AP Biology Review Semester 1 Final

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AP Biology Review Semester 1 Final

AP Biology Review – Semester 1 Final Chapters: 5 – 19 (you may have a 3x5 card to use on the final)

Chap 5 1) Sketch the structure of a saccharide (be able to identify a hexose, ribose, poly,…), lipid, & aminoacid. 2) What are the polysaccharides cellulose, glycogen, and starch used for? 3) What makes each of the 20 amino acids unique? 4) How are ploypeptides and polysaccharides joined and broken? (be specific) 5) What do the  &  secondary structures look like? 6) Sketch a DNA & an RNA molecule? What is the main difference in the sugar backbone? 7) Which nucleic acids bind to each other? 8) Sketch the purine & pyrimidine bases. (be able to identify them) Chap 6 9) What situations would the following microscopes be most appropriately used? Light, scanning electron, transmission electronic 10) Define the following cell parts: (include structure & function) a. nucleoid b. nucleolus c. plasma membrane d. free ribosome e. lysosome f. endoplasmic reticulum g. mitochondria h. contractile vacuole i. golgi j. peroxisome k. chloroplast 11) Since prokayotes lack a developed Golgi system, how are secretory proteins packaged? Chap 7 12) What are the major structural components of the cell membrane? 13) What leads to the fluidity of the cell membrane? 14) What types of substances travel freely through the cell membrane? 15) Define the following types of transport: a. Diffusion b. Osmosis c. Facilitated diffusion d. Active transport e. Endocytosis f. Exocytosis g. Pinocytosis 16) How is ATP used in the Na+/K+ pump? Chap 8 17) How does the 1st law of thermodynamics relate to living organisms? 18) What is entropy and how does it relate to metabolic processes? 19) Define the following and their effect on G: a. endergonic b. exergonic c. enthalpy d. spontaneous reaction e. exothermic reaction f. activation energy g. catalyst 20) What is meant by coupled metabolic reactions? 21) What is the structure of ATP 22) Define the following: a. allosteric inhibition b. competitive inhibition c. noncompetitive inhibition d. feedback inhibition e. cofactor f. coenzyme Chap 9 23) Define the following & where it takes place: (summarize steps) a. cellular respiration b. glycolysis c. fermentation d. citric acid cycle (Kreb) e. oxidative phosphorylation f. ETS 24) Explain what happens to a substance when it is oxidized and reduced. (HINT: use NAD+ & NADH) Chap 10 25) Write the equation for photosynthesis and indicate where the products come from. 26) Briefly summarize the reactions in the 2 photosystems. 27) Briefly describe chemiosmosis in the chloroplast. 28) Briefly describe the Calvin cycle. 29) Briefly describe photorespiration. 30) What differentiates the following types of plants? a. C4 b. C3 c. CAM Chap 11 31) Define the following types of signaling: a. Hormones b. Autocrine c. Paracrine d. Endocrine e. Synaptic 32) What are ligand-gated ion channels? Where are they used in the body? 33) What is the evolutionary significance of G-proteins? 34) What is protein regulated phosphorylation? 35) What does a protein kinase do? Chap 12 36) Briefly summarize the stages of Mitosis. 37) What is the process by which most prokaryotes replicate? 38) What are mitotic spindles and contractile rings made of? 39) What does a go-ahead at the G1 checkpoint tell a cell to do? 40) Describe the following parts of the cell cycle: a. G0 b. G1 c. S d. G2 e. M 41) What is the relationship of cyclin and MPF in the ell cycle? 42) Briefly describe density-dependant inhibition of cells. Chap 13 43) What is the main difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? 44) Define the following: a. Haploid b. Diploid c. Genome d. Autosomes e. Crossing-over 45) In the sexual life cycle of plants, how are gametes formed? (stage & process) 46) Briefly describe the stages of Meiosis. 47) What is the synaptonemal complex? Chap 14 48) Define the following: a. Hybridization b. Incomplete dominance c. Polygenic inheritance d. True-breeding e. The law of segregation f. Test cross g. Dihybrid cross 49) Predict the outcome of the cross Pp x Pp. 50) What are the possible gametes of the individual HhTt if the genes are unlinked. 51) How is the multiplication / addition rule used to predict probability for multiple traits? (be prepared to use it) Chap 15 52) Cross the following and give results: a. Parents - Pure Bread Grey body/normal wing x black body/vesigal wing b. F1 – All Grey/normal c. What will a test cross with F1 produce? d. What will be the phenotypic ratio of F1 x F1? 53) Why are males more susceptible to sex-linked diseases than females? 54) What is a Barr body? 55) Define the following syndromes: a. Turner b. Down c. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy d. Cri du chat 56) What is the result of non-disjunction in meiosis? 57) How are mitochondria inherited? Chap 16 58) What is transformation of bacteria? What did Griffith show? 59) How are the strands of DNA connected in the double-helix? 60) Which part of DNA is the hereditary information carried? 61) Define the role of the following: a. Template strand b. DNA polymerase c. replication fork d. Okasaki fragment e. Telemorase f. Helicase g. Ligase h. Primase 62) What causes zeroderma pigmentosum? Chap 17 63) What is the one gene one enzyme hypothesis? Why is it not correct? 64) Are the codons read 3’ to 5’ or 5’ to 3’? 65) Where is the poly-A tail and cap added to mRNA? 66) What modifications are made to the initial transcript before translation begins? 67) Define the function of the following: a. snRNP b. Triplet code c. Wobble d. tRNA e. anticodon 68) Where is the anti-codon located on the tRNA (t-shaped model)? 69) Briefly describe the process of translation in eukaryotes. (include initiation and termination) 70) What is a polyribosome? 71) What are the basic types of mutations? Which type is most catastrophic? Chap 18 72) Define the following: a. Host range b. Bacteriophage c. Viroid d. Prion e. Plasmid f. Transduction g. Transposition h. Conjugation i. Transformation j. F plasmid k. R plasmid 73) What are the basic parts of a virus? 74) What are treatments to prevent viral infection (more than 1)? Chap 19 75) Briefly describe the role of the different histone proteins in chromatin packaging. 76) Briefly describe the difference between heterochromatin and euchromatin. 77) What is differential gene expression? 78) Define the function of the following: a. Enhancer b. Promoter c. Activator d. Repressor e. Terminator 79) Briefly describe retrotransposons and their suspected origin. 80) Break up the DNA in humans by percentage from least to most. 81) What effect does methylation and acetylation have on DNA? 82) What is an example of a multigene family in humans? 83) What are satellite bands made of? 84) What events lead to the variations in simple sequence repeats between homologous chromosomes?

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