Murder on the Orient Express Part II Vocabulary

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Murder on the Orient Express Part II Vocabulary

Murder on the Orient Express Part II Vocabulary

Define the following in the “notes/vocab” section of your writer’s notebook.

1. elicit

2. negligent

3. summon

4. alias

5. incriminating – suggests guilt or blame

6. inordinate

7. instigator – one who urges, provokes, or incites others to some action or course

8. deprecate(ing) - to urge reasons against; protest against

9. anticlimax

10. suffused - to overspread with or as with a liquid, color, etc.

11. enamored – filled with love; charmed; captivated

12. implore

13. imperious - domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing

14. latent

15. biased

16. implicated - to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner. To be implicated in a crime.

17. ascertained - to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance; determine: to ascertain the facts.

18. reticent

19. proffered - to put before a person for acceptance; offer.

20. sojourn

21. contemptuous - scornful; disrespectful

22. impertinent - intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude; uncivil 23. indiscretion

24. unpremeditated – not done deliberately; not planned in advance

25. fabrication - an untruthful statement

26. sham

27. bequest

28. acquiesce - submit or comply silently or without protest

29. sordid

French Vocabulary:

Cauchemar - nightmare

Voila une grande dame - what a great lady

Mon vieux – pal

Pukka sahib – true gentleman/true gentlewoman, first-class

Ca se voit – it shows

Vous n eprouvez pas d’emotion – you do not experience any emotion

Mais il n’y a rien a voir – but there is nothing to see

Ma foi – my faith

Tout de meme – still

Dans son caractere – in character

C’est impayable – this is priceless

Canaille – dishonorable man

Vous etes bien amiable – you are very friendly

Qui s’excuse s’accuse – the one who apologizes accuses himself. Murder on the Orient Express Part III Vocabulary

1. idiomatic (1)

2. deprecate - to urge reasons against; protest against

3. complicity

4. methodical (2)

5. incriminate (2)

6. inflict (3)

7. dubious (4)

8. frail (1)

9. elucidation - to provide clarification; explain

10. nebulous - hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused

11. circuitous

12. loquacious - talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative

13. preposterous

14. indomitable

15. caste - social group limited to persons of the same rank, occupation, economic position, etc.

16. duplicity - an act or instance of such deceitfulness.

17. sardonic - characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering

18. geniality (1)

19. inarticulate (4)

20. egress (2)

21. elucidate - to provide clarification; explain

22. exigencies (2)

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