D. Paid Rs.______R.No.______
Date : IMPORTANT NOTES : 1. Rates should be quoted in the prescribed schedule attached with this tender and not in any other form. 2. Tenderers must submit all the tender documents duly filled in & signed by them before the due date and time. 3. The Tender will be opened on dt. 5.10.2007 at 15.00 hrs.(if possible) or on next working day at the same time.
FOR OFFICE USE : Total No. of Tenders received ______Nos. opened on ______
Phone : 25650245 / 46 Office of the Supdt. Engineer (GKUC) FAX : 020 25673750 Senapati Bapat Road, Ganeshkhind, Pune
To, M/S. Dear Tenderer,
Please quote the lowest rates for the Providing & Fixing 11KV & 22 KV of Cable Jointing kits under Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune as defined in bid document as per activity and price schedule attached herewith.
Complete tender document including cover page should be submitted duly filled in and signed by the tenderer. Rates should be quoted in the attached ‘Price Schedule’ only. Tenders in any other form or on the letterheads will not be acceptable. If at all, you desire any additional information to be submitted, you may attach separate sheets to the tender documents.
Seal and Signature of the Tenderer
Sr.No. Particulars Comments of the Tenderer 1. 2. 3. * Purchase of Tender : Please quote Money Receipt No. & Date against which Documents are purchased.
* Earnest Money Deposit : E.M.D. paid vide Money Receipt No. & Date (if by cash) D.D. No. & Date (if by D.D.)
* SSI Registration : Whether registered as SSI Unit if yes, quote Registration No. (Copy of SSI Registration enclosed) Yes / No
* Sicom Eligibility : * Whether you hold SICOM eligibility certificate, if yes, Enclosed a copy certificate Yes / No
* Type of Concern : * Whether the unit is proprietary / Partnership / Private Ltd. or Limited Company Yes / No
* Registration with MSEB / MSEDCL * Whether you are registered with the Board / MSEDCL Yes / No
* Manufacturer or Trader : * Whether you are manufacturer or Trader, if Trader, Please indicate the name & Address of Manufacturer Whose product you have offered. Yes / No
* ISI Licence : * Whether relevant “ISI” Licence is hold, if yes, quote the ISI Licence No. A Copy of ISI Licence is enclosed Yes / No
* Past Performance : * Whether you have executed orders of same nature in MSEB (A copy giving details of orders attached). Yes / No * Monthly Capacity : * Assessed capacity per month which can be supplied.
* Testing Facilities : * Whether the unit is having facility of testing as per relevant ISI. Yes / No
* Validity of offer : * Offer is valid for 90 days Yes / No
* Submission of Sample : * Whether sample (if desired) is submitted Yes / No
* Income Tax Clerarance Certificate : * Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate attached. Yes / No * Annual Turn-Over : * Annual Turn - over for the last year.
* Any other information :
* 17. Sales Tax Registration No. C.S.T. :
M.S.T. :
Signature of the Tenderer.
A.O. Ex. Engr. Superintending Engineer (ADMN) GKUC, Pune. MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD. Ganeshkhind Urban Circle
Published in News Papers vide LN.SE/GKUC/T/22/2007-08 dtd.
Sr.No. Particulars Page No.
Questionaire to Tenderer
1. Tender Notice 6, 6A
2 Tender Form 7
3 Declaration of Tenderer 8
4 Instructions to Tenderer 9 - 12
5 General Terms and Conditions 13
6 Schedule ‘A’ 14
7 Special Terms and Conditions 15
8 Particulars of Contractor 16 TENDER FORM
Tender No. :SE/GKUC/T/22/2007-08 dtd.
To, The Superintending Engineer, M.S.E.Distribution Co. Ltd., Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune.
Dear Sir,
Having examined the specifications together with the accompanying schedules. The general conditions of the contract and conditions of contract applicable to M.S.E.D.C.L. works / supply contract therein referred to, I/We hereby offer carry out the supply / works described in the different section of the said specification and schedules at the rate entered in the contract schedule prices.
I/We hereby guarantee the performance of our work / supplies in full conformity of your specifications and instructions the particulars entered in the schedule attached the specifications, and in accordance with the conditions of contract applicable for Co’s work contract.
Thanking you, Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Tenderer)
Date : Full address of the Tenderer
Place : MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD. Ganeshkhind Urban Circle (Tender & Contract for Works)
I/We hereby Tender for execution for Maharashtra State Distribution Co. Ltd. (herein after referred to as MSEDCL) of the work specified in the under written memorandum within time specified in clause D of Memorandum showing items of work as pre designs. Drawings and instructions in writing and as per annexed conditions of the contract.
A- General Description :
B- Earnest Money :
C- Deposit (S.D.) : 5% of the contract value
D- Time Limit: ______working days from the date of handling over of the site.
Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide and fulfill all the terms and provisions of conditions of contract annexed herein as applicable and default thereof to forfeit and pay to the board the sum of money mentioned in the conditions.
Money receipt No. Date : ______From Maharashtra State Distribution Co. Ltd. in respect of the same of Rs. ______(The amount to be specified in figures and words) is hereby forwarded representing the earnest money deposits (the full value which is to be absolutely forfeited to the Board should I/We do not deposit the full amount of security deposit specified in the said condition otherwise the said column of rupees ______shall be refunded).
Signature of the Tenderer :
Full Address of Tenderer : Date : Signature of witness :
Address of witness :
Occupation : Date : MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD. Ganeshkhind Urban Circle
The tender shall be strictly submitted in manner as specified below :-
Envelope No.1 : For Bid qualification.
This envelope shall contain copies of following certificates. Govt. Gazzetted officers or MSEDCL’s officers not below the rank of class II officers should attest true copies of the certificates. The original certificate will have to be produced by the contractors if demanded before acceptance of tender. Absence of any compulsory document the price bid will not be opened & no complaint / argument regarding the same will be entertained.
1. The certificate of registration for carrying out electrical works. 2. Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate from the Income Tax Officer of the Circle. 3. Registration under MST/CST/VAT whichever is applicable. 4. Solvency Certificate equivalent to an amount not less than 50% of the estimated cost of the works. It should be drawn on schedule bank & it should be valid for current year. 5. A list of similar works executed by the bidder during last 3 years indicating their performances. 6. Registration under PF, ESI & workman’s compensation policy. 7. The proof of EMD Paid by cash or D.D. of Nationalised Scheduled Bank payable at
7. Partnership deed. 8. List of works currently in hand along with order reference authority who have placed the order, amount of the order & percent of work completed till date. 9. List of technical personnels, machinery & T & P, which will be used for tender works in question. 10. Certificate of performance, completion of work in Govt. Departments & MSEB/ MSEDCL during the last three years only issued by authorities not below the rank of Executive Engineer. SPECIAL NOTE : SPECIAL NOTE: The undersigned reserves the right of condoning any minor elements or lapses in producing the above certificates/documents, which will not affect the bid cost.
Envelope No.2 : Bid Envelope :
This envelope shall contain the price bid duly filled in with rates for all items in figures and in words. All schedules shall be filled in wherever not applicable shall be written as “Not applicable”. The tender document purchased by the bidder shall invariably be returned in this enveloped (Not to be kept with bidder) without which the tender are liable to be rejected. Payment of E.M.D. as indicated shall be accepted in the form of Cash/bank draft drawn in favour of Superintending Engineer Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune. E.M.D. is not paid in the proper form along with the tender the same will be rejected. Primary documents as mentioned above in Sr.No. 1,2,3,4 shall invariably submitted in envelope No.1 along with secondary documents and money receipt or demand draft as a proof of EMD payments without which the cost bid envelope will not be opened at all, which should be noted by the contractor specifically. Envelope No.2 shall contain the price bid as mentioned above and envelope No.1 and 2 should be put in envelope No.3 duly titled with tender No. Name of work, due date for opening and shall be embossed and sealed. The undersigned reserves the right to accept / reject and or all the tender offers in part or full without assigning any reasons thereof.
The tender duly filled in should be sent in a cover properly sealed and super scribed as shown below by Registered post or in person only to the SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, M.S.D.Co. Ltd., Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune.
1. So as to reach not later than the due date & time mentioned on the front page. The cover should be super scribed with the name of work and tender No. SE/ GKUC/TENDER/T- 22 /2007-2008/ 2. The Tenderer should also visits and get fully acquainted with the site of work and see for himself the site conditions regardiong availability of water, electricity, labour conditions, approach roads etc. and all other factors affecting the work before submitting the tender and no claim on any of these grounds shall be entertained by the MSEDCL. 3. The sales tax on raw material or finished and fabricated material shall not be separately paid by the Company. The amount quoted by the Tenderer are due to include all taxes, including sales tax on works contract, if any paid by him. 4. The Tenderer will have to pay earnest money deposit (EMD) by cash or DD of Schedule Bank in favour of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd. payable at Pune, before submitting the tender. Payment by check will not be accepted. Tender submitted without EMD will be liable for rejection. The DDs should accompany the tender documents submitted by the Tenderer. No D.D. or payment of account of EMD will be accepted by prescribed period or after the due date of opening of tender. The EMD in cash will be accepted in the office on working days between 10.30 and 13.00 Hrs.only.The Tenderer should quote money receipt No./D.D. No. in tender towards payament of EMD.
5. The tender should be valid for the period of 3 months from the date of opening. The board reserves the right of forfeiting the earnest money in case the tender is withdrawn by the Tenderer after opening the date but before expiry of 3 mopnths (prescribed validity period) or in the event of refusal to accept the order for work or if refused to pay the prescribed security deposits.
6. The contractor whose tender may be accepted shall be required to deposit 5% of the contract value as security deposit (S.D.) within 7 days of intimation of acceptance of Tender. Failure will result in forfeiture of earnest money deposit.
7. While submitting the tender form / specification and schedule A of quantity and rate in all parts duly filled in and signed. The tenders not bearing the signature of Tenderer on all documents accompanying tender will be liable for rejection. Tender should be written legibly in ink. The rates should be quoted both in words and figures.
8. Tenderers should carefully read all the provisions / instructions and conditions of the tender and follow the isntructions contained therein scrupulosuly. In case of any doubts in respect of any of the clauses or schedules, the same should be get cleared in writing from the office of the undersigned before submitting the Tender.
9. The Tenderer should submit along with tender document the information regarding similar works carried out by him in this dept, / in any other department and shall submit suitable documents in support for it.
10. All corrections in the tender and particularly in rates must be signed and dated by the Tenderer and all pages should bear the initials of the Tenderer at the foot of each page.
11. The Tenderers should avoid submitting ‘conditions tenders’. Such conditional tenders may be liable for rejections.
12. All the work under this tender would be submitted to Maharashtra State Distribution Co. Ltd.’s general condition of contract for supplies and works as stipulated in its booklets and revisions if any from time to time not included in the booklet.
13. The MSEDCL or its officers who accepts the tender shall have the right to reject any or all tenders in parts or full and will not be bound to accept the lowest nor to assign any reason what-so-ever for such rejection/ acceptance. 14. No tender will be considered unless accompanies by latest income tax clearance certificate issued by the competent authority in favour of Tenderer.
15. The instructions to tenderers along with the tender notice, Schedule, Footnotes, condition of tendering etc., shall form a part of contract.
16. If the Tenderer has any doubts about meaning of any portion of the Tender, its instruction, specifications, conditions etc. he should at once submit the particulars thereof to the undersigned in writing. Doubts if any be got cleared before submission of the Tender. Additional and / or Alteration of any kind in tender form conditions etc. by the Tenderer without the consent of the undersigned are not permissible.
17. The tender offer which do not fulfill the above instruction and conditions of this tender document or incomplete in any respect is liable for rejection.
18. The Tenderer should have suitable technical assistant with him. The qualified Engineer will have to be appointed by Tenderer for execution of work.
19. The Tenderer who has previous vast experiene of satisfactory completion of similar type of work will only be eligible to quote.
20. The Tenderer must possess valid electricial contractors license issued by Govt. departments.
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS : 1. The rates will be accepted inclusive of all taxes, duties etc. nothing extra will be paid. 2. This work should be carried out as per the directives of concerned Sub- Divisional Officer. 3. Income tax at source as per rules will be deducted from your bill as per the prevailing rates. 4. The work should be taken up in hand after handing over the work site and completed within stipulated period of approved outages. In case of delay beyond stipulated period contractor will be liable for penalty as per MSEDCL rules i.e. 1/2% per week limited to 10% on total contract value. 5. You will be solely responsible for all sorts of legal financial aspects even labour compensation in case of accidents / mishap during the work as per labour laws. 6. In addition to above the conditions stipulated in order and contract for works are also binding for this contract. 7. The Company reserves the right to add / omit any term / terms found necessary for the work or to cancel the full order without assigning any reason. 8. You will have to pay security deposit 5% in cash or B.G. or by demand draft at Ganeshkhind Urban Circle before starting the work. 9. All the necessary T & P will be arranged by you. 10. 100% payment will be made by the SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, Ganeshkhind Urban Circle, Pune after completion of work satisfactorily and submission of bills in triplicate duly certified by the officer-in-charge and countersigned by E.E. concern division. If required payment will be made against R.A. Bills. 11. The qualfiied staff will have to be appointed for Execution of this work. The work will have to be executed under the supervision of concerned officer Incharge of Sub-Division and of his representative. The names of the Engineer / Staff with their qualification will have to be given to SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, GKUC, Pune.
Signature of Tenderer Superintending Engineer MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD. Ganeshkhind Urban Circle
TENDER NO.: SE/GKUC/TENDER/2007-08/T-22 Item Rate Schedule for Supply of 11KV & 22 KV Cable Jointing Kits for XLPE Cable ‘ SCHEDULE - A’
Sr.No.Description Voltage Size Unit Rate Cost of Cost of Labour Total Material Charges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Cable jointing kits for 3 22 KV 70 sqmm Per Kit core XLPE cable for 95 sqmm --do-- outdoor installation heat 120 sqmm --do-- shrinkable type 185 sqmm --do-- Pre-moulded/push-on 240 sqmm --do-- type 300 sqmm --do-- 400 sqmm --do--
70 sqmm Per KIt 2 Cable jointing kits for 3 22 KV 95 sqmm --do-- core XLPE cable for 120 sqmm --do-- indoor installation heat 185 sqmm --do-- shrinkable type Pre- 240 sqmm --do-- moulded/push-on type 300 sqmm --do-- 400 sqmm --do--
70 sqmm Per Kit 3 Cable jointing kits for 3 22 KV 95 sqmm --do-- core XLPE cable for 120 sqmm --do-- straight through 185 sqmm --do-- installation heat 240 sqmm --do-- shrinkable type Pre- 300 sqmm --do-- moulded/pushpon type 400 sqmm --do--
4. Transition Type 11 KV XLPE-PILCA 22 KV XLPE-PILCA 6 7 8 6 7 8 Size 3C x 70 Sqmm. Size 3C x 95 Sqmm. Size 3C x 120Sqmm. Size 3C x 185 Sqmm. Size 3C x 240 Sqmm. Size 3C x 300 Sqmm. Size 3C x 400 Sqmm. Signature of Tenderer MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD. Ganeshkhind Urban Circle
Tools & Plants :- All tools plants & machinery required will have to be arranged by you at your cost.
Time of Contract :- The time will be reckoned from the date of handling over the site by the concerned Ex. Engr. & should be completed within 02 days from the date of handling over the site for the purpose.
Technical Skilled Persons : The contractor shall depute skilled workman for each class of work.
Stacking of material : The material will be stacked at one place, you should take all precautions for watch & ward.
Precaution : All equipments line & Bus are in charged condition. The contractor should take all precuations at his own cost until handling over the site to the company.
Jurisdiction of work : If the work has to be suspended due to any reason i.e. stay order from court of law, legal complications shut down etc. The company shall not pay any compensation / damage to the contractor towards item like labour, idle machinery, vehicle et.c However in such case the contractor will be paid for the actual work executed by him under the supervision& measured by concerned Ex. Engr.
Payment of bill : Payment of bill will be effected to the contractor on the basis of quantities arrived from the actual measurements. 100% payment will be made after work completion & recording of bill in M.B. by the concerned Engineer incharge the bills in triplicate should be submitted to this office through Ex. Engr. O & M Division Pimpri / Bhosari / Kothrud / Shivajinagar.
Failure to execute the work : If the work is not executed in the stipulated period the company shall be at liberty without further notice or reminder to the contractor, to get the same work done from any other agency at risk of contractor & prefer a claim for difference in price. PARTICULARS OF TENDERER
1) Name & Full Address : Of the Tenderer
2) Particulars of Registration & class in which registered.
a) In the Board.
b) In the Govt. Deptt. :
3) Reference may be made to :-
4) Previous experience in State Distribution Co. Ltd’s, Railways, and other Departments for similar type of Servicing Works.
Sr.No. Name of the Work Department Value of Executed Work
5) Any other information the Tenderer may desire to give :-
Note :- The copies of experience certificates / order copies should be attached, which will not be returned.
Date :-
Place :- (Signature of the Tenderer)