4-H Club Information Sheet
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All 4-H Club Charters must be renewed on an annual basis. To apply for renewal of a 4-H club’s charter, the organizational leader of a 4-H club must submit this application, along with the appropriate documentation (listed below) to the local University of Maryland Extension (UME) 4-H Office. Application and supporting documentation should be submitted to the Local UME Office by October 1. They will review and then forward to the Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program for approval.
Local UME Office: Anne Arundel County Name of 4-H Club: ______EIN#______Club Organizational Leader: ______Address: ______Phone: ______Email: ______
Maryland 4-H Club Charter Renewal Requirements Was this Information This checklist is for Extension Office Use – Please leave blank. Submitted by the Club? 1. The club has a federal EIN tax number. EIN # ______(Military clubs or afterschool programs in which certification for tax purposes are obtained Yes No through other entities must complete Additional Financial Entity form.) 2. The club has filed the appropriate 990 or 990 N and a copy of confirmation is attached. (not required of military clubs or afterschool programs in which certification for tax purposes is Yes No N/A obtained through other entities) 3. The club has at least five members from three families and member list is attached. Yes No 4. The club has at least two trained UME volunteer leaders and a list of leaders is attached. Yes No 5. The club has elected and trained youth officers and a list of officers is attached. Yes No N/A (not required of Clover Clubs) 6. The club has adopted by-laws and a copy is attached. Yes No 7. The club has completed the Maryland 4-H Foundation Affiliation Agreement for 4-H Clubs and a copy is attached. Yes No N/A (not required of military clubs or afterschool programs in which certification for tax purposes is obtained through other entities) 8. The club has developed an annual program plan that provides a variety of learning experiences Yes No and a copy is attached. 9. The club is in compliance with the Affirmative Action guidelines and a copy of Public Relations Yes No Efforts by Clubs Form AA-4H/HE4 is attached. 10. The club plans to hold at least 6 meetings per year. Yes No
11. The club has completed a Financial Report and a copy is attached. Yes No N/A (not required of military clubs or afterschool programs in which certification for tax purposes is obtained through other entities)
Yes No 12. The club has completed the 4-H Property Inventory Report and a copy is attached. Our 4-H club understands that the use of the 4-H name and emblem is protected by federal law. I certify that this 4-H club fully meets the requirements to be a 4-H authorized group and respectfully request to renew our official 4-H Charter in order to continue to operate as a legal 4-H entity.
President: ______Name Signature Date
Club Organizational Leader: ______Name Signature Date
Extension Educator: ______Name Signature Date
This section is for Maryland 4-H Center Use Only – Please leave blank
______This 4-H club is approved for full renewal of its charter for the 4-H year ______
______This 4-H club is temporarily placed on probation for up to three months beginning
______and being reviewed no later than ______due to______
______This 4-H club’s charter is revoked as of this date ______due to ______
Official Signature: ______
Date Reviewed by 4-H Center: ______
This application should be filed and kept for a period of three years in the local UME office.
Revised 9/14 by Amy Rhodes The University of Maryland, College Park, (AGNR), (UME), (AES) programs are open to all citizens and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression. CLUB INFORMATION AND PLAN July 2015 - June 2016
BASIC CLUB INFORMATION (additional pages can be added if needed for further explanation)
Meetings Location(s): ______
Time(s):______Day(s): ______
Major Club Educational Projects and Service Projects for the Coming Year: ______
Member List: Please list or include a list of club members and the officer positions they hold if applicable for the coming year. (Project clubs sometimes have informal officers.) President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Other (specify). Also identify any youth serving in leadership roles. Ex.) John Smith - President
Leadership List: Please list or include a list of club leaders and additional volunteers, specifying their roles. (Organizational Leader, Activity Leader, Project Leader, Fundraising Chair, etc. Ex.) Megan Williams – Activity Leader
Fundraising: Please identify planned fundraising activities for the year. All club fundraisers must comply with Maryland 4-H financial guidelines. Fundraising application form must be turned in to the Wicomico Office two weeks prior to activity.
1 ______2 ______
3 ______
Club Educational Plan: This plan documents that the club has established educational objectives in anticipation of holding a minimum of 6 meetings within the coming year. It should be used as a guide for club volunteers, but it can be modified throughout the year.
Month Educational Events/Activities:
4-H CLUB PROPERTY INVENTORY REPORT July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
______Check here if 4-H Club maintains no physical property. *Please report ONLY permanent equipment or other items of value greater than $25. Items valued at less than $25 should not be reported. **Submit Revisions as Changes Arise Throughout Year**
Date Item and Description * Dollar Storage Date of Acquired (Include Serial Number) Value Location Disposal
Total Dollar Value $
Member Signature Date Leader Signature Date ANNUAL FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
______Check here if 4-H Club maintains no finances. All clubs must file a 990 even if you do not handle money. Did you file a 990 online e-postcard for the previous year? No Yes If yes, provide the date filed______Have you submitted proof of filing? No Yes If you have not already turned in documentation verifying that you filed (online) a 990 e-postcard for the previous year, please include documentation when you submit this packet. Did you file a 990 online e-postcard for the current year? No Yes If yes, provide the date filed______Have you submitted proof of filing? No Yes Does your club have money in the county EAC Account: No Yes Does your Club have a checking account: No Yes (If yes please complete the table below)
Bank Name: Amount Account # (dollars) Balance starting July 1 Total of all balances Checking ______Savings______CD______EAC______$
Total Income during the past year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Major Sources of Income (fundraiser, etc.)
Total Expenses during the past year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Major Sources of Expense (teaching materials, etc.)
3 Balance starting June 30 Total of all balances Checking ______Savings______CD______EAC______$ FINANCIAL SUMMARY FORM PREPARED BY:
Printed Name Signature Date
4-H Members (2 Signatures Required)
1 Printed Name Signature Date
2 Printed Name Signature Date
Adults (2 Signatures Required)
1 Printed Name Signature Date
2 Printed Name Signature Date PUBLIC RELATIONS EFFORTS MADE BY 4-H CLUBS Form: AA-4-H4 Reporting Time Frame: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Newspaper announcements Newspaper names______Foreign language newspaper/newsletter/radioannouncements______Press release/articles Submitted to ______Printed by ______Announcements in church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious group bulletin, including minority religious groups ____Community newsletter articles ____School announcement or newsletter articles ____Posters in community Where were they posted?______Fliers distributed about club events/meetings Where were they distributed? ______Membership drive ____Joint meetings with minority or integrated youth clubs or groups ____Joint activities with minority or integrated youth clubs or groups ____Moved meeting or held event in a different community specifically to make new contacts ____Sponsored booth/poster or other activity at ethnic festival or event ____Sponsored booth/poster or other activity at community festival or event ____Displays and talks about 4-H Where were they displayed? ______4-H Club Open House ____Personal Visits (Please attach names/titles of people visited) ____Telephone Calls (Please attach names/titles of people called) ____Other (Please describe below)
How many new contacts did you make this year by race/ethnicity*? ______How many new contacts did you make this year by gender? ______How many new youth joined your 4-H club this year by race/ethnicity and gender? (*For example, Hispanic, African American/Black, Asian, Native American, White, male and female.) ______
Which public relations efforts were most successful for reaching out to diverse youth and adults? Which public relations efforts were most successful for widely publicizing your club’s activities and events?
What assistance do you need to reach out to diverse youth and adults in your community?
Leader’s signature Date
Affirmative Action Update Form: AA-AF13
4-H is a wonderful program for young people, all young people. 4-H is open to all without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability. Because of 4-H is supported, in part, with federal funds it is necessary for 4-H educators and volunteers to make all reasonable efforts to make every child feel welcome to join a 4-H club and participate in 4-H activities.
This is to certify that ______4-H Club has a policy of open membership and does not follow discriminatory practices on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability.
Leader Signature Date 4-H Club By-laws Annual Update For Club Year July 2015 - June 2016
One of the requirements for a Maryland 4-H Club to receive a 4-H Charter is that the club has a set of guidelines which establish the parameters for the club. These guidelines are in the form of bylaws.
The club members take responsibility, with guidance from a University of Maryland Extension (UME) 4-H volunteer, for establishing the bylaws. It is important that bylaws be written in such a way that they do not eliminate any youth/individual from participation or discriminate against any youth/individual. The guidelines established should be simple, easy to understand, and approved by the local 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator.
Annually, a committee should review the bylaws and make suggestions to the club for changes to reflect the current members’ needs.
Name The name of this organization shall be ______4-H Club.
Purpose The purpose of this 4-H Club is to support the development of its members through Club meetings, projects, hands on learning, leadership opportunities, fairs, and other activities.
4-H Compliance This 4-H Club will comply with all University of Maryland 4-H Youth Development policies under the guidance and support of 4-H faculty/staff.
Membership Any youth age 8-18 as of January 1st of the current year may become a member of the Club. Clover 4-H members may be ages 5-7 as of January 1st of the current year. We will not discriminate against any youth wanting to join our Club. All possible efforts will be made to include rather than exclude youth in events conducted by the 4-H Youth Development Program. (The size of the Club may be limited due to space limitations or the leader’s available time or ability to accommodate more members.)
Participation in 4-H is a privilege and participants are expected to show respect and cooperation to 4-H leaders and other participants. Each member is asked to sign and abide by the Maryland 4-H Behavior Expectations. Participants may be removed from 4-H programs or activities for misconduct. All members will be required to pay the annual Maryland 4-H participation fee.
Meetings Section 1 - Dates The Club shall meet regularly on (date, time, location) ______. Special meetings may be called by the President and 4-H leader as needed, with advance notice.
Section 2 - Quorum A simple majority (one half plus one) of members must be present to conduct official Club business.
Order of Business The following order of business shall be followed at regular Club meetings. 1. Call to Order 5. Old Business 2. Approval of Minutes (if applicable) 6. New Business 3. Treasurer’s Report (if applicable) 7. Adjournment 4. Committee Reports (if applicable) Parliamentary Procedure - Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of the Club.
Officers, Elections, and Duties • The elected officers of this Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Reporter. They shall hold office for one year. Officers shall not succeed themselves.
• Officers shall be elected annually in the month of December and shall begin term of office in January. All active members are eligible to vote. Voting is by majority rule and done by secret ballot.
• The Vice President shall succeed to the presidency if such vacancy occurs.
• Other vacancies shall be filled by a vote of the members at the next regular meeting or appointed by the Executive Committee. Any person appointed to fill an unexpired term may be eligible for the same office the following year.
Executive Committee • The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and Standing Committee Chairs (and UME leaders).
• The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to transact any absolutely necessary business between regular meetings and any other business referred to it by the Club members.
• The Executive Committee shall meet between regular meetings as necessary.
Standing and Special Committees - optional
Financial Management Guidelines and Policies This 4-H Club will follow University of Maryland 4-H Financial Management Guidelines and Policies, as well as IRS and Maryland Charitable Registration regulations as applicable. All bank accounts should operate under the Club’s EIN (not the leader’s personal information or social security number) and must require two authorized signatures. An annual financial review (audit) is conducted and the audit report is provided to the local UME 4-H Extension Educator in accordance with the Maryland 4-H Club Financial Requirements.
Dissolution Should the Club disband, any funds remaining after payment of any Club obligations must be transferred to the county Extension Advisory Council/Board. All property belonging to the Club must be turned into the county UME Office. The last official duty of the Club’s leader shall be to transfer ALL Club property and to turn over all Club records to the local UME 4-H Extension Educator.
Amendments The by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote cast by those in attendance, providing that the proposed amendments have been presented to the Club members in writing and filed with the Secretary at the previous meeting of the Club. Amendments must not conflict with 4-H philosophy, rules or policy.
4-H Club Leader Printed Name Signature Date