Lambeth Events Safety Advisory Group Meeting
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![Lambeth Events Safety Advisory Group Meeting](
b MINUTES Lambeth Events Safety Advisory Group Meeting
Monday, 13th February 2012 09.30am – 13.15pm Training Room 2, Phoenix House
01 Pride House update 02 Carifest 03 LCS update 04 7 Bridges 05 2012 discussion 06 Oktoberfest 07 Day of Portugal 08 AOB
Attendees Graham Williamson GW Met. Police Lambeth Events Office Esther Jones EJ LBL Licensing Steph Adams SA London Ambulance Service Alan Gibson AG London Ambulance Service Natalie Thomsen NT LBL 2012 Development Officer Marion Shipman MS NHS Lambeth Kris Bedlow KB London Fire Brigade Carol Stewart – Williams CSW LBL Food Safety Dave Paul DP LBL Parks Ben Quarrell BQ LBL Events Service Paul Randall PR LBL Emergency Planning Angela Oluwole AO TFL Buses Phil White PW LBL Community Safety Tony Fellowes TF LBL Transport & Highways Emma Townson ET LBL Events Service Lee Fiorentino LF LBL Events Service Sonia McKenzie SM LBL Events Service Roy Robinson RR LBL Events Service Apologies Rockwell Charles RC LBL Noise Ali Peyvandi AP LBL Noise Alan Wise AW British Transport Police Nick Agnew NA TFL Fiona Morris FM Met. Police Lambeth Events Office Somia Elmartaoui SE LBL Events Service William Sasu WS LBL Health and Safety Helen Barling HB Met. Police Wandsworth Abbie McGillivray AG Greater London Authority Stuart Cornish SC Met. Police 2012 Planning b
Minutes taken by: SM Chaired by: RR
01 Pride House update
Presented by Charlie Doleman from Papa Productions and Chad Molleken, Executive Director from Pride House
Venue: Clapham Common Attendance: 20,000 per day On Site: 23/07/12 Off Site: 15/08/12 Event date/s: 26/07/12 – 12/08/12 Event time: 11:00 – 23:00 License: Alcohol and entertainment
The event organisers thanked the LESAG for the feedback received from the previous meeting.
The entertainment programme is still work in progress, but PH has received confirmation that Elton John will be the opening headline act (great news!). Priscilla – Future Cinema and Love Box have yet to confirm.
The production is coming on well. Medical provision is in place. The hardware providers have more or less been confirmed.
PH will be working in partnership with Secret Cinema. PH will ensure that Secret Cinema comply with conditions stipulated. The role of Secret Cinema is to have performers interacting with the public and walk-a-bout theatres.
RD met with the police a few weeks ago to discuss stewarding for CC. RD will continue to work with the police to ensure a stewarding plan is in place.
Every gate/access point in CC will have additional lighting.
Stewards and security staff will assist with the cleaning/sweeping of Clapham High Street.
CD has received a letter from TFL agreeing that they are happy for this event to go ahead.
AO asked about the crowd management process. RD has agreed to meet with AO to discuss this further, and how PH and TFL can work together.
AO made PH aware that if any bus stops need to be suspended, PH will have to pay any associated costs.
BBC will cover PH on 26 July. The doors will close approximately 3pm, allowing the crowds 1-1.5 hours to disperse prior to Elton John’s show opening at 8pm. GW had some concerns about big named acts attracting crowds gathering b outside. PH will have a discussion with the police about this.
DP asked how the clear-up will be managed on a daily basis. PH said that they will have skips on site at all times. There will be regular scheduled waste collections; and litter pickers working their way through the site.
Hard plastic flooring, as well as gates and toilets, will be placed in front of the main stage.
RR and BQ confirmed that PH will have to be off site by 15 August.
A further discussion is required with BQ to discuss how PH manage unlicensed traders outside CC. EJ confirmed that Trading Standards do not work on weekends.
Some concerns about Secret Cinema; EJ requests a meeting with PH and Secret Cinema to discuss concerns. PH is aware of previous issues with Secret Cinema. LESAG requests copy of the letter from TFL. Event organisers to show commitment to managing crowds that could accumulate at bus stops or highways in Clapham. A more in depth Community Safety Management plan is required. Stewarding plan needs to ensure Clapham Old Town and Rookery Road are manned and that stewards cover the route from Clapham Common to Clapham Old Town Stewarding plan needs to be finalised that addresses potential crime and disorder. Policing plan linking into stewarding plan and costings to be agreed Floor protection to be provided in front of stages, by main gates and surrounding toilets
02 Carifest
Due to sickness, Carifest were unable to present at today’s meeting (13 February 2012).
03 LCS update by LF
LF announced that the LCS is proposed to take place on 15 and 16 September 2012. He asked the LESAG if they had any objections/recommendations, and if so, has requested feedback by 15 February. The information will then be taken to Cabinet.
There were no objections from LAS, LFB, MP. PR said it may be challenging – in regards to staff working after the Olympic events. If the TMO’s and timing remain the same as last year’s show, TFL will have no objections.
LF said that the show will commence at 11am and end at 6pm – both days. b
There may not be an Activate or Cultivate area.
LF will email the report to LESAG members on 13 February 2012.
DP mentioned that they Urban Green Fair is taking place on 2 September.
04 7 Bridges
Presented by Anthea Masey, Event Manager, Lois Acton and Angela Akinyein from LJAG (Loughborough Junction Action Group)
Venue: Wyck’s Gardens Attendance: 5,000 per day On Site: 05/08/12 Off Site: 05/08/12 Event date: 05/08/12 Event time: 12.00-18.00pm License: Food/drinks and entertainment
The 7 Bridges event is designed to celebrate Usain Bolt and the other Jamaican athletes who are likely to be finalists in the 100 metre sprint on Sunday 5 August. It will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jamaican and Trinidadian independence. Usain Bolt is a national hero in Jamaica and this will be a hugely important and significant event for the residents of Brixton and Loughborough Junction. This is a family event emphasis.
LJAG want to build on the success of a 3 day event they ran in 2011. This event was in the centre of the community and was hugely ambitious. LJAG have a solid record of running events.
LJAG would like the carnival procession to parade through WRS. This may be problematic as the event is taking place on the same day as Brixton Splash. LA has submitted a risk assessment.
LJAG had a recent meeting with Sunshine International Arts, and now have a lot of people on board to assist with costumes, buggies and bikes. A meeting was also recently had with Blacker Dread and Lee Jasper to discuss working in collaboration.
There is a focus to build on the carnival for Brixton – to bring job and training opportunities to the local community.
The events in Wyck’s Gardens will include music, dance, sport, community stalls, street food, storytelling, and drama. National attire will be worn and flags displayed.
NT has some concerns about the proposed road closures and the carnival procession. Until these issues are addressed, NT is unable to b recommend that this event goes ahead. PR suggested that LJAG keep the carnival procession within the confinement of Wyck’s Gardens. If LJAG are still keen for the carnival procession to take place outside of Wyck’s Gardens, PR suggested that they could consider changing their event day. SA and AG said that a lot more work needs to be done. On this basis, they have recommended that this event does not take place. TF has recommended that the event goes ahead; providing there is no procession on 5 August, as this will hard to logistically manage. TFL asked if there was any possibility of moving this event to another day. LJAG will meet with TFL to discuss potentially closing part of Coldharbour Lane – if the procession takes place on the roads/streets (the procession should take approximately 20 minutes). AO (TFL) had some concerns about the impact on general traffic. EJ recommended that this event takes place on another day. EJ also commented that the event went very well last year. There were no problems at all. GW said that he is happy for the event to go ahead but there may be some problems with the procession. GW – the stewards will nee to be on the look out for unlicensed activities taking place on site. CB enquired about the risk assessment. LJAG said that this will be provided nearer the time of the event. CB asked about the provision of catering. LJAG will ensure that all caterers have the necessary documentation cover and equipment required. After recommendations from LESAG have been made, LJAG will submit their licences.
A decision regarding the event will be decided once all partners and agencies have commented. Due date for comments and concerns is Monday, 20th February 2012.
05 2012 discussion
NT may be putting on a couple of events this year (tbc). One of the main events will be the Inspired Festival (similar to Activate and Cultivate). The date of this event is yet to be confirmed but the 21 July is looking very likely.
Approximately 10,000 people will attend this event.
NT has spoken to Ben Price, Whole Nine Yards Production, about working together on this event. This has been agreed.
NT will note the following on one application, to bring to a future LEAG meeting (hopefully in March 2012):
Torch Relay Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Big Dance (GLA project) Big Busk (GLA project) b NT will speak to GW about locating a suitable venue for this event.
AO has asked NT to invite her to future Torch Relay meetings.
NT spoke to LOCOG last week. The programme will be finalised soon.
PR mentioned that the River Pageant is taking place on Sunday, 1 June, and the Q D J team will present this in March’s LESAG meeting.
The lighting of the Beacon is due to take place @ 4pm on 26 July – Norwood Park. DP/NT recommended either this is downscaled or moved to another venue.
06 Oktoberfest
Presented by Corsten Raun, Event Manager, London Oktoberfest LTD
Venue: Kennington Park Attendance: 2,500 per day On Site: 14/09/12 Off Site: 03/10/12 Event date: 20/09/12-30/09/12 Event time: 16.00-23.00pm License: Alcohol, food/drinks and entertainment
The famous Oktoberfest comes to London. In a 2.500 person tent, attendees can celebrate the real Oktoberfest with a fantastic atmosphere and good mood. Original tyrolian music and fresh cold special brewed 1 litre beer will be sold. There will also be delicious Bavarian food. The tent is open two long weekends - Thursday-Friday from 16.00-23.00pm and Saturday from 13.00-23.00pm The admission is free for this event, barring Saturday (both weekends). This will be ticketed in advance.
The park will be fenced off and patrolled by two guards, with dogs (24 hour surveillance).
The Oktoberfest 2011 took place in Shoreditch Park, and attracted approximately 13,000 over a two day period. This was successful and didn’t require any support from the police.
The Munich Oktoberfest event received around 6 million visitors.
The proposed dates for this event to take place are 20-23 September 2012 and 27-30 September 2012. This event will be staged as near as possible to Kennington tube station. Stewards will guide people to the local tube stations (Oval and Kennington). There will be one exit/entrance. The structure of the tent will have a main stage at one end. b The tent will have a lot of tables and benches. Service will be provided at the tables and benches. The kitchen area is large and will serve pre-cooked food. The emergency exits of the tent are easily accessible; and will be easy to evacuate if needed. At least 6 metres from the tent will be smoking and toilet areas (16 toilets for women and 13 urinals for men). Four additional toilets will be placed by the exit of the park. There will be minimal vehicle movement. Number of attendees will be monitored on arrival. There will be a Waste Management Team to clear up on the days the event is taking place. Acrylic plastic will be used to serve drinks. Door search on admission. It will cost £8.50 to purchase a 1.5 pint of beer.
A minimum of 4 First Aiders must be present onsite. Lighting from tent to exit of park must be provided and stewarded Safe stewarding of pedestrians outside the park to bus stops/tube stations. Documented Food Safety Management to be submitted to the Food Safety Team – as soon as an arrangement for supplying food is made. Concerns raised around security of customers leaving. Egress route must be well lit and exact stewarding plan of egress route to be submitted. Alcohol should not be served after 22.15pm. Emergency plan to be provided Oktoberfest security will ensure no members of the public are inside the park when the event is finished and will take responsibility for securing the park
07 Day of Portugal
Presented by Ricardo Monty Rory McGoldrick and Alex Pulley ( Alpha 1 Security Services), Rui Simoes and Lupgepo (Day of Portugal)
Venue: Kennington Park Attendance: 19,999 per day On Site: 09/06/12 Off Site: 11/06/12 Event date: 10/06/12 Event time: 10.00-19.00pm License: Alcohol, food/drinks and entertainment
This event is to celebrate the Portuguese speaking community in Lambeth and the UK, with support from the Portuguese Consul and Embassy, also celebrating the Portuguese National Day. b There will be 12 First Aiders, 2 ambulances and 8 Emergency Medical Technicians. The event organisers will be using Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 security. There will be Portuguese and English speaking stewards. These are not professional stewards but they will be trained.
There will be SIA operatives – one positioned at each of the licensed bars to ensure effective closedown. The organisers have assured LESAG that alcohol will only be sold during licensed hours. There will be a click counter to monitor numbers. AP (Alpha 1 Security Services) will ensure that no vehicle movement is allowed whilst the event is taking place. Free water will be available at general points around the park. Parks (DP) asked that the event organisers make sure that the play areas are not used by adults.
SA and AG have requested a detailed medical plan. They will only recommend that this event go ahead when the plan is submitted. TF is happy for this event to take place. A request for any parking suspensions, especially St. Agnes Place, will need to be submitted at the earliest opportunity. Event organisers will need to submit details of the event to the Food Safety Team as soon as possible. CS-W has recommended that the event goes ahead. PW has requested to see the final stewarding plan and crowd management plan. Until this has been satisfied, PW will not recommend that the event takes place. AO has recommended that the event goes ahead and she will submit her comments at a later date. Subject to adequate emergency planning/contingency planning arrangements, PR will be happy to give a recommendation for the event to take place. MS does not recommend that this event takes place. It has been poorly planned, there’s no medical plan and MS has concerns around security and numbers anticipated. The event organisers will liaise with SA to give her an update about first aiders and ambulances that are essential for this event. In its current format the MPS will not support this event. The presentation was inadequate with regard to stewarding and security. There are no plans on how to control numbers to the licensed capacity and there is potential in the current format for serious crime and disorder. The MPS will object to any licensable activity for this event in its current form
08 AOB b Carifest will present at LESAG in March 2012.
Date of next LESAG meeting – Monday, 5 March 2012