Excellence in Essex Schools Standards and Excellence Team Secondary Securing Excellence
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Excellence in Essex Schools – Standards and Excellence Team – Secondary ‘’Securing Excellence Together’’ Standards and Excellence Service Updates CPD opportunities – September 2015 3. DEVELOPING A SCHOOL LED IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM: 3.1 A new guide called Forming or Joining a Group of Schools: staying in control of your school’s destiny . has been produced by the Association of School and College Leaders, the National Governors’ Association and education lawyers Browne Jacobson. This document spells out the benefits and types of collaboration, as well as the steps they need to take to form a group of schools accountable to one governing board. 3.2 FFT Aspire – Free Interactive training dates: book via the EES CPD portal: Tuesday 20th October 2015 – Wickford CLC, The Bromfords School, Grange Avenue, Wickford, SS12 0LZ – 2 half day sessions: 9.30am-12.00 pm and 2.00pm-4.30pm. Wednesday 21st October 2015 – Saffron Walden County High School, Audley End Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4UH – 2 half day sessions: 9.30am-12.00pm and 2.00pm-4.30pm. Thursday 22nd October 2015 – Stanway Learning Federation, (Alderman Blaxill Site), Winstree Road, Colchester, CO3 0QA – 2 half day session: 9.30am-12.00pm and 2.00pm-4.30pm (afternoon session for secondary schools only). 3.3. PREVENT: Essex Police have agreed to deliver a further two sessions of WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of PREVENT) training for schools on 14th October at the Rivenhall Hotel. PREVENT Flier.docx To apply for a place, please use the flyer attached. Please note – this will be the final training opportunity to be offered by Essex Police for schools. 3.4 ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ is a new Level 2 training programme to support schools in delivering child protection training to all staff. The modular programme is available on ESI and contains a range of presentations and on-line learning tools: ESI Safeguarding: Level 2 training programme 3.5 The Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) offers a range of training for professionals. To find out what is available and how to apply you can click here: ESCB Training 3.6 Building Effective Communities of Practice: Pupils with EAL – Autumn Term Network Group Meetings These free network groups aim to support teachers and schools in providing effective support for pupils with EAL and to share ideas and expertise. The dates and venues for these meetings can be found here. If you wish to book a place, please contact [email protected] by Friday 23rd October 2015. 3.7 Governor Training: half day secondary governors’ conference 21st November 2015. The autumn 2015 edition of the Governor and Clerk training programme is now available. ESGA (Essex School Governors Association) conference and AGM Sat 17th October (9.00-12.30) Boswells School, Chelmsford 3.8 For information on Essex Education Service CPD courses please visit: EESforschools.org Telephone: 0845 200 8600 Email: [email protected] or view their key contact list 3.9 The University of Essex is offering some CPD sessions for staff in schools (the majority of which are free of charge). These are both academic and pastoral. Further information can be found at http://www.essex.ac.uk/outreach/teachers/cpd_events.aspx. 3.10 Teach GCSE Computer Science Programming with Python: Two-day course at The King John School, Benfleet on Friday 20th November & Saturday 21st November 9.00am-3.30pm). Course covers all teaching requirements of GCSE Computer Science to support pupils with passing controlled assessments. Suitable for teachers with no prior knowledge of programming. For further information or to book a place, visit www.benfleet-teaching-school.co.uk or email: [email protected] 3.11 FREE Key Stage3/Key Stage 4 mathematics course 2015/16 for non-specialist teachers: this course will provide the support and expertise to teach mathematics across the full ability range of KS3 and KS4. This course is funded through the NCTL and provided by the Benfleet Teaching School Alliance, Plymouth University (CIMT) and the Matrix Maths Hub. Whilst the initial launch event is on 28th September, there are still opportunities to participate this year. For further information visit www.benfleet-teaching-school.co.uk or email: [email protected] 3.12 “Leading and Managing CEIAG in Schools” A two-day course for recently-appointed heads of careers Thursday 12th November & Wednesday 25th November 2015 at Homerton College, Cambridge led by David Andrews, CEG Consultant and Trainer. If you have any questions about the course please e-mail David at: [email protected] 3.13 North East Essex Teaching School Alliance are delighted to announce confirmation of the transfer of lead school to Colchester County High School for Girls. NEETSA is offering a CPD course programme developed with partner school CPD Co-ordinators including Secondary Leadership at various levels led by ASCL, NQT Support and Pastoral Leadership both for teaching and support staff. Full details are available in the attached brochures and booking is via the NEETSA website, www.neetsa.org.uk.
CatchUp CPD Mercury Theatre NEETSA Secondary Autumn Term 2015.pdf Secondary.pdf CPD Programme 2015-16.pdf Excellence in Essex Schools – Standards and Excellence Team – Secondary ‘’Securing Excellence Together’’ 3.14 Free twilight sessions from the Chelmsford Teaching School Alliance:
Date and location Session Presenter Role Wed 7th October Using Edmodo: the potential of an Lucy Fryer Geography Department 4.15-5.15 interactive classroom across the KEGS curriculum Wed 14th October Developing creativity in language Mel Gulliver Languages Faculty 4.15-5.15 learning Leader CCHS Prince’s Teaching Institute project Wed 4th November Developing student and teacher enquiry Mark Rowell Science Faculty Leader 4.15-5.15 and intellectual curiosity CCHS Prince’s Teaching Institute project Wed 11th November Leading a disparate team Rebecca Iciek Head of English 4.15-5.15 St John Payne Wed 25th November Becoming established as head of Andrew Thornton, Heads of Maths/RS/PE 4.15-5.15 department Gina Semambo, St John Payne Richard Folkerd Wed 2nd December Cross-curricular leadership Jemma Coleman G&T/Peer Mentoring Co- 4.15-5.15 ordinator St John Payne Wed 9th December Differentiation and making the most of Nick Minnican Head of Science 4.15-5.15 homework St John Payne Wed 27th January Communication, accuracy & Alex Steele SLE and KS3 MFL Co- 4.15-5.15 grammar: implementing a skills-based ordinator KEGS approach in the new French & German GCSEs Wed 9th March Setting up research and learning Jane Breen and SLE in MFL and 4.15-5.15 communities with busy teachers Mark Perrott Assistant Head KEGS Wed 20th April What is great teaching and how do we Mike Seager Assistant Headteacher 4.15-5.15 achieve it? CCHS Wed 27th April Find Your voice! Creating a talking Maria French Assistant Headteacher 4.15-5.15 school where learning dialogues and CCHS public speaking build confidence, grit and resilience Prince’s Teaching Institute project Wed 4th May Developing and embedding the CCHS Nicole Chapman Headteacher 4.15-5.15 Learner Profile CCHS Prince’s Teaching Institute project Wed 11th May Literacy across the curriculum Jane Breen SLE in MFL 4.15-5.15 KEGS Wed 8th June Building resilient problem solvers in Paul Leverett Head of Maths 4.15-5.15 Maths KEGS Fri 27th May KEGS TeachFEST Various teachers Jane Breen, SLE, KEGS: 1.30-4.00 (time tbc) involved in school- [email protected] KEGS based research at KEGS
Please book these through Tracey Brown at Newland Spring: [email protected] or contact [email protected] for further information.
3.15 Saffron Alliance Autumn term CPD Opportunities – for further details and booking contact: [email protected] or visit : http://thesaffronalliance.co.uk/cpd-courses/ Excellence in Essex Schools – Standards and Excellence Team – Secondary ‘’Securing Excellence Together’’
Organisation Programme Venue Cost
4 twilights: Developing Middle Leader SWCHS £250 20/10, 10/11, Manager or Leader? 24/11, 08/12 Managing in the role Communication Delivering change and improvement
5 twilights: Developing Senior Leader SWCHS £450 9/11, 1/12, To develop a range of skills to support delegates in their Birchwood 13/01, 04/02, applications to senior leadership posts; to raise awareness and High School 13/06 increase understanding of a range of issues facing senior Katherine leaders; and to prepare delegates for the challenges they will Semar Primary face as senior leaders. School Hedingham School 1 full day Teacher Excellence Programme SWCHS £300 3 mornings This programme is aimed at all secondary school teachers who R A Butler 2 afternoons would like to develop their teaching practice through lesson Primary observation, collaboration with others and self-reflection. There School will be an opportunity to observe lessons in both a primary and a Notley High secondary school setting. We believe that this strengthens our School and understanding of what makes great pedagogy. Braintree 04/11 SWCHS 9.00am – 3.00pm Sixthform 12/11 R A Butler 9.00am – 12.00pm 18/11 Notley 9.30am – 12.00pm 26/11 R A Butler 2.00pm – 4.30pm 03/12 R A Butler 2.00pm – 4.30pm 10/12 SWCHS 2.00pm – 4.30pm 14/10 and Coaching for Impact SWCHS £250 15/10 Coaching for Impact will cover both the theory behind coaching as well as the practical skills required. There will be an emphasis on ‘rigour’ in coaching to ensure that we maximise our own impact. During the programme, there will be time to practise some of the skills that we will be covering as well as time to talk to experienced coaches. This course would suit any teacher who has a role in developing others, or any one in a leadership role.
2 mornings Is Teaching for You? SWCHS £150 19/11, 10/12 This course is for anybody who is thinking about going into teaching. It is aimed at colleagues who are already working in a school but who are in a support staff or an instructor role. In the first session you will be able to find out more about how to become a teacher. In between sessions you will be asked to undertake a series of activities which will be of benefit to a teaching training application. In the final session there will be an opportunity to explore subject pedagogy.
3 twilights: Object Orientated Programming SWCHS £120 06/10, 13/10, This course is aimed at Computer Science teachers who need to 20/10 use both Python and TKinter 4.30pm – 7.00pm
3.16 Coast to Coast TSA overnight CPD conferences: ‘Why are you shouting at us?’ behaviour management with Phil Beadle Friday 16th October Excellence in Essex Schools – Standards and Excellence Team – Secondary ‘’Securing Excellence Together’’
‘Talk Less Teaching’ with Isabella Wallace - Friday 22nd January ‘Teaching Jim’s Way’ with Jim Smith - Friday 18th March
Coast2Coast_Flyer_ Coast2Coast_Flyer_ICoast2Coast_Flyer_[ Jim Smith.pdf sabella_Wallace-[HR]2016.pdfHR]-rev.pdf 3.17 Wickford Teaching School Alliance is running a Leadership Raising Aspirations Conference on Friday 27th November 2015. Ex-NBA star John Amaechi, New York Times best-selling author and high-performance executive coach opens the Leadership Conference. There will be workshops on safeguarding, coaching and mentoring and one by Chimp Management Ltd, an organisation with a history of supporting teachers. ‘Following training with Chimp Management, 95% of staff said in their performance management reviews that it had helped them in both their job role and personal life’. This full day conference is £175 per delegate including lunch & refreshments. To book a place, please go here. For further information contact: Jane Robinson, Wickford Teaching School Alliance Director [email protected] Telephone: 07709 098449 Website: Wickford Teaching School Alliance
3.18 Billericay TSA – National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL): The programme runs locally for 12-18 months beginning on Thursday 15th October 2015 and comprises of twilights and face to face days. Information about the NPQSL can be found in the Core Information and NPQSL Overview on the TSA page on Essex Schools Infolink. Further information can also be found on the Billericay Teaching School Alliance website.
3.19 West Essex Teaching School Alliance opportunities: • Excellence Network Meeting for Maths - Weds 11th November, 2.30 – 4.00pm, Davenant Foundation School • Excellence Network Meeting for SEND – Weds 18th November, 2.00 – 4.00pm, Davenant Foundation School Contact [email protected] for further details and booking.
3.20 A selection of National STEM Centre and National Science Learning Network CPD Opportunities: Maths in the new A level Chemistry curriculum - single day event 26th Nov 2015 Apply Thomas Gainsborough School, Sudbury CO10 0JU
Getting to grips with A level chemistry - 2 day course 30th Nov 2015 Apply STEM Education Centre London, London WC1H 0AL
15th Oct 2015 Developing expertise in teaching quantitative chemistry Apply 3 hours Mayflower High school, Billericay CM12 0RT
Enhancing literacy skills in science 8th Mar 2016 Apply STEM Education Centre London, London WC1H 0AL
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