South Charleston Newsletter
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South Charleston Newsletter 01-01-07
Winter Parking Reminder During the winter months, Village staff works hard to make sure that streets remain passable throughout the season. This translates to mean that we need to “plow back” to the curb the snow on the streets. Cars must be moved regularly so that we are able to do this consistently and uniformly. Therefore, please remember that, when snowfall exceeds two inches, between the hours of 1:00 am and 6:00 am, vehicles shall be parked only on even numbered sides of the streets on those nights with an even calendar date, and on odd numbered sides of streets on those nights with an odd numbered calendar date.
Year-round, in ALL weather conditions, no vehicle may remain parked on the street for more than 48 hours; cars parked in the right-of-way must be moved every 48 hours or they will be ticketed. During winter months when snowfall accumulates, if you park on the street, it is especially important to move your car frequently so that snow does not pile up when we plow around it. Once temperatures begin to rise, we also must be able to keep catch basins open so that melting snow can drain away. We cannot do this if cars are in the way.
So, when the snow flies, get a shovel and volunteer to help your friends and relatives dig out so they will return the favor and help you.
When Winter Conditions Become Severe If the weather looks ominous and you are concerned about worsening winter road conditions, it is always best to err on the side of care, watch television for weather updates, and check the South Charleston website, or specific local weather details.
More Thoughts on Winter Safety from the South Charleston Police Department It’s no secret that tempers run short through the holidays, especially when we find ourselves fighting snowy streets slowed by un-anticipated problems. But seasonal stress is no excuse for careless driving. DRIVERS MUST YIELD TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES, and that includes ambulances, snowplows, fire trucks and police vehicles. Please, when tempers run high and patience runs out, take a deep breath and remember that arriving a few minutes later is better than becoming involved in an accident and not arriving at all.
Also, beware of leaving your car running with the doors unlocked. We appreciate that getting into and driving a cold car on a frigid morning is no fun; many folks like to start the car to warm it up a few minutes before leaving home. Sometimes, if we are running into a store briefly to pick up pizza or a hot coffee, we leave the car running in the parking lot. We encourage you to think twice before doing this as it makes you and your car and anyone or anything you have in the car an easy target for thieves. If you feel you must warm your car before leaving home, use an extra set of keys to lock the doors while it is running. Never leave your car running in a parking lot, even if just for a very short period of time. Do not leave the keys anywhere in your car overnight. Lock the doors to your home at night and any time during the day when you are gone. Christmas Tree Disposal Once again, the Village will remove and chip any Christmas tree left curbside after the Holidays. We chip Tuesday, January 2, through Friday, January 5. The rules for disposing of your trees are similar to those for disposing of unwanted yard waste: Trees must be absolutely clean. The Village will leave the tree at the curb and hold the property owner responsible for disposal if the tree has tinsel, lights, or decorations of any kind remaining on them. 1. Leave trees at the edge of the street or curb, preferably near your driveway, if you have one. 2. No trash or furniture. 3. No yard clean-up. Please call Town Hall at 462-7167 if you have questions.
Check Out Our New Website Please check out our new website at Village of South While it is still “under construction,” we are excited to be able to bring information to people in a more immediate way and hope that you will turn to this site when you have questions about zoning, permits and fees, income tax and the like.
Since we are still trying to find our way through this, we are eager for your input and welcome your suggestions! The Clark County –Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC), in cooperation with Justice Action Mercy (JAM) and the Clark County Commissioners is conducting a survey to determine what transportation services Clark County residents need most and if there is a need for services in the county beyond the scope of those listed below. The TCC will use the information from this survey to determine if there is a need for additional transportation services in the county beyond the scope of those listed below. I asked the TCC if we could distribute the survey to all of our residents in South Charleston to insure that the survey sponsors clearly learned about the transportation needs in our corner of Clark County. Please take time to complete the survey and return it in the pre-paid envelope enclosed. If you do not intend to complete and submit it, please pass the survey on to a friend or neighbor in southeastern Clark County who will so that our voices can be heard. Thank you for participating in the survey. Sarah Wildman, Village Manager.
The Springfield City Area Transit (SCAT) operates a fixed route bus service Monday through Friday from 6:40 a.m. to 5:40 p.m. Hourly service is provided on most routes. Bus service is not offered on most federal holidays. All SCAT buses are equipped with special wheelchair lifts. Wheelchair users should call the SCAT Hotline so a lift bus can be assigned to the proper route. Persons with disabilities should be able to travel independently. Minimal driver assistance is provided. SCAT also provides Paratransit and Dial-a-Ride services. For general information, call 328-7228. TDD - 328-3598. This service is available only within the City of Springfield.
Elderly United provides transportation for Clark County residents age 60 and above to medical appointments, nutrition sites, grocery shopping, and essential errands. The agency maintains door to door service with wheelchair lifts and regular mini vans for ambulatory clients. The service also will provide transportation to medicals in surrounding cities such as Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati with a minimum of 2-3 week notice. Services are provided on a donation basis, and are available Monday-Friday from 8:30-4:30. Call 323-4948 for details or for appointments. This service is available in South Charleston.
WorkPlus Transportation Service provides transportation to income-eligible people who need rides to and from work, work activities, medical appointments, support services, and to Mentally Retarded/Developmentally Disabled (MR/DD) customers. Call the Live Customer Care Center at (937) 327-1961 Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This service is available in South Charleston to those who qualify.
MR/DD Transportation Services provides transportation services to MR/DD clients who are eligible for MR/DD services. For more information about these services contact the Clark County Board of MR/DD at (937) 328-5240. This service is available in South Charleston for those enrolled in the program.
The Salvation Army provides transportation in coordination with specific programs (for example, Hand-in-Hand) for physically handicapped people. For more information about these services contact the Springfield Salvation Army at (937) 322-3434. This service presently is available only in Springfield and New Carlisle. If you have any questions about this survey please contact the Clark County –Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee Office at 937-324-7751. More information about Transportation Planning in Clark County may be obtained from their website: Clark County Transportation Services Survey Dear Clark County Resident, Please take the time to fill out this survey about transportation services in Clark County, Ohio. To return this survey place it in the business reply envelope provided and drop in a post office box. Please return this page BY JANUARY 18, 2007. Thank you for participating! Clark County – Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee
Questions about transportation. What is your current mode of transportation? Check all that apply. □ I own a car. □ SCAT Bus System □ SCAT Van System □ Workplus Transport Van □ MR/DD Transport Van □ Elderly United Transport Van □ Salvation Army Transport Van □ I use another Transport Van Service. □ I ride with friends. □ I walk to get where I need to go. □ I ride a bike to get where I need to go. □ I ride in a taxi to get where I need to go.
If you were to use public transportation which would you prefer to use? Check the best answer. □ A service I could call to schedule a pick up near my home and drop me off near where I want to go. □ A bus system similar to the SCAT system. □ A service I could call to schedule a pick up at my home and drop me off exactly where I want to go. □ I would not use a public transportation system.
What is your primary need/use for transportation? Check all that apply. □ Work □ Primary, Middle or High School □ Joint Vocational School □ Community College (2 year) □ University (4 year) □ Doctor / Hospital / Pharmacy Visits □ Social Services visit □ Shopping □ Social Outings □ Other, please specify______If you do not use public transportation, why not? Check all that apply. □ The cost of public transportation is too expensive. □ The hours of available public transportation service are too limited. □ The public transportation routes do not meet my destination needs. □ It is more convenient for me not to use public transportation. □ I have no reason to use the current public transportation. □ Other, please specify______
Does public transportation serve the area in which you work and/or live? Check the best answer. □ Yes □ No □ Not sure
Are you satisfied with the level of public transportation service in the area in which you work and/or live? Check the best answer. □ Yes □ No, please specify why______□ Not sure Do you know where to catch a SCAT bus? Check the best answer. □ At the hub in downtown Springfield □ On any corner along a bus route □ Not sure
Questions about you.
What is your age? ______years old What is your sex? □ Male □ Female
How many children under the age of 18 live in your household? ______
On which zip code do you reside? ______
What is the name of the street on which you reside? ______
Do you work? If yes, answer the following questions) □ Yes □ No
What is your daily work shift hours? (ex. From 9:15 to 5:15) • ___:___ to ___:___ • or circle various
Approximately how many hours do you work at your job in an average week? □ Fewer than 10 □ 10 □ 20 □ 30 □ 40 □ More than 40
What approximately is your hourly wage before taxes? □ Less than $6 an hour □ More than $6 an hour but less than $9 an hour □ More than $9 an hour but less than $12 an hour □ More than $12 an hour but less than $15 an hour □ More than $15 an hour but less than $18 an hour □ More than $18 an hour but less than $21 an hour □ More than $21 an hour but less than $24 an hour □ More than $24 an hour In which zip code do you work? ______
What is the name of the street on which you work? ______
PLEASE RETURN BY JANUARY 18, 2007. Thank you for participating! Clark County – Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee