Storrington & Sullington Parish Council

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Storrington & Sullington Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of the Recreation and Property Committee held in The Chanctonbury Room, The Parish Hall, Thakeham Road, Storrington, on Wednesday 6th April, 2011 commencing at 7:45 p.m.

Present: Mrs L Wheatley in the Chair, Mr R Dawe, Mr A Head, Mr D Roper and Mrs A Worthington-Leese

In Attendance: 1 Member of the Public.

133. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr R Carter and Mr C Mason (Prior Engagements). The reasons for absence were duly ACCEPTED.

134. To Receive Declarations of Interest from Members. There were no declarations of interest.

135. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011. The minutes were duly APPROVED as being a correct record of the proceedings thereat and were signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising.

136. Minute No. 126 – WCRA Lease and Update following meeting of the Trustees. Members were advised that the final document would be sent immediately upon hearing from the Trustee’s solicitor. Mrs Wheatley reported that she had accompanied Mr Seymour (WCRA Trustee) to the Leisure Centre at Lancing which was currently being run by Impulse Leisure. The agreement between Impulse and WCRA was to commence on 4th April 2011. A meeting of the trustees was planned for later in April and Mrs Wheatley would report further.

137 To consider the Inspection of Play Equipment Reports. One report had been received from Horsham District Council and three local inspections had been carried out. Some minor defects had been dealt with. Members were advised that the entrance gate to the playground of Storrington Recreation Ground had undergone repairs but needed replacing:

To supply and fit a metal gate £152.00 To supply and fit a wooden gate £175.00.

The two options were discussed and it was AGREED:

That a wooden gate should be fitted at a cost of £175.00 (Open Spaces Act 1906, S10)

138. Allotments Update. Members were advised of a letter sent from Tony Read of RAGS (Ravenscroft Allotment Growers Society), to the Leader of West Sussex County Council, in which the subject of the renewal of the lease had been raised. Mr Read had received a response indicating that a request for a new lease to the parish council would be supported when it expired.

27 STORRINGTON & SULLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Recreation and Property Committee 6th April 2011

139. Buildings Maintenance Reports for Parish Hall and Pavilions. An inspection of these buildings had been carried out and a number of areas had been identified as requiring repair. Members were advised that quotations would be obtained prior to a schedule of works being presented for consideration.

140. Budget Review for End of Financial Year. Members had been provided with a Financial Budget Comparison Statement and this document was duly NOTED. Mr Dawe enquired after the value of this document in providing Members with up to date information. This comparison statement provided details of payments made and income received but did not offer data regarding forecasts for the end of year position. Mrs Wheatley commented that the comparison statement was used to help members focus on the budget and felt that as the document was relatively easy to produce, it should continue to be used on a monthly basis. It was suggested that a more detailed document providing forecasts for the end of year position should be produced quarterly and this was AGREED.

141. Documents for Councillors to read.

(a) Friends of Meadowside Newsletter - Mrs Wheatley took this to read.

142. Health and Safety. There were no issues raised.

143. Chairman’s Announcements and Urgent Matters.

(a) Rydon School – Plans for Improvements of Tennis Court Area. An email had been received from Stuart Duncan, (Chairman of the PTA, and Parent Governor at Rydon School) advising members of plans to improve the tennis court area at Rydon School. It was reported that the existing surface was approximately 50 years old and was perishing, causing minor injuries to the children. Companies had been asked to recommend surface materials that would provide a wider range of uses and it was hoped that the facilities could be made available to the wider community. Mr Duncan was advised that Rydon School actually sat within the parish of Thakeham and he had also been in contact with the Thakeham Clerk. Members suggested that contact be made with Horsham District Council and local businesses to seek funding for the project and asked that Mr Duncan keep this council informed of progress.

Mrs Wheatley informed Mr Duncan of previous approaches to Rydon School regarding the use of land for a Skateboard facility and asked if this could be revisited. Mr Duncan would raise this during the next meeting of the Governors.

Mr Duncan was also advised of the Village Plan Launch event and kindly agreed to ask the school to promote this event in its electronic newsletter and by displaying posters.

28 STORRINGTON & SULLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Recreation and Property Committee 6th April 2011

(b) Friends of Meadowside. Mrs Wheatley reported that the FOM had applied for funding via and had requested that members give this application their support by voting for the Meadowside play project. Members would be provided with the instructions on the voting process.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8:50 pm.

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