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三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date 15 March, 2001 Submitted
Source [Pat Kinney] Voice: [] [Invensys Metering Systems] Fax: [] [Forrest Hills, PA] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Hilton Head
Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Submission Page 1 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101
IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #11 Marriott Beach Resort One Old Golf Course Road Hilton Head Island, SC, USA 12-16 March 01
Monday, 12 March, 2001 1:10PChair called the meeting to order. Roll call of attendees WG Chair reviewed the objectives WG Chair reviewed the organization chart, policies, rules, and logistics (IEEE802.15-01/094r0). WG Chair presented the agenda (IEEE802.15-01/095r1) J Gilb moved to approve the agenda, seconded by K Marquess. Following no discussion nor objections the agenda was approved by unanimous consent. 1:43 Old Business I Gifford moved to approve the minutes from Monterey (IEEE802.15- 01/008r1) which was seconded by I Reede. Following no discussion nor objections the minutes were approved by unanimous consent. WG Chair reported on the liaison personnel for 802.15. 1:53 I Gifford presented the liaison report (IEEE802.15-01/112r0). I Gifford presented opening report for 802.15.1 (IEEE802.15-01/107r0). This document included the objectives, agenda for 802.15.1, and letter ballot 8 report. 2:06 S Shellhammer presented the opening report for 802.15.2 (IEEE802.15- 01/108r0). Steve summarized the coexistence mechanisms submissions. 2:15 J Barr presented the opening report for 802.15.3 (IEEE802.15-01/109r0). Major goal is to get the baseline draft approved. 2:20 B Heile presented the opening report for 802.15.4 (IEEE802.15-01/110r0). Call for intent to propose was issued. Drafted a paper for IEEE Networking
Submission Page 2 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 Magazine. 2:24 I Gifford presented the opening report on the Publicity Committee. Working on WPAN handbook similar to 802.11 handbook. 2:28 WG Chair presented the report on the Excom meeting (IEEE802.15- 01/160r0). 2:39 Review of joint agenda for the 802.11 and 802.15 meeting on Wednesday. Motion to approve by I Gifford, seconded by J Gilb. Following no objections the agenda was approved by unanimous consent. 2:47 Meeting recessed. Wednesday, 14 March, 2001 1:14 802.11 and 802.15 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. 1:18 Old Business Announcement on Social. Review of Interim Meetings May meeting will be based in Orlando, Fl. Radisson Hotel, rates of $129 single, $139 double occupancy. September 2001: is currently Sydney, Australia, 10 Sep to 14 Sep. Regent Sydney, a Four Seasons Hotel, $142-$165 per night. Motorola is host. Straw poll as to how many planning to attend was 144 . Not planning to attend is 5, and 5 wished another location. Financials: No status available. 1:35 Task Group reports 802.11 TGb Corrigendum1. No work didn't get ballot out on time. Done except for recirculation ballot. 802.11 TGd status: Resolving comments from Sponsor Ballot. 802.11 TGe status: QoS: Security: motion to split apart from QoS. Vote is expected to take 01/018r4 to letter ballot 802.11 TGf (IAPP protocol)status: Doc 01/102r2 has been released, motion to adopt it will be heard on Thursday.
Submission Page 3 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 802.11 TGg (HR): working on continuing the selection process. Had three proposals at beginning of week. As of this morning had elimination vote to eliminate one of the three. Results of the vote was 48% for OFDM, 44% for PVCC, and 6 for MBCK proposal which is eliminated. Motion made to adjourn till next session to allow two remaining to work out differences. 802.11 TGh(Sharing with incumbent users in the 5 GHz band): reviewed one proposal. 802.11 5GSG(globalization of 5 GHz): Intent is to merge 802.11a and Hiperlan added an interim step of inter-working. Extended to next plenary. Document for 5 criteria has been approved by SG as is the PAR. PC: Worked on wireless LAN forecast update using survey results. Staff of IEEE to conduct surveys. Issue of WECA coordination with 802.11 on branding. 802.15.1: 92% affirmation of letter ballot 8. 377 comments, in comment resolution. 3 of 4 no votes will turn to yes with appropriate changes. 802.15.2: TG is working on coexistence techniques. TG voted to select collaborative mechanism, voting tomorrow on non-collaborative. Legitimacy of adaptive hopping? FCC is seriously pursuing an NPRM on the issue. 802.15.3: Approved baseline draft, working on issues on how to handle CFP. Goal is to get draft ready for letter ballot by June. Group has the intention to move into other bands in time. 802.15.4: This session had proposal overview presentations. Working on criteria document. Next session will be final presentations. 2:06 Joint Regulatory Committee (IEEE802RR-01/008): V Hayes Establish Regulatory Group as a Permanent Group with a Charter Invite FCC personnel to participate To prepare and submit position statements 6th Criterion for Wireless PARs Motion: To submit a document (11-01-095r2) proposing a rules change for adding a 6th criterion to the 802 operating rules to the SEC when all three wireless working groups have approved the submission. Moved by
Submission Page 4 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 V Hayes, seconded M Fischer. Vote was postponed due to the document not being available on the server. 2:21 Joint Coexistence Group Recommendation. Method to coordinate WGs. Motion: To form an 802 level SG on wireless coexistence, reporting to the 802 ExCom. Motion was moved by J Lansford and seconded by S Shellhammer. Numerous questions on how this group would exist with 802.15.2 TG. Following no further discussion the vote was taken: 802.11- 65/3/8; 802.15-23/0/2; motion carries. 2:35 IEEE 1394&1396 Trade Association Liaison (IEEE802.11-01/181r0) 2:55 Requirements for AV Transmission (IEEE802.11-01/159r0) 3:02 New Business: need to have a wireless bulletin board to allow joint communication 3:03 Meeting adjourned 3:35 Chair called the meeting to order Two topics for this meeting: - Consider sponsor ballot disposition for 802.15.1 - Liaison for 802.11 Motion to approve the agenda was moved by Ian Gifford and seconded by David Cypher. Following no discussion nor objections the motion carried. Sponsor ballot disposition. I move that the 802.15 WG Chair seek ExCom approval for forwarding IEEE Draft 802.15.1/D1.0 to LMSC letter ballot, based on a successful completion of a WG recirculation ballot. Motion made by I Gifford and seconded by T Siep. Discussion ensued. J Gilb commented that he found so many errors in the limited pages he looked at that he believed that the document wasn't ready for technical evaluation. T Siep replied that all comments from the letter ballot had been dealt with or were close to being closed. I Gifford commented that there were 377 comments, 92 technical with the balance editorial, to date over 50 % have been resolved. The results of the vote was 18/4/11, the motion was procedural and therefore carries. Liaison choices: WG Chair announced that his choice for the liaisons were: - 802.15 to 802.11g James Gilb
Submission Page 5 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 - 802.15 to 5GSG Tim Blaney - 802.15 to 802.11e(QoS) M DuVal Chair asked the group for its approval of these persons. Moved to accept J Barr Seconded by R Alfvin. Vote was 28/0/0, motion carries. 4:07 Motion to recess moved by I Reede, seconded by K Marquess. Following no discussion nor objections the motion carried.
Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:35 WG chair called the meeting to order Reviewed the agenda, motion to approve as amended made by I Gifford, seconded by D Eckard following no objections motion passed with unanimous consent. Old Business: Chair reviewed document list. 3:52 Closing report for TG1 by I Gifford (IEEE802.15-01/174r0) Closing report for TG2 by S Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-01/175r0) Closing report for TG3 by J Barr (IEEE802.15-01/176r0). Motion: Authorized TG3 to issue letter ballot for approval of D0.5 following the Orlando meeting as long as a quorum is not present for Orlando. Motion made by J Allen and seconded by R Roberts. Friendly amendment to bound this authorization made by I Gifford. Motion now reads: Authorized TG3 to issue letter ballot for approval of D0.5 following the Orlando meeting as long as a quorum is not present for Orlando. Authorization expires at the beginning of the Portland plenary. Following a short discussion the vote was taken with the results of 15/0/4, motion carries. Closing report for TG4 by B Heile (IEEE802.15-01/177r0). Jose Guiterrez will be the technical editor. The PC closing report by I Gifford (IEEE802.11-01/210r0). 4:33P Regulatory Report by S Shellhammer Motion: Move to submit the text of the questions in "FCC_Letter 2" to the FCC as the main text of a position paper to Julius Knapp of the FCC. The formatting of the whole document to be done later by the Regulatory
Submission Page 6 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems 三月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/101 Ombudsman. Motion made to defer decision until final document is complete and submit to 10 day WG letter ballot. The title is changed from "Position Paper" to "Letter of Inquiry Request for Clarification of FCC rules". Motion moved by John Barr and seconded by Steve Shellhammer. Vote results were 16/0/3. Motion carries. Motion Move to submit document proposing a rules change for adding a 6th Criterion to the 802 Operating Rules (11-01/095-r2/15-01/71r1/16- 01/??) To the SEC, when all three wireless working groups have approve the submission. Moved by Ian seconded by Carl Stevenson. Motion to table by Dick Eckart, seconded by J Allen. The voting result of the motion to table was 16/0/0, motion carries, motion is tabled. As an action from the WG is a request that Vic Hayes submits the package that he wishes reviewed to the 802.15 reflector. Coexistence report from S Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-01/173r0). Requested models for TG3 MAC and PHY to TG2 for coexistence simulations. 5:01 New Business Wireless LAN Forecast request by I Gifford (IEEE802.11-01/201). Approach to have the staff at the IEEE investigate the WLAN forecasts. Motion to empower to the publicity committee chairs to investigate have the IEEE staff to conduct market research on the 802.11a/b and Bluetooth/802.15 unit forecasts. Moved by I Gifford and seconded by D Eckart. Discussion ensued. The vote results were 10/2/5, motion carries. WG chair advised the group that the IEEE 802 standards would be free via a $75 per person per plenary meeting which is already being paid. J Barr commented to monitor the revenue and if no change is noted that this action would be terminated. 5:103 Motion to adjourn was made by J Barr, seconded by C Stevenson, motion carries, meeting is adjourned until Orlando.
Submission Page 7 Pat Kinney, Invensys Metering Systems