St Joseph the Worker s3
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As we come and worship, we remember the wurundjeri people, the original custodians of this land ST JOSEPH THE WORKER FIRST READING Kings 19:16.19-21 ______NORTH RESERVOIR ______Elisha rose and followed Elijah and became his servant. 79 Wilson Boulevard, North Reservoir 3073 Parish House/Office Tel: 9460 3013 Fax: 9460 8832 Mb: 0431 643 674 RESPONSORIAL PSALM SALMO RESPONSORIALE Email: [email protected] You are my inheritance, O Lord. Sei tu, Signore, l’unico mio bene. School Tel: 9469 7800 Fax: 9462 2949
SECOND READING Galatians 5:1 13-18 SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Fr Emmanuel Bonello–Parish Priest WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: My brothers, you were called to freedom. Sat 6.00pm - English Sr Estelita Manabo-Pastoral Associate Mon. 9.10am Comm. Service Sun. 9.00am - Italian Mr Peter Chowne -School Principal Tue. 10.00am Italian GOSPEL ACCLAMATION CANTO AL VANGELO Sun. 10.30am – English Mrs Liz Pistoni – Parish Secretary Wed. 9.10am - English Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia. Thur. 9.10am - English Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening; you have the Parla, Signore, perche’ il servo ti ascolta: Maltese Mass Fri. 9.10am - English words of everlasting life. Alleluia! tu hai parole di vita eterna. Alleluia! Sat. 8.30am - English 1st Saturday of the Month 6.00pm Sat. 8.30am - English Sat. 8.30am-English GOSPEL Luke 9:51-62 Baptisms – Sunday 12.00pm Reconciliation: Sat. 10.30am Jesus resolutely set his face towards Jerusalem. I will follow you wherever you will go. Marriages - By Appointment
THANKS TO THOSE WHO GAVE LAST WEEK 13th Sunday, Year C 30 June, 2013 1st Collection - Thanksgiving Offering…………………………..$685.00 - Loose Money…………………………………….$301.00 2nd Collection - Presbytery………………………………………..$545.00 Hero for Love LECTORS - THIS WEEK 30/06/2013 SPECIAL MINISTERS We all have heroes: sporting heroes; military heroes; or even family heroes. We love to tell stories 6.00pm (SAT) – E Krygger & E Saliba J Pullicino & N Ziino about them. Heroic tales are an important part of all cultures and all social gatherings. Such stories 9.00am (SUN) – C Brunetti & G Barbaro P Sparano, R Pino & L Cavedon excite and grip the imagination. The movies we go to see or novels we read present such heroic 10.30am (SUN) – J Kearney & J Iaria P Nguyen, S Rottura & S Miano figures and their great feats against incredible odds. But there is more to it than entertainment. Heroes take journeys, battle dragons, and rescue people LECTORS – NEXT WEEK 07/07/2013 SPECIAL MINISTERS from injustice and distress. In that way, they conquer prejudice and fear, and their own limitations. 6.00pm (SAT) - MALTESE MASS (Selected) MALTESE MASS (Selected) Ultimately, they discover what it means to be truly human. The Gospels are in many ways like these 9.00am (SUN) - L Calafiore & R DiGuglielmo D Biasibetti, P Leggiero & C Alberti heroic tales. Their central protagonist, Jesus, takes journeys, battles demons and rescues those 10.30am (SUN) – C Antonio & J Kearney M Mizzi, S Dakin & C McMahon enslaved by sin and sickness. Unlike other heroes, however, Jesus does not triumph by force of arms or in the clash of battle. Rather he conquers prejudice and fear, evil and sin, by standing up peacefully for justice and charity in the name of God. And though he will meet his death at the hands 01/07/2013 S Dakin & D Herbert MONEY COUNTERS of the powerbrokers of this world, his way of peaceful resistance will be confirmed. He rises from 08/07/2013 J & J Kearney, E & K Bartlett, C McMahon the dead and triumphs over death itself. Today’s Gospel reading (Luke 9:51-62) captures something & S Dakin of this. It presents Jesus being “resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem” (Lk 9:51). There, he
will meet the greatest enemy of humankind, death itself. The episode marks an important turning
point in Luke’s Gospel. From this time onwards until he enters Jerusalem (Lk 19:28), Jesus travels with his disciples, teaching them and preparing them to understand his death and resurrection. Like YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING him, his disciples will be called to leave their homes and families and pursue a heroic and seemingly RECENTLY DECEASED ill-fated cause (Lk 9:57-62). On one level this story can be understood in literal terms. There are Ines DI PIETRO those who are called to a religious or priestly vocation of celibacy and obedience; a life without a home, spouse or children. There are those who will suffer martyrdom for their faith, confident that ANNIVERSARIES having died for Christ they will be raised like him. On another, deeper level, however, this story Rosina TROIETTO,Orsola BONACCI, Pasquale GIMINO, Carmela, Maria-Teresa & Annita PANE, speaks to the challenge common to all Christians, to “repent” and be changed in mind, heart and way Rocco CENTOFANTI, Angela DIAMANTA, Raffaelo, Giuseppe & Eremenegildo CENTOFANTI, of life (metanoia). In this episode, Jesus is presented as the model for living humanly on a heroic Felice TARANTO scale. He is willing to push beyond the comfortable and familiar as he follows his true calling. This challenge is clearly expressed in today’s second reading from Paul’s letter to the Galatians (5:1,13- 18). Paul tells us that we latter-day disciples are all called to make the heroic journey. We have to go from a life of indulgence and self-centredness – what Paul calls the life of the “flesh” – to a life lived in the “Spirit” of service and selflessness. This is the ironic message that lies at the heart of all great heroic stories, especially that of Jesus. If we want fulfilling lives and just societies, then we must spend the journey of life in making a heroic, self-sacrificing effort “to serve one another through love” (Gal 5:13). CHAPLAINCY SUNDAY APPEAL 2013 The development Office sincerely thanks the parish community of St Joseph the Worker for the support and generosity given on the Chaplaincy Sunday Appeal held on May 19, 2013. The parish contribution was $342.
ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY MASS - SUNDAY 2 8 JULY, 11AM Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, or 60th - 70th wedding anniversary this year? The Life, Marriage & Family Office invite you and your families to join us at the Annual Anniversary Mass. The Mass will be celebrated at St Patrick's Cathedral by Archbishop Denis Hart. Couples who register will receive commemorative certificates and packs. Registrations close Friday 12 July. Where: St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Cathedral Pl, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Register: Contact: Life, Marriage & Family Office 9287 5579 or [email protected].
FESTA DI SAN DONATO 37 MO ANNIVERSARIO DOMENICA 4 AGOSTO, 2013 Il comitato dell’Associazone San Donato Inc. invita la communita’ Italiana a partecipare alla solenne Festa di San Donato presso la chiesa di San Luca, 1A David Street Lalor. Progrmma: Ore: 1.30pm Banda Bellini Ore: 2.00pm Santa Messa Solenne, Celebrante: Padre Savino Bernardi, CS e Padre Luigi Sabbadin, CS. Messa cantata dal Coro Friulano e il Coro Studenti di San Luca. Presenti saranno I Carabinieri. Al termine della Santa Messa nella sala parrocchiale verra’ presentata la Banda Bellini da Cav. Frank Di Blasi OAM Concerto con Tenori e Trio Italia – registrata da Giancarlo del Canale TV 31 Siete tutti benvenuti al rinfresco. Per dettagli si prega di telefonare a I seguenti: Donato Polvere: 9466 1177, Mauro Giusti: 9402 6485 & Fulvio Di Marco: 9465 8672
FESTA DI SAN DONATO DINNER DANCE Ferraro Receptions, 14 Onslow Ave, Campbellfield il 27 Luglio 2013 alle ore 6.00pm – con musica dal complesso “Trio Italia”. Biglietti $45.00 a persona tutto incluso.
FR MANNY BONELLO – 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF PRIESTHOOD Congratulations to Fr Manny who celebrated his 30th anniversary of priesthood on Tuesday 25th June. We ask God’s blessing and prayers for Fr Manny as he continues his priestly ministry and his great work in the parish.
BAPTISMS PREPARATION The Baptism Preparation Meeting will be held on Monday 1 & 15 July at 7.30pm in the Church.
FUNERAL The funeral Mass for Ines Di Pietro will be celebrated on Tuesday 2 July at 11.30am.
MEMORIAL MASSES Friday 5 July 7.00pm – Francesco Pintimalli (1mth) Saturday 6 July 3.00pm – Giovanni Zocco (1 yr)
MALTESE MASS A reminder that the Maltese Mass will be celebrated next Saturday 6 July at 6.00pm. PRAYER FOR THE JOURNEY: A RETREAT DAY FOR THE YEAR OF FAITH FEAST SATURDAY 6 JULY, 11AM - 3PM Wednesday 3 July – St Thomas Join us for a time of prayer and contemplation. This retreat day will include: reflections from Bishop Blase Cupich and Dr Maureen O’Connell (USA), reflective music by Genevieve Bryant and COSDU Catholic Society, Lectio Divina, praying with icons and the Love’s Body Photographic Exhibit. Come and pray with us (even for just a part of the day) as we continue our faith journey as Catholics in Melbourne in 2013! Lunch provided. Cost: Free Where: All Saints Catholic Church (174 Brunswick St, Fitzroy) RSVP: Monday 1 July for catering purposes Contact: Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation 9926 5761 or [email protected]
MENALIVE: GROWING GOOD MEN FRIDAY 5 - 7 SUNDAY JULY 2013 A weekend for dads and their teenage sons (13 - 17 years). ‘Growing Good Men’ is a unique opportunity for dads and their teenage sons to embark on a quest of discovery. A son’s relationship with his father can be a powerful guiding force as he wrestles with the questions of what kind of man he is becoming. The most important ingredient in this relationship is time. Take time out together to get reconnected in an environment which fosters honesty, mutual respect and a hunger for more out of life. For solo mum families, teenage sons are welcome to attend with an important male adult in their lives. Cost: $150 per person Where: Gilwell Park, Swallowfield Road, Gembrook VIC More info: Contact: Michael Bohan 0439 172 465 or [email protected]
ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGIUM, WEST BRUNSWICK SATURDAY 6 JULY, 6PM Each first Saturday of the month the St Joseph’s Collegium sing at the Vigil Mass under the leadership of organist and music director Anthony Halliday. Mass Common: Missa Vinum Bonum et Suavis—Lassus Motets: Ubi Caritas—Duruflé and Laudamus et Gratia—Angelo Vella Where: Cnr Melville Road and Hope Street, West Brunswick. Contact: Parish Office 9380 4789
A VOCATION VIEW Can you imagine Jesus, facing His fate in the Garden of Gethsemane, deciding, “No, I’ll not go through with this?” No, vocation means perseverance.