English Language Arts Curriculum

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English Language Arts Curriculum

2015-2016 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade

In fourth grade students will continue to develop reading skills using grade appropriate fiction and nonfiction text using a variety of comprehension strategies. Students will continue to develop writing skills with a focus on punctuation and sentence structure. Students will cite evidence to support claims in both informative and opinion essays. Fourth graders may read one or two of the following novels in class: The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden, Esperanza Rising, by Pam Muñoz Ryan, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl or Because of Winn Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo.

Course Information: Frequency & Duration: Daily for 150 minutes Text: Treasures (2011), McGraw Hill Items within the maps that are in italics are suggested supplemental readings; they are not required. Novels: The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden (Lexile 780) Esperanza Rising, by Pam Muñoz Ryan (Lexile 750) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Lexile 830) The Whipping Boy, by Sid Fleischman (Lexile 570) Because of Winn Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo (Lexile 610)

1 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Duration: September / October (7 weeks/7 day cycles) Reading Skills Grammar Writing  Inferences in Fiction  Sentence types  Narrative writing  Story Elements  Fragments versus run-ons  Synonyms and Antonyms  Subject and predicates  Compare and Contrast  Compound/ complex sentences Content  Text Structure  Quotations  Summary and Theme  Vocabulary  Similes/ metaphors  Poetry structure

Essential How do reading skills help aid in How does understanding the structure of a How do I write an effective narrative essay? Question: comprehension of fictional text? sentence help me to become a better reader and writer?

 Make inferences based on text  Produce complete sentences  Develop an effective introduction evidence in fiction  Correct inappropriate fragments and  Develop writing using dialogue and  Use word origins to understand a run-ons descriptions, concrete words, and word’s meaning  Use a comma before a coordinating sensory details  Analyze character, setting and plot conjunction in a compound sentence  Organize events into three body  Use thesauruses to find synonyms and  Use commas and quotation marks to paragraphs using transitional words antonyms identify direct speech and phrases to manage the sequence of  Compare and contrast two topics events Skills:  Use text structure to interpret  Develop a conclusion information  Use precise language to convey ideas  Summarize the text and determine the theme  Utilize conversational, academic, and domain-specific words appropriately  Identify similes and metaphors and interpret meaning

2 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Using grade level texts students will:  Students will write complete sentences  Students will write a 5 paragraph piece  make inferences based on text using proper conventions for an intended audience evidence  Students will use a comma before a  describe in depth character setting and conjunction in a compound sentence plot  Students will use commas after a  identify synonyms and antonyms dependent clause in a complex Assessment:  compare and contrast two topics sentence  interpret information using text  Students will use commas and structure quotation marks to mark direct speech  summarize text and determine the theme  identify similes and metaphors and interpret meaning

My Diary from Here to There The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein Kid Reporters at Work: Does not fully address. Unit 1 weeks 1-5 CC.1.2.4.D Will need to supplement. Does not Quotations- unit 3 week 1 day 3 Teachers will use supplementary writing Resources: address. Unit 5 week 1 day 3 materials to teach this unit CC.1.2.4.E The Astronaut and the Onion Unit 6 week 4 day 3 Because of Winn-Dixie: Introduce Theme.

Standards: CC.1.3.4.AI Love the Look of Words. CC.1.4.4R Demonstrate grade appropriate CC1.4.4M Write narratives to develop real or CC. 1. 3. 4E, CC. 1. 3. 4F conventions. imagined experiences or events. CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to CC.1.4.4.N Orient the reader by establishing a support what the text says explicitly and make situation and introducing a narrator and/or inferences. characters. CC.1.3.4.C Describe in depth a character, CC.1.4.4.O Use dialogue and descriptions to setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing develop experiences and events or show the on specific details in the text. responses of characters to situations; use CC.1.2.4.E Use text structure to interpret concrete words and phrases and sensory details information. to convey experiences and events precisely. CC.1.3.4.A Determine the theme of a text from CC.1.4.4.Q Choose words and phrases to details in the text, summarize the text. convey ideas precisely. CC.1.3.4J Acquire and use accurately grade CC.1.4.4.P Organize an event sequence that appropriate conversational, general academic, unfolds naturally, using a variety of transitional and domain-specific words and phrases words and phrases to manage the sequence of

3 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 including those that signal precise actions, events; provide a conclusion that follows from emotions, or states of being. the narrated experiences and events. CC1.3.4E Explain major differences between CC1.4.4T With guidance and support from poems, drama, and prose and refer to the peers and adults, develop and strengthen structural elements of each. writing as needed by planning, revising and CC.1.3.4.F Determine the meaning of words editing. and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including figurative language. CC.1.3.4I and CC1.2.4K Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading.

Comments: For the grammar sections, the story will be used as a reference to find the grammar content. I Love the Look of Words is the 3rd reading that goes along with the story Because of Winn Dixie.  CC1.2.4.F/CC1.3.4F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level text, including figurative language (proverbs and adages). This standard will be covered throughout the year using literacy boards and will be discussed as they are presented in stories and text.

4 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Duration: October/ December (6 weeks-7 day cycles) Reading Skills Grammar Writing  Author’s Purpose  Homophones Opinion/ argumentative essay  Context clues  Review nouns to prepare for pronouns  Main Idea and details  Pronouns and antecedents  Cause/ Effect  Relative pronouns Content  Figurative language: idioms  Sequence  Homophones  Text features  Making inferences using nonfiction

How do grammar and conventions of Essential How do reading skills help aid in the How do I write a compelling language influence spoken and written Question: comprehension of non-fiction text? opinion/argumentative essay? communication?

 Determine the main idea and details,  Use common homophones correctly  Write an introduction that provides a use them to summarize the text (to, two, too, their, there, they’re, etc.) thesis statement  Determine the meaning of common  Identify appropriate pronouns to use  Support arguments with facts and idioms as they are used in text in sentences details  Interpret text features and explain  Use relative pronouns correctly (who,  Organize three body paragraphs in a Skills: how they contribute to comprehension whose, whom) logical order linking reasons using  Use context clues to determine the words and phrases meaning of unknown words  Provide a strong conclusion  Make inferences based on text  Use precise language evidence

Assessment: Using grade level text the students will:  Students will use relative pronouns  Write a 5 paragraph opinion piece  Determine the main idea and details, when writing sentences grouping logical ideas together use them to summarize the text  Students will use common  Determine the meaning of common homophones correctly idioms as they are used in text  Interpret text features and explain how they contribute to comprehension  Use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words 5 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016  Make inferences using text evidence

Unit 4 week 1: pronouns and antecedents My Brother Martin Unit 4 week 2: types of pronouns Making a Splash- add in text features to the Unit 4 week 3: pronoun/verb agreement Teachers will use supplementary writing Resources: main story skill Unit 4 week 4: possessive pronouns materials to teach this unit Wild Horses Unit 4 week 5: pronouns and homophones Mystic Horse Supplement relative pronouns from outside sources

CC.1.2.4G Interpret various presentations of CC.1.4.4F Demonstrate grade-appropriate CC.1.4.4.K Choose words and phrases to information within a text or digital source and command of conventions of standard English convey ideas precisely. explain how the information contributes to an grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, CC.1.4.4.J Create an organizational structure understanding of text in which it appears. and spelling. that includes related ideas grouped to support CC.1.2.4F Determine the meaning of words the writer’s purpose and linked in a logical and phrases as they are used in grade level order with a concluding statement or section text including figurative language. related to the opinion. CC.1.2.4.A Determine the main idea of a text CC.1.4.4.G Write opinion pieces on topics or Standards: and explain how it is supported by key details, texts. summarize the text. CC.1.4.4.H Introduce the topic and state an CC.1.2.4E Use text structure to interpret opinion on the topic. information: cause/effect. CC.1.4.4.I Provide reasons that are supported CC1.2.4B Refer to details and examples in the by facts and details. text to support what the text says explicitly CC1.4.4T and make inferences. CC.1.3.4.C CC1.2.4J

Comments: Skip unit 2 story 2: Mighty Jackie. The skill is author’s purpose which is a repeat of the unit 2 story 1 skill.

6 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Duration: January/ February (7 weeks/7 day cycles) Reading Skills Grammar Writing  Point of view  Review verbs  Informative/ explanatory writing  Structural elements of poems, drama,  Helping verbs and prose  Adverbs  Vocabulary: Latin affixes Content  Cause/ Effect  Theme  Compare and contrast  Story Elements

How does making comparisons within and between texts facilitate understanding? Essential How do helping verbs and adverbs aid in How do I write an effective informative Question: reading and writing? essay? How do good readers determine the meaning of unknown words?

 Compare and contrast and event told  Use helping verbs to form progressive  Write an effective introduction for the from two different points of view verb tenses intended audience  Identify Latin affixes and their  Use helping verbs to convey various  Develop writing using facts, details, meaning meanings (I may eat dinner, I must eat quotations, illustrations, and multi-  Explain events, procedures, or dinner, I can eat dinner) media concepts in a text  Use relative adverbs (where, when,  Organize information into three body Skills:  Compare and contrast the structure of why) paragraphs using transitional phrases poems, drama, and prose  Write an effective conclusion  Summarize the text and determine the  Use precise language and domain- theme specific vocabulary  Compare and contrast similar themes in literature  Analyze character, setting, plot

Assessment: Using grade-level text students will:  Students will use helping verbs to  Students will write an • Compare and contrast and event told from form progressive verb tenses informative/explanatory text in a five two different points of view  Students will use helping verbs to paragraph structure • Identify Latin affixes and their meaning convey various conditions of verbs • Explain events, procedures, or concepts in a  Students will use relative adverbs text correctly 7 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 • Compare and contrast the structure of poems, drama, and prose • Summarize the text and determine the theme • Compare and contrast similar themes in literature • Analyze character, setting, plot

When I Went to the Library Unit 3 week 1- review action verbs* Words That Add Up To Success Unit 3 week 2- review verb tenses* Ranita: Frog Princess Unit 3 week 3- main and helping verbs Teacher will supplement resources to teach Resources: Will need to supplement poetry using Time Unit 3 week 4- review linking verbs* this unit for Kids magazine or supplemental materials Unit 3 week 5- irregular verbs* And Still More Tales Unit 6 week 1- adverbs Me and Uncle Romie *Teacher will spend time reviewing as needed

CC.1.3.4D Compare and contrast an event or CC.1.4.4 CC.1.4.4.C Develop the topic with facts, topic told from two different points of view. definitions, concrete details, quotations, or CC.1.2.4C Explain events, procedures, ideas, other information and examples related to the or concepts in a text, including what happened topic; include illustrations and multimedia and why, based on specific information in the when useful to aiding comprehension. text. CC.1.4.4.D Group related information in CC.1.3.4A Theme. paragraphs and sections, linking ideas within CC.1.3.4H Compare and contrast similar categories of information using words and themes, topics, and patterns of events in phrases; provide a concluding statement or literature, including text from different section; include formatting when useful to cultures. aiding comprehension. Standards:  CC 1.2.4.D (nonfiction standard) Compare and contrast an event or topic told from two different point of CC.1.4.4.E Use precise language and domain‐ view.

CC1.3.4E, CC.1.2.4F, CC1.3.4.C specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. CC.1.4.4.A Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. CC.1.4.4.B Identify and introduce the topic clearly. CC1.4.4T 8 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016

Comments: And Still More Tales is the 3rd reading from unit 3 week 4 (Ranita)CC.1.2.4.D- This standard can be introduced along with the story When I Went to the Library. A number of other resources can be used to supplement including the Leveled reader that goes along with the story, it is called Snakes. The book Voices in the Park is also a good resource to practice point of view. There is another resource on Reading A to Z that covers point of view. Stories include, From the Diary of… Janet Chapman, Captian Thomas Preston, John Freedman, and Sam Adams.

9 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Duration: March/ April (4 weeks – 7 day cycles) Reading Skills Grammar Writing  Greek and Latin roots  Adjectives  Text dependent analysis essays Content  Multi-text integration  Prepositional phrases  Author’s perspective

Essential How can a reader relate information from How do adjectives and prepositional phrases How does interaction with the text provoke Question: various texts to learn new content? help improve our writing? thinking and reasoning?

 Use common Greek and Latin roots to  Order adjectives within sentences  Introduce text for the intended determine word meaning according to conventional patterns audience, state an opinion or topic,  Integrate information from two texts  Form and use prepositional phrases establish a situation and create an to understand a topic organizational structure  Cite text-based evidence to support  Provide supporting evidence using the author’s perspective outside resources, supporting claims, Skills: opinion, ideas, and resources  Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases  Use precise language and domain- specific vocabulary  Provide a concluding statement or section

 Students will use common Greek and  Students will order adjectives within  Students will read a grade level piece Latin roots to identify word meaning sentences according to conventional of text and apply grade level  Students will read two texts on the patterns standards to draw evidence from text Assessment: same topic and demonstrate  Students will form and use to support analysis understanding prepositional phrases  Students will cite text-based evidence to support the author’s perspective

10 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Unit 5 week 1- adjectives The Life and Times of the Ant Unit 5 week 3- comparative adjectives* Released items from PDE and teacher-created Leveled reader- Butterflies and Moths paired Unit 6 week 4- prepositions supplementary resources Resources: with TFK article Butterflies at Risk Unit 6 week 5- prepositional phrases

*Teacher will review skill as needed

CC.1.2.4I Integrate information from two CC.1.4.4 CC1.4.4S Draw evidence from literary or texts on the same topic to demonstrate an informational texts to support analysis, understanding of that topic. reflection, and research, applying grade level Standards: CC.1.2.4.H Explain how an author uses reading standards for literature and reasons and evidence to support particular informational texts. points in text. CC.1.2.4F

Comments: Skip Cricket in Times Square, this can either be done as a novel or a read-aloud. Can use the story Power of Oil and leveled reader Power of Wind to create a TDA for practice.

11 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 Duration: May/ June (5 weeks) Reading Skills Grammar Writing  Author’s Perspective  Punctuation Review:  Research project  Latin and Greek Suffixes (-er, -or, Commas -ist) Quotation marks Content  Main Idea and Details  Context Clues  Compare and Contrast  Point of View

How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear and view? Essential How does using punctuation correctly How can I write and present a research Question: improve my writing? project? How do good readers determine the meaning of unknown words?

 Use text clues to evaluate the author’s  Use commas to separate items in a  Gather an categorize information and perspective series provide sources  Use suffixes to determine the  Use commas to separate an  Give an effective oral report meaning of a word introductory element from the rest of  Utilize technology for research,  Use details to determine the main idea a sentence collaboration, and publishing Skills:  Use context clues to determine word  Use commas to set off nonrestrictive meaning elements  Use text structure to interpret  Use commas and quotation marks to information mark direct speech  Determine the point of view of a story

Assessment:  Students will evaluate the author’s  Students will use commas correctly to  Students will write a research report perspective separate items in a series, to set off and present the information orally  Students will determine the meaning nonrestrictive elements and to of words using Latin and Greek separate an introductory element from suffixes the rest of a sentence  Students will identify important  Students will use quotation marks details to determine the main idea correctly to mark direct speech  Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of words  Students will determine the text structure utilize the information to 12 English Language Arts: Fourth Grade v. 2015-2016 compare and contrast  Students will be able to determine the point of view of a story.

My Brothers’ Flying Machine A Walk in the Desert At Home in the Coral Reef Teacher created resources Teacher-created resources Resources: Suggested novel: A Cricket in Times Square, Esparanza Rising, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or The Whipping Boy

CC.1.2.4.K Determine or clarify the meaning CC.1.4.4 CC.1.4.4.U With some guidance and support, of unknown and multiple meaning words use technology, including the Internet, to based on grade level reading and content, produce and publish writing as well as to choosing from a range of strategies and tools. interact and collaborate with others; CC.1.2.4.A, CC.1.2.4.E, CC.1.2.4.H demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting. CC.1.4.4.V Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. CC.1.4.4.W Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information Standards: from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. CC.1.5.4.D Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly with adequate volume, appropriate pacing, and clear pronunciation. CC.1.5.4.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking, based on Grade 4 level and content.

Comments: Skip Ima and the Great Texas Ostrich Race. May also use a chosen novel at this time.


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