Dean of Coursework Studies As Chair (Professor Grady Venville)

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Dean of Coursework Studies As Chair (Professor Grady Venville)

File Ref: F68752



Dean of Coursework Studies as Chair (Professor Grady Venville) Nominee of the Chair of Academic Board (Professor Robyn Carroll) Nominee of the Director, Future Students (Recruitment) (Dr Danica van de Velde for Mr Joel Wittwer) Associate Director, Admissions (Mr Rick Ackerman for Ms Zoe Morrison) Senior Manager, Student Services (Ms Di Regan-Roots) Academic Coordinator, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (Dr Kathy Sanders) Nominee of the President of the UWA Student Guild (Mr Nevin Jayawardena for Ms Lina El Rakhawy) Nominee of the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association (Ms Manpreet Kaur) Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) of each faculty or nominee and the nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education): Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education (Professor Philip Hancock) (Deputy Chair) Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (Dr Dianne Hesterman for Professor Michael Johns) Faculty of Science (Associate Professor Peter Hammond) (Associate Chair) School of Indigenous Studies (Associate Professor Grant Revell)

Executive Officer (Ms Kath Williams)

IN ATTENDANCE Dr Christopher Lin, Office of the Dean of Coursework Studies

APOLOGIES Professor Michael Johns, Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Dr Daniela Ulgiati, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Nominee of the Dean of Graduate Research School (Dr Sato Juniper) Academic Secretary (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy) Dr Nicholas Letch, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education Ms Zoe Morrison, Associate Director, Admissions Mr Joel Wittwer, Future Students Ms Lina El Rakhawy, UWA Student Guild


No declarations for potential or perceived conflict of interest were recorded.

1. MINUTES – REF: F68752

Members noted that minutes were available from the Committee’s web page; and

RESOLVED – 4/17 to confirm:

 minutes of last meeting 9th November 2016;  noting of decisions 25th November 2016;and  noting of decisions taken on 20th February 2017.

1 File Ref: F68752


Code Title

HSMD221 Health Science Professional Practice 6

IMED6681 Surgery Part 1

RESOLVED – 5/17 to approve the rescission of the pre-2012 units listed above, effective from 2018.


In accordance with the Committee’s practice, the Chair briefly outlined the role and operation of the Committee and the expectations of its members, which were guided by the following University policies and practices:  Constitution of the Curriculum Committee  Principles for the Operation of Committees  Rules for the Operation of Committees  University Committee Members’ Code of Conduct  The Effective Committee Member An online induction package provided to members offered easy access to information on the protocols for best practice in committees including the above policies and practices as well as curriculum development criteria and links to relevant curriculum policy. Members were encouraged to familiarise themselves with the induction information and use this as a resource during their term of appointment. As a standing committee of the Education Committee, the Curriculum Committee was subject to annual review by its members by way of a survey. The Chair briefly discussed the results of the 2016 review.


Broadening units have been designed to provide UWA undergraduate students opportunities to develop knowledge of the globalised and culturally diverse environment and knowledge beyond the field in which they specialised. The 2015 Review of Courses had found the broadening requirements to be restrictive and frustrating for a large number of students and the definition of broadening to be arbitrarily aligned with the undergraduate degree. Members were aware that the changes to the undergraduate degree structure from 2018 would result in a number of new issues relating to broadening. These changes namely related to the introduction of a new Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree and the rescission of the Bachelor of Design. In response members had before them a paper which proposed redefining what UWA referred to as ‘areas of knowledge’ which would enable a more logical, discipline-based approach to delineating broadening units. In this new proposed approach, majors and associated units would be aligned: first with a degree that would determine a student’s exit award; and second with one of five proposed areas of knowledge based on disciplinary proximity that would be broadening for the student. Thus, while a major might be designated to a bachelor degree, it might be in a different knowledge area for the purpose of broadening. Notwithstanding this, members noted that the current rules and policies associated with broadening, as set out in the University Policy on: Courses – Undergraduate (UP16/8) were still relevant. Members acknowledged that the Committee were currently considering the broad structure, as attached to the agenda, and that there would be future opportunities to consult with the School of Indigenous Studies, the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Science on the placement of majors.

2 File Ref: F68752 In considering the proposal which would be implemented from 2018 the following points were noted:  effective communication of the new broadening framework might prove challenging; however the UWA Student Guild had offered assistance with developing infographics to help communicate this to students;  the new broadening framework would be easier to identify, define and administer for both administrators and course advisers alike;  the proposal had the support of the Student body who valued the flexibility and clarity that the proposal would provide for students;  Current students would not be disadvantaged by the new arrangements;  In light of the potential growth in Work Integrated Learning units a member suggested the possibility of considering these units as broadening Category A in the future. RESOLVED – 6/17 to recommend to the Education Committee that: i. the definition of an area of knowledge be amended as follows: an area of knowledge is a group of proximal disciplinary fields that delineates broadening units at UWA. ii. the five areas of knowledge are: o Design and Creative Arts; o Life and Health Sciences; o Mathematical and Physical Sciences; o Management and Commerce; and o Society and Culture. iii. The majors be allocated to the areas of knowledge as set out in the agenda attachment (Table 1) and to the degrees as set out in (Table 2).


The Business School in collaboration with Taylors College had proposed the following non-award program which would become a standalone pathway, for domestic and international students into the selected Master’s courses (referred to in item 6 below). The proposal was an initiative of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Community and Engagement) and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International). Members had before them an outline of how this program would be operationalised, effective from 2017. Entry into the selected Master’s courses would require a student to successfully complete the program with an average of at least 60%. TRIM

Curriculum item

Change summary

F17/920 F17/919 F17/917 F17/915 F17/914 4001N Pre-Master's Program Business

BUSN4001 Business Literacy

BUSN4002 Critical Thinking and Reasoning

BUSN4003 Applied Business Communication

BUSN4004 Introductory Mathematics

 Phase 2 proposal  4 new units

3 File Ref: F68752 In considering the proposal members raised some concerns and in particular the following points were noted:  it was queried as to why a student would opt to do this non-award course when they could enrol in the Graduate Certificate in Commerce; which only required successful completion of an equivalent bachelor’s degree. It was pointed out that the proposal was an unnecessary pathway when the Graduate Certificate in Commerce, which had been designed to attract international students, was already in existence and was being offered;  a potential risk was identified in the absence of an agreed governance arrangement for managing the administration of the proposed Pre-Master’s Program (PMP). It was pointed out that the risks primarily related to the administrative processes around admission and Confirmation of Enrolments (COE’s);  the availability of the units would need to be revisited to allow completion in a trimester. [Executive Officer’s Note: Further to the meeting, it was checked and confirmed that the Graduate Certificate in Commerce only required an equivalent bachelor’s degree for admission. In light of the above discussion and the concerns raised by members, the Chair has suggested that the PMP be placed on hold until further discussion.]


The proposed changes to the following courses have been placed on hold until further advice in relation to the PMP proposal (see minuted item 5):

 41680 Master of Commerce (coursework);  42560 Master of Applied Finance (coursework);  41670 Master of Business Information and Logistics Management (coursework);  41690 Master of Marketing (coursework);  40610 Master of Professional Accounting (coursework;  41660 Master of Human Resources and Employment Relations (coursework);  42580 Master of Public Policy (coursework or coursework and dissertation).


The next meeting of the Curriculum Committee will be held on Wednesday 12th April at 2pm in the Senate Room. The cut-off date for submission of items for the committee’s agenda is Wednesday 29th March. Please refer any issues for discussion to the Executive Officer, Ms Kath Williams ([email protected]).


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