Temix: a Transactive Profile of EMIX 1.0 Version 1.0

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Temix: a Transactive Profile of EMIX 1.0 Version 1.0



2 TeMIX: a Transactive Profile of

3 EMIX 1.0 Version 1.0

4 Committee Note 01

5 06 June 2012

6 Specification URIs 7 This version: 8 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/cn01/emix- 9 temixbrief-v1.0-cn01.pdf (Authoritative) 10 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/cn01/emix- 11 temixbrief-v1.0-cn01.html 12 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/cn01/emix- 13 temixbrief-v1.0-cn01.doc 14 Previous version: 15 N/A 16 Latest version: 17 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/emix-temixbrief- 18 v1.0.pdf (Authoritative) 19 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/emix-temixbrief- 20 v1.0.html 21 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/emix-temixbrief- 22 v1.0.doc 23 Technical Committee: 24 OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (eMIX) TC 25 Chairs: 26 William Cox ([email protected]), Individual 27 Edward Cazalet ([email protected]), Individual 28 Editor: 29 Edward Cazalet ([email protected]), Individual 30 Related work: 31 This document is related to:

2 3 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 5 8 7 6 4 Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Rights (the IPR Policy Policy"). "OASIS The full All capitalized interms the text following have the meanings assigned them to in the OASIS Copyright OASIS© Open All Rights2012. Reserved. v1.0-cn01.html 01. Note 1.0. TransactiveofTeMIX: a Profile 1.0 Version EMIX [emix-temixbrief-v1.0] format used: referencing should be the following document When this citation format: Citation at page by using Committeethe “ Committee’s Technical emailOthersto list. commentsshould send the Technical the Committeeon to document Technical members comments this should send version” notedfor possible above laterrevisionsthe “Latest location ofthis document. the isabovelevel(eMIX) on Check also The TC date. of Exchange approval listed above. wasMarket last the OASISInformation This revised Energy document orby approved Status: is transactiveTeMIX a ofVersionprofile EMIX 1.0. Abstract: emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 PURPOSE. ORRIGHTS MERCHANTABILITY ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED OF OR FOR A FITNESS PARTICULAR THATWARRANTY OF THEUSE THE OWNERSHIP HEREIN INFRINGE INFORMATION WILL NOT ANY EXPRESS ALL INCLUDINGDISCLAIMS WARRANTIES, ORBUT IMPLIED, LIMITED ANYNOT TO documentThis and the containedinformation is herein provided an on "AS IS" andbasis OASIS successors or assigns. The limited permissions granted aboveare perpetual not and will be by revoked OASIS or its translate it intolanguages than other English. applicable copyrights, to as forthset IPR in the Policy,must OASIS be or required followed) as to ordocument deliverable produced by Technical an Committee OASIS (in which case the rules copyright the references notice OASIS, or to asexcept for needed purpose the of developing any However, thisdocumentworks. itself may be not modified in any including way, by removing abovethat the copyright notice and this section included are on all such derivative copies and published, copied, distributed, and orin whole part, without restriction anyof kind, provided works that on comment explain or otherwise it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, documentThis and of translations it may be furnishedcopied and to others, and derivative website.OASIS Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix/v1.0/emix-v1.0.html  Energy Market Information Exchange 1.0(EMIX)Energy Version http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/emix/ http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix-temixbrief/v1.0/cn01/emix-temixbrief- . The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply Send A Comment Send A This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track ” button onCommittee’s button the Technical web” Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. 06 June 2012. OASIS Committee OASIS June 2012. 06 Committee . Policy . . Latest version. . may be found at the 06 June 062012 Page 2 of 10

[Type the document title] 72 71 10 13 12 11 9 emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . 06 June 062012 Page 3 of 10

[Type the document title] 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 15 18 17 16 14 Appendix B.Appendix A.Appendix 3 2 1 Table Contentsof emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards 1.1 1.1 References Summary Transactive Energy Price Dynamic Example Introduction ...... Revision HistoryRevision ...... Acknowledgments The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track ...... Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . 06 June 062012 Page 4 of 10 9 8 7 5 4 4

[Type the document title] 101 100 102 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 20 25 24 23 22 21 28 27 26 19 OASIS EnergyOASIS Information Market Exchange [EMIX]Version 1.0 [EMIX] 1.1 modified severalfrom small TeMIX transactions of sizes, various anddurations times. start ramps, shaped delivery, and storage and withdrawal can be constructedautomatically and conditions manyusing small, automated tenders transactions.and Complex positions with andTeMIX tenders transactions useful are forprice negotiation discovery, responseand grid to products. two TeMIX products restrictedare Energy to and Transport inintervals single and these on Options minutes. restrict the to intervals standard nested intervals such a as year, day, month, hour, 5-and to interval position determine the 5-minuteinterval.in each TeMIX conformance rules also add a up ofnumber transactions for different intervals month,for a hour day, and 5-minute (power) eachdelivery for five minute intervalsub in the same.hour is the makes This it easy to theover is interval constant. For example, the if duration interval hour is one ratethen the of TeMIX transaction a to interval. single each For interval, the of rate delivery energy (power)of TeMIX profile is described conformance by rules definedin EMIX Theserules12.3. restrict each modelinformation forTransactive Energy (see NoteEMIX XX Transactive on Energy) TeMIX Energy(Transactive Market Information Exchange) is a profile subset or theof EMIX 1 emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 informationmodels by developed the EMIX Committee.Technical inpaper the was early written stages ofthe work hason EMIX and not been updatedutilizeto the al.et Cazalet http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/37954/TeMIX-20100523.pdf.” This “Transactive InformationEnergy Market Exchange [TeMIX] an Whiteapproved Paper of the EMIX TC. Ed 1 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emix/emix/v1.0/emix-v1.0.pdf Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards

TeMIX wasTeMIXfirst described Draftin a paper approvedWhite the EMIXby Technical Committee References Introduction The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . . . version.Latest . 1 . The. 06 June 062012 Page 5 of 10

[Type the document title] 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 30 33 32 31 29 time wheretime regulations permit. single a TeMIX allows LSE, but retailfor a customer interactto with multiple LSEs theat same maymay notor based be TeMIX.Theon example assumes retail each customer purchases from system operatorthe markets, other andwholesale markets other parties. transactionsSuch example This notdoes the discuss transactions the between LSE and distribution operator,the class. Customers will to typically respond tenders LSE but can alsosubmit to tenders the LSE. and aat location. The buy price and sell and quantity may differ. Prices by may vary customer orsale purchase of a quantityspecific of energy (a Tender) a to customer fora intervaldelivery price regulated LSEs. Determination of is price out scope for of this example. price The LSE is an distributedindustrial, generation, The or examplestorage). to applies and competitive example This is Loadfor a Serving Energy retail (LSE) customersserving (residential, commercial, 2 emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 1.Figure The customer incurs default5-minute transactions forany difference between the 5- prices. The customer customer’s or the may device transact adjust to his position as indicated in andMonthly daily, thealso LSE similar may tender blocks powerof current at buy and sell customer obligatedthe tois transacted pay the price and quantity. status. The customer or an automated decidesthedevice transacted quantity in each and block sellto the price LSE. The tender is cost- or market-based on depending LSE’s the regulatory The customer maybehind use the meter asgeneration (such PV or offset to storage) its usage or and delivery a may betender withdrawn before acceptance and a new tender anymade at time. for power yeara a at buy sell price.and The tenders maymade be or one moreyears aheadof rules used. are The sequence begins with tendersLSE The sequence transactions of 1in Figure illustrates thisexample. TeMIX profile conformance Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards TransactiveEnergy Dynamic Price Example forenergy, transmission, distribution and fixed Thecharges. LSE tendered price is for the F IGURE

1 : I : LLUSTRATIVE The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track S EQUENCE

OF F ORWARD Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. for night, day, and of blocks evening

AND R EAL T IME T . RANSACTIONS 06 June 062012 Page 6 all-in of 10

[Type the document title] 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 35 38 37 36 34 price changesprice or controlsignals the from LSE. useavoiding the of orrandom arbitrary restrictions on the customers smooth to to responses small tenders and oftransactions stability the grid is from alsoprotected price sharp changes andmarkets transactions inforward other wholesale markets. By with working sequences of customer on price demandsensitive that guide helps the LSE’sbidsinto system operator prices. The theresponsiveness of customer to tenders priced provides to information LSEthe customer the thenneeds themore, customer can access additional perhaps tenders, at different TeMIX Tenders for can be small quantities offeredto retaila customer at the tendered price. If profits.cost and each at location theon cost-based grid.For LSEs, pricesthe must,average, on regulated recover locationinterval and customer price can helpresponse bring to supply and demandinto balance windvariable or solar or levels high electric vehicleof charging tendered the each for prices in eachprice interval. of When because variable demand, plant transmissionoutages, outages, fixedother items. Theoretically, all such costs may vary interval by and reflectedbe varying in a transmission services, congestion, transmission access,T&D losses, distribution congestionand typically reflect the short LSE’smarginal long-runand costs forwholesale energy, ancillary based customer on preferences and the not LSE’spreferences. Tenders made thewillby LSE TeMIX transactions may be usingautomatic acting devices the on thebehalf of customer and Customershours. may then forward buy sell 5-minuteand forward energy at prices. energymay in tender 5-minuteintervaleach foreach theof 5-minute intervals in the next two mayThe make LSE tenders at Forany time. example, aheadof 5-minute each theinterval LSE closeafter the of interval. the minute position ininterval each and measured the atdelivery real-time a price orposted before emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 customers and mustLSEs make forward decisions. toresponses real-time providing while prices forhedging and forward commitment where approach provides full the customers for incentive smartand to devices save money based on and transactionsforward may optional be or mandatory on depending regulations. This forinformation wholesale transactions forward the by LSE. RTP may be or optional mandatory thehedges to RTP manage to risk for both customer andthe the LSE toand forward provide for the of metered delivery energy.The forward transactions above in the forwardexample are Time Real Pricing (RTP) can be an as viewed application of TeMIXonly where the transaction is Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . 06 June 062012 Page 7 of 10

[Type the document title] 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 40 43 42 41 39 smart grid.smart distribution,with transmission and centralized generation which is an goal important of the customer appliances, industrial processes, storage,electric vehicles, and peak managementload enable the decentralized coordinated, ofoperation variable renewables, generation,distributed TeMIX also has applications ingrid other domains. The dynamic processescan of TeMIX to help demand curves to LSE’s.the withrespond giving anyup controlof to devices LSE the and without forecasts providing or major advantageof TeMIX in thisapplication is that customers and theirautomated devices regulated orLSEs competitive and all to customer classes and distributed energy resources. A estimation baselines. Settlementof and billing is simplified. The same system can apply to so that the ofresponse customers price to is discovered without verification and statistical appliancessmart and suchother devices. TeMIXtransacted provides baselines in each interval LSE’sandFor retail customers, TeMIX is usefulmost forsmart enabled meter customers that use 3 emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards Summary The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . 06 June 062012 Page 8 of 10

[Type the document title] 179 178 177 176 175 45 48 47 46 44 Edward Cazalet, Individual Edward Participants: acknowledged: individualsThe following haveparticipated creationin of the thisspecification and gratefully are emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards Appendix A.Appendix The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Acknowledgments Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . 06 June 062012 Page 9 of 10

[Type the document title] 181 180 50 53 52 51 49 02 01 emix-temixbrief-v1.0-cn01 Non-Standards TrackNon-Standards Revision 2011-09-30 2011-09-29 Appendix B. Appendix Date The patent provisions of the Policy The OASIS of IPR do patent provisions not the apply This Non-Standards is a Work Product. Track Toby Considine CazaletEd Editor Revision History Converted standard to format Initial Document MadeChanges Copyright © Copyright OASIS Open Reserved.Rights© All 2012. . Page Page 06 June 062012 10 of 10

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