The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio Met This Day in a Regular Meeting, In s18
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December 3 2009
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31 a.m. with the following members present: Clerk. Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President ,
Commissioner Ted Kalo, Vice-President, Commissioner Betty Blair Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kokoski presented a 2-3 year old female spitz mix named “tootsie” and will be available Saturday at 3 pm
Commissioner Kokoski said United Animal Justice was here on November 12 bringing up several issues relating to the kennel, one being the injections for parvo. Dr. Wood, Mr. Kitty was there yesterday vaccinating the dogs.
Commissioner Kokoski had a thought for the day: “tact is the art of making a point, without making an enemy”
The following business was transacted ______
A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9:45 a.m. Solid Waste Disposal – Dan Billman, Director, LCSWMD ______
B. BUDGET HEARINGS WITH DEPARTMENTS: 10:00 a.m. Auditor – Mark Stewart 10:15 a.m. Tax Map – Ken Carney, Engineer 10:30 a.m. Board of Elections – Jose Candalerio, Director 10:45 a.m. Veterans – Don Bates, Director 11:00 a.m. Sheriff – Phil Stammitti ______
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following Lorain County Job and Family Services Bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
SCHEDULE VOUCHER # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H9-1566 In county travel $947.65 H9-1567 Medicaid transportation $3,533.75 H9-1572 Administrative expenses $6,511.17 H9-1575 Administrative expenses $174,831.06 H9-1577 In county travel $470.25 H9-1582 Administrative expenses $1,492.32 H9-1600 Day care services $9,533.25 SB9-228 In county travel $16.50 SB9-230 Administrative expenses $1,316.94 SB9-231 Administrative expenses $42,382.26
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the ) Lorain County Treasurer )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain County Treasurer.
DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT INTEREST EARNED / ON CUSIP# INV WITH ACCT # 1 11/23/2009 INT PAYMENT $7,375.00 Federal Home Loan Bank, PO#08-0044 3133XRCX6 EST 006470-00
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______c.3 RESOLUTION NO. 09-825
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations:
$ 30,919.28 to be appropriated to: quarterly allocation from lcswmd for deputies salaries & exp for oct-dec 09/sheriff $ 24,969.60 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-5000-5005 $ 4,402.14 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-5040-0000 $ 749.08 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-5100-0000 $ 798.46 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6000-6000 $ 19,670.11 to be appropriated to: reimburse form eng, new Russia twp and jvs pay in/sheriff $ 6,716.97 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6050-0000 $ 6,492.80 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6000-6009 $ 6,460.34 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380
Resolution No. 09-825 cont. December 3, 2009 $ 3,195.00 to be appropriated to: purchase computers/adult prob isp $ 3,195.00 to 2560-2560-280-280-03-6050-6054 $ 15,400.00 to be appropriated to: increase/adult prob $ 10,000.00 to 2940-0000-280-280-03-6050-0000 $ 5,400.00 to 2940-0000-280-280-03-6200-0000
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______c.4 RESOLUTION NO. 09-826
In the matter of authorizing various account transfers)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account transfers:
Account transfers; $ 2,318.85 from 1000-0000-100-106-01-7070-000-10000 purchase orders/office service To 1000-0000-100-106-01-6050-6050-1000 $ 5,471.00 from 1000-0000-100-106-01-6600-6601-1000 To 1000-0000-100-106-01-6050-6050-1000 $ 12,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-106-01-6600-6002-1000 To 1000-0000-100-106-01-6050-6050-1000 $ 2,374.89 from 1000-0000-100-106-01-6000-0000-1000 To 1000-0000-100-106-01-6050-6050-1000 $ 4,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-112-01-6200-0000 proj exp/comm gen To 1000-0000-100-112-01-6000-6009 $ 3,000.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6381 mdt contract for 6 mdts w/sungard public sector/sheriff To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6200-0000 $ 51,163.68 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 reimburse vac/sick leave payout for Marilyn jacobcik, board of elec To 1000-0000-540-000-01-5000-5001 $ 2,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6203 amend to meet additional spending/lcdjfs To 2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6218 $ 350.00 from 2500-0000-220-000-01-7070-0000 pay for supplies/pros detract To 2500-0000-220-000-01-6000-0000 $ 730.00 from 5000-5010-100-000-10-6100-6104 exp year end/transportation ctr To 5000-5010-100-000-10-7220-0000 $ 200.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-6200-6202 salary/life ins for year end/san eng To 7100-7100-300-304-11-5080-5081 $ 20,000.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-6050-0000 To 7100-7100-300-304-11-5000-5001 $ 10,000.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-6000-6000 To 7100-7100-300-304-11-5000-5001 $ 10,000.00 from 7100-7100-300-304-11-5080-5080 To 7100-7100-300-304-11-5000-5001 $ 58.34 from 7200-0000-100-000-11-7200-0000 printing exp/transit To 7200-0000-100-000-11-7220-7221 $ 146,934.36 from 7200-0000-100-138-11-6050-0000 contract serv 7 vehicle exp/transit To 7200-0000-100-138-11-6380-6380 $ 104,165.64 from 7200-0000-100-138-11-6050-0000 To 7200-0000-100-000-11-6200-0000 $ 129,414.00 from 7200-0000-100-138-11-6050-6055 To 7200-0000-100-000-11-6200-0000 $ 14,500.00 from 7200-0000-100-138-11-6100-6103 To 7200-0000-100-000-11-6200-0000 $ 19,156.74 from 7200-0000-100-000-11-5000-5001 To 7200-0000-100-000-11-5110-0000 $ 2,466.93 from 7200-0000-100-000-11-5110-0000 To 7200-0000-100-000-11-6200-0000
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______
C5 JOURNAL ENTRY There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______
c.6 RESOLUTION NO. 09-827
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and) Services for various county departments )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
1507-09 9-1-1 Agency (3480) 7 New Instant Recall Recorders Updates Vasu Commun. 18,185.00 1508-09 9-1-1 Agency (3480) KVM Switches Vasu Commun. 14,020.20 Lorain County 9-1-1 Agency Dept – Total ------$ 32,205.20 1509-09 Adult Probation (2560) HP Compaq Business Notebook Safari Micro 3,195.00 Lorain County Adult Probation Dept – Total ------$ 3,195.00 1510-09 Auditor’s (2480) Website Enhancements Cadastral GIS Enhanc. Bruce Harris 327,000.00 Lorain County Auditor’s Dept – Total ------$327,000.00 1511-09 Board of Elections Contract relating to training the policy LCCC 5,300.00 Lorain County Board of Elections Dept – Total ------$ 5,300.00 1512-09 Board of Revision Copier Lease. 6/1/09-5/31/10 Meritech Inc 1,344.00 Lorain County Board of Revision Dept – Total ------$ 1,344.00 1513-09 CBCF (8300) Amendment to P.O. 2009002557 Internet Services Windstream 500.00 1514-09 CBCF (8300) Amendment to P.O. 2009002564 Fuel LC Engineer 500.00 1515-09 CBCF (8300) Polycam Application, Logitech Quickcam, etc Global Gov’t Ed. 356.84 Lorain County Lor/Med CBCF Dept – Total ------$ 1,356.84 1516-09 Clerk of Courts (2180) Monthly Software Maintenance Dec 09 GBS 4,166.67 1517-09 Clerk of Courts (2520) Ceiling, Light and Duct Work Jorge Serrat 2,000.00 Lorain County Clerk of Courts Dept – Total ------$ 6,166.67 1518-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000328 Gas Services Columbia Gas 11,000.00 1519-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000314 Gas Services Columbia Gas 2,500.00 1520-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000327 Gas Services Columbia Gas 2,500.00 1521-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000325 Gas Services Columbia Gas 1,000.00 1522-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000323 Gas Services Columbia Gas 500.00 1523-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000320 Gas Services Columbia Gas 1,800.00 1524-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000324 Gas Services Columbia Gas 1,500.00 1551-09 Commissioners/BG Symantec Protection Suite Enterprise Ed. Insight Public 4,336.00 Lorain County Commissioners/BG Dept – Total ------$ 25,136.00 1525-09 Common Pleas (3630) Reimbursement of Court Costs LC Clerk of Courts 65,454.09 Lorain County Common Pleas Dept – Total ------$ 65,454.09 1526-09 Domestic Rel.(2680) Alcohol & Drug Counseling Oct-Dec 09 LCADA 4,650.00 1527-09 Domestic Rel. Interpretation Services for Court Hearings International Lang. 1,250.00 1528-09 Domestic Rel. Amendment to P.O. 2009000435 Copier lease MT Business Tech. 325.00 1529-09 Domestic Rel. BPO Nov-Dec 09 Postage Service LC Treasurer 5,020.63 1530-09 Domestic Rel. Software support services for Juvenile Court CourtView Justice 6,534.00 1531-09 Domestic Rel. BPO Nov-Dec 2009 Cellphone Services Verizon Wireless 390.00 1532-09 Domestic Rel. BPO Nov-Dec 2009 Cellphone Services Verizon Wireless 1,448.15 1533-09 Domestic Rel. Various Security Camera System Upgrades (g) Southeast Security 5,911.00 1534-09 Domestic Rel. Various Security Camera System Upgrades (b) Southeast Security 7,710.00 1535-09 Domestic Rel. SBPO Energy Conservation Project FY’09 DH LC Treasurer 8,000.00 1536-09 Domestic Rel. BPO Nov-Dec 2009 Panel iCup with adulteration Box, Michael DBA 2,765.00 1537-09 Domestic Rel. Success for Youth Oct- 09 Catholic Charities 4,865.50 1538-09 Domestic Rel.(2020) Case Manager 1 /2 of Contract Oct 09 Catholic Charities 6,264.00 Lorain County Domestic Relations Dept – Total ------$ 55,133.28 1539-09 Engineers (2580) Take apart and find transmission problem West Shore New 2,250.40 1540-09 Engineers (2580) Amendment to P.O. 2009003434 SBPO Fuel BP Products 30,000.00 Lorain County Engineers Dept – Total ------$ 32,250.40 1541-09 Job & Family (2280) Telephone Headsets and Accessories Calvert Wire & 1,676.45 Lorain County Job & Family Services Dept – Total ------$ 1,676.45 1542-09 Prosecutor’s COPS III Support, COPS III Juvenile Support Text & Data Tech. 2,900.00 1543-09 Prosecutor’s HP Desktop DX 2450 MNJ Technologies 3,800.00 Lorain County Prosecutor’s Dept – Total ------$ 6,700.00 1544-09 Sheriff’s Dell Computers with LCD Dell Computer 5,299.20 1545-09 Sheriff’s Smart Business Internet Tier -6 MBPS X 1 Static Time Warner Cable 219.92 1546-09 Sheriff’s MDE-2 Digital Enterceptor in car camera, Shipping Martel Electronics 6,040.00 Lorain County Sheriff’s Dept – Total ------$ 11,559.12 1547-09 Solid Waste (2260) Commissioners Cable Ads for Oct-Nov 09 Time Warner Cable 2,783.00 Lorain County Solid Waste Dept – Total ------$ 2,783.00 1548-09 Transit (7200) Amendment to P.O. 2009001144 SBPO Bus Svc. First Transit 269,703.31 1549-09 Transit (7200) Amendment to P.O. 2009001143 SBPO Maint. First Transit 146,934.36 Lorain County Transit Dept – Total ------$ 416,637.67 1550-09 Workforce (2300) Commercial Upright Vacuum w/onboard att. Bobels 588.01 Lorain County Workforce Development Dept – Total ------$ 588.01
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______c.7 RESOLUTION NO. 09-828
In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various ) personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments. Lorain County Job & Family Services 330-09 King, Jeff OJFSDA Fiscal Committee Meeting Columbus, OH 12/15/09 30.00 Lorain County Solid Waste 331-09 Billman, Daniel CCAO Winter Conference Columbus, OH 12/10/09 108.75 Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______c.8 RESOLUTION NO. 09-829
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners: VENDOR PURPOSE ACCOUNT # AMOUNT General United Parcel Service Inc Express Shipments 1000 0000 100 106 01 7070 0000 $90.00 Bobels Supplies 1000 0000 100 106 01 6000 0000 $23.12 Rural Urban Record Renewal Subscription 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 $35.00 Applied Industrial Technologies Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $522.97 Ganobcik Security Locksmiths Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $766.00 Ganobcik Security Locksmiths Professional Services 1000 0000 100 104 01 6200 6218 $77.00 Ohio Department of Commerce Building Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 $851.75 H & H Auto Parts Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $87.75 H & H Auto Parts Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $78.10 E M Service Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $10.00 E M Service Inc Other Expenses 1000 0000 100 104 01 7070 0000 $40.00 Sugar Ridge Inc Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $59.00 Cintas Corporation Uniform Rental 1000 0000 100 104 01 6600 6602 $219.60 Grafton Mower Service Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $196.10 United Refrigeration Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $53.48 Polen Implement Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $85.67 MT Business Technologies Maint. Agreement 1000 0000 100 000 01 6200 0000 $75.00 Perkins Motor Service Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $154.60 Perkins Motor Service Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $5.19 Paladin Professional Sound Inc Professional Services 1000 0000 100 104 01 6200 6218 $593.75 MT Business Technologies Ink Cartridges 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 $884.72 Insight Public Sector Computer Equipment 1000 0000 100 102 10 6050 6054 $352.32 Gene Ptacek & Son Building Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 $409.00 MT Business Technologies Supplies 1000 0000 100 106 01 6000 0000 $234.50 Lorain County Treasurer Mail Charges` 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 $260.41 Chronicle Telegram Notice To Bidders 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 $73.91 USA Mobility Pager Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $223.11 Chronicle Telegram Notice To Bidders 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 $592.45 Dickman Directories Directory 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 $126.00 Ohio Edison Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $35.47 Superior Electric Supply Co. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $225.05 Elyria Hardware Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $59.62 Sandusky Electric, Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $190.40 Consumers Builders Supply Co. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $206.03 Banner Supply Company Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $357.80 Grafton Mower Service Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $203.99 Fed Ex Express Shipments 1000 0000 100 106 01 7070 0000 $87.64 Paladin Professional Sound Inc Repairs 1000 0000 100 108 01 6380 0000 $285.00 Western Reserve Resource Conservation Dues 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7070 $250.00 Sexauer, J A Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $589.18 Fed Ex Express Shipments 1000 0000 100 106 01 7070 0000 $10.00 Polen Implement Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $63.50 Leff Electric Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $232.25 Cintas Corporation Uniform Rental 1000 0000 100 104 01 6600 6602 $219.60 TOTAL $10,196.03 Dog Kennel Fox Veterinary Hospital Professional Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $248.96 Verizon Wireless Telephone 2220 0000 100 000 05 6050 0000 $99.00 Office Products Copier Maint. Agreement 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 $29.95 Trico Oxygen Company Supplies 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $191.57 Moelk Sales Supplies 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $16.00 TOTAL $585.48 Bascule Bridge Superior Electric Supplies 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 $62.66 Rebman Systems Service Call 2640 0000 100 000 04 6380 0000 $172.50 Lorain County Engineers Repairs 2640 0000 100 000 04 6380 6380 $209.41 Lorain County Treasurer Mail Charges 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 $0.61 EM Service Equipment 2640 0000 100 000 04 6050 0000 $253.60 TOTAL $698.78 Crime Lab Verizon Wireless Telephone Services 3460 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 $37.10 TOTAL $37.10 9-1-1 Agency CDW-G HP Media Card Reader 3480 0000 100 000 03 6050 6054 $49.00 Verizon Wireless Telephone Services 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 $64.24 Windstream Corporation Telephone Services 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 $419.76 Zee Medical First Aid Supplies 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $160.60 First Impression Mats Mat Rental 3480 0000 100 000 03 6600 6603 $112.66 Lorain County Transit Oct 09 Bus Signs 3480 0000 100 000 03 7220 0000 $652.50 APCO International, Inc Annual Dues 3480 0000 100 000 03 7070 0000 $92.00 Telvent DTN, DBA Meterlogix Remaining Balance 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $246.00 APCO International, Inc Annual Dues 3480 0000 100 000 03 7070 0000 $92.00 Vasu Communications Equipment 3480 0000 100 000 03 6050 0000 $500.00 Ohio Secure Shred, LLC Shredding 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6218 $25.00 CenturyLink Telephone Services 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 $320.08 CenturyLink Internet Services 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6222 $59.95 Whitehouse Artesian Springsd Water 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $33.75 HEM Intergration August 2009 Invoice 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6218 $977.50 TOTAL $3,805.04
Engineers Public Employee Retirement System Payment 2580 0000 300 300 04 5040 0000 $7,407.11 Public Employee Retirement System payment 2580 0000 300 300 04 5040 0000 $6,614.47 TOTAL $14,021.58 Medically Handicapped Children Treasurer, State of Ohio Other Expenses 2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 $79,506.84 TOTAL $79,506.84 Transportation Center Chronicle Telegram Notice to Bidders 5000 5010 100 000 10 7220 0000 $729.07 TOTAL $729.07
Sanitary Engineers Ohio Edison Utility Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $1,150.65 Lorain County Engineer Repairs 7100 7100 300 304 11 6380 6380 $128.28 Lorain County Engineer Fuel 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 6000 $919.67 Treasurer, State of Ohio Other Expenses 7100 7100 300 304 11 7070 0000 $2,447.50 Ohio Water Development Other Expenses 7100 7114 300 318 11 7070 0000 $47,711.27 Ohio Water Development Other Expenses 7100 7110 300 314 11 7070 0000 $27,724.62 Ohio Water Development Other Expenses 7100 7106 300 310 11 7070 0000 $14,978.25 TOTAL $95,060.24 Airport Lorain County Engineer Vehicle Expenses 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 6380 $481.88 Conrads Vehicle Expenses 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 6380 $500.24 Mac's Auto Equipment 7300 0000 100 000 11 6050 0000 $535.00 Emerge Professional Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6218 $240.00 TOTAL $1,757.12 Children And Family Council Lorain County Treasurer Record Center Fees 8240 AARA 100 000 14 7000 $38.30 7013 Chronicle Telegram Advertising 8100 FY10 100 000 14 7220 0000 $35.61 MT Business Technologies Professional Services 8240 ARRA 100 000 14 6200 $43.76 6218 MT Business Technologies Professional Services 8240 FY10 100 000 14 6200 6218 $63.95 MT Business Technologies Professional Services 8210 FY10 100 000 14 6200 6218 $228.89 Cynthia Spillman Other Expenses 8210 FY10 100 000 14 7070 0000 $227.87 Bobels Supply 8240 ARRA 100 000 14 6000 $18.77 0000 Bobels Supply 8240 FY10 100 000 14 6000 0000 $27.44 TOTAL $684.59 Golden Acres Rex Pipe and Supply Co. Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $78.02 ZEP Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $549.74 Imagistics Inc Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $305.80 FlagHouse Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $153.53 Famous Supply Co. Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $930.00 Clemenson Enterprises Inc DBA CEI Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $209.88 Bose Corporation Stereo System 3420 0000 100 000 05 6050 0000 $759.90 Lorain County Engineer Fuel 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 $42.41 NAPA Auto Parts Car Parts 3420 0000 100 000 05 6380 6380 $88.57 IVANS Medicare Billing 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 $16.38 CenturyLink Telephone Services 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $500.49 CenturyLink Internet Services 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6222 $65.43 Terminix Pest Control 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $73.00 Donna Halbisen Entertainment 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $50.00 Professional Medical Inc Medical Supplies 3424 0000 100 000 05 6000 6004 $823.73 Medline Medical Supplies 3424 0000 100 000 05 6000 6004 $71.45 LifeCare Ambulance Ambulance Transportation 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6220 $592.84 Medline Medical Supplies 3424 0000 100 000 05 6000 6004 $12.06 TOTAL $5,323.23
Hospitalization Fort Dearborn Life CITY Dep Supp Life 1030 0000 100 000 01 5080 5086 $380.88 Fort Dearborn Life November 09 Monthly 1030 0000 100 000 01 5080 5086 $18,100.50 Invoice Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $446,704.06 Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 2200 0000 550 000 03 6200 6228 $87.33 Delta Dental Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $21,793.28 Spectera inc Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $21,300.16 Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $150,045.44 Medical Mutual of Ohio Admin. Fee 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5085 $146,397.06 Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 2200 0000 550 000 03 6200 6228 $19,557.66 Wellpoint Pharmacy Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $197,595.63 Delta Dental Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $13,523.36 Delta Dental Admin. Fee 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5085 $8,118.00 TOTAL $1,043,603.36 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Lorain County Treasurer Postage 1000-0000-400-406-02-6000-6002 $2,719.29 Lorain County Treasurer Postage 1000-0000-400-406-02-6000-6002 $2,774.81 Total $5,494.10 RECLAIM OHIO Lorain County Engineer Gas 2700-0000-400-414-06-6000-6000 $979.25 Lorain County Engineer Van repairs 2700-0000-400-414-06-6380-6380 $562.63 Total $1,541.88 Lorain County Treasurer Indirect cost 1000-0000-400-406-02-7000-7000 $59,496.00 total $59,496.00 Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
County Administrator Cordes requested an executive session to discuss personnel/potential hires at LCDJFS and ongoing labor negotiations. ______c.10 RESOLUTION NO. 09-830
In the matter of approving & waiving the ) reading of the same for the Lorain County) Board of Commissioners meeting minutes) December 3, 2009 of November 19 & 24, 2009 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes
For November 19 & 24, 2009
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______c.11 JOURNAL ENTRY
In the matter of creating fund 3110-County ) Law Library Resources Fund ) December 3, 2009
Commissioner Kalo asked about the changes. County Administrator Cordes said he was not real sure other than the county needs to be in compliance with the new law and establishing a board, which the board has done. A meeting needs to be held hopefully before the end of the year and the Bar Association has sent a letter and various elements are moving. Ron Twining, Assistant Lorain County Administrator said this is setting up the fund in order to receive revenue and make expenditures. Discussion continued and the following resolution was adopted: c.11 RESOLUTION NO. 09-831
In the matter of creating fund 3110-County ) Law Library Resources Fund ) December 3, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby create fund 3110-County Law Library Resources Fund.
HB4240 approved how county law libraries in Ohio are managed beginning in 2010 per ORC 307.514 in order for the county to receive law library revenue and make expenditures.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
Resolution No. 09-832 Revised Code, Secs. 5705.34, - 35.
The Board of County Commissioners of LORAIN COUNTY , Ohio, met in regular session on the 3rd day of December , 2009 , ( Regular or Special) at the office of the Lorain County Commissioners, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski Commissioner Ted Kalo Commissioner Betty Blair
Commissioner Kokoski moved the adoption of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, This Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2010; and
WHEREAS, The Budget Commission of Lorain County, Ohio, has certified its action thereon to this Board together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill tax limitation; therefore, be it
LORAI RESOLVED, By the Board of County Commissioners of N County, Ohio, that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the
same are hereby accepted; and be it further RESOLVED, That there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said County the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as follows:
SCHEDULE A SUMMARY OF AMOUNTS REQUIRED FROM GENERAL PROPERTY TAX APPROVED BY BUDGET COMMISSION, AND COUNTY AUDITOR'S ESTIMATED TAX RATES Amount to Be Amount Approved County Auditor's Derived from by Budget Estimate of Tax Rate FUND Levies Outside Commission to Be Levied 10 Mill Inside 10 Mill Inside 10 Outside 10 Mill Limitation Limitation Mill Limit Limit Column II Column IV V VI General Fund 8,059,770 1.25 Sinking Fund and Bond 2,256,736 0.35 Crime Lab 519,480 0.25 911 1,941,866 0.35 Tuberculosis Clinic 685,283 0.10 Children's Services 9,109,758 1.50 Mental Retardation 8,063,889 1.69 Community Mental Health 10,616,721 1.80 Golden Acres 0 0.00 Mental Retardation 9,869,749 1.80
Maximum Rate FUND Authorized to Be Levied
General Fund:
Special Levy Funds:
AntiDrug Lab Unit authorized by voters on 06/08/82 Continuing years 0.25
Tuberculosis Clinic authorized by voters on 05/08/07 for not to exceed 5 years. Beginning 2007 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2012 0.10
911 Emergency System authorized by voters on 03/04/08 for not to exceed 5 years. Beginning 2008 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2013 0.35
Mental Health authorized by voters on 11/06/07 for not to exceed 5 years. Beginning 2008 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2013 0.60
Mental Health authorized by voters on 11/02/04 for not to exceed 5 years. Beginning 2005 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2010 1.20
Children Services authorized by voters on 11/08/05 for not to exceed 5 years. Beginning 2005 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2010 1.50
Mental Hlth & Retardation authorized by voters on 03/04/08 for not to exceed 5 years. 1.69 Beginning 2008 Duplicate Expiring Last Collection 2013
Mental Hlth & Retardation authorized by voters on 05/02/06 Continuing years 1.80
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of said County.
Commissioner Blair seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:
Commissioner Kokoski , xxxxxxx yes no
Commissioner Blair , xxxxxxx yes no
Commissioner Kalo , xxxxxxx yes no
Adopted the 3rd day of December , 2009
Attest: S/Theresa L. Upton Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners County, Lorain Ohio
The State of Ohio, LORAIN County, ss.
I, Theresa L. Upton , Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners within and for said County, and in whose custody the Files and Records of said Board are required by the Laws of the State of Ohio to be kept, do hereby certify that the foregoing is taken and copied from the original Lorain County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes journal on December 3, 2009 now on file, that the foregoing has been compared by me with said original document, and that the same is a true and correct copy thereof.
WITNESS my signature, this 3rd day of December 2009 S/Theresa L. Upton Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, LORAIN County, Ohio. 1. A copy of this Resolution must be certified to the County Auditor within the time prescribed by Sec. 5705.34 R.C., or at such later date as may be approved by the Department of Taxation of Ohio. No. 09-832
LORAIN County, Ohio
(Board of County Commissioners)
Adopted 3-Dec 2009 S/Theresa L. Upton Clerk
Filed 2009
County Auditor By Deputy ______
C.13 RESOLUTION NO. 09-833
In the matter of submitting federal grant applications ) with FTA and other Federal Agencies for FY 2010 ) December 3, 2009 transportation assistance grants )
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorize the County Administrator to file applications with the Federal Transit Administration under the Urban Formula Funding Program (Section 5307) of the Federal Transit Act, as codified, and under Section 5309 Discretionary Grants, and any other Federal Grants that may be applicable to Lorain County Transit; and
WHEREAS, the Directors of the Federal Transit Administration and Ohio Department of Transportation are authorized to make grants for mass public transportation programs, and
WHEREAS, Federal contracts for financial assistance will impose certain obligations upon the applicant, including the provision of the local share of the project costs in the program, and
WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that in connection with the filing of an application for assistance, the applicant gives an assurance that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; and
WHEREAS, it is the goal of the applicant that minority business enterprises be used to the extent possible in connection with these projects, and that definite procedures shall be established and administered to ensure that minority business shall have an opportunity for construction contracts, supplies, equipment contracts, consulting and other services.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the County Administrator is authorized to execute and file applications on behalf of Lorain County Transit with the Federal Transit Administration and other Federal agencies to aid in the financing of planning, capital, and operating assistance projects.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is authorized to execute and file with such applications an assurance or any other document required by the U.S. Department of Transportation or other Federal agencies or the Ohio Department of Transportation effectuating the purposes of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 including an affirmative minority business policies in connection with the program of projects’ procurement needs.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
C.14 RESOLUTION NO. 09-834
In the matter of authorizing various filing of applications) with the Ohio Department of Transportation for FY 2010) December 3, 2009 transportation assistance grants )
WHEREAS, these grants may include the Ohio Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program, the Ohio Public Transportation Grant Program, and the Discretionary Urban Capital Program.
WHEREAS, the State of Ohio through its FY 2010 programs has made available funds to assist public transportation systems in Ohio; and
WHEREAS, Lorain County Transit is the transit operator for Lorain County Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, Lorain County Transit is presently providing transit service and observing all federal and state rules regarding these programs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the County Administrator to file applications and execute contracts for the SFY 2010 Ohio Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program, the Ohio Public Transportation Grant Program, and the State Discretionary Urban Capital Program on behalf of the Lorain County Commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is authorized to furnish such additional information as the Ohio Department of Transportation may require in connection with these applications.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
JOURNAL ENTRY December 3, 2009
Commissioner Kokoski hopes that these grants come through. Commissioner Kalo has been in contact with Congresswoman Sutton Office and looking at a jobs bill to be passed sometime with the next week that will have transportation dollars in it, but not sure how it will be paid for. He received an email from Minnesota Democratic Senator stating he is not very happy current administration and will make testimony before transportation committee. County Administrator Cordes said he planned to discuss this today, speaking with the Commissioners individually and the Board had to maintain the rights under contract with regards to proper notice. He and Mr. Twining met last week with various parties with regards to contractual issues and serve notice and waited until December 1. He is waiting on a proposal from First Transit regarding para transit (dial a ride). In his discussion with the Board there has been a willingness to want to keep some form of transit, because if the county completely shuts down, a restart will take a couple of years to get back into the arena with the FTA and to acquire capital rolling stock. The county has seen unexpecting revenue for the transit twice this past year and go back into service relatively quickly. We had to give First Transit a notice because they have many employees that are effected, also they are going to send a proposal to maybe run 1 or 2 fixed routes around the county, but don’t seem to have majority of support. Commissioner Kalo said the Employment Network has anticipated a job loss of around 300 due to no transit service. County Administrator Cordes said there would also be around 40 at First Transit, the students that attend LCCC/JVS/Alternate School, Elyria. We do not have convenient ridership on the transit even when LCT was operating at full capacity with the $1.7 million dollar support from the board it has always been necessary ridership. Commissioner Kokoski said there were several residents several months ago telling there everyday stories why the transit was needed and it is hard to cut but this is one of the unmandated services. Commissioner Kokoski said she hopes that money comes from the FTA. Commissioner Kalo said his office received 28 calls yesterday and more today. Commissioner Blair said it is not just the transit that is facing problems it is also Cleveland RTA. Commissioner Kalo said the problem is all across the State of Ohio and the country. County Administrator Cordes said the county is only 1 of 2 transits that do not have dedicated revenue. It is not just $500,000, it is this plus fare boxes equating to around $5 million to completely run the transit system in the county. This county continues to be a donor county. Commissioner Blair said need to make a plea to the federal legislators as well as the state legislators because it has been there lack of contribution to the transit systems in Ohio. The neighboring states like; Michigan and Indiana receive a lot of money for their transits.
Commissioner Blair moved, seconded by Kokoski to have a letter sent to the Governor and State Legislators regarding the lack of distribution of local monies. Discussion was held and the following resolution was adopted: Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 09-835
December 4, 2009
Governor Ted Strickland 77 South High Street, Floor 30 Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108
Dear Governor Strickland:
Lorain County will become the most populous county in Ohio without a public transportation system, effective December 31, 2009.
The State of Ohio is one of the nation’s least generous when it comes to providing operating support to public transportation. There are ten states that support transit less than Ohio, yet Ohio is the nations’ 7th most populous state.
Less than one percent of Ohio’s $3.8 billion annual transportation budget goes to public transit. In 2009, the State will spend $12 million to cut the grass along its Interstates; this is more than the $10 million Ohio will spend to support public transit and its 250,000 daily users. On a per capita basis, Indiana spends $3.6 times more than Ohio on transit, Michigan nearly 10 times more and Pennsylvania more than 33 times more.
With the loss of the transit system in the county, this will cause an approximate loss of 400+ jobs, not to mention the citizens that rely on this for their daily functions; i.e.; medical appointments, shopping, etc.
We appreciated the federal funding but this can only buy buses, improve facilities and build transit centers, there is no money for operating costs.
Lorain County needs your financial assistance.
LORAIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS S/Lori Kokoski, President S/Ted Kalo, Vice-President S/Betty Blair, Member Cc: Senator Sue Morano Representative Matt Lundy Representative Joe Koziura File
Motion by Blair, seconded by Kokoski to adopt said letter as Resolution. Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
In the matter of approving Change ) Order #1 to Lucas Plumbing & Heating ) Lorain, Ohio for additional work at the ) Lorain County Transit Maintenance ) Facility. ) December 3, 2009
County Administrator Cordes said even though the county might not be having transit system or fixed route but the county is building a maintenance facility and why money is going into buses. He stated the county had to buy buses or the money would be returned because it could not be used for anything else. He and Ron Twining will be meeting with the Chicago FTA and they could order use to transfer or sell the buses, there are a lot of elements that still need to be reviewed. First Transit is still interested in using the maintenance facility and could be renting DIY building. The train station needs to be complete, hoped to have phase 2 and ribbon cutting by November/December 2009, but looks like it be February/march 2010. This money has been earmarked and the project will be complete, the building will be secured and hope to reestablish continuity with the partners to become a model hub there is no sense in stopping the project in the middle, we will never get the money to complete. Discussion continued and the following resolution was adopted; c.15 RESOLUTION NO. 09-836
In the matter of approving Change ) Order #1 to Lucas Plumbing & Heating ) Lorain, Ohio for additional work at the ) Lorain County Transit Maintenance ) Facility. ) December 3, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $5,834.00 to Lucas Plumbing & Heating, Inc., Lorain, Ohio.
Said Change Order is as follows:
Scope of Work: Provide material, equipment, skilled labor and supervision for the following:
1. Provide and install 140 linear feet of 4” SDR 350 sewer pipe to serve the new oil interceptor 2. Provide excavation for piping install 3. Patch excavated area with 4” of asphalt
The cost for said work shall not exceed $5,835.00.
The funds are available from the Transit Maintenance Facility account #7200 0000 100 138 11 6100 6104..
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize the President or Vice-President to execute this Change Order on behalf of the Board.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
C.16 RESOLUTION NO. 09-837
In the matter of approving an amendment to ) Resolution #09-422 adopted June 18, 2009, ) to the Purchase of Service agreement with ) December 3, 2009 Neighborhood House Association of Lorain ) County for state fiscal year 2010 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby amend Resolution #09-422 adopted June 18, 2009, to the Purchase of Service agreement with Neighborhood House Association of Lorain County for state fiscal year 2010.
Said amendment is considered a part this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing Department and Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services.
This amendment will increase the value of the contract by $100,000.00. The total value of the agreement shall not exceed $125,000.00 for the contract period ending June 30, 2010.
All other provisions of the agreement approved with Resolution #09-422 remain in effect.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payment for services to be made within the amount set above for contracts and/or subcontracts.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of approving the request from Habitat for Humanity) Elyria to receive six (6) refurbished computers from Lorain ) County Solid Waste )December 3, 2009
WHEREAS, John Keaton, Executive Director, Lorain County Habitat for Humanity, Elyria requested six (6) refurbished computers from Lorain County Solid Waste; and
WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity was organized in 1989, an innovating non-profit ministry committed to providing families in need with life-changing opportunities and chance to build and purchase a decent affordable home. They have constructed 39 homes for 155 family members and positioning themselves as one of Lorain County’s best affordable residential developers for households earning an average annual income of $20,859; and
WHEREAS, the computers will be used by the Volunteer Coordinator to be able to stay in touch with the parent organization (Habitat for Humanity International) better, tack volunteers, update data base, create and respond to surveys and help with our grant request.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissions that we hereby approve the request from Habitat for Humanity to receive 6 refurbished computers.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
C.17 RESOLUTION NO. 09-839
In the matter of Instructing the Clerk to advertise for) bids for the Lorain County Engineer’s Office for ) Quarry Road Bridge #0820 Replacement in ) December 3, 2009 Brighton and Wellington Township’s )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby instruct the Clerk to advertise for bids for the Lorain County Engineer’s Office for Quarry Road Bridge #0820 Replacement in Brighton and Wellington Township’s as follows:
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 P.M. on December 29, 2009 in the Lorain County Board of Commissioners, Purchasing Department, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio for the furnishing of all labor, material and equipment for replacing the Quarry Road Bridge #0820 in Brighton and Wellington Townships in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the office of Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer. The work consists of the removal of the existing bridge and substructure, driving piles, concrete cap and abutments, prestressed box beams with 80’ span, paving, guardrail and appurtenances. All interested parties are welcome to attend the bid opening to be held immediately following the deadline, in the Lorain County Commissioners Public Hearing Room-D. All materials and equipment must meet the specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation and shall include all necessary barricades, signs, lights, watchmen, etc., and work performed shall be under the supervision of Lorain County Engineer. All contractors involved with this project will, to an extent practicable use Ohio products, materials, services and labor in implementation of this project. Bidders shall submit a list of equipment available and labor shall be paid not less than the prevailing wage rate as determined by The Ohio Bureau of Employment Services for Lorain County. The Project is being funded in part with Ohio Public Works Commission funds. Official bid documents and specifications can be obtained at the office of the Lorain County Engineer, 247 Hadaway Street, Elyria, Ohio between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Only bids prepared on the official documents obtained by the County Engineer will be accepted. A $30.00 non-refundable deposit is required for each set of bidding documents. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of bids or a bond for the full amount of the bid, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and a performance bond properly secured. Should any bid be rejected, such instrument will forthwith be returned upon proper execution of a contract. Each bid shall contain the full name or names of persons and company submitting the bid and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Quarry Road Bridge #0820”. A non-refundable deposit of $30.00 is required for each set of bidding documents. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities if it is deemed in the best interest of Lorain County to do so. Any interpretation, correction or modification to the specifications desired shall be in writing to James R. Cordes, County Administrator, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44035, and must be received at least four (4) working days prior to the date of bid opening.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of accepting on behalf of Eaton Township) the improvements of Willow Creek Subdivision No. 3 ) December 3, 2009
WHEREAS, Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer by letter dated November 23, 2009 submitted the following: “Please pass a resolution to accept the improvements of the subject subdivision – Willow Creek Subdivision No. 3, Eaton Township. Concrete pavement and storm sewers were installed, staring in 2005. Maintenance Bonds for the pavement and storm sewers had expired in 2006. Several concrete slabs of pavement were cracked and in 2008 they were finally replaced. In order to accept the improvements all deficiencies needed to be corrected and in 2009 all the deficiencies were corrected. Inspection fees have been paid and the engineer grants approval for the improvements. The Township Resolution is attached granting approval. The plat is recorded in the Lorain County Record of Plats in volume 85, Page 47 to 48; View Point Drive – Road #T-288 extending southerly from south boundary line of Willow Creek No. 2 Phase, 657.49 feet or 0.125 miles to center of a cul-de-sac Willow Creek Lane – Road #T-287, extending southerly from south boundary line of Willow Creek No. 2 Phase, 857.32 feet or 0.162 miles to a cul-de-sac; then extending easterly 627.50 feet or 0.119 miles to a cul-de-sac on View Point Drive, Road #T-288, for a total length of 1484.82 feet or 0.281 miles
WHEREAS, Eaton Township approved by Resolution No. 09-322 on November 3, 2009 accepting the improvements for subdivision.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners based upon the approval of Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer by letter dated November 23, 2009 and Eaton Township Resolution No. 09-322 on November 3, 2009 we hereby accept on behalf of Eaton Township the improvements of Willow Creek Subdivision No. 3.
Plats are records in Volume 85, Page 47 and 48 as follows: View Point Drive – Road #T-288 extending southerly from south boundary line of Willow Creek No. 2 Phase, 657.49 feet or 0.125 miles to center of a cul-de-sac Willow Creek Lane – Road #T-287, extending southerly from south boundary line of Willow Creek No. 2 Phase, 857.32 feet or 0.162 miles to a cul-de-sac; then extending easterly 627.50 feet or 0.119 miles to a cul-de-sac on View Point Drive, Road #T-288, for a total length of 1484.82 feet or 0.281 miles
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of approving a Letter of Understanding ) with Grafton Correctional Institute and the Lorain ) December 3, 2009 County Sheriff relating to housing of county prisoners) in case of a critical incident/disaster at the jail )
WHEREAS, Lorain County Sheriff by letter dated November 18, 2009 submitted the following: “Attached please find the original documents which is a Letter of Understanding between the Lorain County Sheriff (Lorain County Jail) and the Grafton Correctional Institute (State Prison) in regards to the housing of county prisoners. This letter of understanding is needed in case of a critical incident/disaster at the Lorain County jail, where we would need to transport the county inmates to the state prison. Correction Lt. Michael Crum is working on this disaster plan and contacted the warden at the Grafton Correctional Facility and had this letter drafted, which Warden Frank Shewalter has signed. Lt. Crum has also gone over this letter with the Lorain County Prosecutors Office and they have approved its content. It deals with any type of costs that would be needed to be paid by the county to the state, for the housing of these county inmates. I have also signed the letter and recommending that you sign same and forward the original back to me for dissemination. Should you have any questions I can be reached at 329-3702. Thanking you in advance. Sincerely, S/Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain County Sheriff”
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that based upon the letter dated November 18, 2009 from Lorain County Sheriff Stammitti we hereby approve a Letter of Understanding with Grafton Correctional Institute and the Lorain County Sheriff relating to housing of county prisoners in case of a critical incident/disaster at the jail.
Said letter of understanding is considered a part hereof to this resolution and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and Sheriff’s Office as follows:
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______
Clerk noted that this was the day duly advertised for the public hearing on the intent to designate solid waste facilities and invitation for designation. Notice was in the Chronicle on December 7, 2009. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said part of this hearing was to send notice to 50 industrial, commercial and institutional generators of solid wastes within the district, legislative authority of each municipal corporation and townships with the District and the Director of Ohio EPA. With no fault, there was not clarity as to who was sending the notices out, therefore Solid Waste District only sent notice to the 50 industrial, commercial and industrial generations. Therefore another hearing will have to be set up to notify the other entities Discussion continued and the following resolution was adopted:
C.19 RESOLUTION NO. 09-842
In the matter of Instructing Clerk to publish a ) 2nd public hearing on December 10, 2009 at ) 9:45 a.m. to designate an in-district solid waste) December 3, 2009 disposal facility for the receipt of solid waste ) generated within Lorain County Solid Waste ) Management District )
WHEREAS, the District's solid waste management plan approved by the Director of Ohio EPA on December 4, 2007 (the "Plan") authorizes the Board to establish facility designations in accordance with Section 343.014 of the Ohio Revised Code, and to negotiate a host community agreement with any solid waste operator where the Board believes an Agreement is in the best interests of the District; and
WHEREAS, the Plan further provides that the designation of solid waste facilities shall not apply to industrial generators in SIC code 20 and 22 through 39, inclusive; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes the designation of an in-district solid waste disposal facility subject to the terms and conditions of a host community agreement is likely to provide substantial benefits to the District including, but not limited to: assuring the availability of sufficient solid waste disposal capacity to safely and sanitarily handle all of the solid waste generated within the District during the planning period; providing a source of funding to enable the District to implement the Plan; and providing ancillary economic benefits to the District such as lower costs of disposal, local employment, etc.; and
WHEREAS, if the Board finalizes a host community agreement for the designation of an in-District solid waste disposal facility, the Board intends to adopt a District rule pursuant to the authority reserved in the Plan, granting a waiver from such designation for solid waste generated by industrial generators in SIC code 20 and 22 through 39, inclusive, and for solid waste that is delivered to a solid waste facility located outside the State of Ohio or that is subject to an existing solid waste collection agreement between the solid waste generator and a collection company that is not affiliated with the designated facility.
WHEREAS, the Board anticipates inviting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to R.C. 307.862 to determine which facility or facilities would result in the most advantageous agreement for the District if the Board finalized a host community agreement for the designation of an in-District solid waste disposal facility.
WHEREAS, this day was the duly advertised public hearing notice in the Chronicle Telegram on November 23, 2009 designate an in- district solid waste disposal facility for the receipt of solid waste generated within Lorain County Solid Waste Management District; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 09-804, adopted November 19, 2009 stated the District shall cause notice of said public hearing to the proposed designation, and the date, time and location of the public hearing relating thereto, be delivered to the: a. fifty industrial, commercial, and institutional generators of solid wastes within the district that generate the largest quantities of solid wastes, as determined by the Board, and to their local trade associations; b. legislative authority of each municipal corporation and township within the District; and c. the Director of Ohio EPA; and
Resolution No. 09-842 cont. December 3, 2009 WHEREAS, the Board has approved to hold a second public hearing on December 10, 2009 at 9:45 a.m., due to the discrepancy of notices not being sent to the legislative authority of each municipal corporations and townships within the District and the Director of EPA; and
WHEREAS, these notice will be sent by United States Postal Mail on December 3, 2009 and a public notice for the 2nd public hearing will be in the Chronicle Telegram on December 7, 2009.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
Dan Billman, Director, Lorain County Solid Waste Management District said a public hearing is being held today for designation as required by state statute. Solid Waste law allows a district to direct the flow of solid waste to specific solid waste facilities. In the market place there is a new chance that a new competitor could come with a contract and take the waste outside the county. If this happens, we have no means of collecting the fee. This designation will solve this problem, and there are many companies that would like to come in and we would like to see them come in but we would also like to see a fee collected. Commissioner Kokoski asked if this hearing was also asking the county to reduce the tipping fees. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said there has been a request to reduce the tipping fees but this is not just the exclusive purpose of holding this hearing, this also gives the ability to control solid waste. Commissioner Kalo said what is collected in Lorain County goes to the county landfill. Mr. Billman said unless we give a company a waiver and within the contract we could receive fees. Commissioner Kokoski asked if there were any public comments, there being none. Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to close the hearing. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. Assistant county Prosecutor Innes said there will be 2nd hearing next week at 9:45 am. On December 10, 2009. ______(discussion was held on the above) d. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. James R. Cordes had no issues for this day. ______e ASSISTANT COUNTY PROSECUTOR Mr. Gerald A. Innes had no issues for this day. ______f COMMISSIONERS REPORT
Commissioner Kokoski attended Team Lorain County meeting yesterday and said there is a possibility that four (4) new companies will be coming to Lorain County to include; distribution, alternative energy, food processing and professional business and could create 780 jobs.
Commissioner Kalo said the Great Lakes Task Force held a meeting here relating to the on/off shore wind turbines with over 120 people attended from St. Lawrence Seaway to Ashtabula county, very excited to stimulate new economic development issues in northeast Ohio.
Commissioner Blair along with Commissioner Kalo attended a session at LCCC with Attorney General Richard Cordray relating to various assistance that offered by the office. She stated that Community Alliance is February 4; tomorrow will have a roundtable discussion. Commissioner Blair said there was an early deadline on the senior news for this month and what she is going to announce today, is not because of the transit issue or anything else, she read a paragraph; “2010 will be her 20th and last year as your Lorain County Commissioner. She has solely enjoyed the privilege and honor of serving in this capacity. Each election year has brought a different challenge to face and without the support of her husband who passed away this year, she felt there was something lacking. I have appreciated public service and my family and grandchildren are wonderful but it still would not be the same. She will nag people to keep Lorain County in line but she will do it from a different perspective. County Administrator Cordes asked if she would sit in the audience along with are other regular’s. Commissioner Blair said she might not be nice like Shirley & Elizabeth. County Administrator Cordes said it has been a pleasure working with your for the past 16 years, Commissioner Kalo said it was not continuous service. Commissioner Blair said she would take credit for having him come back. Commissioner Kokoski said Betty has been the queen all these years and grooming her as a princess so when she is gone she moves up to queen. County Administrator Cordes said we have another full year left and it will be very challenging. ______(discussion was held on the above) g CLERK’S REPORT
Clerk Upton stated 2009 Board of Commissioners meeting; December 17 & 22 No meeting week of December 29 Organizational meeting will be Monday, January 11, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. Clerk stated the Board has discussed to have their meetings on Wednesday of next year. Commissioner Kalo stated he is involved in a lot of state committees and they hold their meetings on Thursday and he would like to attend. ______h BOARD CORRESPONDENCE Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to waive the reading of the same for board correspondence. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted Ayes: All.. Motion carried.
#1. Lorain County Community Alliance news for November/December r2009 #2. Ohio Department of Development documents (cc: LCCDD) a) FY2008 Ohio Small Cities CDBG Program has to be monitored for fair housing compliance b) Approval of Lorain Review report from for National Bronze & Metals in the amount of $34,694 c) FY08 State of Ohio Local Government Services collaboration grant G-08-043-1 has been approved for extension d) Completion date for B-F-08-043-1 is December 30, 2009 e) Grant agreements received and signed by Commissioner Kokoski for Res#09-427 on 6/18/09 #3. US Census bureau 2010 boundary and annexation survey workshop RSVP at [email protected] #4. Publications: “Electric co-op Today”; “LCDJFS fall newsletter”; “
Board correspondence cont. December 3, 2009 #5. Lorain County Engineer issued highway permits to the following: - #09-049 – Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install an 8” sanitary gravity and 3” to 4” force main with 27 laterals on Reed Rd from Durkee Rd to SR83 as per plans, Eaton Township - #09-050 – Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 10” to 12” sanitary gravity main with 21 laterals on Brokaw Rd from Reed Rd to Hawke Road, as per plans, Eaton Township - #09-051 – Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install 8” to 15” sanitary gravity and a 4” force main with 31 laterals on Colley Rd from SR83 to Hawke Rd as per plans, Eaton Township - #09-052 – Consumers Gas Coop, N. Canton to install a gas service tap at house #35199 Law Rd on south side of road at 1,100’+- west of Island Rd., Grafton Township - #09-053 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 1.25” to 3” sanitary fore main with 4 laterals on Root Rod from Hawke Rd to Sprague Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-054 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install at 8” sanitary gravity and 2.25” to 3” force main with 26 laterals on Island Rd form SR82 to Dye Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-055 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 1.25” to 2” sanitary force main with 6 laterals on Dye Rd from Island Rd to Reed Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-056 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 10” sanitary gravity main with 1 lateral on Marion Rd from Brokaw Rd to Henwill Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-057 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 10” sanitary gravity main with 17 laterals on Henwill Rd from Marion Rd to Hawke Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-058 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” to 10” gravity and 2.5” to 3” sanitary force main with 31 lateral on Hawke Rd from Rail Rd Tracks north to Root Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-059 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 1.25” to 2” sanitary force main with 5 laterals on Reed Rd (s) from SR82 to Rail rd tracks as per plans, Eaton - #09-060 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” sanitary gravity main with 1 lateral on Island Rd (s) from SR82 south 1,800’+- as per plans, Eaton - #09-061 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install at 8” to 10” sanitary gravity and 4” force main with 21 laterals on Cowley Rd from SR82 to Capel Rd as per plans, Eaton - #09-062 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” gravity and 1.25” to 2” sanitary force main with 8 laterals on Giles Rd form SR82 north to 5,200’+- as per plans, Eaton - #09-063 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” gravity and 1.25” to 2” sanitary force main with 28 laterals on Durkee Rd from SR82 south to 11,100’+- as per plans, Eaton - #09-064 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” sanitary gravity and 1.5” to 2” force main with 6 laterals on Capel Rd from Durkee Rd west to 1,880’+- as pre plans, Eaton - #09-065 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 1.25” to 2” sanitary force main with 8 laterals on Hidden Lane from Banks Rd to cul de sac, as per plans, Eaton - #09-066 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” sanitary gravity and 1.25” to 6” force main with 16 laterals on Banks Rd form SR301 east to 7,450’+- as per plans, Eaton - #09-067 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 6” to 8” sanitary force main with 9 laterals on Slife Rd from SR301 to Indian Hollow Rd as per plans, Carlisle - #09-068 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 18” sanitary gravity and 1.25” to 8” force main with 11 laterals on Robson Rd from SR57 to south end of said road, as per plans, Carlisle - #09-069 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 15” sanitary gravity and 2” force main with 40 laterals on Indian Hollow Rd from Parsons Rd north to 14,170’+- as per plans, Carlisle - #09-070 - Avon Lake Muni Utilities to install a 8” sanitary gravity and 1.25” to 2” force main with 9 laterals on Parsons Rd from 2,400’+- east and west of Indian Hollow Rd as per plans, Carlisle - #09-071 – Verizon North, Inc. Ashland to install a cable service line to house #15450 West Rd by boring under road from east side to west side of road, Pittsfield #6. 2008 Community Benefit Report for University Hospitals, brochure “discover the UH difference” #7. The NASA Glen Research Center; An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2008”, prepared by CSU Maxine Levin College of Urban Affairs, Center for Economic Development. The study describes the economic impact of the NASA Glen Research Center (GRC) on the State of Ohio and the 88 county Northeast Ohio regions during FY08. GRC provided to the State of Ohio over $1.2 billion in additional sales, creation of up to 7,599 additional jobs and an increase of household earnings up to $401.8 million; Northeast Ohio benefits were $1,055.7 billion, 6,225 jobs and $334.4 million in earnings #8. Gongwer Report; “Casino money for local governments prompts look into future state cuts” – The Ohio Society of CPAs raised the possibility in a budget advisory report released in early November that, among other things, said the state should “consider lowering or eliminating state allocations” to the Local Government Fund in response to the new casino gambling tax that will flow to local governments. Sheriff Stammitti said the county needs to be prepared, stand up against the legislators, this is our local tax monies they receive and should send back, we are providing the services to our local citizens, not the state” #9. Diane Lesesky, President – Chestnut Lakes Home Owners Assoc., Inc., Elyria regards to LORCO and the 18 inch pressurized sanitary sewer LORCO wants to run from RT82 to Avon Lake. There are many underlying problems in the Chestnut Lake subdivision that make this issue a problem, they are not willing to have this land disturbed at any expense. The high ground water, and hydrogen sulfide, methane and carbon monoxide gases in this area make this extremely dangerous problem... They have 3 test wells trough out the problem all have checked positive for these gases, any disbursement of the soil can lead to these gases migrating to other homes either through boring or digging. This entire community which will be affected by the pressurized sanitary sewer line does not even have any use for this sewer line. They have storm and sanitary sewers through City of Elyria, they pay plenty of money to Elyria public utilities, why don’t LORCO just tap into the sewer lines already available. The residents are not willing to have another City (Avon Lake) or government board (LORCO) come onto their properties to run a utility for their profit and run the high risk of damaging the property value and families safety with poorly planned projects (cc: Eng) State of Ohio Office of the Inspector General response to Commissioner Blair stating that their Intake Screening Committee has thoroughly reviewed the LORCO/Avon Lake sanitary sewer line complaint letter but regrets that they cannot investigate the allegations because it does not fall within their office jurisdiction #10. Grand Jury Report – Judge Miraldi ______
Commissioner Blair stated Rob Ternes & Nancy Funni, Soil & Water Conservation District were present and would like them to discuss their budget so they could make the necessary changes if the board will not be funding them. Rob Ternes said they do not have a capacity to withstand a budget cut. They receive a modest amount of funding from the Ohio Federation of Soil & Water Conservation and if the Commissioners make it a zero appropriation, which has resulted in years past around $7,000. If this appropriation becomes zero dollars, Soil & Water will not exist because there is no money for the staff and activities and no federal dollars will be given to the county. There will be no county monies for leveraging of state monies which resulted in around $100-200,000 and if they are not spent they are to be returned to D.C. and given to other counties. Soil & Water does have a role in the Phase 2 storm water process and not sure how the Commissioners would be able to handle this role to keep everything in compliance. They have been good stewards of the county monies; they are very frugal and have not tried to build an agency over the years and submitted realistic budgets. If the Board cuts the county funds, so will the state. Commissioner Kalo said Nancy has done a great job, but currently the transit has also been cut and in his recommended sheets Soil & Water will also be cut. Mr. Ternes said any help would be greatly appreciated. ______(discussion was held on the above)
10:18 a.m. Mark Stewart, Lorain County Auditor commended the Board for approving a ¼ budget for this year and put the Auditor’s office at a disadvantage to make sure the departments did not overspend, but did do its job. He received a sheet from Budget Department to fill out and expanded it, but would recommend that workers compensation be included because it is a payroll obligation and should be kept track of. Commissioner Kalo said he spoke with several counties and mired this form out of Butler County, since it is around the same size to see where the expense where at. Mr. Stewart said the Auditor’s salary obligation of 100% out of general fund equaling $815,921.60 and as the employer have to pay a matching 14% fee and are listed based upon the obligation equaling $114,229.02; Medicare equals $11,830.86, healthcare equals $251,052.00 with an employee share of $25,105.20 equaling an employer share of $225,946.80; life insurance equals $1,980 and total benefit package equals $353,986.69 for a total salary benefit of $1,169,908.29. He also included the shared employees to include real estate assessment to include a total salary plus benefits equally $525,581.04. He said through this year they have absorbed layoffs equaling 9 for a total of $370,500; 2 retirements saving $94,715; reduction in payroll operating costs by going green saving more than $100,00 between this year and net along with other future cost reductions; moving new construction offices from Lorain National Bank savings of more than $10,000 in rent annually and shifting responsibilities due to less new homes built and less sales has saved more than $140,000 by doing work in house by existing employees. There are no raises the union contracts have expired and imagine these are carried forward and hope to maintain their budget so if the salary budget is given they will see a way to keep on the straight and narrow. Commissioner Kalo asked if more cuts could be absorbed. Auditor Stewart said the revenue has not been coming in as projected and thought the cash for clunkers would generate more sales tax, it has not happened and will have to do revenue reductions to appropriate less which looks like to be $4-450,000.00. Also the conveyance fees are starting to pick up but changes have also been made here and up real estate tax. Commissioner Kalo asked if it was $2-4 million in budget cuts. County Administrator Cordes said he is waiting on the numbers, need to balance out this year appropriation and look at next year. The revenue is down $2 million this year. Commissioner Kalo said the county has done a healthcare holiday. County Administrator Cordes said this is done by the Board adopting a resolution authorizing the County Administrator to declare a healthcare premium holiday for three months in 2010 and this will take a burden off the general fund ¾% all in around $1.8 million and ½% would be about $1.6 million. The letters will be going out today to all entities stating they will pay 9 months premium rather than 12 and incorporated this change into the rate for employees regarding their 10% share. We took the 9 months of premium paid divided by 12 then divided by 26 pays. Commissioner Kalo said this is a one time fix and will not work in 2011. County Administrator Cordes said yes and this will drop the cash account levels down to be monitored. County Auditor Stewart said this is also less to invest. County Administrator Cordes said also working on healthcare contracts to make recommendations on the reissuance to bring closer to a self insured basis in order to reduce cost looking at to accept more risk which will need to be watched closely and expenditures should be around $22 million. Commissioner Blair said this is doable and should be doing. County Administrator Cordes said the board also approved authorizing the Administrator to take the workers compensation into a classified a quasa self insured basis going retrospective for 10 year period. We would manage the funds, $300,000 claim level and will show no savings until 2011 but savings could be around $8-900,000 with estimated reserves at 80/20. County Auditor Stewart said his office has around 12-13 bargaining and expired and will follow the board. County Administrator Cordes said it is not going well; the Board has filed an unfair labor practice against the steelworkers with regard to bargaining in good faith, first time that he could ever remember in the county. We are not making the movement that needs to be made and forcing the issue of the fact finder, have a meeting on Friday and also looking at additional layoffs. He said most of the other contracts are waiting to see what happens here. Commissioner Kokoski asked if we can say why we filed an unfair labor practice. County Administrator said yes and stated it was because of a continuing cancelling of the meetings, many have been scheduled and then delayed or cancelled. He stated that the Clerk of Courts contract has been expired for 3 years. Commissioner Kalo said the county did 20% cut in 2009 and with the upcoming cuts or one time fixes the county still will need to do things for 2011. County Auditor Stewart said look at other contract services, supplies and professional service accounts. County Kalo asked if there is another 3-5% cut in your budget. County Auditor Stewart said $3-500,000 more, he would have to look into this and get back. Commissioner Kokoski said in your supply and contract account there is still money to be moved around. Commissioner Kalo said the elected officials need to move money to appropriate places but still 3-5% needs cut. The county needs to see at least $1.3 million in cuts this year so we only have to cut $1.3 million next year. County Administrator Cordes said this is only if the sales tax stays level, but if it continues to decline it will have to be reviewed. Commissioner Kokoski said with the 9 layoffs and 2 retirements was this a total of 11. County Auditor said yes 11 short, but one was in Board of Revisions. Also the reappraisals will be forthcoming at the beginning of the year and with all employees back in one building should be able to accommodate. ______(discussion was held on the above)
10:38 a.m. Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer – Tax Map said this department is the only general fund the county engineer has. This is not a large group of employees equaling salaries at $106,248 totaling $312,896. This department maintains accurate maps for approximately 160,000 parcels, reflect deeds of subdivision, review all major/minor subdivisions, review all submerged land leases issued by State of Ohio, review all acreage corrections for accuracy, assign parcel numbers for taxing purposes to maintain an accurate map for surveys, review all county resolution, city ordinances relating to vacations and annexations or judgments in land cases. Certify maps for court evidence, assist the public in any questions pertaining to the property, maintain a master register of all past, present and future parcels, and retain all tax maps staring in 1851. All documents are used for title purposes and maps are coordinated with the GIS department to be displayed on the internet. In 2008 the department received $285,000 requested $299,000 which decreased 13%. There has been a reduction in workforce by 20% and majority of the budget is labor. Commissioner Kalo said the department only has 5 employees can there been a savings of 3-5%. Engineer Carney said he will find the 5% and move employees around. Commissioner Kokoski said there was $6,000 given for software in addition to the budget, was there nothing in your accounts. County Engineer Carney said there is no money. ______(discussion was held on the above)
10:48 a.m. Jose Candalerio, Director – Lorain County Board of Elections. Commissioner Kokoski said looking at the budget there are several line accounts that have been overspent and underspent, are there unpaid bills. Mr. Candalerio said yes but all accounts will be zero out. Commissioner Kalo said is this why the Board advance $106,000 rather than $150,000 last week. Mr. Candalerio said yes he has been working with vendors to get minimum allocation for maximum reimbursement, which will make next year harder. The total cost of salaries is $992,178 a reduction of last year of $124,000. In 2009 the raises were roll backed about 4% and will begin next year with pay raises reinstated, but no new raises it will be like 2008 payroll. The estimated budget cut will be reduced. Commissioner Kokoski said the Commissioners, Sheriff and Prosecutors office have felt the pain by reducing actual bodies and she sees no reduction of layoffs at the Election Board. Mr. Candalerio said correct, there have been two reductions in staff by retirements within the last 4 months. They reduced higher wage earners with lower wage earners and cut around $200,000 on comp liability and reduced future separation pay of $104,000. Commissioner Kokoski said she has a problem with certain department, Board of Elections not being the only one and we all need to be in this together. The Prosecutors, Commissioners and Sheriff Office can not take another 5% cut, other departments needs to do this as well, some budgets were to fat to begin with. Mr. Candalerio said with the reductions we had additional 2,000 hours with full time staff at last election and will do the same with primary election and had around 11,000 hours with part time help with lower rate equaling 9 fulltime employee not paying benefits. We are getting cuts but it is difficult to hold a half election and last year was the biggest turnout and size of ballot is very expensive. Machines were reduced to bare minimum, resulting in longer lines, testing and shipping costs. In the presidential election there was an additional 97 machines rented at a cost of $95,000. Currently there are 1,059 machines in inventory at a cost of $1.2 million. Commissioner Kokoski said she would rather see people stand in line to vote rather than not having a deputy on the road. Mr. Candalerio said we heard the board and they did reduce the paper ballots begin sent to the polls because this is not mandated, reduced poll training, bare minimum of poll workers deployed to the filed. Next year the numbers will increase because it is a federal election year for; US Senate, US Congress, Gubetorial, State legislators and many countywide offices and judgeships. There was a savings in the primary election not all 235 precincts will vote and they have reduced the number of voting centers to 93. Commissioner Kalo asked about furlough days, which can be up to 10. Mr. Candalerio said once the numbers are published from the Board of Elections they will do with what is in the budget. Commissioner Kalo said the Board is asking for help by all departments. Mr. Candalerio said with the numbers now there is a reduction of $124,000 and will look further to cut, but there will be increases in poll workers around $40,000, machines are needed, postage will be increased and do not pay for the return. Also speaking with vendors in order to reduce the stock for the ballots because it cost $1.22 to ship. County Administrator Cordes asked what the Elections Board 2010 budget overall will be. Mr. Candalerio said he hopes that it will stay what it was for 2009 and this is with all increases and line items because he will not be able to reduce only in odd year elections because there are mandated requirements. County Administrator Cordes said with the sales tax failing, voters said no, this means longer lines, less machines, etc. everything needs to be balanced. Commissioner Kalo said they board is looking for help for all departments and mandated services need to be covered. Mr. Candalerio said currently the volumes are increased 20-30% and doing more with less. The general elections in 2009 was 15,000 early voters, with $16-17,000 in postage and in 2010 looking at 21,000 early voters and $37,000 in postage. The Secretary of State will not give extensions on the election date. County Administrator said how many unfunded mandates have been given, we received new machines with the HAVA money but no money for the maintenance contracts. Mr. Candalerio said the maintenance contract costs around $65,734. Mr. Candalerio said the state legislators have a current bill and hopes this will pass because there are many unfunded mandates. They are looking at layoffs in the summer months, closing the offices but if there is an February or August Special they are opened and they could recoup some of these monies through the subdivisions. The Election Board is a victim of turnout, issues can be contested and the turnout in 2002 there was 16% and 2006 there was 36%. This last election he was off by 1% which means about ½ hour line or so. Commissioner Blair said absentee ballot is the best way to go. Mr. Candalerio said there has been an increase but this requires postage and process times. He stated to meet the rise in volumes would require a capital expenditure around $300,000 for equipment so they do it by hand, he will not come to the Board and ask when the Deputies are being laid off. They are bringing cheaper part time people and sticking labels, etc. County Administrator Cordes congratulated Mr. Candalerio on birth of his second child ______(discussion was held on the above)
Commissioners took a 5 minute break at 11:16 a.m.
11:32 a.m. Don Bates, Executive Director – Lorain County Veterans Services is mandated under ORC 5901.02. In 2008 the 5 mill that is allocated under the property taxes was allocated at $3,442,000 and they only used a little over $840,000. This year budget we have cut at the beginning of the year and not come to the board for any additional funds and slashed across the board. Next year starting January 4, 2010, two new employees will be hired for expansion and with 26,000 veterans in this county we are too small. The combined salary of these 2 employees will be $57,000 and increase of current salaries will go up by $70,000 equaling around $13,000 increase. When the economy is bad there is a greater need for service. He took over January 2008 and several new process were instituted and one adjustment was the waiting period went form 6 months to 12 months for eligibility, which is a temporary assistance from the property tax. The three basic services are; 1) giving back to the veterans in the county by utilizing property tax to help pay for mortgage/rent, utilities and food vouchers; 2) transportation and with the cut of the transit system there will be a bigger demand. In previous years we have purchased tickets. Sam Betounes, Veteran Commission said $1100 was given to purchase bus tickets for the outpatient clinic by various vet organizations to include; Elyria Council of Vets, Legions, Amvets, VFW, Korean War Vets. There are several occasions we go outside and raise monies. Mr. Bates said the DAV Chapter 20 purchased a vehicle and donated to the outpatient clinic which was assigned to the Lorain County Vet Office and this vehicle has been funded by the VA there is no cost to the county. He will obtain another vehicle next week from the Brecksville VA, this is why drivers are needed. He said they provide claims for the disabled vets and the compensation in pension in federal funding that comes back to the county is in the amount of $27 million. Commissioner Kalo said this department runs a great ship. Mr. Bates said his Administrative Assistant, Dana is one of the lowest paid assistants’ in the county and has 19 years of service. He looked at similar counties and will revise her salary from $37,000 to $41,000 and he said she will be able to quit her second job if this happens. Commissioners thanked him for coming. Mr. Bates also thanked the board for the parking spot. Commissioner Kokoski said they are looking into getting a transit bus. Mr. Bates said he filed the paperwork and waiting on answers from ODOT. ______(discussion was held on the above)
11:43 a.m. Phil Stammitti – Lorain County Sheriff said under the 2322 account has 2 captains (Reiber & Resendez), part-time personal secretary (Reinhart), 2 fiscal (Kosco & Thompson), Office Manager-Civil (Ochenas), 1 Sergeant (Scarborough) all non bargaining employees. Under the bargaining unit there are 8 communications officers, 4 typists (civil), 2 vehicle maintenance and 1 evidence officer equaling 22 personnel. In 2010 the payroll is $1,452,916.41. In the 2333 account all the deputies there are 50; 8 sergeants, 13 law enforcement, 14 court/trips/extraditions, etc., 2 warrants officers, 2 sex offenders officers (register every 90 days, now the state is going to require Tier 3 for every 30 days), 3 detectives (not enough, already 3 homicides this year), 2 civil (should have 3 there were 2158 foreclosures and looking at over 2200 next year) and 1 dare officer and does other duties. Out of the 50, they get paid from the general fund but there are reimbursements, 2 get paid from solid waste as environmental officers. Commissioner Kalo said they have done a great job. County Administrator Cordes said the board bought cameras for this unit and this was a continuing program. Sheriff also stated that there is also reimbursement for 3 deputies from JVS, Engineer and New Russia Township equaling $4,386,059.60 but when reimbursements come in this comes down to $3,976,074.00. Sheriff Stammitti said in 2008 his budget was $6.3 million and took at 20% cut, losing around $1.1 million with layoff of 10 and could bring some back as corrections officers because there should be 106 and we have 100. He would really like to know what is going to happen because the new payroll starts December 20 because other things have to be figured in like unemployment, etc. County Administrator Cordes said unemployment is traditionally pay as you go and is a global cost under the board but there is a lot of trailing cost with layoffs. Sheriff said he has one of the biggest budgets but he is also a 24/7 facility, never closed and has been dramatic for deputies and the moral is low and we only have 1 to 2 deputies on the road and should have around 8-12/shift. He said residents are probably not calling when they should be calling and the response time has tripled from 10 to 40 minutes and they are having trouble completing reports. Commissioner Kalo said it was told when Issue 4 failed that this was not a concern. Commissioner Kokoski said it was surprising to her that the townships did not support this tax when they had the most to benefit. Sheriff said the ballot language when it said an increase could have been an issue, because we were maintaining. Commissioner Kalo said the campaign was good with all the information. Sheriff Stammitti said with the question that Commissioner Kalo asked about 3-5% cuts or the furloughs, he will look but it will be hard and he has approached the unions and asked them for concessions. Commissioner Kalo said the board is asking for help in all departments. Commissioner Kokoski said the cuts need to be prioritized, in 2005 when cuts were made by 5% across the board then 2.5% for the Sheriff and then departments found money and gave back and can not see cutting the Sheriff or Prosecutor’s again. County Administrator Cordes said there was no money in 2005, revenues were exceeding in 2005 and at that time identified the economic crisis and in 2007 the board tried to get ahead of the curve while the county was healthy and stable and looked at doing a ¼% tax increase, which was shot down and then asked for a1/2% and voters rejected again. He said not sure when additional resources will be approved but they are finding dead bodies in the townships. Commissioner Blair said Eaton Township has stepped up to the plate in approving an agreement with the Sheriff for a deputy. Sheriff said Captain Drozdowski is working with the townships and looking into districts. Commissioner Kalo said some vehicles are needed for the Sheriff’s it has been around 3 years. County Administrator Cordes said there is money to get cars in 2010. Captain Drozdowski said he has looked at refitting but the 2008-2009 cars with the airbags the cages will not work with all the new upgrades and looking into recycling some 2007. County Administrator Cordes told Budget Director Hobart to get this done at the end of the year. Captain Drozdowski said will look into state bid which has been overdue by one month. Lisa Hobart, Budget Director said there is around $90,000, County Administrator Cordes said all this money is not for the Sheriff’s office, the Commissioners will need one for their fleet. Commissioner Kokoski said ok with the Sheriff purchasing cars but the Commissioners do not need cars and need to look at revisiting the mileage reimbursement. County Administrator Cordes said the program was developed, has it been cost effective and people that have been reimbursed and you are driving on behalf of the employer, you have to notify your insurance company for a waiver and then there are concerns with unemployment and the reimbursement rate becomes cost prohibited. Commissioner Kokoski asked for a list of all county vehicles and the employees that drive them. County administrator said there are very few. Commissioner Kokoski asked about Children Services, County Administrator Cordes said they take care of there own vehicles. Discussion continued and the following resolution was adopted:
In the matter of authorizing the County Sheriff to purchase) two (2) police vehicles from state purchasing ) December 3, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the County Sheriff to purchase two (2) police vehicles from state purchasing.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize but not limited to any transfers, requisitions and payment to be made for said purchase. Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussions was held on the above)
County Administrator Cordes said the December 1 sales tax figures are down as follows: 2008 2009 Diff General Fund $14,401,013 $12,860,459 ($1,540,554) Jail $ 7,193,980 $ 6,475,713 ($ 718,267) Criminal Justice $ 5,894,679 ______(discussions were held on the above)
Commissioner Kokoski moved, seconded Kalo at 12:13 p.m. to go into an Executive Session to discuss personnel at LCDJFS and on going negotiations. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______
The Board took a break until 12:29 pm. then went into an executive session to discuss the following: Personnel 12:29 to 1:12 Lunch break 1:12 to 1:27 Personnel 1:27 to 2:28
Commissioners reconvened at 2:28 pm and the following resolutions were adopted:
In the matter of authorizing County Administrator to ) Complete and execute all necessary paperwork to lay ) Employees off due to budget constraints ) December 3, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize County Administrator to complete and execute all necessary paperwork to lay employees off due to budget constraints.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions ) As indicated on the summary sheet for various ) Personnel within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County ) December 3, 2009 Board of Commissioners )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for various Personnel within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.
Golden Acres: New hires; 1. Lee Ann Miller, LPN-part-time, effective December 15, 2009 at rate of $17.10/hour Resignations; 2. Sonya Rosado, STNA-part-time, effective November 29, 2009
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
In the matter of authorizing County Administrator to take ) necessary actions relating to the reduction of Lorain County) December 3, 2009 Transit services with the FTA )
WHEREAS, due to the budget situation in Lorain County all unmandated services need to be reviewed; and
WHEREAS, the county continues to look for resources.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize County Administrator to take necessary actions relating to the reduction of Lorain County Transit services with the FTA.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
In the matter of authorizing County Administrator to take ) necessary actions in shutting down the Lorain County ) December 3, 2009 Regional Airport )
WHEREAS, due to the budget situation in Lorain County all unmandated services need to be reviewed.
WHEREAS, the county continues to look for resources.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize County Administrator to take necessary actions in shutting down the Lorain County Regional Airport.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
JOURNAL ENTRY With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adjourn at 2:30 p.m. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon resulted as: Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
______)Commissioners Lori Kokoski, President ) ) ______)of Ted Kalo, Vice-president ) ) ______)Lorain County Betty Blair, Member )Ohio Attest:______, Clerk
Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.