Level 1 Level 2 PRIDE Rubric - Non-Classroom Instructional

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Level 1 Level 2 PRIDE Rubric - Non-Classroom Instructional

THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & TEACHER APPRAISAL Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Performance Evaluation System Level 1 & 2: PRIDE Rubric ~ Non-Classroom Instructional

Name ______School ______Evaluator ______Date ______

DOMAIN I. CREATING A CULTURE FOR LEARNING The Non-Classroom Instructor (NCI) creates a culture for learning through building positive relationships with students and/or instructional staff. This organized safe learning environment encourages high expectations for all students and instructional staff and allows them to feel respected and valued. INDICATORS COMPETENCY Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Developing Accomplished I. 1. * There is little or no evidence that NCI NCI inconsistently uses praise NCI communicates high expectations for NCI consistently communicates high Establishing High communicates expectations for strategically to motivate others to the performance most of the time. NCI expectations for all work. NCI Expectations for performance. There is little or no effort to highest level of performance. NCI emphasizes accuracy and quality most emphasizes accuracy, quality, and Learning and Work celebrate or recognize success. NCI makes accepts completion of work regardless of of the time. encourages others to take pride in their excuses for poor performance of self and/or quality. work and the work of others. others. I. 2. * There is limited or no evidence that the NCI NCI inconsistently holds others NCI models tolerance for all students NCI consistently models tolerance for all Creating an honors the cultural and developmental accountable for respectful behavior and/or staff and holds them responsible students and/or staff and holds them Environment of differences of others. The NCI’s interactions and/or an appreciation of diversity. for respectful behavior most of the time. responsible for respectful behavior. NCI Respect and with others are negative, demeaning, NCI honors the cultural and honors the cultural and developmental Rapport sarcastic and/or inappropriate. NCI developmental differences among differences among students, parents, tolerates student and/or staff interactions students, parents, and/or staff most of and/or staff. NCI consistently uses characterized by conflict, sarcasm, and put- the time. resources that reflect diversity in practice downs. and/or product.

I. 3. NCI makes inadequate use of the physical NCI inconsistently arranges for the NCI arranges for the physical NCI consistently arranges the physical Organizing the environment. physical environment to be safe and environment to be safe and accessible. environment to facilitate Physical accessible. However, the arrangement The arrangement facilitates the learning/ learning/professional activities. Environment does not facilitate the professional activities most of the time. learning/professional activities. I. 4. * NCI has limited or no procedures to ensure NCI establishes professional procedures NCI establishes effective professional NCI consistently applies effective Managing effective professional practices. but applies them inconsistently. procedures and applies them most of the professional procedures. Procedures in the time. Professional Setting I. 5. * NCI has limited or no standards for conduct. NCI has established rules and NCI monitors behavior based on NCI consistently monitors behavior Managing Participant behavior is not monitored and consequences; however, standards for standards for participant conduct. NCI is based on standards for participant Participant Behavior NCI is unaware of what the participants are conduct are inconsistently monitored and direct, specific, and consistent in conduct. NCI is direct, specific, and doing. enforced. communicating and enforcing high consistent in communicating and standards most of the time. enforcing high standards. NCI maintains positive relationships with participants. *If performance concerns arise, competencies identified by an asterisk* are considered essential to demonstrate the respective competency.

The School Board of Sarasota County, Florida complies with State Statutes on Veterans’ Preference and Federal Statute on non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

RET: Master, 50 FY aft sep or term 046-09-PDC-INS Dupl., OSA Rev. 8-4-2010

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THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & TEACHER APPRAISAL Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Performance Evaluation System Level 1 & 2: PRIDE Rubric ~ Non-Classroom Instructional

Name ______School ______Evaluator ______Date ______DOMAIN II. PLANNING FOR SUCCESS The Non-Classroom Instructor (NCI) demonstrates a deep knowledge of professional practices; aligns professional objectives and learner outcomes with approved program, and uses data to assess programmatic and individual needs. The NCI also plans appropriate assessments and uses time effectively. INDICATORS COMPETENCY Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Developing Accomplished II. 1. * NCI demonstrates limited NCI demonstrates basic understanding of NCI demonstrates understanding NCI demonstrates understanding of Demonstrating Knowledge understanding and/or application current trends and professional practices. of current trends and professional current trends and professional practices of Current Trends in of current trends and However, it is inconsistently applied to practices and applies them in and applies them in their area of Program Area and professional practices. professional practice. their area of expertise most of the expertise. Professional Practice time. II. 2. * NCI’s program consists of a NCI’s plan has a guiding principle and includes NCI’s plan has a guiding principle NCI has developed a plan that includes Aligning Program random selection of unrelated a number of worthwhile objectives/activities, and includes some objectives and professional objectives and activities that Objectives to objectives/ activities lacking but most of them are not aligned with specific activities that are aligned with are aligned with assessed needs and School/District Goals. coherence or an overall school/district goals or based on assessed school/district goals and some school/district goals. structure. needs. that are based on assessed needs. II. 3. * NCI rarely bases professional NCI inconsistently uses basic data to adjust NCI uses data to adjust NCI continually analyzes data to adjust Using Data to Attend to practice decisions on student professional practices and goals. Professional professional practices and goals programs and practices. Assessment Individual Needs learning data and/or assessed decisions for addressing individual differences most of the time. Professional data is used in collaboration with needs. and needs are not evident. decisions for addressing colleagues to ensure best professional individual differences and needs practices. NCI uses data to address are sometimes evident. individual student/learner needs. II. 4. * NCI rarely plans for assessment NCI inconsistently plans and uses one or two NCI plans and uses multiple NCI plans and uses multiple appropriate Planning Assessments prior to program/services. appropriate methods of assessment. appropriate methods of methods of assessment on an ongoing Assessments rarely measure assessment on an ongoing basis basis to measure program/service progress toward goal. to measure program/service effectiveness. effectiveness most of the time. II. 5. * NCI rarely connects NCI’s planned activities inconsistently support NCI’s plans activities that support NCI plans activities that build on prior Determining Strategies for learning/program activities with the program/service goals and objectives. The the program/service goals and learning/progress and align with needs in Meaningful/ Coherent prior knowledge, and/or learning NCI makes content and expectations clear objectives most of the time. The a coherent progression. NCI responds Delivery of Services activities are rarely appropriate. only after learners/participants express NCI makes content and appropriately to individual needs. confusion. expectations clear. II. 6. * NCI inadequately plans for time NCI has established routines and procedures NCI has established routines and NCI plans routines which are well Using Time Effectively management. NCI’s routines but inconsistently follows them. Activities are procedures. There is evidence of organized and clearly communicated so and procedures (e.g. handling often rushed or too long. effective preparation and time on that all participants understand them. materials and scheduling) are task is maximized most of the Activities provide for smooth transitions either non existent or inefficient, time. and optimum use of time on task. resulting in significant loss of effectiveness. *If performance concerns arise, competencies identified by an asterisk* are considered essential to demonstrate the respective competency.

The School Board of Sarasota County, Florida complies with State Statutes on Veterans’ Preference and Federal Statute on non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

RET: Master, 50 FY aft sep or term 046-09-PDC-INS Dupl., OSA Rev. 8-4-2010

2 of 5 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & TEACHER APPRAISAL Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Performance Evaluation System Level 1 & 2: PRIDE Rubric ~ Non-Classroom Instructional

Name ______School ______Evaluator ______Date ______DOMAIN III. INSTRUCTING AND ASSESSING FOR PARTICIPANT ACHIEVEMENT The Non-Classroom Instructor (NCI) uses a variety of strategies to engage participants in learning. The activity is varied by utilizing technology, quality questioning, and discussions. The NCI creates opportunities for learners to monitor their own performance while making adjustments in the activity in order to enhance achievement. INDICATORS COMPETENCY Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Developing Accomplished III. 1. * NCI rarely plans for the active NCI plans activities that call for passive NCI plans activities that call for passive NCI implements plans for participants to Engaging engagement of all participants. NCI participation therefore participant and active participation. Pacing of the actively access, process and Participants allows personal or participant off-task engagement is low. NCI allows off-task activity is appropriate for most communicate information in ways that behavior. Pacing is hurried or slow behaviors. Appropriate pacing of the participants. indicate they are on task and actively activity is inconsistent. engaged. NCI uses technology effectively to engage participants. Pacing of the activity is appropriate for all participants. III. 2. * NCI’s pacing and level of the activity NCI recognizes some individual needs NCI recognizes group and individual NCI recognizes group and individual Varying Content to rarely allows for individual needs. but inconsistently develops appropriate needs and develops appropriate needs and develops appropriate Meet Participant activities or varies content effectively. activities and varies content most of the activities and varies content effectively. Needs time. Opportunities are provided for participants to select activities based on learning styles, needs, abilities, and/or interest. III. 3. NCI makes inadequate use of NCI questions are predominately low- NCI asks high and low order questions. NCI directs high and low order Using Quality questioning techniques. NCI asks order and invite little response. NCI NCI provides wait time and requires questions individually to the appropriate Questions and predominately low-order questions. inconsistently permits wait time and specific response. NCI uses questions participant to introduce, extend and/or Discussion NCI rarely provides wait time and allows unison response. NCI and feedback to help direct the activity reinforce the activity. NCI uses allows unison response. NCI rarely inconsistently attempts to engage and check for understanding most of the questions and feedback to help direct provides opportunities for discussion. participants. time. NCI provides opportunity for the activity and check for understanding. participant interaction or discussion most of the time. III. 4. * NCI rigidly adheres to planned NCI inconsistently plans formative NCI plans and uses formative NCI adjusts activity/program based on Adjusting and activities. Rarely adapts or revises assessments and may make assessments and makes adjustments individual performance. NCI exchanges Monitoring Activity to activity based on needs. NCI denies adjustments erroneously. NCI does not most of the time. feedback with participants so they can Enhance responsibility for participants who are vary the methods of assessment. NCI increase their skills. NCI is persistent in Achievement having difficulty. has limited knowledge of ways to supporting struggling participants to support struggling learners/participants. reach goal(s). III. 5. * NCI rarely plans and mismatches NCI inconsistently plans NCI plans a variety of NCI plans a variety of effective Developing interventions/fails to locate resources interventions/resources that are partially interventions/resources that are suitable interventions/resources that are suitable Interventions and/or indicated by the findings of student/ suitable or inconsistently aligned with and aligned with identified needs most and aligned with identified needs. Locating Resources participant assessment results. identified needs. NCI provides limited of the time. to Increase Student opportunities to collect information Achievement and about participant learning. Meet Goals *If performance concerns arise, competencies identified by an asterisk* are considered essential to demonstrate the respective competency.

The School Board of Sarasota County, Florida complies with State Statutes on Veterans’ Preference and Federal Statute on non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. RET: Master, 50 FY aft sep or term 046-09-PDC-INS Dupl., OSA Rev. 8-4-2010 3 of 5

THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & TEACHER APPRAISAL Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Performance Evaluation System Level 1 & 2: PRIDE Rubric ~ Non-Classroom Instructional

Name ______School ______Evaluator ______Date ______DOMAIN III. INSTRUCTING AND ASSESSING FOR PARTICIPANT ACHIEVEMENT The Non-Classroom Instructor (NCI) uses a variety of strategies to engage participants in learning. The activity is varied by utilizing technology, quality questioning, and discussions. The NCI creates opportunities for learners to monitor their own performance while making adjustments in the activity in order to enhance achievement. III. 6. * NCI rarely uses technology as NCI inconsistently uses technology in NCI uses technology in the delivery of NCI’s activity plans make use of district Using Technology To required by job responsibilities. the delivery of services/instruction as services/instruction. NCI’s activity plans provided technology resources. Support Learning required by job responsibilities. NCI make use of district provided technology Instruction/program planning reflects relies on others (e.g. lab teacher, resources most of the time. The NCI innovative strategies integrating technology coach) to get technology uses technology to access student data. technology. NCI facilitates the use of into the hands of the technology by participants as students/participants (as appropriate). appropriate. The NCI uses technology to access and communicate student data.

*If performance concerns arise, competencies identified by an asterisk* are considered essential to demonstrate the respective competency.

The School Board of Sarasota County, Florida complies with State Statutes on Veterans’ Preference and Federal Statute on non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. RET: Master, 50 FY aft sep or term 046-09-PDC-INS Dupl., OSA Rev. 8-4-2010 4 of 5 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & TEACHER APPRAISAL Professional Rubrics Investing & Developing Educator Excellence Performance Evaluation System Level 1 & 2: PRIDE Rubric ~ Non-Classroom Instructional

Name ______School ______Evaluator ______Date ______DOMAIN IV. COMMUNICATING PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT The Non-Classroom Instructor (NCI) takes responsibility for his/her professional development in support of school and district initiatives/goals. The NCI works collaboratively with colleagues to enhance student performance and develops positive relationships with family and community. INDICATORS COMPETENCY Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Developing Accomplished IV. 1. NCI performance indicates NCI inconsistently complies with and NCI complies fully with and NCI takes a leadership role at the Complying with and disciplinary concern(s). implements Federal and State law, implements Federal and State law, department, school and/or district level in Implementing all Federal as well as District policies and as well as District policies and planning and supporting initiatives/ and State laws, as a well procedures relating to the education procedures relating to the education activities that implement Federal and State as District Policies and and well being of all students. and well being of all students. law, as well as District policies and Procedures procedures. IV. 2. NCI performance indicates NCI attends only mandated staff NCI attends mandated staff NCI attends mandated and additional staff Taking Responsibility for disciplinary concern(s). development and does not integrate development and integrates development regularly. NCI integrates Professional Development professional learning into practice professional learning into practice professional learning into practice and and program area. and program area most of the time. program area. NCI refines and assesses effectiveness of strategies in terms of student achievement.

IV. 3. NCI performance indicates NCI works in isolation and only NCI contributes to collegial NCI initiates collegial interactions focused Collaborating with disciplinary concern(s). participates in collegial activities interactions focused on student on student achievement and well-being. Colleagues for Student when required. achievement and well-being. NCI demonstrates leadership among Progress team, school and department staff to address student needs IV. 4. NCI performance indicates NCI provides little or no information NCI maintains timely system(s) for NCI collaborates with families to address Developing Positive disciplinary concern(s). and/or rarely responds to communication with families student progress and needs. Relationships with family/community. NCI handles regarding student progress and/or NCI responses to family concerns are Families and Community family/community concerns programs on a regular basis. NCI handled with sensitivity. NCI builds unprofessionally. appropriately responds to family/ positive relationships with families and community concerns. community focused on student achievement and well-being. *If performance concerns arise, competencies identified by an asterisk* are considered essential to demonstrate the respective competency.

NOTE: Behavior deemed unsatisfactory may result in documented disciplinary action.

The School Board of Sarasota County, Florida complies with State Statutes on Veterans’ Preference and Federal Statute on non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. RET: Master, 50 FY aft sep or term 046-09-PDC-INS Dupl., OSA Rev. 8-4-2010 5 of 5

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