The Composite Alberta Seismicity Catalog 2013 (CASC13)
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The Composite Alberta Seismicity Catalog 2013 (CASC13)
Figure. Events with Mw great than 2 from CASC13
By Luqi Cui December 2014
1 Introduction The Composite Alberta Seismicity Catalog 2013 (CASC13) is a compilation of earthquake catalogs from different agencies with different formats. The aim is to provide a comprehensive baseline catalog of known historical seismicity in Alberta and the surrounding area, from the earliest documented events in 1906 through 2013. This report describes the processes used to generate this catalog, and contains information necessary to understand the catalog and its potential uses. This catalog (1906-2013) is as the same format and defined flags as the Composite Alberta Seismicity Catalog 2014, so that users can combine them easily by pasting them together.
Input Catalogs: 1) Catalog from the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC catalog) Website: Earthquake Search parameters: Region: 48-59 N, -110 – (-121) W Depth: 0-100km Types: quakes, induced, mining events and blasts Number of events: 1727 earthquakes and 1365 blasts (totally 3093 events) Time window: 1985.01.01 00:00:00 – 2014.01.01 00:00:00 Notes: The downloadable GSC catalog is available from 1985 to the present. It is compiled by analysts using stations of the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN). The GSC catalog includes earthquake date, time (to nearest second), location, magnitude, depth, a depth designation (whether determined or fixed) and comments. Most of its earthquake events are in the magnitude scale ML (local magnitude) or MN (Nuttli magnitude); a few of the larger events have moment magnitude (MW) and/or body wave magnitude (mb) types.
2) Alberta Geologic Survey (AGS) Catalog (Stern et al., 2013) Source: Appendix Tables. Table A.2 in AER/AGS Open File Report 2013-15 Link:
2 Earthquake parameters: Time window: 2006-2010 Type of events: no blast events are included in the catalog (have been screened out by AGS) Notes: The AGS catalog lists the earthquakes in the province of Alberta (or within 10 km of its borders) from September 2006 through December 2010. It differs from the GSC catalog because they included, in addition to CNSN stations, the data from campaign-mode stations, in particular the stations of the Canadian Rockies and Alberta Network (CRANE), which includes several semi-permanent non-telemetered seismic stations by University of Alberta started in 2005 (Gu et al., 2009). The additional CRANE data enable the detection of more events and improve location accuracy. There are totally 171 events in the AGS catalog.The depth type includes: ‘g’ when the depth was fixed and ‘f’ when calculated by the genloc location algorithm.
3) CCSC_west Catalog (Fereidoni et al., 2012) Source: Types of events included: no information available Notes: CCSC_west catalog is a composite western Canadian Seismicity Catalog containing historical seismicity data to 2010. It is derived from eight local and international earthquake catalogs and complied by Fereidoni et al (2012). Using this catalog, we obtain all relevant seismicity data before 1985 in Alberta. In the CCSC catalog, earthquake duplicates have all been removed and different magnitude scales converted to moment magnitude (Mw). The Alberta Composite Catalog is based loosely on the CCSC format and consistent with its 2014 catalog. There are 567 events from the CCSC included in the CASC13.
4) TransAlta/Nanometrics (NMX) catalog
3 In 2013 August, TD seismic network performed by Nanoetrics Company started to operate in Alberta. Therefore, 93 events from NMX catalog are included in the composite catalog. The revised moment magnitude is calculated directly from PSA wave information.
Compilation of the CCSC13 Coordinates of the study Region North: 59°N South: 48°S West: -121°W East: -110°E
Time period of Alberta Composite Catalog: 1906- 2013 inclusive The earthquakes from 1906 to the end of 1984 are from CCSC_west catalog; earthquakes from 1985 to 2013 are mostly from the GSC catalog. Between September 2006 and December 2010, AGS catalog contains some additional events not in the GSC catalog.
Priority of input catalogs and Identification of Duplicates Information from the three catalog sources is combined, retaining all available information on each event, but eliminating duplicates. When combining all events together, the following priority of input catalogs are followed: 1.NMX catalog 2. AGS catalog; 3. GSC catalog; 4. CCSC catalog. Note that duplicate events between AGS and GSC appear only between 2006 and 2010. The criteria of identifying a duplicate event are: Time difference (in second) < 2 sec (main criterion)
Location difference in Space < 30 km
Difference in Magnitude < 1 magnitude unit
This is consistent with the criteria used in the 2014 Alberta Composite Catalog (Fereidoni, 2014).
4 However, there are seven events from AGS with magnitude differences with GSC greater than 1 unit, but with time difference<2sec and location difference<30km. In this case, the seven events from AGS with smaller ML are considered as duplicates (see Appendix2).
In the CASC2013 catalog, all the alternative locations, magnitudes and magnitude types from the duplicate events from GSC, ANSS and AGS are recorded in column 27 to column 38. In addition, a list of these duplicates is provided in Appendix1.
Magnitude Conversions The preferred magnitude (from highest-priority catalog) is converted to moment magnitude (Mw) using the following three functions derived from Fereidoni et al (2012) Mb -0.06=Mw (1) MN+0.05=Mw (2) ML+0.12=Mw (3)
The Process of Generating CASC13 The following steps describe the process followed to generate the CASC13, which is implemented using a MATLAB script. Step1. Prepare excel-type comma-delimited files (*csv files) for the three input catalogs (AGS, GSC and CCSC-west) and put all these files into the same folder. Add one column in the GSC catalog to show the types of events included: 1=quakes, 2=blasts, 3=unknown. (This is implemented by searching the GSC catalog once for quakes, once for blasts, and combining these files.) Step2. Perform the script “Alberta_2013catalogfinal_processing.m” and it will generate the CASC13.csv catalog. The catalog is sorted from oldest to newest. Add a unique number for all events. Step3. Perform the script “duplicate.m” to calculate the time-space-magnitude differences and to compare with the above conditions for a duplicate. Find the duplicates and remove them from CASC13. Note that the Appendix contains the additional information provided in the duplicate source (alternate location or magnitude). There are totally 71 duplicates removed. Step4. Output the compiled CASC13
5 The following table is a list of the fields in CASC13 catalog. Column Headings Comments 1 year occurrence date and time in preferred catalog (col 22) 2 month 3 day 4 hour 5 minute 6 second CCSC data have no records in second, and replace with 0 7 latitude location in preferred catalog 8 longitude 9 ML local magnitude, -9.99 if not available 10 MN Nuttli magnitude, -9.99 if not available 11 MB Body wave magnitude, -9.99 if not available 12 MW catalog moment magnitude,-9.99 if not available 13 MS surface wave magnitude, -9.99 if not available 14 MC coda wave magnitude,-9.99 if not available 15 MD duration magnitude,-9.99 if not available 16 MZ unknown magnitude type,-9.99 if not available 17 Mpf Preferred magnitude (from highest-priority catalog). 18 Tmpf Preferred magnitude type (from original data source)
19 Depth Event depth in kilometer. 20 depth error Not available in GSC, CCSC and AGS, documented as -9.99. 21 dd Depth designation. It maintains the same label as in their original source. Z and * are used for not available. 22 cf catalog flag: 1=NMX; 2=GSC; 3=AGS; 4=CCSC;5=ANSS 23 zf Seismic source zone, not currently used. 24 mf moment magnitude conversion factor (Fereidoni et al., 2012)
25 Mw_Rev Moment Magnitude, after conversion applied. 26 tf event type : 1 = quakes and induced quakes, 2= blasts and mining events, 3= no information available this flag only available for GSC data 27,28 Alternative Latitude, longitude of alternative location in GSC, if available. (-9.99 means no location alternative location) (GSC) 29,30 Alternative magnitude and magnitude type if available 31,32 Alternative Latitude, longitude of alternative location in ANSS, if available. (-9.99 means no location alternative location) (ANSS) 33,34 Alternative magnitude and magnitude type if available 35,36 Alternative Latitude, longitude of alternative location in AGS, if available. (-9.99 means no location alternative location) (AGS) 37,38 Alternative magnitude and magnitude type if available
6 39 Comments Any comments provided by original source
References Earthquakes Canada (2014), GSC, Earthquake Search (On-line Bulletin), NEDB - BNDS /bull-eng.php Nat. Res. Can., [Nov 2014].
Fereidoni, A., Atkinson, G. M., Macias, M., & Goda, K. (2012). CCSC: A composite seismicity catalog for earthquake hazard assessment in major Canadian cities. Seismological Research Letters, 83(1), 179- 189.
Gu, Y.J., Okeler, A., Contenti, S., Kocon, K., Shen, L. and Brzak, K. (2009): Broadband seismic array deployment and data analysis in Alberta; CSEG Recorder, v. 34, no. 7, p. 37–42, 44, URL
Stern, V.H., Schultz, R.J., Shen, L., Gu, Y.J. and Eaton, D.W. (2013): Alberta earthquake catalogue, version 1.0: September 2006 through December 2010; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Open File Report 2013-15, 29 p.
7 Appendix1. List of Events Flagged as Duplicates based on Default Magnitude-Distance Criteria year month d hour minute second latitude lon ML MW Tmpf d cf tf a git d comme y ud nts e 2006 12 1 0 7 37 52.083 - 2.2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 46 km 11 SW of 5.3 Rocky 45 Mt. House 2006 12 1 0 11 0 52.16 - 2.3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 42 km 11 SW of 5.3 Rocky 96 Mt. House 2006 12 6 5 48 9 52.715 - 2.3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 85 km 11 NW of 6.0 Rocky 42 Mt. House 2006 12 8 5 54 21 53.0168 - -9.99 -9.99 ML g 3 1 5 km 11 ESE of 7.2 Cadomi 5 n 2006 12 3 13 53 49 49.256 - -9.99 3.6 Mw g 2 1 49 km 0 11 SE of 2.7 Lethbri 94 dge 2007 1 2 7 22 38 54.094 - 2.7 -9.99 ML g 2 1 154 km 2 11 NE of 6.9 Jasper 44 2007 3 1 5 31 37 52.204 - 2.5 -9.99 ML g 2 1 33 km 9 11 WSW 5.2 of 73 Rocky Mt. House 2007 3 2 9 24 10 52.718 - 2.3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 92 km 2 11 WNW 6.1 of 43 Rocky Mt. House 2007 3 2 5 57 49 52.617 - 2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 81 km 8 11 WNW
8 6.0 of 29 Rocky Mt. House 2007 4 2 11 38 25 52.203 - 2.1 -9.99 ML g 2 1 27 km 0 11 SW of 5.1 Rocky 62 Mt. House 2007 5 2 18 31 31 58.808 - 2.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 259 km 3 11 SE of 8.2 Ft. 14 Nelson 2007 5 2 4 14 43 53.19 - 3.3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 83 km 4 11 ENE of 6.9 Jasper 38 2007 5 2 23 9 57 52.682 - 2.2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 90 km 5 11 WNW 6.1 of 35 Rocky Mt. House 2007 6 7 21 47 56 52.1446 - -9.99 -9.99 ML g 3 1 82 km 11 SSE of 7.8 Jasper 4 2007 8 1 15 24 40 52.045 - 2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 40 km 4 11 SSE of 4.7 Rocky 01 Mt. House 2007 9 2 1 53 27 52.661 - 3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 88 km 1 11 WNW 6.1 of 24 Rocky Mt. House 2007 10 9 3 7 19 52.598 - 2.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 82 km 11 W of 6.0 Rocky 55 Mt. House 2007 10 1 8 10 28 52.688 - 2.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 91 km 6 11 NW of 6.1 Rocky 45 Mt.
9 House 2007 10 1 9 58 14 52.649 - 2.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 87 km 6 11 WNW 6.1 of 11 Rocky Mt. House 2007 10 2 3 32 14 52.694 - 1.9 -9.99 ML g 2 1 93 km 0 11 WNW 6.1 of 82 Rocky Mt. House 2007 11 1 16 6 50 52.1642 - -9.99 -9.99 ML g 3 1 81 km 11 SSE of 7.8 Jasper 2007 11 2 2 27 1 51.797 - 2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 70 km 7 11 SSW of 5.2 Rocky 56 Mt. House 2007 12 2 9 7 48 52.26 - 1.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 72 km 8 11 SSE of 7.7 Jasper 55 2008 1 3 13 28 17 49.294 - 3.4 -9.99 ML * 2 1 45 km 11 S of 2.8 Lethbri 63 dge 2008 1 8 6 28 9 52.244 - 2.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 74 km 11 SSE of 7.7 Jasper 78 2008 1 1 22 23 11 49.224 - 3.1 -9.99 ML * 2 1 68 km 2 11 SW of 3.4 Lethbri 08 dge 2008 2 6 4 26 50 52.7234 - -9.99 -9.99 ML g 3 1 26 km 11 NNW 6.1 of 4 Harlech 2008 2 1 4 28 30 52.434 - 1.5 -9.99 ML g 2 1 50 km 9 11 SSE of 7.9 Jasper 64 2008 4 2 14 53 8 55.769 - 3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 107 km
10 4 11 ESE of 5.6 Peace 67 R. 2008 6 1 9 51 30 51.726 - 1.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 66 km 0 11 NNW 5.9 of 25 Banff 2008 7 7 22 37 28 52.0317 - -9.99 -9.99 ML f 3 1 93 km 11 S of 7.9 Jasper 2 2008 7 9 9 9 38 52.126 - 1.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 85 km 11 SSE of 7.8 Jasper 44 2008 7 2 6 56 23 52.2233 - -9.99 -9.99 ML f 3 1 73 km 2 11 S of 7.9 Jasper 6 2008 8 5 7 58 46 50.632 - 1.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 47 km 11 SSW of 4.2 Calgary 16 2008 8 1 7 52 16 52.153 - 0.60 -9.99 'ML' ' 2 1 '82 km 9 11 g SSE of 7.8 Jasper' 56 ' 2008 8 2 11 56 25 52.1565 - -9.99 -9.99 ML f 3 1 79 km 0 11 S of 7.8 Jasper 9 2009 1 8 4 27 4 53.297 - 1.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 131 km 11 WNW 9.9 of 32 Jasper 2009 1 8 15 56 54 53.368 - 2.2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 139 km 12 WNW 0.0 of 02 Jasper 2009 2 2 21 56 41 52.047 - 1.3 -9.99 ML g 2 1 95 km 11 SSE of 7.7 Jasper 73 2009 2 1 4 2 27 56.396 - 3.2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 18 km 9 11 NE of 7.0 Peace 27 R.
11 2009 4 1 13 1 35 52.553 - 2.7 -9.99 ML g 2 1 99 km 11 ESE of 6.7 Jasper 18 2009 4 2 1 33 23 52.181 - 0.9 -9.99 ML g 2 1 86 km 7 11 SE of 7.5 Jasper 26 2009 8 5 9 50 44 49.285 - 2.6 -9.99 ML * 2 1 46 km 11 S of 2.7 Lethbri 76 dge 2009 8 5 10 8 10 49.258 - 2.8 -9.99 ML * 2 1 49 km 11 S of 2.7 Lethbri 9 dge 2009 8 1 2 38 46 53.992 - 2.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 124 km 0 11 N of 7.8 Jasper 73 2009 8 1 4 30 42 52.209 - 1.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 29 km 8 11 WSW 5.2 of 04 Rocky Mt. House 2009 9 1 5 1 9 52.033 - 1.3 -9.99 ML * 2 1 115 km 11 SE of 7.1 Jasper 19 2009 11 3 10 57 49 51.941 - 2.7 -9.99 ML g 2 1 112 km 11 SSE of 7.4 Jasper 87 2009 11 3 12 41 56 51.929 - 0.7 -9.99 ML g 2 1 115 km 11 SE of 7.3 Jasper 96 2009 11 3 13 11 8 51.956 - 0.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 110 km 11 SSE of 7.4 Jasper 91 2009 11 2 2 50 53 52.175 - 0.7 -9.99 ML g 2 1 80 km 7 11 SSE of 7.8 Jasper 27
12 2009 12 1 15 54 30 52.738 - 1.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 98 km 11 WNW 6.2 of 21 Rocky Mt. House 2009 12 1 15 56 14 52.771 - 2.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 100 km 11 WNW 6.2 of 36 Rocky Mt. House 2009 12 8 21 5 52 51.474 - 2.2 -9.99 ML g 2 1 37 km 11 NE of 5.3 Banff 27 2010 1 3 13 42 25 52.257 - 2.1 -9.99 ML g 2 1 30 km 11 WSW 5.2 of 85 Rocky Mt. House 2010 1 1 4 52 37 51.634 - 1.50 -9.99 'ML' ' 2 1 '60 km 4 11 * NW of 6.0 Banff' 23 ' 2010 2 1 9 4 1 49.353 - 2.4 -9.99 ML * 2 1 38 km 9 11 S of 2.7 Lethbri 55 dge 2010 2 2 10 32 36 52.252 - 1.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 73 km 8 11 SSE of 7.7 Jasper 38 2010 3 1 4 48 0 53.495 - 2.1 -9.99 ML g 2 1 143 km 2 11 ENE of 6.1 Jasper 96 2010 6 1 6 14 53 52.758 - 1.9 -9.99 ML g 2 1 71 km 11 E of 7.0 Jasper 36 2010 7 1 12 15 7 51.574 - 1.6 -9.99 ML g 2 1 46 km 5 11 NNE of 5.3 Banff 71 2010 9 3 8 13 46 51.919 - 1.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 105 km
13 11 NW of 6.5 Banff 02 2010 9 3 16 25 59 52.956 - 1.4 -9.99 ML g 2 1 84 km 11 E of 6.8 Jasper 35 2010 9 1 10 3 44 58.499 - 2.8 -9.99 ML g 2 1 170 km 2 11 E of 9.8 Fort 38 Nelson
Appendix2. Additional events in AGS Catalog that we assume are duplicates; the GSC ML values have been preferred for these events. la ti t u d M comme year month day hour minute second e longitude L Depth dd mf Mw_Rev tf nts 5 '26 km 2. NNW 7 0. of 1 5 Harlech 2006 10 21 6 51 56 7 -116.120 1 1 'f' 0.12 0.63 1 ' 5 2. '23 km 6 0. NW of 7 4 Harlech 2006 10 21 9 26 55 6 -116.150 1 6 'f' 0.12 0.53 1 ' 5 2. '21 km 6 0. N of 8 7 Harlech 2006 12 5 8 0 34 9 -115.960 7 1 'g' 0.12 0.89 1 ' 2007 2 26 15 14 60 5 -116.100 0. 2 'f' 0.12 0.7 1 '15 km 2. 5 NW of
14 6 1 Harlech 8 8 ' 5 2. '26 km 7 0. NW of 1 8 Harlech 2007 10 16 11 33 47 4 -116.150 0 3 'f' 0.12 0.92 1 ' 5 '27 km 2. NNW 7 0. of 2 6 Harlech 2007 11 23 12 48 36 1 -116.170 1 1 'g' 0.12 0.73 1 ' 5 '19 km 2. NNW 6 0. of 6 5 Harlech 2008 3 23 7 57 48 7 -116.110 2 1 'g' 0.12 0.64 1 '