The Apollo 11 Stones Were Important Because the Fragment Showed a Full Animal in Profile

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The Apollo 11 Stones Were Important Because the Fragment Showed a Full Animal in Profile

Content 1 The Apollo 11 Stones were important because the fragment showed a full animal in profile A True B False

The Great Hall of the Bulls from Lascaux is known for having one of the first examples of what? A Profile view B Composite view C Overlapping D Contrapposto

Stonehenge is the most famous ______monuments. A Freestanding B Megalithic C Astronomical D Sandstone

People who were intrigued by physical deformities and skin diseases created the Tlatilco female figure from the western portion of the Valley of Mexico. A True B False

What is the function/meaning behind the Jade Congs found in Liangzhu, China? A Supernatural B Religious C Royal D Unknown

What does the word anthropomorphic mean? A Having animal characteristics B Having plant characteristics C Having human characteristics D None of the above

Content 2 The White Temple and Ziggurat form Uruk (modern Warka) is characterized by what kind of plan? A Bent axis plan B Straight axis plan C Flat terrain plan D No particular plan

What were temples referred to during Sumerian times? A Hallways B Waiting rooms C Living spaces D Royal altar rooms

What did the wide eyes of the Eshnunna votive statuettes represent? A Eyes focused on the Gods B Eternal youthfulness C Eternal wakefulness D Eyes focused on the Emperor

Who did the Eshnunna votive statuettes represent? A Gods and Goddesses B The royal family C Mortals D Peasants

A Votive offering is an offering performed for the Gods in fulfillment of a vow or in gratitude of devotion. A True B False

The Standard of Ur had two sides, what were they? A War and peace B Water and fire C Nature and people D Royalty and peasantry

What is the function of a standard? A To serve as a rallying point for an army B To designate the location of a commander/general C To show the enemy that the army was approaching D Both A and B

A stele is a stone of slab that commemorates an important event that is laid on the ground like a walkway. A True B False

Why do the Lamassu figures have five legs? A The stone was very heavy, so the fifth leg provided extra support B So that from any angle the viewer was standing, the beast appeared to be a complete animal with all of its legs C The Iraqi people believed that the number five was very lucky so they purposefully included five legs to give them good fortune D The artist combined multiple animals together and to solve the awkward number of legs, they chose to remove one and leave it with five instead of six

What did the Palette of Narmer commemorate? A The unification of Northern and Southern Egypt B The unification of upper and lower Egypt C The invention of eye makeup D The defeat of the Lilliputians

A Palette is a stone slab with a circular depression used to prepare and apply eye makeup. A True B. False

The Great Pyramids of Gizeh served as the King’s tomb and temple as well as A The quarters for the royal family B A labyrinth that protected the sacred gems of the King C His palace in the afterlife D A tricky architectural house plan that provided inspiration for plans today

How long did it take the Egyptian people to built the Great Pyramids of Gizeh? A A decade B A century C Seventy-five years D Sixty-six years

Which pharaoh did the Great Pyramids of Gizeh not honor? A Menkaure B Khufu C Khafre D Akenaton

Who does the Sphinx represent? A Mekaure or Khufu B Khufu or Khafre C Mekaure of Khafre D Akenaton or Khufu

The metaphorical meaning behind the Sphinx was to combine human intelligence with the immense strength and authority of the king of beasts. A True B False

Which pyramid is the largest? A Menkaure B Khufu C Khafre D Akenaton

What is the kind of pose shown in the portrait of King Menkaure and his wife? A Composite B Formal C Frontal D Contrapposto

The goal of this statue was not to portray living figures but to suggest… A The perfect idealized representation of a face through sculpture B To suggest that Menkaure’s skin was rock-solid and impenetrable C To suggest the timeless nature of a stone statue D To show that Menkaure didn’t do much of the ruling, his wife did instead

EXTRA CREDIT What was Menkaure’s wife named? ______(Khamerernebty)

What aspects are shown in the Seated Scribe? A Sharp intellect B Personality C Age D All of the above

What was there more of in the sculpture of the Seated Scribe? A Formalism B Realism C Ageism D Archaism

Who is the architectural design of Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple attributed to? A Hu Nefer B Ti C Beni Hasan D Senmut

What is there a rhythm of created by the terraces and surrounding rock? A Light and dark B Good and evil C Warm and cool D Small and large

What is the name for the types of pillars used that are flattened on the edges? A Columnar B Chamfered C Ionic D Chancellor

What were on the terraces of Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple? A Dining areas with places to sit and talk B Gardens with frankincense, trees, and rose plants C Altars with areas to worship Hatshepsut, daughter of Amen-Re D Empty areas simply to show the power those builders had to create rock-cut tombs

Hatshepsut was the second female monarch ever recorded. A True B False

Who was the ruler during the Amarna period? A Menkaure B Tutankhamen C Akenaton D Hatshepsut

Why were the figural representations of Akenaton so different from previous ones in Egyptian history? A It was a deliberate reaction against tradition B It was because of a personal illness that he had C It was due to the fact that Akenaton was the first female ruler, but it was supposed to be kept hidden in the male-dominated royalty succession thus far D A & B

Name three of the aspects of the figure introduced during in portraiture during the reign of Akenaton: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

In the sunken relief of Akenaton, Nefertiti, and their three daughters, there is the new God depicted which is a “sun disk” called… A Amen-Re B Aton C Aken D Aun

What was unprecedented about the sunken relief of Akenaton, Nefertiti, and their three daughters? A It showed the family in a royal setting B It showed the family at an Ancient Egyptian sporting event C It showed the family in a casual/domestic setting D It showed the family at an Ancient Egyptian crowning ceremony

Who was the famous historian that discovered and excavated Tutankhamen’s tomb? A Howard Carter B Henry Wilson C Hubert Pickle D Matthew Barnaby

Tutankhamen’s innermost coffin was made of wood with gold leaf and inlaid precious stones. A True B False

In the Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer, Hu’s heart is weighed against what? A The heart of Anubis B The pen of Thoth C The bones of Ammit D The feather of Maat

The Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer is from a larger manuscript called… A The Book of Life B The Book of Sin C The Book of the Dead D The Book of the Gods

The Temple of Amen-Re was known for its artificial lake, axis plan, and bilateral symmetry. A True B False

What is a krater used for? A Mixing grapes for wine B Mixing water and mud C Mixing wine and water D Mixing fruit for juice

The Sarcophagus of the Reclining Couple was made out of… A Painted rock B Smoothed sandstone C Painted terracotta D Smoothed volcanic rock

The Sarcophagus reflects the funerary customs and ______of the community. A Daily life B Lack of burials C Feasts of life D None of the above

The Sarcophagus of the Reclining Couple reflects what kind of design? A Simple and discreet B Natural and elegant C Highly stylized and decorated D Loose and loving

What does a sarcophagus hold? ______.

What makes the statue of Apollo from the Portonaccio Temple (Temple of Minerva) in Veii, Italy “distinctly Etruscan”? A Its lack of movement and stable structure B Its vigorous motion C Its waving warms and gesticulation of arms D Both B and C

Etruscan art was a time period that was characterized by the reevaluation of the originality with artwork. Their pieces were unique and combined many styles to make up their own, unique and distinct style. A True B False

The Temple of Nike is an ______temple. A Doric B Ionic C Corinthian D Geometric

All four sides of the Erechtheion are… A On the same level B On two different levels C On four different levels D On three different levels

Which of the following is not located on the Acropolis? A Temple of Athena Nike B Propylaia C Parthenon D Temple of Zeus

What was a consistent feature of the archaic figural sculpture? A Contrapposto B Wide smile C Stiff arms D Inlaid eyes

The Parthenon was dedicated to which goddess? A Aphrodite B Athena C Demeter D Hera

Theatricality in sculpture is a characteristic of what period? A Early classical B Late classical B Helenstic D Archaic

True or False The Seated Boxer was most likely a part of a group of other sculptures. A True B False

What was important about the representation of Anavyos Kouros? A It was much more rigid and frontal B It was softer and included the curves of the body C It had contrapposto D It had inlaid eyes

Where was Peplos Kore most likely put? A In the tomb of Athena B In the Erechthieon C In the Parthenon D In the Tomb of Nike/Victory

What is a peplos? A A new hairstyle B A long dress C A long skirt with belt D a pair of lace sandals

The Nobides Krater is called this because it is named after A The patron B The artist C The subject D The God

What is hubris? A A vengeful attitude B Pride C Evil D Self-centeredness

What is the message shown on this piece? A That humans should not offend the Gods and should be wary to avoid doing so B That humans should not offend their children or make them feel guilty C That humans should not brag about their successes and make everyone else feel bad D That Gods should never try to overcome a human because the latter are more powerful

What was the original material of Diskobolos? A Marble B Bronze C Limestone D Terracotta

What is the physical metaphor shown through Diskobolos? A A rolling ball B A unmovable rock C A coil cat D A coiled spring

What was the purpose of the presence of the tree trunk in Doryphoros? ______.

What did Doryphoros show for the very first time? A A spear bearer B Contrapposto C A standing figure D A tree trunk

Who was the sculptor of Doryphoros? A Ididoros B Senmut C Polykleitos D Miletus

What characterizes the Polykleitan style? A Harmony of multiples of the same elements B No stiffness or tension C Harmony of opposites D None of the above

What kind of columns does the Parthenon have? A Geometric B Peripteral C Colonnaded D B & C

What was the ratio equation for symmetry that the Ancient Greeks used? A x = 2y + 1 B y = 3x +10 C x = 2y + 10 D y = 3x + 1

The architects of the Parthenon were Iktinos and Phidias while Kalikrates design the statue of Athena inside. A True B False

What is architectural contrapposto? ______.

What is the long band of reliefs called that goes around the entire top of the Parthenon? A Capital B Frieze C Propylaia D Metopes

EXTRA CREDIT What is the style of statue (in terms of material) that is attributed to Athena Pathenos? ______(Chryselephantine statue)

What is a pediment? A The square piece in between the metopes B The triangle piece on top of a frieze C The square piece on top of a frieze D The triangle part in between the metopes

What is a centauromachy? ______.

What is interesting about the level of relief between the frieze and pediments of the Parthenon? ______.

EXTRA CREDIT What is the Ancient Greek name for a gallery located in the Propylaia? ______(pinakotheke)

What is a female figure that functions as a column called? A An atlantid B A caryatid C A metopes D A mnesikles

What is interesting about the relief of Nike adjusting her sandal on the Temple of Nike on the Acropolis? A It is a graceful position rendered with delicacy and minute technique B It is a strange depiction because the Ancient Greek people did not wear sandals C It is an awkward position that has been rendered elegantly and beautifully D It is a very natural position that is often found in many depictions of Nike

The Altar of Zeus is one of the most famous Hellenistic ensembles of sculpture. What does “Hellenistic” mean? A Stiff & rigid without much emotion B Overdramatic and full of movement & emotion C Flowing a loose full of non-descript emotion D None of the above Nike of Samothrace does not create a very dramatic visual effect. A True B False

What is so unique about the Seated Boxer? A It shows a boxer who has just won a match B It shows a boxer just about to enter a match C It hellenistically shows a boxer in the midst of a match D It shows a boxer in defeat at the end of a match

What does the Seated Boxer evoke from the viewer? A Pity B Compassion C Empathy D All of the Above

Which piece of artwork is now located on the upper basin of a two-tired fountain surrounded by rushing water meant to look like “waves”? A Venus de Milo B Seated Boxer C Dying Gaul D Nike Samothrace

Where was the Erechtheion located? A Athens B Aegina C Epidauros D Pergamon

What subject is portrayed on the frieze around the interior of the Parthenon? A Dionysiac procession B Battle of gods and giants C Battle of the amazons D Panathenaic procession

What two things does the Head of the Roman Patrician convey? A Royalty and power B Gravitas and virtus C Emotion and Hellenism D Acenstrus and Austeritus What do these two things mean? ______. (Dedication to civic duty & excellence of character)

Define “verism”: ______. (Realism to the point of absurdity)

Who were the owners of the House of the Vettii previously? A Royal personel B Merchants C Slaves D Middle class workers

What is the name of Augustus’ military chest-piece and what does it depict? A Curiass; an important diplomatic victory B Impulvium; a fierce battle for which Augustus won C Aeneas; a meeting of the rulers of Ancient Rome D Curiass; a depiction of all of the Roman Gods

What was the name of the very idealized, military sculptural representation of Augustus? A Ara Pacis Augustae B Augustus Primaporta C Ara Pacis D Augustus Triumphalis The Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus’ main difference from previous funerary reliefs that we have seen is/are… A In the Sarcophagus, the figures are carved in incredibly high relief B In the Sarcophagus, there is a compressed composition and no illusion of space C In the funerary relief, the people are bringing a Dunkin Donuts offering to the deceased D Both A & B

The Pantheon was dedicated to A Athena B Jupiter C All of the Gods D Chocolate

The central horseman in the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus was the son of ______. A Trajan Decius B Hatshepsut C Athena D Venus

Who was the architect of Trajan’s Forum? A Trajan Decius B Vesuvius of Demascus C Apollodorus of Demascus D Apollodorus of Decumanus

What is the name of the large rectangular building that divides the top of Trajan’s Forum from the bottom? A Basilica Caracalla B Basilica Ulpia C Basilica Athena D Basilica Basilicus

Trajan’s column is made up of approximately 47 separate friezes that are stacked on top of each other. They reach the very top of the structure where a statue of Trajan was placed. A True B False

The republic age of Rome is characterized mostly by A Augustan eternal youthfulness B Idealism C Verism D Surealism

The Alexander Mosic was found in A Rome B House of the Faun C Pompeii D House of the Vettii

Which amphitheater was larger (could hold more people)? A Pompeii Amphitheater B Colosseum

The Colosseum had the ability to host what kind of battles? A Animal battles (lions, tigers, & bears (oh my!)) B Gladiatorial battles C Naval Battles D All of the above

The Pantheon includes a new method of construction called coffers, what did they provide? ______. (Sunken decorative panels & lightness for the dome)

List two of the three things that the occulus in the Pantheon did? 1. ______2. ______(Illuminate darkness, create drama, and underscore the interior shape of the dome) Content 3 Vienna Genesis is the oldest surviving, well preserved illustrated biblical work that we have. A True, it is definitely the oldest! B False, the Rossano Gospels are older!

Define “illuminated manuscript”: ______

The shelves where bodies are placed in the catacombs of Priscilla are covered over with marble or wood and then tempera paint right on top A True B False

Santa Sabina had a…. A Wooden roof B Clerestory lighting C Common basilica characteristic D All of the above

We can see the oldest known image of the Virgin Mary & Child in… A Dura Europos B Santa Costanza C Santa Maria Maggiore D Catacombs of Priscilla

Who were the two people depicted in the mosaic programs at San Vital? A Justinian & Theodora B Constantine & Helen C Shah Jahan & Mumtaz Mahal D Justinian & Athena

Who dedicated San Vital? A Saint Vitalis B Bishop Maximianus C Bishop Matthew D Saint Judith

What kind of plan does San Vital have? A Central plan B Basilica plan C Marble plan D Byzantine plan

How do the San Vitale apse mosaics demonstrate the unity of church and state? ______

What was/were used to help hold up the second dome of Hagia Sophia after the first one collapsed in 558? A Mudbrick B Squinches C Clay D Pendentives

The architects of Hagia Sophia were… A Justinian & Constantine B Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus C Socrates of Demascus & Matthew of Hagiamus D Samothrace of Windonius & Artimus Historius

What does a “fibulae” do? A Hold up a hairdo B Hold up a women’s garment C Hold up sandals D Hold up window drapes

What is another name for the Virgin Mary? A Barberini B Archangel C Theotokos D Apollinare

Define “encaustic”: ______

All of the following are true about the Bayeux Tapestry EXCEPT A It was created for a Viking burial B It contains explanatory Latin Text C It is a narrative of historic events D It is wool embroidery on linen

What supports a lintel in a Romanesque portal? A A jamb B A tympanum C An archivolt D A trumeau

The Church of Saint Foy was an important stop on the way to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The people making this stop were on a journey called a… A Adventure B Pilgrimage C Abbey D Monasticism

The Reliquary of Saint Foy shows whom? A Saint Foy, a young girl who died a Goddess B Saint Foy, a middle-aged girl who died a martyr C Saint Foy, a young girl who died a martyr D Saint Foy, an older woman who helped the Virgin Mary

The Merovingian Fibulae has zoomorphic imagery. What does this kind of imagery display? A Humans B Plants C Animals D Architecture

The Lindisfarne Gospels had something called a “colophon”. Define: ______. (Indicated the manufacturer)

The Chartres Cathedral utilized a circular Gothic stained window called a ______. (Rose window)

The Chartres Cathedral proclaimed power in royalty, majesty and power of Christ, knowledge, and learning. A True B False

The Chartres Cathedral utilized a certain kind of architectural plan called a… A Central plan B Basilica plan C Cruciform plan D None of the above

The Chartres Cathedral popularized the image of Theotokos. A True B False

The Dedication Page with Blanche of Castille and King Louis IX of France used a certain kind of three-bumped arch. What was it called? ______(Trefoil)

The entire background of the page displaying Blanche and her son was covered in… A Purple, signifying royalty B Gold leaf, signifying royalty and power C Blue, signifying that Blanche had power over the sea D Orange, signifying that Blanche had power over the sun What is so different about the Rottgen Pieta from EVERY other pieta we have seen? ______.

Who was the artist of the scenes from the Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel and what medium did he use? A Brunelleschi; oil paint B Giotto; oil paint C Giotto; fresco D Berlinghieri; fresco

Why does the sky of Giotto’s Lamentation look like a puzzle put together? ______.

What is so innovative about Giotto’s Lamentation? A It shows individual emotion B It tells a story C It directs the viewer’s eye with diagonals D All of the above

What qualities are distinctly “Flemish” in terms of artwork during the 1200-1400’s? ______.

The Merode Altarpiece by Robert Campin shows a scene in great detail with a number of small objects that hold huge significance and meaning. What scene is shown and what is it called? A The Angel has come down and told Mary that she will give birth to Jesus; the Annunciation B The Angel has come down and told Mary that she will give birth to Jesus; the Crucifixion C Jesus has risen from the dead and is ascending to heaven; the Crucifixion D Jesus has been nailed to a cross and died; the Resurrection

What is another aspect that was included in the Merode Altarpiece that signifies the people who paid for the artwork to be made? A The Patron Pictures B The Donor Portraits C The Purchase Order D The People’s Place

Explain the allegorical significance behind at least four of the seven symbols from the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck: The shoes taken off and put aside: Mirror: Broom: Dog: Saint Margret sculpture on the bedpost: Oranges: The woman’s clothing:

What is intriguing about the self-portrait included in the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck? A It shows the viewer a look at beyond the frame of the oil painting B It shows minute detail that was difficult to master and achieve C None of the above D A & B

What are the invisible lines called that lead the viewer’s eye to Jesus’ head in The Last Supper? A Diagonal arrows B Orthogonal arrows C Orthogonals D Floorthogonals

Who is the artist of The Last Supper? A Vincent van Gogh B Michelangelo C Robert Campin D Leonardo da Vinci

What point perspective is used in The Last Supper? A One-point perspective B Two-point perspective C Three-point perspective D Square-perspective

What is notable about Donatello’s David? A It is a strong, muscular representation of the figure B It is a small, personal, pocket-sized sculpture of the figure C It is a sensuous and beautiful representation of the figure in contrapposto D It is a massive, nine-foot tall rendering of the figure

Who is the artist of the Birth of Venus? A Brunelleschi B Alberti C Botticelli D Ghiberti

What family was the patron of the Birth of Venus, as well as many pieces of artwork? (They were a very powerful who married into royalty): ______(Medici)

What is the Birth of Venus characterized by? A Graceful linearity B Real-life people from Earth C A huge forest that shows the beauty of nature D A vast ocean that takes up the entire canvas and shows important sea-life

What material is Philosophy (School of Athens) created with? A Oil paint B Tempera paint C Fresco D Etching

Who is/are the subject(s) of Philosophy (School of Athens)? A The artist, it’s a self-portrait B The patron, Pope Julius II C All of the Roman Gods and Goddesses D The great philosophers and scholars of the time

Who is the artist of Philosophy (School of Athens)? A Donatello B Raphael C Verrocchio D Michelangelo

Why wasn’t Michelangelo super excited to paint the Sistine Chapel? A Because his first love was sculpture B Because his first love was oil painting C Because he was allergic to chapels D Because he did not like the patron, Pope Julius II

Summarize in a few words what the Sistine Chapel depicts overall on its ceilings and walls: ______. (Creation, fall, and redemption of humanity)

Name three interesting/different qualities about Pontormo’s Entombment of Christ and the movement/style it was painted in: 1. ______2. ______3. ______Movement/style: ______

Which artist created the generic format/standards of composition for the reclining figure? A Grunewald B Titian C Tintoretto D Raphael What is interesting about how the space is divided in Venus of Urbino? ______

Where was the Isenheim Altarpiece created for? A A hospital B A chapel C A basilica D An outdoor church

Why is the Isenheim Altarpiece so vastly different from other altarpieces? A It shows fictional saints that did not exist during the time period B It shows a very gruesome/detailed version of each of the moments of the life of Christ C It does not show Jesus Christ and instead leaves a blank space in his absence D It shows Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and all of the people involved in the life of Christ in a group portrait

What movement of Christianity did Allegory of Law and Grace involve? A The Protestant Reformation B The Lutheran Reformation C The New Age Reformation D The Old Age Reformation

What does Allegory of Law and Grace explain that the role of God is? A To judge and punish severely only B To only show mercy and spare all of humanity C To judge and show mercy to those deserving D To hand out peanut butter and nutella sandwiches to the hungry

What kind of painting is Hunters in the Snow? A A great painting B A gory painting C A genre painting D A grandiose painting

What is the implication about nature that Hunters in the Snow makes? ______. (That nature is all powerful and we are at mercy to the elements. However, comfort, warmth, and safety can be found through faith in God)

What group of people created the Codex Mendoza? A Himalayan B Inca C Mexican D Aztec

Of what plant was the palace dedicated to that is shown on the Codex Mendoza? ______(Prickly pear cactus)

What specifically named technique did Caravaggio use in The Calling of Saint Matthew? A Deep shading B Sfumato C One-point perspective D Chiaroscuro

How is Jesus portrayed in the Calling of Saint Matthew? Acceptance and understanding Vengeful and unforgiving Feminine and weak Wounded and discouraged

What is the difference between diagonals and orthogonals? ______

What three themes is Angel with Arquebus embodying? A Celestial, terrestrial, military B Celestial, aristocracy, military C Celestial, military, movement D Celestial, aristocracy, religion

What is an arquebus? A A European-style of cloak B A gun C A poncho D A feather hat

Who can we consider as “the world’s first photobomb” in Las Meninas? A Infanta Margarita Theresa B The artist, Velasquez C The artist, Calamanca D The King and Queen

Who is in the point of view of the audience this painting? A The artist B The servants/maids C The King D The Holy Roman Empress

What shape is created by the figures in The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp? A A square B A circle C A triangle D A line

Why is The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp an innovative approach to a group portrait? ______.

What is the message implied by Woman Holding a Balance? A That people focus too much on the treasures of Earth and not on the treasures of Heaven B That people focus entirely on the people in their lives, and they should remember that one day they will be gone C That people focus too much on the bountiful produce of the land and feast too often D That people focus entirely on the precious minerals, gemstones, and never look up and find shapes in the clouds

Who is the artist of Woman Holding a Balance? A Rembrandt B Vermeer C Caravaggio D Velasquez

The G

What is the purpose of the presence of Jupiter and Juno in Rubens’ Henry IV Receives a Portrait of Marie de-Medici? A To emphasize the success of the impending marriage by showing that even Gods can fall in love B To show the importance of making it work, even with a spouse that one is not happy with C To explain that even though arranged marriages can be good, Henry’s will lead to disaster D To warn Henry that if he does not marry this young woman, they will take over the throne

What does a vanitas painting represent? A The fleeting nature of life B The casual presence of death C The overwhelming presence of God D The various perspectives used during this time period

What does the Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza display? A Tenochtiitlan divided into 4 parts B An illustration of ziggurat art C An Aztec religious ritual D Ancient scenes of the daily life of women How is “sfumato” used? A Misty haziness in daily life scenes B Misty haziness in landscapes C To add glossy-ness D Heavy application of paint

What is chiaroscuro? A A spicy Spanish sauce that is put on a churro B The use of darks & lights to add dimension C Technique of misty haziness to add to atmospheric perspective D A method of painting involving short brush strokes

What is significant about Pontormo’s Entombment of Christ? A The canvas is divided into equal rectangles that keep getting smaller B Pontormo utilizes 3-point perspective to add realism C There is no figures placed in the center, leaving a “void” D The figures have perfect, ideal proportions

In the sculpture, The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, what was the symbolism behind St. Theresa being stabbed? A She is overdramatic and wanted attention B She is being filled with the overwhelming love for God C She was being transformed into an angel D None of the above

Pyramidal technique does all of the following except A Adds stability and balance B Connects the figures through symbolic religious imagery C Arranges the figures in a triangle D Connects the figures through gazes and touch

Who was the artist of the piece above? Hunters in the Snow A Michelangelo B Hieronymous Bosch C Albrecht Durer D Pieter Bruegel Both works show an understanding of

a. foreshortening b. movement c. symmetry d. perspective

The work on the left is representative of which of the following periods? a. Early/High Classical b. Archaic c. Late Classical d. Hellenistic

The work on the right is representative of which of the following periods? a. Early/High Classical b. Archaic c. Late Classical d. Hellenistic

Both works personify a. victory b. wrath c. death d. sainthood

What is the pillar supporting a lintel in a doorway? trumeau jambs voussior archivolt

The Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus is characterized by Its incredibly high relief carvings of various militaristic officials Its compressed composition and lack of the illusion of space Its innovative material, concrete, which was new to sarcophagus construction Its new function of having mobility and light-weight quality

The Colosseum was important in that it Provided exciting entertainment and action for the Roman people Was a symbol of Vespasian taking the back land for the Roman people Was an outlet for many Roman architectural innovations All of the above

Who were the statuettes from Abu Temple/Eshnunna supposed to represent? What are 2 physical characteristics of the statuettes?

What did the construction of Dome of the Rock signify? ______What two aspects of Sor Juana’s life does Miguel Cabrera’s portrait attempt to capture?

How does Jean-Honore Fragonard’s The Swing capture the essence of the Rococo style?

In Egyptian wall paintings, there is a striking absence of A color B human forms C perspective D pattern

Which of the following is true of portraiture during the reign of Akhenaton? A remained in traditional mode B banned as an art form C became more naturalistic D became more geometric

The many-columned hall in an Egyptian temple is called the A pylon hall B hypostyle hall C sanctuary hall D colonnade

The Sagrada Familia was the culminating work of an artist by the name of ______.

The Sagrada Familia is a cathedral that was created during what era? A Gothic B Neo-gothic C Medieval D Byzantine

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