Romeo and Juliet Final Exam s2

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Romeo and Juliet Final Exam s2

Romeo and Juliet Review

True or False 1. Shakespeare’s father’s name was John and he was a glove maker. 2. Shakespeare’s wife gave birth to 9 children. 3. Shakespeare was much older than his wife when they got married. 4. Shakespeare died on his birthday. 5. Shakespeare would have been 436 years old this year. 6. Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Frank. 7. Shakespeare left his wife to live in China. 8. Shakespeare made more money as an actor than as a playwright. 9. There is no printed record of Shakespeare’s birth, only his baptism. 10. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays during his short life.

Matching 11. Benvolio A. Aids Juliet in her marriage plans, adds humor to the play 12. Friar John B. Nephew of Lord Montague, friend to Romeo; the peacemaker 13. Friar Lawrence C. Son of Lord Montague 14. Romeo D. marries Romeo and Juliet 15. Nurse E. Responsible for delivering a letter to Romeo

16. Lord Capulet A. Daughter of Lord Capulet 17. Juliet B. Hot-tempered, would rather fight than solve problems 18. Paris C. Expects his family to obey his every wish without question. 19. Tybalt D. Ruler of Verona; a sheriff type figure in the city 20. Prince Escalus E. Asks Lord Capulet for Juliet’s hand in marriage

More True and False…..

21. Juliet’s cousin is Benvolio. 22. Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin. 23. Juliet is the Nurse’s daughter 24. Tybalt and Benvolio are best friends. 25. Benvolio and Mercutio are cousins. 26. Paris is the Prince. 27. Tybalt killed Mercutio under Romeo’s arm. 28. Romeo and Juliet are married less than 24 hours after they met. 29. Romeo is kicked out the Capulet’s party. 30. Paris is killed by Romeo at the tomb of Juliet. Multiple Choice

31. The play is based on an old feud between: 52. a. the Benvolios and the Montagues 53. Juliet’s refusal to marry the Count made her father b. Juliet and Capulet angry because c. Tybalt and the Capulets a. she laughed at the very idea of getting married d. The Montagues and the Capulets b. her mother sided with her 32. c. he suspected she was already married 33. The play takes place in d. he thought she was ungrateful a. England 54. b. France 55. When Juliet’s father orders her to marry Paris she: c. Italy a. tells him she is already married d. Germany b. her mother sided with her 34. c. talks it over with her mother 35. When Juliet was asked about her thoughts d. runs away from home concerning marriage, she replies that she: 56. a. was anxious to marry 57. 41. In an effort to solve her problem, Friar b. had no thought of marriage Lawrence suggests that Juliet c. had not found a suitable husband a. have her marriage to Romeo annulled d. would agree to her parent’s wishes b. marry Paris anyway 36. c. enter a nunnery 37. Romeo learned who Juliet was from: d. drink a sleeping potion a. her mother 58. b. a servant 59. 42.When Juliet returns from Friar Lawrence’s cell, c. her father she pretends to d. her nurse a. agree to her father’s plan 38. b. love Parris deeply 39. Before he proposed to her, Romeo had known c. hate everyone Juliet: d. be ill a. a day 60. b. a few hours 61. 43. The first to enter Juliet’s room and find her c. a week “dead” was her d. a month a. nurse 40. b. father 41. At first Romeo did not wish to fight with Tybalt c. mother because: d. husband to be a. Romeo feared the Prince’s anger 62. b. He has not an expert swordsman 63. 44. Romeo’s servant brings him news that c. Benvolio and Mercutio advised him against it. a. his sentence has been pardoned d. He did not want to fight with his new cousin b. Juliet is about to marry Paris 42. c. Juliet was dead 43. Romeo kills Tybalt to: d. Juliet wants to see him 44. a. keep his vow to his family 64. 45. b. seek revenge for his friend’s death 65. 46. c. settle the feud 66. e. keep his promise to Juliet 67. 47. 68. 45. Romeo buys a poison drink from 48. After their wedding night, Romeo departs for a. a doctor a. Mantua b. an apothecary b. Padua c. Friar Lawrence c. Verona d. Balthasar d. Paris 69. 49. 70. 46. Friar Lawrence learns that his message to 50. Romeo was 51. a. not delivered b. lost by the messenger b. The Nurse c. burned in a fire c. Juliet d. ignored by Romeo d. Paris 71. 86. 72. 47. Friar Lawrence arrives at the tomb to find 54. “ A plague on both your houses!” a. Romeo and Juliet talking a. Romeo b. Romeo dead and Juliet awakening b. Mercutio c. Juliet has already left c. Juliet d. Romeo alone d. The Prince 73. 87. 74. 48. At the end of the play, Capulet and Montague 55. “ But soft! What light through yonder window decide to breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!” a. have a duel a. Paris b. have another feast b. Capulet c. stop talking to each other c. Romeo d. build statues in memory of their children d. Tybalt 75. 88. 76. 56. “O, I am fortune’s fool!” 77. 49. Friar Lawrence decides to marry Romeo and a. Romeo Juliet because he b. Paris a. understands young love c. Mercutio b. approves of early marriages d. Benvolio c. hopes to end the family feud 89. d. thinks the families will be overjoyed. 57. “ Oh happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, 78. and let me die.” 79. 50. The two characters in the play who tried to help a. Mercutio the lovers are b. Tybalt a. Capulet and Montague c. Romeo b. The Nurse and Friar Lawrence d. Juliet c. Mercutio and Benvolio 90. d. The Prince and Rosaline 91. 80. 58. “ Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days.” 81. a. Lady Capulet 82. Who said it? b. Lord Montague 83. c. The Nurse 51. “A pair of star crossed lovers take their life” d. Friar Lawrence a. the chorus 92. b. Benvolio 59. “ Thus from thy lips, by thine my sin is purged.” c. Paris a. Romeo d. Mercutio b. Benvolio 84. c. Juliet 52. “If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives d. Mercutio shall pay the forfeit of the peace.” 93. a. Paris 60. “ For never was a story of more woe, than this of b. Romeo Juliet and her Romeo.” c. Lord Capulet a. Friar Lawrence d. The Prince b. The Prince 85. c. The Chorus 53. “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too d. Lord Capulet early seen unknown, and known too late!” 94. a. Romeo 95. 96. 97. 98. Answer the following paragraph question. 99. 100. 1) Who do you think is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Even though the Friar was responsible for setting up the “sleeping death” and the letter, is he the one that is to blame or is someone else responsible? In your paragraph, remember to have topic statement, Thesis statement, followed by 3 examples that support your thoughts. End your paragraph with a clear conclusion sentence. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

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