Alvin Curling Public School
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Date: Thursday March 03, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM Location: School Library
Attendance:, Khadija Mirza, Rhonda Prasad, Dharini Selvanesan, Paulette Grant, Michelle Williams, Josette Meade, Nalini Devineni, Nira Kugan, Teresa Joblin, Nira Kugan, Sahaira Khan, Elsa, Wayne Leavey, Robin Tohana. 14 people were in attendance.
Minutes: The minutes of the February's meeting were motioned for approval by Rhonda and seconded by Josette.
Treasurers Report: There was a balance forward of $195 in the Council account. Estimation of $400 raised at the Primary Movie Night less the price of the pizza, raffle prizes and miscellaneous items. Funds still to clear at the bank.
Principals Report
The Primary classes are going to P.C. Ho Chinese Cultural Centre on March 8th. Soccer practice has begun. Teachers have signed up for Ultimate Frisbee, Cricket and Track and Field. The Folk Dance Jamboree is in May; the date is to be determined. Mrs. Tohana and Mr. Leavey were informed by the Toronto Police that they received a phone call from a concerned community member. The concern was involving a man in the community who was communicating with children on the street. They asked the P/VP to remind students about community safety.
Chess Club still continues. The school will be hosting the East Regional Championship Games on April 7th. The Dance-a-thon which Mr. Espeut will DJ, was switched to April 14th. The school has a Twitter account. The Twitter handle is @curlingtdsb
Primary Movie Night Report
The Primary Pyjama Movie Night was successfully organized. All the children and parents enjoyed the evening.
Junior Movie Night Planning
The Junior students in grades 4, 5, & 6 will be having their movie night coming up. The students voted for The Good Dinosaur, forms will be sent home by the end of the week. The parents have an option of staying for the movie. Any students dropped off are to be picked up for 7:30 p.m. Nira will be responsible for getting the popcorn from Cineplex. Water is not needed; there plenty was left over from the previous movie night. Khadija or Dharini will be responsible to pick up the pizzas. Mr Levy will forward the number of students expected to attend to Khadija once the final count of returned forms come in.
Spring Fair Decision
The Spring Fair will be on June 18th. There will be 2 staff from The Main Event to run the fair booths and equipment. We will need 4 parent volunteers to help during the day of the fair. Currently the wish list stands at $2,800, there is a 50% deposit required which is $1,400. It was suggested that council buy insurance to ensure legal coverage.
Dharini, Nira, Khadija and Theresa will be the main contacts for the Spring Fair.
By-law Update
Mr. Leavey reviewed recommended additions to the Alvin Curling SAC Bylaws as recommended by the TDSB Parent Engagement Office. A motion was passed to update the bylaws with these new additions.
Parent Council Room
Mr. Leavey and Mr. Chris removed old, perishable items no longer needed.
Paulette and Rhonda will be working in the room to prepare it for ongoing regular use.
School Uniform Vote
A motion was made and seconded to pursue school uniforms. A vote took place.
The motion did not pass with a 3 (FOR) - 8 (AGAINST) vote.
New Business
Ms. Tracy was acknowledged with positive feedback and praise for her dedication and hard work during her lunch room supervision with the students.
The SAC meeting minutes have now been added onto the school website for the parents who are not available to attend the regular council meetings.
Next Meeting Thursday April 7, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned: 8:14 p.m.
Minutes by Paulette Grant, Council Secretary